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"Minimizing" your purse/handbag


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NEprairiemom's thread about wanting a new purse that doesn't hurt her back brought up something that's been in the back of my mind for awhile. I have this habit of filling my purse with progressively more stuff, making it heavier and heavier. And, not surprisingly, I don't use most of the stuff, most of the time.


For example, I have this wallet that I really like because it has compartments for absolutely everything, including a check book. But I write a check exactly once a week at church, and for *everything* else I use cash or cards. So why am I carrying around my checkbook and a huge wallet to accommodate it all week just for that one check? I could write the check at my desk on Sunday morning before leaving, and carry a smaller, lighter wallet.


Any other ideas for minimizing? What do you carry in your purse? What do you find you do NOT need to carry?


Any favorite purses and wallets for keeping your stuff organized and minimized?

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Change is one of the biggest weight additions to my purse plus digging around looking for it is definitely no fun. So I started to take all my change out of my purse and only keeping a couple quarters, a dime, a nickel and 4 pennies in my wallet. Now it's easier to find what I need and some of the weight is off my shoulders. I still need to find other ways to organize and reduce the weight so my eyes will be on this thread.  :thumbup1:

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I'm still in diaper bag days, but I recently figured out that I don't need to carry everything with me all the time. Back-up items and just-in-case things can live in a bag in my car. Hand lotion, Chapstick, extra baby-wipes, and a brush live in my car. Turns out, I don't really need them very often.

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What I carry in my purse --


Small wallet with a little bit of cash (bills), credit/debit cards, health insurance cards, shopper cards, drivers license.


Couple of individually packaged eyeglass wipes and HandiWipes


Some cough drops

Trial sized bottle of hand lotion

My car key hangs on a caribiner clip on the outside


I'm really hating on purses right now.  I tried one of those phone wallet things but didn't really like it.  Sometimes I just grab my phone, credit card and car key and stick them in a pocket and say to heck with the rest of it.  But then I worry . . .  what if there was an accident and I needed my insurance cards?  Sigh.

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Change is one of the biggest weight additions to my purse plus digging around looking for it is definitely no fun. So I started to take all my change out of my purse and only keeping a couple quarters, a dime, a nickel and 4 pennies in my wallet. Now it's easier to find what I need and some of the weight is off my shoulders. I still need to find other ways to organize and reduce the weight so my eyes will be on this thread.  :thumbup1:


Change is an issue for me also.  Once I couldn't figure out why my purse felt so heavy.  When I cleaned it out I had over $12 in change.  That's a lot of weight!


Also I occasionally put a water bottle in my purse and then forget it's there.  Water bottles are heavy also.


The thing that helps me when I do it, is having a "day trip" purse which is larger separate from my regular purse.  When I'm going somewhere I need water bottles, room to put small purchases, etc I need a bigger purse.  But if I carry that bigger purse all the time I just fill it up with crap.  Switching back to the smaller purse for every day keeps me from over filling.


Right now I am still using my larger purse because I never switched back after a trip.  :glare:

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I've never owned or carried a purse. I have a little pouch thing that's just big enough for a cell phone, ID, the house key, and a credit card/cash depending on what country I'm in. If I need another card like my driver license or insurance cards, I add those. On the very rare occasions that I need more stuff, I have a bag where I can carry a bottle of water, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, or whatever else I need. I take that bag for day trips or special events, never for regular shopping or errands. Carrying a purse would drive me nuts because I walk almost everywhere and it's easier for me to keep track of a small thing because I'm usually in big cities with lots of people.


I have never regretted not having anything more with me than the barest minimum. My children are sometimes annoyed that I don't have snacks on hand.

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This is my version of minimalism.  I carry it in one back pocket, some cash in the other back pocket, my keys in one front pocket, and my phone in the other front pocket.  This system obviously requires that one wear clothes with four pockets.

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I have a small purse that has just enough room to hold my wallet, phone, lip balm, travel-size lotion, and a few other small necessities. I keep the purse clutter under control easily with this purse because I simply don't have anywhere to stuff random items in it in the first place. If I need to carry books or other larger items, I use a tote bag.

