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I can't help asking how you feel about tacos


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Like them? Hate them? Have you only eaten American-style hard shell tacos (we call those mockos/macos)? Do you overstuff? Do you eat them often? Do you do Taco Tuesday? Do you frequent taco trucks? What do you like on your tacos?


And, do they have the potential to destroy American culture?


(I realize this could be political, but it's intended to be a lighthearted post about tacos and US culture, not about US politics.)


Also, if you love tacos, you'll love Tacopedia. The Spanish version is better, but the English version is great too.

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Tacos are one of my very favorite foods! I lived in Southern CA my whole life until 3 years ago in a town where I could get tacos from Mom and Pop type Mexican restaurants any time I wanted. It's one of the only things I miss! :)


I prefer soft shell corn tortillas with carne asada, onions, and cilantro! I love a side of refried beans with them!


They have only the potential to improve American culture! I can't imagine a life without tacos! :D

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I LOVE tacos! I'm a vegetarian, though, so I'm *really* looking forward to taco trucks on every corner in the hopes that at least one of them serves vegetarian tacos. 


My personal favorite is a soft taco (corn) with a spicy seitan filling, with avocado and fresh salsa. Maybe some crumbling cheese. I'm not sure if it's authentic (ok, it's not even close to authentic), but I'm really hoping someone makes them commercially available so I don't have to make everything from scratch.

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I love tacos! American style, Mexican style, they're all good. Any day of the week is fine. We often have tacos a Friday or Saturday. While Taco Saturday isn't alliterative it works for us.


Alas, my community doesn't have food trucks, with the exception of one local BBQ truck. We could do with a few taco trucks on our corners.


Since election day is always a Tuesday this gives Taco Tuesday a new twist.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I LOVE tacos! I'm a vegetarian, though, so I'm *really* looking forward to taco trucks on every corner in the hopes that at least one of them serves vegetarian tacos.


My personal favorite is a soft taco (corn) with a spicy seitan filling, with avocado and fresh salsa. Maybe some crumbling cheese. I'm not sure if it's authentic (ok, it's not even close to authentic), but I'm really hoping someone makes them commercially available so I don't have to make everything from scratch.

DS used to always get bean tacos. At first our restaurant workers were confused by this request but they quickly got used to it. It's not really much different than a bean burrito (kids are GF, so they don't eat burritos).


But I suspect that restaurant beans are often not vegetarian.

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I like tacos, although I have had limited exposure because I am not an adventurous eater. I like the hard shells with seasoned beef, shredded cheddar cheese and a little bit of salsa. 


The taco truck nearest to me is about two miles away. It is on a corner. We're getting ready for taco trucks on every corner! Maybe I'll expand my horizons a bit. Or not. I hope the people who own the taco trucks don't take it personally if I stay with my boring tacos. 


I like trying food from different cultures. Taco trucks are welcome here! 

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One of my husband's and my fave date nights is a taco truck that has a nice little seating area under Christmas lights, lol.


My older son was pretty much made of chicken tacos because that was all I ever wanted to eat while during his gestation.


I like authentic tacos and fake ones alike, I am an equal opportunity taco eater.

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I really like tacos. One good thing about my short stint in southern CA was all the yummy authentic Mexican food that was affordable. I would love taco carts to be in more areas. ;) I like both hard and soft Mexican and American style as well as eclectic. I like the way the people I knew who are from Mexico make hard tacos and I made it as close as I could get to that but it was not quite as good but my kiddos prefer soft or store brought hard shells.

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Tacos are my desert island food! Seriously my favorite food my whole life. All kinds, although fish tacos are my most recent addiction.


I enjoy food from many different cultures, so I wouldn't mind a food truck on every corner, but I would most appreciate lots of diversity in corner food trucks...tacos, falafel, shawarma...

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Love them! Ground beef or shredded, pork, chicken or breaded shrimp. So many ways! Lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, sour cream, cheese as toppings. Such am easy dinner.


We've never done taco trucks. Have them randomly, not a specific day of the week. We don't have them weekly

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I've never much liked American-style tacos, either hard-shelled or made with flour tortillas. But a freshly made tortilla with chicharones or rajas or nopales or al pastor? Heaven.


In Mexico they had tacos arabes that were a bit like shwarma on a tortilla.

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Like them? Hate them? Have you only eaten American-style hard shell tacos (we call those mockos/macos)? Do you overstuff? Do you eat them often? Do you do Taco Tuesday? Do you frequent taco trucks? What do you like on your tacos?


And, do they have the potential to destroy American culture?


(I realize this could be political, but it's intended to be a lighthearted post about tacos and US culture, not about US politics.)


Also, if you love tacos, you'll love Tacopedia. The Spanish version is better, but the English version is great too.



Oh, I want to make a political comments about walls and Mexican food right now.


I have said too much.

