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So I'm pretty much checked out...

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We are winding down. I stopped trying to get DD to do science as of this week, and when we are done with our present topic, we will be done with history for the year. I'll push to get our lit unit finished, and when that is done all she'll have is art, ukelele, and math, which will break for our vacation to visit family and for a few weeks while we have my niece visiting us after that. However, we only have a couple more weeks until the trip, so I'm not sure that we're going to even finish lit.



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I.am.dun. Fried to a crisp, as they say. See, I can't even spell "done," and I don't care if I spell it right or wrong. Idk what people are talking about February...it's May that's the issue, people. The pool opening dangles enticingly in front of you, there's so much yardwork to be done, and you've done school for just soooooo long already. Are we doing good interesting stuff? Yes. Are the kids still learning? yes. Are they doing well and hanging in there? Yes.


Maybe I'll adjust our schedule...before we start "summer school," which really is a much lighter load. And, maybe I just need more sleep.

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I am done. The kids are doing a few more lessons in math and also finishing a state report, we will officially be done next week.


I have, however, been cleaning my shelves and making some money by getting rid of some books/curric, so that is making things a little better!

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Tomorrow is our last day, and it is not a day too soon :)  We are finishing 2 weeks ahead of schedule only because our annual trip to visit family was moved up to May from June for financial reasons. So we eliminated the fourth quarter week long break and worked like bandits to finish our curriculum 1 week early, so we can leave next week with everything done. Whew!

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I'm not done emotionally. I'm still feeling the love for school. But we are starting to taper off as the books are completed. Our Language Arts is done, we finished the science book yesterday. Logic was done a week or two ago. Art is done. Music has 2 more lessons. History will be done pretty soon.


By the last week we'll be doing only math, reading (fun subject!), and bible. The boys are each writing an entire fantasy novel right now. Their books will be done when they're done. If they write fast, they'll be done sooner. If they write slow, it'll take longer. They keep wanting to add more scenes, so I think they'll be writing into the summer, but it's entirely up to them how much they want to write.

Edited by Garga
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We are finished next Friday. We've gone to half days. We're working on math daily. My youngest is practicing her cursive, math facts, piano and reading. My oldest is practicing typing, japanese, piano and finishing up some assigned reading. We're still watching our morning science videos (10 minutes) and doing read aloud. We are all ready to be done done done. 

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We have finished/are finishing everything up... by the end of this week we will just have morning time stuff and some nature study until the end of May. All things that we enjoy and don't take long. The warm weather is enticing and we are loving being outside! Finishing early is a huge HS perk for us, as the PS system here goes until the end of June.

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I'm feeling sooooooooooooooo done, even though we aren't.  Dd9 has to finish Math.  This may take awhile, and we will just keep going with that until she's done, so we might be doing math all summer. I'm definitely tapering off on other subjects with her, though.  I feel like we've just been doing the bare minimum for over a month now.  Sigh.


Dd13 is actually getting a head start on 9th grade this month, because we're taking a long summer break with camps and a late vacation. So in a way, whatever she does now is gravy, just makes next year easier. Which is good, because I definitely don't feel like she is clocking full days right now. She's doing lots of creative writing, but we're having a hard time getting through the weekly list. Not because it's too long, but because she's sleeping in, doing creative writing . . . and did I mention being a bit unmotivated myself?  :tongue_smilie:

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I'm so ready for summer. June is my purge amd reorganize month and I'm already makimg plans for each room. There's so much I want to do but have no time for during the school year. I've cut back to the bare minimum already. Every single thing on our looping schedule has been chopped. I am also looking forward to lazy beach and pool days.

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Dd13 is actually getting a head start on 9th grade this month, because we're taking a long summer break with camps and a late vacation. So in a way, whatever she does now is gravy, just makes next year easier. Which is good, because I definitely don't feel like she is clocking full days right now. She's doing lots of creative writing, but we're having a hard time getting through the weekly list. Not because it's too long, but because she's sleeping in, doing creative writing . . . and did I mention being a bit unmotivated myself? :tongue_smilie:

This is sort of us too. DS is well into next years math and wants to work all summer (he has a goal of starting high school with pre-calc. I'm not encouraging it). His new English and World Geography books are coming this afternoon and he wants to jump on those right away. Other subjects don't really have an end point this year...they are either just going to fizzle out (history) or we are going to continue them next year anyway (physics and Latin) so he can just keep going...or not. He wants to, me not so much.


We usually wrap up by now but summer things don't happen around here for at least another month so we end up getting bored. I think we'll just keep at it in some capacity until mid June or so...

