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Disappointing gifts check in


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My MIL gave me a box of essential oils. She knows that I do not use them. It really seemed like she's trying to force me to do what she wants.


She gave the kids pillowcases and Tonka trucks that their dads had when they were growing up. (So, 30 year old Tonka Trucks)

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My MIL gave me a box of essential oils. She knows that I do not use them. It really seemed like she's trying to force me to do what she wants.


She gave the kids pillowcases and Tonka trucks that their dads had when they were growing up. (So, 30 year old Tonka Trucks)


Wow, 30 year old Tonka Trucks!  Those are great! 


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Mentioned this in another thread. In 17 years of being married to dh and owning a lovely James Avery charm bracelet for 25 years, he has purchased exactly one charm for it- until now. You'd think he would have purchased a charm when we bought our first house or for our first Christmas together or for any other wonderful occasion- nope. I had a open hysterectomy 10 days ago. For some very odd reason, dh felt moved to give me this peculiar charm. Yuck. I want it out of my house. This charm made me cry today. I thought it was a joke initially. No, it wasn't a joke. Worst.Christmas.gift.ever.

I am so sorry! I doubt he tried to hurt your feelings, but yeah, I am not sure what his reasoning behind it was? Hope you can treat yourself to something nice. Also hope you feel better soon!!
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Mentioned this in another thread.  In 17 years of being married to dh and owning a lovely James Avery charm bracelet for 25 years, he has purchased exactly one charm for it- until now.  You'd think he would have purchased a charm when we bought our first house or for our first Christmas together or for any other wonderful occasion- nope.  I had a open hysterectomy 10 days ago.  For some very odd reason, dh felt moved to give me this peculiar charm.  Yuck.  I want it out of my house.  This charm made me cry today.  I thought it was a joke initially.  No, it wasn't a joke.  Worst.Christmas.gift.ever.  


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   I'm sorry.


It's definitely past time for you to make different arrangements to make sure you get presents you will like and use. 


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My FIL gave me my own special order copy of Jesus Calling after I told him repeatedly what theological junk it is. He apparently ignored all my protests because he loves it and his bible study leader loves it. He even had it monogrammed for me, which makes it harder to give away.



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No real stinkers here this year.  Just one of my daughter's realization that when she asks for cash and gift cards for Christmas, it isn't much fun on Christmas morning when even mom is playing with new toys..lol.  (But we are going to go buy her a pet mouse today, so it's all good).  

Oh, and another dd that met her boyfriend's family for the first time on Christmas day and got showered with an obscene amount of gifts.  SO much so that she was mortified at her gift choice for her boyfriend and her lack of bringing anything but a pan of homemade cinnamon rolls for his family.  She will be sending them a nice thank you gift basket.

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I'm sorry but this gave me the giggles for a long time. So random! I can't imagine choosing hair color even if it was on someone's wishlist!




Yes, that's what keeps it in the "not quite disappointing" category.  Because I can't imagine what they were thinking!  If you scrolled down further on my list there were all kinds of cookbooks and DVD's, so it's not even like they were trying to hit a specific price point.


I decided I will put the knife in my van to have there in case I ever need it. The hair color will get used at some point, but I have to order a second one to use on my long hair. 


Could be worse, DMIL sent BIL underwear.  :huh:  38 years old and he still got socks and underwear from mommy for Christmas. 

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Dh bought 2 LED bulbs and put one in each of our stocking for our bathroom.  Well the current globes don't fit over them, of course he destroyed the packaging and they were $15 each.  Yikes! They also buzz, which is slightly annoying, it looks like we can get $7.50 back from each bulb through our electric company though.  Just not really what I expected.  He did good otherwise.

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Another gift I got last night. My MIL got us memory foam pillows, which is something I really want but they stink! They have this weird chemical smell I couldn't ignore. I mean, my face gets smooshed on these pillows! Has anyone had this? Can I fix them? I really wanted these pillows.


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Another gift I got last night. My MIL got us memory foam pillows, which is something I really want but they stink! They have this weird chemical smell I couldn't ignore. I mean, my face gets smooshed on these pillows! Has anyone had this? Can I fix them? I really wanted these pillows.


Usually the advice is to put them out in a well-ventilated area for a few days.  Off gassing is pretty common when you first get them and take off the plastic wrapping. 

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Oh, and another dd that met her boyfriend's family for the first time on Christmas day and got showered with an obscene amount of gifts.  SO much so that she was mortified at her gift choice for her boyfriend and her lack of bringing anything but a pan of homemade cinnamon rolls for his family.  She will be sending them a nice thank you gift basket.