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I think my purse is pretty minimal. I carry on a daily basis:

wallet, keys, phone, pen, checkbook, a few tissues, sanitary pad, chapstick


My wallet is small; it contains driver license, credit and debit card, health insurance card, library card, employer ID, and some cash.


As needed, I might add:

sun glasses, agenda, period supplies


I find stuff in my pockets uncomfortable, and I don't usually wear clothes conducive to pocket cargo


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Things in my purse - Wallet, small change purse, keys, chapstick, pen, and my ipod.  That's it.  I keep a lidded box under the rear seats in my minivan with other things - extra set of clothes for the kids, pre-packaged snacks, band-aids, nail clippers, scissors, brush, and hair ties.  In my glove box, I keep tissues, lotion, and nail files.



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I don't carry a purse.  I have a men's wallet that I keep in my back pocket. On the off chance I need a bag to carry stuff I use a small back pack. 


I've done that for years and years.  Never was a problem. 

There was a time I had purses, but I found that mostly they collected garbage and I wasn't actually needing or using the stuff I kept in them. 

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I love the idea of transferring some of this stuff into a bag that I keep in my car instead of keeping it all in my purse! That is a brilliant, simple solution!


Regarding coins: I got into the habit of always dumping them into this jar that I keep on my desk (which doubles as a book-end) when I get home from shopping. Once the jar is full, I take it to my credit union, and voila, some extra cash that I didn't even have to work at budgeting/saving for.


My daughter doesn't like having to carry a purse at all, so thank you Amira and EKS for the "purse free" suggestions! (ETA: and Sparkly, too! Just saw your post.)


Shopping cards -- uggh, I hate having to carry a stupid card for every store! I have so many shopping cards that they would fill four or five wallets. A lot of stores will allow you to just give your phone number at checkout so that they can look up your frequent shopper number (assuming you have already set that up online), so I need to go through those cards and make sure that I have set up online accounts for all of them, and don't have to actually carry around the physical card.


It just dawned on me after posting that I have a zipper compartment in my purse full of period supplies of various sorts. And I only have a period once every three months. So why am I carrying around all that stuff all the time? I need to go through every item in my purse and ask myself "do I really need this with me at all times?" And then buy myself a purse that's about 1/3 the size of the one I'm currently carrying, and limit myself to what will easily fit in it!

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I use a cross body style so it never gets heavy.


Essentials: lip balm,; wallet; phone; sunglasses; dental floss; tiny ziplock bag with Benadryl (in case DH ingests anything with coconut), band aids and Motrin; usually a small bag of nuts or a Luna bar; and tissues. Really all that fits into a very small purse if I want it to.


Keeping a bag tidy means regularly cleaning out receipts and other junk that accumulates quickly. It's lovely to not have to tote things around for other people anymore, though. If DS needs to brig along anything just for him he takes his own string bag.

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I don't carry a purse. My diaper bag is a large tote. I have a stack of diapers, a packet of wipes, a onesie, a small wet bag ( cloth diapers). My personal items are in a teeny pocket. A nail file, a pen, a teeny notebook.  It's big and spacious. My stuff is on the bottom, and there's plenty of space to toss in whatever else I need. 


My wallet has a compartment for my phone, and my keys have a little clip. If I'm going somewhere without the kids, I just take that. If it's reasonable, I leave the tote in the car. 


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I use an empty Altoids case for a wallet and I have a tote bag with a few essentials.  This is the tote bag design I have but I got mine a long time ago at a conference so its a slightly different bag- a little smaller and a navy blue background:  http://www.liberationink.org/content/without-justice-organic-tote-bag


I bought a nice wallet when I was in my early 20s and it finally died about 2 years ago.  I was about to look for a new wallet when I thought about what I had used as a wallet before then and I remembered using an altoids case.  So I used one again.  Then about a year ago my MIL gave me a Vera Bradley wallet and I started using that.  Well not all that long after, maybe 6-7 months, THAT wallet died.  So I picked up with the altoids tin again.  If I find something that I like, I will get it but I am reluctant because everything is so junky quality these days.  My only requirement be that it's not a POS and can fit comfortably in a pocket since I don't carry a purse.  