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We are plugging away til the end of the month.  I am actually feeling rejuvenated, as my time has been so freed up with my co-op classes and girl scout planning over for the year.  That's why I've had more time to play on here lately when the kids are doing their work. I'm not running around like a chicken with my head cut off everyday trying to get everything ready!


We have some summer school planned, but its a hugely lighter load, thankfully. And of course, there will be lots of pool time and camps and such too. So it balances out.  I am really looking forward to organizing shelves and planners and things.  I am in a big decluttering/organizing mood, but I can't clear off a lot until we finish up a few more things.



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I'm not sure why we thought it would be a good idea to school through the first week of June, because that's just not going to happen. We've had a crazy, busy week, and it's only going to get worse from here (dance recitals, baseball tournaments, prom, Ds21's college graduation, etc.), so next Friday will be our last day of school. In exchange for giving them an early summer, the boys have agreed to complete a list of projects/chores that Dh is putting together. Everyone wins!

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DS has to complete a study guide for lit tomorrow and has a grammar final but for the next two weeks, English = watching Taming the Shrew. And maybe some literary analysis of Disney shorts... if I am feeling unmotivated.


I am considering dropping the last chapter of biology and just watching Crash Course videos and caring for DS'S hydroponics...



We're already done with drama.


Wed then be down to Math, Economics and Russian... and pleasure reading in the hammock.

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We had warm (for us) weather here yesterday and today. It finally stopped raining, the sun came out, the temperature climbed over 70 degrees (F), LOL. After the cold, wet spring we've had, this feels like summer, and I'm ready to be done. Yesterday was also Play at the Creek day for local homeschoolers, so it's obvious that everyone else is ready to be done, too. ;) Today we did Math, Spelling, Composition, History, and absolutely nothing else, except watch the second half of Prince Caspian (we finished the book on Tuesday).


Latin declined to attend school a few weeks ago, French went on summer vacation, and Grammar fell down and can't get up.

Edited by Sahamamama
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Hee hee, I thought it was just me so I was keeping it a secret. My kids though- one worked his way through Tynker and is now moving onto Gamemaker Studio with another helping him with the tough parts. Another has used up all her art supplies and had to resort to teaching herself to sew in her spare time. LOL  They do their assigned work, but I am not pushing a lot of mom-intensive extras for this season. 

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Done done done


We too have four weeks to go...

But wait dh earned his doctorate and his grad is half a continent way --before we are done oh and he decided to take a month of sabbatical Minnesota---so we have to finish up at a quick pace AND pack for s month. Oh and we should visit colleges while we are in the Midwest. I am too tired to even think about it.



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We have one full more week - where I hope to finish all the rest of our school year subjects. Then, the following week, we'll figure a good stopping point for math and finish up whatever Latin we need to before stopping for the summer.

We're on track for that plan. The kids have mostly checked out mentally, but we're down to almost exactly half days (except for eldest - who is running about 6 weeks behind).


This is the first year that I haven't mentally checked out of our current curriculum halfway through the year. It has been good. I'm glad every time I can drop something else off our schedule. I'm crossing stuff off in my signature as we finish things. It feels good. :-)


Not sure how things will go during the 1 1/2 weeks between the end of school and the pool opening. Maybe I'll make them restart math during that time if they get crabby.

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LOL. We always take our family vacation (a month) in early spring, which means we tend to work through the summer. So while everyone around me is winding down, I'm trying to wind back up. LOL. I do at least feel refreshed, but I always get jealous of everyone getting ready to STOP in the summer. :-)

Yeah, being on a different schedule feels weird.


We still have *8* weeks to go, Dutch school year, and then a 6 week summer break. I usually manage just fine, except when I'm spending too much time on this American forum :lol:.

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We are finishing up Beast Academy and WWE2, and then we are done! Regardless, I am calling it quits by Memorial Day. So, if it isn't done by then, my DS can bring homework to summer camp with him for all I care. This goose is completely and utterly cooked.


And I'm not even looking at my children again until after Labor Day. I need a nice, long, quiet break. :)

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Co-op has been done for several weeks, we've been finishing books and putting them away and college kids are now home, so it's summer here. The next few weeks will have no real schedule as my olders come and go, have friends in and out, take the youngers to do fun stuff with them, stay up late and get up late and EAT at every possible opportunity. :D 


In a couple of weeks, one will head out to his internship and another two will start summer jobs. At that point, we'll roll into a summer schedule with my younger two.  

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I'm excited about our summer school plans but even more excited about finishing our regular curriculum next week. Partly because this year, for the first time ever, we are actually FINISHING nearly all of it by the end of our regular school year. Usually we just carry things into summer or even the next year. So far we have finished history and Bible. We have 4 lessons of science left, 4 of phonics for the little two, and 8 of language arts for the older 2 (but they're short/easy so we'll double up). Math won't be finished but I'm okay with that. We'll stop wherever we're at and put it away until September.