Friends of ours paid us a surprise Christmas visit. Dh literally told me he'd invited 5 extra people (on top of the 3 guests we already have) for dinner at 11 am on Christmas day!!!!! There are no grocery stores open on Christmas!!!! Luckily, we had enough food for everyone and I put out a nice spread. But, there was no way to get gifts for their kids in time. I was hoping they wouldn't bring gifts either, but no such luck. I hate being caught empty handed. Luckily, they totally flubbed the sizing and only GW's gift actually fits. T's gift works for Geezle and I think I can exchange the last gift. We had a great time and I'm glad they came, I just wish their love language wasn't buying random clothing items when I can't reciprocate.

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I saw a pair of earrings I really liked when we were on vacation.


DH secretly ordered them and had them shipped to us.  The package had to be signed for, so he went to the post office to pick it up, and brought it home in his truck.


The night of 12/23, when we were out at the Star Wars movie, someone jimmied open his truck door and stole the package.  No Christmas present for me!

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Not disappointed but I feel bad for DH.


Stockings. My favorite part of Xmas morning is stockings. I love filling them and love opening mine. 2 days before Christmas we were in a group and I said something similar.


DH came to me later and said he feels terrible that he never knew that stockings were my favorite part. 17 years married, 28 years together. Oops.


Guess what was in my stocking? Oranges and candy I'd bought, plus a sweet necklace. At least the one thing was there! He feels terrible.


I think I'm going to send him a link to women's stocking stuffers. :)

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Friends of ours paid us a surprise Christmas visit. Dh literally told me he'd invited 5 extra people (on top of the 3 guests we already have) for dinner at 11 am on Christmas day!!!!! There are no grocery stores open on Christmas!!!! Luckily, we had enough food for everyone and I put out a nice spread. But, there was no way to get gifts for their kids in time. I was hoping they wouldn't bring gifts either, but no such luck. I hate being caught empty handed. Luckily, they totally flubbed the sizing and only GW's gift actually fits. T's gift works for Geezle and I think I can exchange the last gift. We had a great time and I'm glad they came, I just wish their love language wasn't buying random clothing items when I can't reciprocate.


Maybe the gifts were a thank-you gesture for having them over for dinner.    I wouldn't spend one minute worrying about not reciprocating. Opening your home for a holiday dinner at the last minute is quite a gift!


(Honestly, I would think it weird that they brought anything but a typical hostess gift in this situation, unless they are people you usually exchange gifts with, which it seems they are not.)


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Not really disappointing... but...


I use my Amazon wishlist regularly for everything.  I have a huge pile of books on there for school, dance related things, cooking and sewing things that I want to be able to go back and find later, things like that.   This last summer when DS was looking for a good pocket knife for camping he'd found one that he liked and put it in my wishlist for me to see later and maybe buy.  He ended up going with something else but the knife stayed in my wishlist.


In October I colored my hair red with temporary color.  I loved it, and while researching possibilities for permanent hair color, I found a salon brand that I could get on Amazon, so I saved that to my wishlist to come back to later.  


My sister and BIL went shopping on my wishlist... I got a tube of red hair color and a bizarre camping knife for Christmas. 


Lesson learned this year:  I need to learn how to segregate my wishlist further so that I have an actual gifty wishlist, and separate ones for my everyday "save for later to look at further" lists.   :p


That happened to me last Christmas - my mom went shopping on my wishlist which was really my "ideas for later" list and I ended up with a nice grill basket and something I had been thinking of buying a friend. We don't have a grill....but when we get one again, we will enjoy that basket. :-)

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That happened to me last Christmas - my mom went shopping on my wishlist which was really my "ideas for later" list and I ended up with a nice grill basket and something I had been thinking of buying a friend. We don't have a grill....but when we get one again, we will enjoy that basket. :-)

After this happened to me I discovered that Amazon has a shopping list wish list.
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(I like my ice cream frozen very hard) 


I find that homemade ice cream freezes VERY hard. You just have to follow the freezing instructions after you make it. We usually put the fresh-made stuff in an old gallon-ish plastic tub in the chest freezer overnight. Super-duper hard in the morning. 


I use my Amazon wishlist regularly for everything.  ... Lesson learned this year:  I need to learn how to segregate my wishlist further so that I have an actual gifty wishlist, and separate ones for my everyday "save for later to look at further" lists.   :p


Amazon actually thought of this. There is a list called "Shopping List." When you click the "add to list" thing, it should give you the choice to add to your Wishlist or your Shopping List. The Shopping List is private & made just for the purpose you indicated! Sometimes, Amazon burps on me & adds things to my wishlist automatically instead of giving me a choice of which list. The confirmation page that pops up, though, says something about "change to a different list?" and you can move it over in a click, I think. I have only 5-6 things on my Wishlist, but 90+ on my Shopping List. It is for my long-term stuff. (Everything else is in my cart's "Save for Later" section.)