I only carry my driver's license, my gas card, my credit card and my debit card in my "wallet", maybe with about $40 in cash underneath. Library cards, insurance cards, gift cards, coupons, calendar, to do list etc are all on my phone. The only check we ever write so for the rent so no need to carry that.  My tote bag is kept packed for the day at hand, nothing old.  So it might have sunscreen, water, hats, first aid kit, snacks if we are going to the beach but if I am going to a client's office it would have my tablet, my notebook and a file.  

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I'm about to minimize my purse.  I have a small purse with a long, cross body strap that my mother made for me that I'm going to use.  I have a photo wallet with a  bunch of clear sleeves that I use for all my credit cards and ID.  I'm going to fold up and stick what cash I have into that, throw a few coins in one of the pocket.  Other than that I now need to carry around glasses all the time :glare:  but I have a cheap small pair that works if I just need to read something at the grocery store and doesn't take up much space.  I'll also throw in a sanitary pad (things are too unpredictable to not have one along at all times),a small pill case with benedryl and advil, and a pen.  My keys are with a  bunch of clips and rings - I can pull off just the keys and throw it in or clip it to the outside.  My two (work and personal) cell phone will fit inside or in an outside pocket.


I'll stick this purse in a bigger tote if I'm doing something where I'll want my coloring book, sketchpad, gel pens, colored pencils and/or a book to read.


I just ordered a rolling bag  (this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IJJ8OWA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01to) to use for work since I need to carry my laptop, a binder/planner, a work notebook, stuff I'm printing or copying for the kids school, a book/coloring stuff, lunch, my better glasses that are in a hard case, my wrist support, sometimes a change of shoes, sometimes a sweater or jacket, and all the other crap I would normally carry in a bigger purse (checkbook, tissues).   My back has been bugging me lately which is why I finally broke down and bought something with wheels.  It's a decent walk from the parking garage to the building, then upstairs to my desk.

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I have cut down.  I now carry a man's wallet (less bulky than most women's ones that I have seen; phone; pen; home/car keys, office keys, office pass; some extra membership cards that I don't use that often, just with an elastic band around them; lip salve, hand cream, one lipstick, small brush.



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If you don't always want to carry your insurance cards with you, take a photo of them on your phone (front & back). That way, you would have the info on them available to you, if needed while out. (This might be a good idea for kids' phones too -- will have to do that for my dc.)


I used to have a ton of shopper cards & carried many of them on my keyring too. Hated it. Now I have my vehicle key by itself. I have a separate key ring w/ the two cards I use most (the two library systems I use). All others stay in a little zippered bag in the console of my car. Most places will do phone number lookup &/or you can keep the info in your phone. I also gave up a lot of the shopper cards. (For minimizing, I've been trying to stop junk mail, ads, etc... from coming into my mailbox & to shop only as absolutely needed. Getting rid of the shopper cards helps with this, imo. Plus, I weigh the 'discount' I'm given vs. the fact that my info is being sold every time I use the shopper card & find it's often not worth it to me to get a tiny discount vs. selling my info for marketing purposes. Anyway, I digress. But, I have reduced the amount of shopper cards I have, as well as now keeping them in the car vs. on my person.)


My biggest essentials to carry are my keys, phone, small wallet, glasses, & Benadryl. I like having a small lipstick with me & a small notepad & pen. Not essential but nice to have. My purse is big enough to also fit a small water bottle &/or small book, but there are many times I'm not carrying those items with me.


I refuse receipts at most places (if possible) & try to empty my purse of receipts & extraneous papers when I get home.

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I have never known what to carry in a purse and am always in awe of women I see with large bags. I have a small purse that holds my wallet and a spare pair of reading glasses. Before I had glasses, I just used a wallet on a strap. And for a while when I had a busy schedule, I used a planner that zipped shut.

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Wallet.  Keys.  Change purse.  Sunglasses (seasonal).  Smallest spray bottle of hand sanitizer (occasionally).


Nothing else.