I'm going to fill out the kids' assignment books for the whole week and tell them when it's done, it's done. Hopefully that will be before Friday because my youngest sister is having her senior recital/graduation that day and it'll be a busy weekend with extra family in town.


We'll have a week off before we start our summer schedule. I'm looking forward to that too. Over the past few weeks things have been chopped from the plan (SM CWP, formal phonics lessons, assigned literature all out) and fun things added in (unit study on Olympics, VBS, LOF).

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I'm done. So are my boys. They'd be done a week into the school each year though, so they don't count. We have a week left then we go on vacation. There are a few subjects that didn't get finished, one being math, so we'll be doing some summer school, but it's nowhere near a full schedule.

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The three youngers finished yesterday.  




No, the math books aren't completely done---if they were in school, the school year wouldn't get extended because math wasn't done, right?  We'll do "fun" math over the summer and pick up where we left off as necessary in August.  The two middles were getting bogged down on a couple of math skills anyway and need a little break.  I suspect that the things that are tripping them up now will be a piece of cake later.


Oldest has about 2 weeks worth of work to finish and I will be also working with him to do the biology labs we haven't done yet---I get to focus primarily on him for a bit which I'm looking forward to. 

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For DD11: history, science, literature, and grammar are done. One more week of writing and geography. Math & French will continue at a light pace though summer, except for camp weeks (cannot take 12 weeks off math and foreign language without much learning loss in this house).


Dd6: we'll continue to do AAS and a bit of math each day that she's not in camp.


Many, many field trip days coming up though...


The last couple of years, I've sent DH and little kids away for Memorial Day weekend so I can de-clutter & deep clean. I need to arrange that; it is a very physical way for me to say that the school-year has ended and summer has begun!

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I'm so feeling done!


My teens have been in Europe for a trip all week, so no activities to run them to.

the weather just got nice & the grass greened up this week.

So, it feels like vacation here!


Oldest is almost done everything, already sold off his geometry & biology books as he finished them:). He really just has some reading to do still, a stack of books he'll work on thru the summer. He does need to start his next math now, but it m giving him a week off after his trip to recover.

Next teen has severe LDs & should really go thru the summer, but unless we find a math tutor, it's not happening.


I want to just go on a hike, picnic, play at the park or beach.

So, yeah, I'm checked out.


Just need to make it through the next 3 weeks of play practices & our shows,dance recitals, end of year concerts, & we'll really be done! Not much "school" can happen then anyways, we're booked pretty solid with set making, costume preparing, & rehearsals for all those things.


I'll probably write up our last quarterlies this week & the kids just need to do their year end testing.

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I only have one week left, and want to weep and give up.  I keep thinking thoughts about chunking everything next year and cuddling on the couch with my kids, then I think about how annoying my kids are without structure.  One more week... One .... more ... week...

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I only have one week left, and want to weep and give up.  I keep thinking thoughts about chunking everything next year and cuddling on the couch with my kids, then I think about how annoying my kids are without structure.  One more week... One .... more ... week...


LOL said like a true end of year homeschool slightly burned out mom....hahaha 


In the beginning of the year it's "what is absolute best" ...at the end of the year it's "how to make sure my kids aren't annoying..."



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Final week here, my grandparents will be here Wednesday, brother, SIL, new nephew I haven't met yet will get in on Thursday, sister's senior recital and graduation on Friday and dress rehearsal on Thursday (I'm doing a bunch of stuff with her in that), surprise anniversary dinner for my parents and a funeral on Saturday - and I am PMSing terribly. The absolute last thing I want to do or have time for is school. I just hope I can get through the week without biting anyone's head off. :-P

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And this morning my husband initiated this schedule to pick up the house 2x/day (neither of which he's here for), with each girl assigned to a different zone at different time of day. Bwahahaha!


He came home tonight, "I see the 4:45 clean up didn't happen."


Me: "yeah, I was napping." Bahahaha! (but the kids did make birthday cards for him mom while I napped. We've trained them for the really important things :))

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The three youngers finished yesterday.




No, the math books aren't completely done---if they were in school, the school year wouldn't get extended because math wasn't done, right? We'll do "fun" math over the summer and pick up where we left off as necessary in August. The two middles were getting bogged down on a couple of math skills anyway and need a little break. I suspect that the things that are tripping them up now will be a piece of cake later.


This is our last week and I am SO ready to be done. As I wrote this week's checklists for the kids, I suddenly started worrying that they are stopping in the middle of the their math books. I am especially tempted to have my oldest keep going with math over the summer, but he would hate me. Lol. And I don't want to think about it either. B)

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