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I like tacos, although I've probably never had a truly authentic one. The closest I've come is probably at one of the local Mexican restaurants that seems to be at least somewhat authentic. Like pizza, I consider tacos to be a perfect food -- something you can hold in one hand (for the most part) that contains all the major food groups. :)  

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Like them? Hate them? Have you only eaten American-style hard shell tacos (we call those mockos/macos)? Do you overstuff? Do you eat them often? Do you do Taco Tuesday? Do you frequent taco trucks? What do you like on your tacos?


And, do they have the potential to destroy American culture?


(I realize this could be political, but it's intended to be a lighthearted post about tacos and US culture, not about US politics.)


Also, if you love tacos, you'll love Tacopedia. The Spanish version is better, but the English version is great too.


As long as they are served on corn tortillas--actual corn tortillas, not mockos--I'm good with tacos. We soft-fry our corn tortillas; Mr. Ellie likes them to be crispy-fried, but when you're preparing for more than one person, doing one person's different from everyone else's is a pain, so he gets soft-fried. :-) We never, ever buy mackos. 


We don't eat them often *now*, but when the children were still at home, we ate them more frequently. No Taco Tuesday. I don't think I've ever been to a taco truck.


The potential to destroy American culture? Oh please.

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They're OK. I eat them once or twice a year, usually when we are traveling. I am not a big fan of Mexican food (or at least of what goes for Mexican in the US; i have never been to Mexico), because there are so few vegetables. I don't like meat and I don't particularly like beans.

So, tacos are fine, once in a while, but nothing I have incorporated into our home cooking.

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We love tacos.  So, so much.  We call the American ones "old El Paso," and they are my childrens' favorite, but we will eat anything, anytime.  I like Mexican style tacos with the cilantro and onions.


My family is huge fans of Mexican food.  When I was a newlywed, I came across an article by Rick Bayless, and I fell head first into a deep, deep whole.  I have all his cookbooks, most of them cooked through many times.  I used to work at a Hispanic clinic, and they would tease that I ate more Mexican food than the people from Mexico.  They were right.  :)  


My kids are so confused by people that have a different go-to food.  We recently had a 4 year old here that had never had a taco.  They just looked at her like she had admitted that she was a Martian.  So funny.

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We're having tacos tonight - corn tortillas. I grew up eating the crunchy shells, but I don't really care for them so my kids have never had one. I do like a flour tortilla every now and again. We like ours with lots of veggies.


There was a taco truck that parked in the next town over, but the town isn't super food truck friendly and they stopped coming. Plus, I don't think they had any vegan options. I welcome our new taco truck overlords if there are vegan options. I will accept beans and rice provided there are veggies and fresh pico and guac. If not, build a wall to prevent taco-pocalypse.

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They're OK. I eat them once or twice a year, usually when we are traveling. I am not a big fan of Mexican food (or at least of what goes for Mexican in the US; i have never been to Mexico), because there are so few vegetables. I don't like meat and I don't particularly like beans.

So, tacos are fine, once in a while, but nothing I have incorporated into our home cooking.

I completely agree that Tex-Mex and Americanized Mexican is short on vegetables, which is sad since Mexico has so many great vegetables. Cal-Mex is a little better. Combo plates with beans, rice, and an entree just don't cut it.


If you ever get a chance to try some regional Mexican cooking in the US, I hope you're pleasantly surprised. Yucatecan food in particular is really unique and delicious.

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My dd wishes we had Taco Tuesday more often; we just had Taco Friday. Ds doesn't care for tacos so I only make them once or twice a month. At home we make them with ground beef and black beans. If I leave out the black beans dd won't eat them. Since restaurants don't usually have black beans in theirs she doesn't order them out. Dh and I occasionally have fish tacos at restaurants. For us at home, tacos are on soft flour tortillas; that's how the local restaurants do them as well.


In my area there aren't any taco trucks. I think they have them a couple towns over on Fri or Sat night but we've never trekked out there to try.

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My dd wishes we had Taco Tuesday more often; we just had Taco Friday. Ds doesn't care for tacos so I only make them once or twice a month. At home we make them with ground beef and black beans. If I leave out the black beans dd won't eat them. Since restaurants don't usually have black beans in theirs she doesn't order them out. Dh and I occasionally have fish tacos at restaurants. For us at home, tacos are on soft flour tortillas; that's how the local restaurants do them as well.


In my area there aren't any taco trucks. I think they have them a couple towns over on Fri or Sat night but we've never trekked out there to try.


Sit-down restaurants here are either black bean or pinto bean, never both.  Depends on where in Mexico they come from.  


All of our Mexican-ish fast food (Moe's, Willy's, Barberito's, Chipotle, etc) offer the choice of black beans and pinto.  This is my favorite, because my kids are huge fans of pinto, but sometimes, I just want some black beans.  :)

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I completely agree that Tex-Mex and Americanized Mexican is short on vegetables, which is sad since Mexico has so many great vegetables.