I think all our gifts were good. I was thinking about starting a thread on "awesome gifts" today, actually....

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Could be worse, DMIL sent BIL underwear.  :huh:  38 years old and he still got socks and underwear from mommy for Christmas. 


omg that's hilarious.


My ILs are great people but they're a bit hit or miss on Christmas gifts.  One year they gave us all towels.  Lots of towels, hand towels, and washcloths.  One year she gave me a paper cutter (which I actually loved and still use to this day, but not for scrapbooking, which I think is its intended purpose) and some scrapbooking stuff (which I don't do).  One year she gave me a cashmere sweater - it was pretty but I'm allergic.

One year - no joke - she gave me... lingerie?  I guess?  I don't even know what it was.  But it was hysterical (it was like 10 years ago now) because one SIL got like, a cotton nightgown.  One got a white lacy cami.  I got a mesh see-through cami with flowers.  It was completely see through.  I don't even know how to describe it.  

But that was awkward to open up, at Christmas, in front of the whole family.  :blink:  

One year she gave me an AWESOME orange skillet that was ceramic.  Seriously, the thing was beautiful.  But we lived in a tiny house with less than zero kitchen storage space and I had nowhere to put it.  I tried hanging onto it for a few years but I finally gave up and got rid of it.  

I still have zero storage space.  But MAN, I mourn the loss of that skillet!!  


Anyway, they did good for me this year, and for all the DILs, IMO.  Necklaces and earrings and gift cards to Hobby Lobby.   :thumbup:


The guys were not too bad... the biggest thing that cracked me up was that they gave younger BIL (age 31) an Axe gift set.  :lol:  So he can smell like a teenage boy?  :lol:  


The kids, too, were an interesting mix.  MIL liked the linens this year, apparently - she bought all the kids towels and/or blankets and then other random things.  For the most part, everything was pretty decent - Hello Kitty blanket and toothbrush+toothbrush holder (actually quite cute and, IMO, a nice alternative to more toys) for 3yo niece; Despicable Me beach towels (? lol), Power Ranger masks, and Power Ranger underwear + shirts for 4yo and 6yo nephews; Elsa doll and blanket, Anna towel (but this one is a regular towel), and random puppy christmas ornament (?) for Pink (6); Avengers beach towels, Star Wars snuggies, and an inflatable ball you roll in for Link (11) and Astro (10); and regular bath towels and chap stick for 11yo nephew and 13yo niece.


Yeah, Idk what happened on that last one.  The rest were quite good.  :lol: :lol:

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I saw a pair of earrings I really liked when we were on vacation.


DH secretly ordered them and had them shipped to us.  The package had to be signed for, so he went to the post office to pick it up, and brought it home in his truck.


The night of 12/23, when we were out at the Star Wars movie, someone jimmied open his truck door and stole the package.  No Christmas present for me!

I am sooo sorry!  That is awful.  

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I find that homemade ice cream freezes VERY hard. You just have to follow the freezing instructions after you make it. We usually put the fresh-made stuff in an old gallon-ish plastic tub in the chest freezer overnight. Super-duper hard in the morning. 



Amazon actually thought of this. There is a list called "Shopping List." When you click the "add to list" thing, it should give you the choice to add to your Wishlist or your Shopping List. The Shopping List is private & made just for the purpose you indicated! Sometimes, Amazon burps on me & adds things to my wishlist automatically instead of giving me a choice of which list. The confirmation page that pops up, though, says something about "change to a different list?" and you can move it over in a click, I think. I have only 5-6 things on my Wishlist, but 90+ on my Shopping List. It is for my long-term stuff. (Everything else is in my cart's "Save for Later" section.)


I think all our gifts were good. I was thinking about starting a thread on "awesome gifts" today, actually....


Shopping List, you say?  Off to check that out right now!  I have different wish lists for the family, but I don't think the shopping list caught my attention before...

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Not so much "disappointing" as "forgotten", but DH bought me a chocolate fountain for Christmas. I know this because DH is horrible at hiding gifts and his it in one of his (very deep) dresser drawers... when I'm the one who ends up putting his clothes away because he never gets around to it, lol. It wasn't for anyone else, we plan out all our gifts for family members and friends together. He even dropped a hint about it a few days ago when I was making chocolate truffles and was at the tricky final stage where you enrobe them, about how one of my gifts might make this a lot easier.

