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Are you baking cookies / treats for Christmas?

Liz CA

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This is my baking week.  So far I have made a batch of cookies (coconut, graham cracker, and white chocolate chips), chocolate fudge, white chocolate fudge, and cutout sugar cookies (we still need to frost them).  Tomorrow I will be making gingerbread boys and a sugar free cheesecake (present for a friend with diabetes) and maybe something else to take to a party tomorrow night.  Friday will be spritz cookies which are DH's favorite and maybe julekake, if that I will make that on Monday.


Next week I will make a pound cake to go with chocolate fondue and my youngest and I always make a birthday cake for Jesus.  I am not sure what flavor DS wants to make this year.  Last year was chocolate cake with peppermint frosting.


We do way too much baking but I plan to give a lot of it away.

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This is my baking week. So far I have made a batch of cookies (coconut, graham cracker, and white chocolate chips), chocolate fudge, white chocolate fudge, and cutout sugar cookies (we still need to frost them). Tomorrow I will be making gingerbread boys and a sugar free cheesecake (present for a friend with diabetes) and maybe something else to take to a party tomorrow night. Friday will be spritz cookies which are DH's favorite and maybe julekake, if that I will make that on Monday.


Next week I will make a pound cake to go with chocolate fondue and my youngest and I always make a birthday cake for Jesus. I am not sure what flavor DS wants to make this year. Last year was chocolate cake with peppermint frosting.


We do way too much baking but I plan to give a lot of it away.

Wow!!! That's some serious baking!!! And I was feeling proud of my sugar cookies :p
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Today was baking day - tomorrow DD14 and her friend will be decorating cookies.


Today we made: 

Santa's Whiskers - the best description of these would be "Fruitcake Cracker".  Crisp and fruity

Chocolate Crinkles - these turned out like fudgy dark chocolate soft cookies and are nearly irresistible.

Cranberry Orange Pinwheels - fresh cranberries. Boy are these tart!

Cinnamon Rolls - DD is taking these to class tomorrow as they are having food instead of a final.


Tomorrow they have gingerbread and sugar cookies to decorate, plus Buried Cherry Cookies to bake.


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My daughter just gave away about 20 dozen cookies to a friend last night. She made:


German chocolate cookies

Snickerdoodle cookies

Mint chocolate chip cookies

Pumpkin cookies

Apple crisp cookies

Chocolate peanut butter cookies

And one or 2 orw types.


My friend has a family of 11 so loved it.....and is now taking some of them to her extended family's Christmas.


I might make chex mix and maybe dessert for Christmas day but my daughter doesn't want me baking cookies anymore.

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Cream cheese mints, caramels, chocolate caramels, chocolate chip cookies, roll out sugar cookies, lemon/raspberry thumbprint, sour cream pastries, soft ginger molasses cookies, gingerbread cookies, peppermint marshmallows, and a white chocolate/oatmeal crispy cookie. I'd really like to make a shortbread, and a chocolate crinkle, and one child also wants snickerdoodles, and Spritz...but we'll have to see!


Still have cinnamon rolls and pies to make, too. Going all out this year, and trying to give more treats to friends.

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Christmas is pretty much the only occasion where I bake cookies and then there's "a" cookie we make.  It's a shortbread type recipe that comes from an older lady who taught my grandmother some of her cooking.  My whole family loves them - as do a majority of people we give them to.  Generally we make about 8 - 10 dozen.


Recipe (for one dozen):


1 cup flour

1/4 cup dark brown sugar

1 egg yolk

1 stick of butter softened to room temp


Mix these together by hand until it is homogeneous (or pretty darn close to it).  Put it in wax paper flattened into a rectangle about 3/4 inch thick.  Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.


Remove from fridge and cut into 12 squares.  Roll these into a ball with the palms of your hands.  Once they're all rolled, roll them in egg white (saved from the egg used above) and crushed walnuts.  Place on a baking sheet.


Bake at 300 degrees for 5 minutes, then pull out and use a thimble to depress the centers.  Bake for another 15 minutes.  Pull out and press centers in a little more again.  Let cool on sheet for 5 minutes, then transfer them to a paper towel on a plate.  Let cool.


Fill centers with strawberry jam or mint jelly (red & green colors).  Sprinkle/coat with confectioners sugar.


One can eat them right away, but they actually taste better after having sat for about a day...


It's a little time consuming compared to when we make sugar or coconut cookies (rare, but happens if we need to take cookies places), but we absolutely love the taste making them worth our time and effort - once per year!

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Today I'm working on things for our library staffs:
-marshmallows (and chocolate dipped peppermint ones)

-chewy caramels

-mint fudge

-lemon tarts

-gingerbread cookies in the shape of books


I wanted to give them something that would last through the limited hours over the next two weeks and not go bad if they lift it in their breakroom. :)

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I am SOOOOOOOOOOO sick of baking cookies and mini quick breads.  Every year for Christmas I bake tins of various cookies for my two brothers, my mother, and DD1.  Then I ship them all out to various places.