The wallet always includes the medical and automobile insurance cards.  The former, because accidents happen.  The latter, because accidents happen.  The latter, also, because it is the law to have them in the car (and one does not wish such a card to be stolen during a car break-in by leaving it in the glove compartment). 


ETA:  Oh yes.  The cell phone.  (Wishing that I could be free of it, but have need to be reached by my dad.)

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I have a phone case that is also a wallet and have sunglasses on my face. I usually have a cardigan or jacket for keys and the phone wallet thing.


When my children were babies, I used a backpack from REI for the diaper bag.


I also have my information in a file on my phone. I don't carry any cards I don't need to. I need to set up with apple pay but I will still need a driver's license and one card. I carry one check in a secret place in the wallet as well for emergencies. It is folded up.

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I would love to go minimalist. Maybe I need a car bag and then a purse.


My purse contains cash, debit and credit cards, 2 insurance cards per person x 6 people, power of attorney and medical stuff for MIL, guardianship papers for my older 2, poa and medical for 18dd, and foster care papers for the youngest. Then add in coupons, mints, meds for each kid....I try to keep 24 hours of meds for each child with me, emergency med/ health condition list for each person, feminine supplies x 3 of us, etc.


I do use all of that very frequently bit really, with much of it, if it was just in the car I would be OK.

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I don't carry a purse.  Ever.  I usually wear clothes with pockets.  If I need to carry more (very rarely) I will put it in my laptop bag.


I have a leather credit card holder which holds a few credit cards, license, health and car insurance cards, a couple of membership cards, and one or two folded-up $20 bills for emergencies.  If I need to carry a check, I can fold it up and put it in with my cards.  I make most purchases by credit card and pay it off every month.  If I pay with cash and end up with change, it goes into a front pocket.  Change gets offloaded at home at the end of the day, as are receipts, used tissues etc.  ;)


In another pocket I carry my keys.  In a third pocket, some folded-up tissues.


My cell phone also fits in a pocket.


I used to carry a pocket comb in my back pocket, but I don't do that any more.  If I need to comb my hair, I use the brush I keep in the car.


That's all I carry around.  It's usually more than I need.

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I mourned the return to a diaper bag. My wallet is a small card case with my DL, insurance card, a couple of credit cards, and maybe a $20 bill. Chapstick, lipgloss, and a pen. I have a small zippered pouch with Benadryl tabs, Kleenex travel pack, travel Aleve, band aids, Neosporin spray, arnica gel, and nail clippers. (We are a talented bunch.) A couple of feminine hygiene products just in case. That all fit in a cute bag. Now add diapers, wipes, a chew toy, applesauce pouch, crackers, fruit leather (hangry toddlers are scary)...

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Thanks for all the replies! Lots of great suggestions here.


Lucy Stoner and Laura - neat suggestions regarding non-traditional wallets! :) I use an empty mini Altoids tin as my miniature pharmacy. It has a few advil, benadryl, one tums, that sort of thing. It's handy and durable. Never thought of using a full-size one as a wallet! Also, the men's wallet suggestion is good, because my husband's wallet is less bulky than mine, and he's had the same one for like 20 years now, so I think they're built to last.


I definitely have to have room for my prescription sunglasses. I live in Albuquerque, so I use them year-round! I always have either my regular prescription glasses or my prescription sunglasses on my face, and the other in my purse. I always need a lip gloss or tinted moisturizer of some sort too, because I have chronically dry lips. Wallet, keys, cell phone. Those are the true necessities. I also like having a tiny little notepad and pen on hand, because I'm forgetfull and can't trust my brain to retain needed info. But beyond that, most of the stuff I'm carrying around isn't truly needed.


I just checked and I have FIVE lipsticks/glosses in my purse, plus TWO clear chapsticks. So, yeah, that can be reduced! :lol:

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I'm well past the stage where I need to carry kid stuff. If I'm with the grandkids it's either at their house or mine, so even with them I don't have to carry their stuff.


Change adds weight, so I take out change every day. I keep a quarter in my van for a cart at Aldi, but no change in my purse. I take receipts out every night. Even though they don't add weight, they add clutter.