He forgot to give it to me. I put away laundry again this morning and it's still there in his drawer. We're having a Christmas party with extended family is just a few hours and it would be REALLY nice to have it around for the party... but I'm not sure how to go about reminding him to give me a Christmas gift when I'm not supposed to know about it, lol.

Edited by SproutMamaK
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Not so much "disappointing" as "forgotten", but DH bought me a chocolate fountain for Christmas. I know this becasue DH is horrible at hiding gifts andhis it in one of his (very deep) dresser drawers... when I'm the one who ends up putting his clothes away because he never gets around to it, lol. It wasn't for anyone else, we plan out all our gifts for family members together. He even dropped a hint about it a few days ago when I was making chocolate truffles and was at the tricky final stage where you enrobe them, about how one of my gifts might make this a lot easier.


He forgot to give it to me. I put away laundry again this morning and it's still there in his drawer. We're having a Christmas party with extended family is just a few hours and it would be REALLY nice to have it around for the party... but I'm not sure how to go about reminding him to give me a Christmas gift when I'm not supposed to know about, lol.


Come clean! You need that thing today. :)

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One year - no joke - she gave me... lingerie?  I guess?  I don't even know what it was.  But it was hysterical (it was like 10 years ago now) because one SIL got like, a cotton nightgown.  One got a white lacy cami.  I got a mesh see-through cami with flowers.  It was completely see through.  I don't even know how to describe it.  



:laugh:   So she either thinks you either would wear it, or that you should wear it!!


That is really funny, especially in the different outfits she chose for each of you!


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That's a bit odd.


My mother got me an ice cream maker. It's a very sweet gift (no pun intended) but I'm not a huge fan of home made ice cream (I like my ice cream frozen very hard) and I'm trying to have a more clutter free minimal kitchen (and house). So I'm not totally thrilled with it. But I'll find some non-kitchen place to keep it because my kids are thrilled with it. :) I'll make them ice cream a few times a year or something.

We have an ice cream maker, my ds has a ben and jerrys ice cream cookbook. Has really great recipes in it. He make killer gelato, just as good as any store. we love it...

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 We're having a Christmas party with extended family is just a few hours and it would be REALLY nice to have it around for the party... but I'm not sure how to go about reminding him to give me a Christmas gift when I'm not supposed to know about, lol.


Maybe just pull it out, begin using it, and PRETEND you did open it yesterday.  :lol:


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Not so much "disappointing" as "forgotten", but DH bought me a chocolate fountain for Christmas. I know this becasue DH is horrible at hiding gifts andhis it in one of his (very deep) dresser drawers... when I'm the one who ends up putting his clothes away because he never gets around to it, lol. It wasn't for anyone else, we plan out all our gifts for family members together. He even dropped a hint about it a few days ago when I was making chocolate truffles and was at the tricky final stage where you enrobe them, about how one of my gifts might make this a lot easier.


He forgot to give it to me. I put away laundry again this morning and it's still there in his drawer. We're having a Christmas party with extended family is just a few hours and it would be REALLY nice to have it around for the party... but I'm not sure how to go about reminding him to give me a Christmas gift when I'm not supposed to know about, lol.


I could see this happening in this house.  Oh yeah.  I'd go to my husband and say "Look, that chocolate fountain in your drawer?  If it's not for me, who are you giving it to?  And if it's for me, can I have it so we can use it tonight?"   


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I saw a pair of earrings I really liked when we were on vacation.


DH secretly ordered them and had them shipped to us. The package had to be signed for, so he went to the post office to pick it up, and brought it home in his truck.


The night of 12/23, when we were out at the Star Wars movie, someone jimmied open his truck door and stole the package. No Christmas present for me!

I'm so sorry -- both for you and for your dh! :(

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We have an ice cream maker, my ds has a ben and jerrys ice cream cookbook. Has really great recipes in it. He make killer gelato, just as good as any store. we love it...

That cookbook is the BEST!


And the greatest thing about it is that once you have made few of their recipes you kind of understand the basic patterns and can start designing your own!  The Cinnamon/Vino Del Mocha DIY ice cream I made last summer was the best ever.

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I got absolutely nothing. As in, not a homemade drawing from a kid, nothing from dh, nothing from my parents. I usually get pretty much nothing and try to be not petty, but I am tired of being the bigger person. It hurts. It shows just what people think of me.

I'm so sorry, Lisbeth. :(


Do you let your family know that Christmas gifts are important to you? Do you buy gifts for your dh, your kids, and your parents?


Next year, don't be silent and don't just hint around. Be very direct in letting your dh and kids know that you will all be exchanging gifts for Christmas. And make sure you keep reminding them. (I don't know if you can mention anything to your parents because I don't know what kind of relationship you have with them, but I would have been terribly hurt if my parents had ever neglected to get me a gift for Christmas.)