This year I made:

  • Chocolate chip
  • Oatmeal w/coconut, craisins, raisins, & walnuts
  • Russian Tea Cookies
  • Peanut Butter Balls
  • Decorated Butter Cookies
  • Colonial Cookies w/milk chocolate drizzled on the top
  • Lemon quick bread
  • Zucchini quick bread

Thankfully they all shipped out Monday!  It's really tough to do this when you're trying to lose weight.  Each batch of cookies makes about 4 dozen so we end up with all the left overs that don't make it into the tins.  I have 2 gallon freezer-bags of cookies in the freezer!

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Okay, we need some recipes, people!


I'd like your coconut snowflakes recipe!


I've never had the patience to bake much, and now that my daughter enjoys baking so much, she does almost all of them.  But the coconut snowflakes recipe sounds intriguing to me!

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I get together with my mom and sisters every year and we spend a whole Saturday baking cookies to put on trays to give to people. This year we did 15 different types, including fudge. About 10 dozen of each kind. I am cookied out at the moment!


I am planning a Christmas Poetry Tea next Tuesday for my kids and my niece and nephew so I will be making a few treats for that. Planning on iced sugar cookies, Candy Cane Crinkles and PB Blossoms. Then I'm done, no more cookies!

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Dd made 15 dozen for a fundraiser for her choir. hey put together cookie trays --  people pre-order, then pick them up after the Christmas concert).


Right now we're up to our eyeballs in Scrooge -- 4 performances this weekend (2 of which are already sold out, WOOHOO!).  After that it will be back to the kitchen.


This will forever be the year remembered as "that time AA gave us her Ginger Crinkle recipe".  Actually, it's just a standard recipe you could google and have pop up on a bunch of cooking sites.  We'd never tried it before and are totally hooked.  Looking forward to another batch next week!

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My mom is coming over Saturday for a cookie baking morning. We're going to make:


sugar cookies

gingerbread men

russian tea cakes

thumbprint cookies

peanut butter cookies w/ the hershey kiss in the middle


Maybe some of those chocolate crinkles if AKMom4 is willing to share the recipe! :-)


My mom mentioned something about chocolate chip cookies and fudge too if we have time and it's not too humid to make fudge. 


I give cookies to my mailman, DS's piano and french teacher, our UPS man and a few friends, so we'll end up with 1 plate of a nice assortment here and everything else will be gifted.

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Oooooh, this sounds like a great idea! I'm going to suggest this to my family.

The last few years we've done a Goodwill Christmas exchange. People would gift useful things they no longer used or needed from their house. Or they could pick something up from a thrift store if they thought it would be perfect for a particular person. We really enjoyed this but wanted to try something new this year.

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I love to bake, but I have to watch it because my weight moves in direct variation with my baking activity. Lol! So far, I've made meringue chocolate chips cookies and some pumpkin muffins. I just discovered Andes pieces at World Market last night, so I'm going to make some gf brownies this weekend and then melt the Andes pieces on top.


Next week, I'll be doing gf cut out cookies.

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Did the cookie thing last weekend at my mom's with my sister and my sil while the guys were deer hunting.


Kids want to do candy still... we'll see.  I lose my motivation when we have early Christmas celebrations and we have one this weekend.  My sil (on DH's side) is amazing at candy and she will bring OODLES to Christmas.  After I get to eat that much yumminess, going to all the work myself loses the fun factor.  :D

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We've made many batches (and even got together with friends to make cookies).  I'll be making a few more because everyone keeps eating them.   :lol:


PB blossoms

sugar cookies

pizelles (Italian cookies made on what looks like a flattened waffle iron)

Spritz cookies


dipped pretzels

cinnamon-applesauce ornaments (definitely not edible)


We still have to make:

gingerbread village kit

nighty-nights (these are a meringue cookie with chocolate chips that goes in a preheated oven overnight)

thumbprint cookies

more pretzels & sugar cookies & pizelles


Edited by Holly
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Let's see...we've made molasses, PB/M&M/Graham Cracker, and peppermint chocolate merengue cookies. We need to dip our chocolate cookie dough truffles in chocolate today.

We will make sugar cookies next week.

I am willing to forego many Christmas traditions...baking is not one of them. It's the one time of year I let myself bake, bake, bake cookies. We just don't have them at other times.

ETA: I forgot that we also made PB Blossoms the other day.

Edited by barnwife
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I haven't gotten that far yet as to planning what to make. Thanks for the reminder! 


Oh, I did make some peppermint fudge and I'm making a fruitcake for the first time--have to remember to brush rum on it every few days.  "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote inspired me to try it--thanks Hive!


Edited by HeWillSoar
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nm - edited because no one wants to hear a whiner.