This reminds me of an episode of Top Chef a couple years ago. They were doing the finale episodes in Mexico and in their first challenge one of the chefs chose to make a vegetarian dish. I recall the judge being impressed and commenting that most people don't realize Mexican cuisine includes lots of vegetables.

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Sit-down restaurants here are either black bean or pinto bean, never both. Depends on where in Mexico they come from.


All of our Mexican-ish fast food (Moe's, Willy's, Barberito's, Chipotle, etc) offer the choice of black beans and pinto. This is my favorite, because my kids are huge fans of pinto, but sometimes, I just want some black beans. :)

In Jalisco the beans are usually flor de mayo or peruano beans. I could buy black beans but most stores didn't even carry pinto beans, in that most Mexican part of Mexico.

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I love, love, love CA style tacos. We make carne asada on the grill, a big pot of black beans, soft corn and flour tortillas, guacamole, sometimes Mexican rice, more fixings . . . and mmmmmmm yummy. It's our favorite big-party food, too. 


I grew up with American style tacos regularly, not every week, because Mom was a really good and varied cook, but maybe monthly. 


I would *love* a Taco Truck on Every Corner!! Love, love!! I want a t-shirt, actually. They should be available soon, lol.

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Americans have embraced tacos for so long that if they were going to destroy us we'd already be dust. I rarely meet a taco I don't like. I've eaten everything from Taco Bell to the taco truck and in Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurants around the country. I love Mexican food. I have no snobbery for authenticity. "Oh, how COULD you ever enjoy crispy corn shells? I'm appalled! Here, have these tortilla chips." Riiiiiight. I prefer some stuff over others, but it's all pretty good . . .basic ingredients that all go together. When I get a meal at a Mexican restaurant I get 2-3 meals out of it. This is mainly because I order, then promptly eat too many chips.


My son wants Taco Tuesday to be a thing. It's everything goes! We can go to a nice restaurant, we can go to a dive, we can get Chipotle, I can spend time cooking and chopping if I'm in the mood, or in can do the super quick seasoning-packets-and-'horrific'-American-shells and everyone is happy. I LOVE these leftovers because they all go together and you can turn them into a different meal the next day. I am eternally sad that my cilantro doesn't grow as well as my parsley. I adore fresh cilantro and I especially love fresh salsa this time of year.


ETA: I adore avocados and guacamole. I wish I could have an avocado tree.


And fish tacos! ::drool::

Edited by KungFuPanda
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I love food from taco trucks. So amazingly good. I miss working at a majority Hispanic school. The kids would bring all kinds of amazing food from home. Starbucks gift cards are not quite the same... We used to have taco trucks at the soccer games. They would run out of food. Everyone wanted to play us at home for the taco trucks, even though the surrounding neighborhoods were less safe.

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Like them? Hate them? Have you only eaten American-style hard shell tacos (we call those mockos/macos)? Do you overstuff? Do you eat them often? Do you do Taco Tuesday? Do you frequent taco trucks? What do you like on your tacos?


And, do they have the potential to destroy American culture?


(I realize this could be political, but it's intended to be a lighthearted post about tacos and US culture, not about US politics.)


Also, if you love tacos, you'll love Tacopedia. The Spanish version is better, but the English version is great too.

We love Tacos on all days, not just Tuesdays. We do hard shell for DD, soft for the boys, DH eats chips, so nachos , and I eat salads. I make my own tortillas sometimes (for DD who is GF).

We do tacos at least once a week I occasionally get lazy and do a packaged powder for flavor but usually I do my own or use Chorizo mixed with either beef or chicken.


The best taco I've ever had came from a taco truck we stopped at when we were visiting the Outer Banks.  I've tried to recreate that, steak taco on white corn tortilla, but never quite managed it. 

I usually eat tacos with lettuce, tomato, ranch/sour cream (ranch mix added to sour cream), black beans and rice. Sometimes Avocado (I'm the only one who eats it) but not guac, I don't like tomatillo. 


I think eating foods from different cultures helps us (the US) grow and not stagnate in our own blandness.  Where would we be without tacos, Curries, Spaghetti bolognese and many others "ethnic" dishes? We'd have a very boring palette and be a very boring people. ;)  


I am one of those people who doesn't like Cilantro very well, although my aversion has lessened over the years.

Edited by foxbridgeacademy
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They're OK. I eat them once or twice a year, usually when we are traveling. I am not a big fan of Mexican food (or at least of what goes for Mexican in the US; i have never been to Mexico), because there are so few vegetables. I don't like meat and I don't particularly like beans.

So, tacos are fine, once in a while, but nothing I have incorporated into our home cooking.

But but but . . . the tomatoes, and onions, and corn, and garlic, and avocado, and jicama, and tomatillos, and so very many varieties of peppers.

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