If you're going out of your way to make their Christmas nice, there is no excuse for them to ignore you like that! It's not about the exact gift or the amount of money spent. It truly is the thought that counts, and your family was just plain thoughtless.


Honestly, I think you should speak with your dh and kids today to let them know you were disappointed. They need to know.

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Not so much "disappointing" as "forgotten", but DH bought me a chocolate fountain for Christmas. I know this becasue DH is horrible at hiding gifts andhis it in one of his (very deep) dresser drawers... when I'm the one who ends up putting his clothes away because he never gets around to it, lol. It wasn't for anyone else, we plan out all our gifts for family members together. He even dropped a hint about it a few days ago when I was making chocolate truffles and was at the tricky final stage where you enrobe them, about how one of my gifts might make this a lot easier.


He forgot to give it to me. I put away laundry again this morning and it's still there in his drawer. We're having a Christmas party with extended family is just a few hours and it would be REALLY nice to have it around for the party... but I'm not sure how to go about reminding him to give me a Christmas gift when I'm not supposed to know about, lol.


My dh is notorious for buying things, hiding them and then forgetting to give it to the person.  I would just say "Dear, you were hinting about another gift?  Did you forget something?"  then stand back and watch the penny drop.  Yesterday, I was looking around at the end of the gift giving and I realized that dh had forgotten one gift for ds.  I reminded him right then and when he stammered that he had forgotten and didn't even have it wrapped, handed him a towel to "wrap" it in.  Ds still really appreciated his gift. 


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I so appreciate your response. My parents are a narc/enabler team, and I was their miserable, scapegoat only child. I have told my dh multiple times- in fact, finding me later in tears, I was told by him that Christmas is for kids. I notice he doesn't turn down the $200 cash gift from his mom to him yearly even though "Christmas is for kids." The truth is, my kids I can't fault, but otherwise I am surrounded by jerks. I need to fix that. I am very direct, but it doesn't matter.

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I got absolutely nothing. As in, not a homemade drawing from a kid, nothing from dh, nothing from my parents. I usually get pretty much nothing and try to be not petty, but I am tired of being the bigger person. It hurts. It shows just what people think of me.


Yeah, that's not acceptable.  Kids have to be taught to be thoughtful gift givers so they don't grow up to be husbands who don't give a gift. (Lots of people agree not to exchange gifts and that's totally fine and different- that's their choice). 


Have you talked to dh about how you feel? This problem can be fixed, but you have to start by fessing up that it hurts your feelings. 


I've been there- my dad buys for my sister but not me.  It's totally not about the gift- it's about how it makes me feel 'less than'. 

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Is anyone else not able to imagine how a chocolate fountain fits in a drawer?


I don't have any pictures around of our specific dresser, but it's similar in style to this. DH has a lot of thick, heavy work clothes, so we made sure to get a dresser with super-deep drawers that can hold those sorts of clothes without a problem. That being said, it's still a relatively small chocolate fountain. (link if you're interested; the reviews on it are saying it's too loud, hmm... I guess we'll find out!)


I got the fountain, btw. I found some more laundry to put away, waited until the baby started crying, and then passed the pile to DH with a "Could you please put these away before the party? I need to feed the baby." About 10 minutes later he emerged from the bedroom with a hastily-wrapped box and a sheepish expression on his face. :lol:


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Yeah, that's not acceptable. Kids have to be taught to be thoughtful gift givers so they don't grow up to be husbands who don't give a gift. (Lots of people agree not to exchange gifts and that's totally fine and different- that's their choice).


Have you talked to dh about how you feel? This problem can be fixed, but you have to start by fessing up that it hurts your feelings.


I've been there- my dad buys for my sister but not me. It's totally not about the gift- it's about how it makes me feel 'less than'.

I agree, I had to tell my dh early on in our marriage & over the years, he's made a good effort.

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Let me explain a little, my posts are confusing. I have been direct, but the cheerfully just accepted when saying I want a little token goes nowhere. This year, after years of it, I am not being gracious. I am actually not going to allow being about giving, not receiving, not being greedy, etc, all of the polite things be cover for adults who take and never give back. Tiredof being polite about it. Honestly the saddest is it robs me of my love of giving, because giving to the adults in my life now makes me feel like a doormat or a sucker when I am never considered in return.

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I got absolutely nothing. As in, not a homemade drawing from a kid, nothing from dh, nothing from my parents. I usually get pretty much nothing and try to be not petty, but I am tired of being the bigger person. It hurts. It shows just what people think of me.


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