Wedding cookies, neiman marcus 250 chocolate chips, peanut butter, royal frosted sugar cutouts, and the cute sugar cookies with kisses stuck in the top are my preferred ones.


I'm seriously toying with buying some fancy kits from Wms Sonoma though, always wanted to and just don't have the umph right now with everything else to do to plan, create from scratch.


We'll see though once I get into the store and laugh out loud because the red velvet cupcake kits are over $20.

Edited by momee
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So far:

gingersnaps (with bits of candied ginger - yum!)

dates "things" (dates rolled in a brown sugar dough then rolled in chopped nuts and baked) only hubby eats these

lemon ricotta drops with lemon icing


chocolate-cherry cookies

Andes mint cookies

rolled and iced sugar cookies

Heath drops (baking now)

peanutbutter kisses


going to make a few more - folks want lots of variety on their cookie plates.

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I'd like your coconut snowflakes recipe!


I've never had the patience to bake much, and now that my daughter enjoys baking so much, she does almost all of them.  But the coconut snowflakes recipe sounds intriguing to me!


Super easy - and no baking.


2 cups of shredded coconut flakes (unsweetened)

5-6 Tablespoons melted honey

1 Tablespoon coconut oil (melt with the honey)

2 cups of bittersweet chocolate chips


Pour melted honey and coconut oil over shredded coconut flakes until they stick together and you can form a ball or at least a little clump. It does not need to be uniform.

Freeze the coconut balls/flakes until firm. Takes about 3 hours or even overnight.


Melt 2 cups of chocolate in water bath or whatever your preferred method is. Add 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil (makes the chocolate shiny :)). Take frozen coconut flakes out of freezer and quickly dip them into the melted chocolate.

Freeze the dipped flakes again. Once the chocolate has hardened, they are READY.

If you like coconut, it's heaven.  :lol:


You can make the coconut flakes ahead and dip the many time you want.


Variation: You can add 2-3 Tablespoons of partially melted peanut butter to the coconut flake / honey / coconut oil mixture. Now you can form nice balls. Freeze those as well and then dip in chocolate. :laugh:

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Super easy - and no baking.


2 cups of shredded coconut flakes (unsweetened)

5-6 Tablespoons melted honey

1 Tablespoon coconut oil (melt with the honey)

2 cups of bittersweet chocolate chips


Pour melted honey and coconut oil over shredded coconut flakes until they stick together and you can form a ball or at least a little clump. It does not need to be uniform.

Freeze the coconut balls/flakes until firm. Takes about 3 hours or even overnight.


Melt 2 cups of chocolate in water bath or whatever your preferred method is. Add 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil (makes the chocolate shiny :)). Take frozen coconut flakes out of freezer and quickly dip them into the melted chocolate.

Freeze the dipped flakes again. Once the chocolate has hardened, they are READY.

If you like coconut, it's heaven.  :lol:


You can make the coconut flakes ahead and dip the many time you want.


Variation: You can add 2-3 Tablespoons of partially melted peanut butter to the coconut flake / honey / coconut oil mixture. Now you can form nice balls. Freeze those as well and then dip in chocolate. :laugh:

This looks great!  I'm going to make them.  I have a big bag of unsweetened coconut in my freezer right now!  Thanks.  :)


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We've already made batches of cranberry white chocolate chip cookies and caramel filled chocolate cookies, but they were for events and have been eaten. :)  MIL always brings a batch of her snickerdoodles because DH likes them, but since they won't be here for Christmas this year, she sent a batch to us last week.


So we have on the list for this weekend/next week:

-another batch of the caramel filled chocolate cookies

-some sort of fudge

-coconut macaroons with cherries (DH's other favorite)

-ninjabread men

-apricot filled cookies

-cranberry bread (My mom always made this and hot chocolate for breakfast Christmas morning, and my children have decided that I should continue the tradition.)

-peanut butter kiss cookies

-triple chocolate brownie cookies

-mint chocolate dreams

-possibly sour cream cutouts

-possibly peppermint candy canes


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We've already made batches of cranberry white chocolate chip cookies and caramel filled chocolate cookies, but they were for events and have been eaten. :)  MIL always brings a batch of her snickerdoodles because DH likes them, but since they won't be here for Christmas this year, she sent a batch to us last week.


So we have on the list for this weekend/next week:

-another batch of the caramel filled chocolate cookies

-some sort of fudge

-coconut macaroons with cherries (DH's other favorite)

-ninjabread men

-apricot filled cookies

-cranberry bread (My mom always made this and hot chocolate for breakfast Christmas morning, and my children have decided that I should continue the tradition.)

-peanut butter kiss cookies

-triple chocolate brownie cookies

-mint chocolate dreams

-possibly sour cream cutouts

-possibly peppermint candy canes


Could you share the cranberry bread recipe or is it a family secret? :)


Edited by Liz CA
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