My purse is big enough to fit my Kindle, but I don't always carry it with me. I just make sure any purse I buy can fit it in case I need to bring it somewhere.


With that out of the way, my regular items are:


-small lightweight wallet to carry ID, cards (debit, credit, insurance, library), and cash. As I said, I take change out daily.

-one check. If I need to write a check I make a note of what it was for and write it in the appropriate place when I get home. I rarely use the check but can't let go of the need to carry one, so I carry just one.



-small cosmetic bag containing lip balm, eyeglass wipes (2-3 individually wrapped), nail clippers and file, purse size hand sanitizer, and eye drops. I have dry eye syndrome and often need to add drops throughout the day.

-sunglasses if I'm wearing contacts. Nothing when I'm wearing my glasses because they have transitions lenses.

-a pen and notepad. This is something I keep telling myself I don't need, I make notes on my phone 99.9% of the time. It's one of those things I have trouble letting go of.

-a small comb. Like a PP I keep a brush in my car.


When I'm shopping for a purse, one of the main things I look for is that it's lightweight. Even if I only carry a minimal amount of stuff, a heavy purse can cancel that out. I don't want the weight of the purse itself to be an issue.

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Greta, if your cell phone accepts apps, you could add one that works as "a notepad", then dispense with the physical notepad.

Oh, yeah, welcome to the 21st century, Greta! :lol: I have a cheap pre-paid cell phone, but it DOES have a notepad app already on it! Thanks!

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Any other ideas for minimizing? What do you carry in your purse? What do you find you do NOT need to carry?


Any favorite purses and wallets for keeping your stuff organized and minimized?


1.  Best way to minimize...just go places with me!   I carry it all, including aspirin in case someone is having a heart attack. 


2.  You might want to take a look at the QVC website.  I bought a leather wallet that also has RFID protection many years ago and it's still in great shape. ( I just looked at it to see what the company is called but couldn't find any labels on it. )    QVC also sells Travelon organizer purses with built-in RFID protection as well as some other anti-theft features in crossbody styles.    I haven't tried on of those yet.  And if you do a search for "pursefection" there's a purse organizer thing that some people seem to like;  Lori Greiner also sells something similar. 





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We just returned from vacation. Before we left, I made it a point to reduce the weight of my purse. The culprit? 15 gift cards....  A few months ago, I removed excess change and several store cards that I don't go to much. That helped so much I could carry a water, and my purse was still lighter. My very large wallet is now too large, so getting a smaller wallet will help more. I have the large wallet for top stub checks (even larger than regular checks), but I use bill pay, and can put a check in the wallet now for emergencies.


Another thing I am thinking of is ditching store credit cards (input? good/bad idea?). My v i s a pays rewards and regularly gives discounts (if I remember to log on and click them). I regularly let store rewards expire if I don't need anything, but v i s a rewards pay regardless. And that will let me lighten my wallet even more. And as mentioned above, I will start noticing stores that can look up my reward/frequent purchase cards so I don't need to carry those. I don't have a smart phone so I can't record or look up these.

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NEprairiemom's thread about wanting a new purse that doesn't hurt her back brought up something that's been in the back of my mind for awhile. I have this habit of filling my purse with progressively more stuff, making it heavier and heavier. And, not surprisingly, I don't use most of the stuff, most of the time.


For example, I have this wallet that I really like because it has compartments for absolutely everything, including a check book. But I write a check exactly once a week at church, and for *everything* else I use cash or cards. So why am I carrying around my checkbook and a huge wallet to accommodate it all week just for that one check? I could write the check at my desk on Sunday morning before leaving, and carry a smaller, lighter wallet.


Any other ideas for minimizing? What do you carry in your purse? What do you find you do NOT need to carry?


Any favorite purses and wallets for keeping your stuff organized and minimized?


I purposely buy little cross-shoulder bags because I cannot stuff them with everything.


I need something to hold the plastic and cash; if I can find a small bag that has slots and whatnot, then I use that instead of a wallet. Otherwise, I have a small compact wallet.


I need enough room to keep my reading glasses, my keys, and my cell phone.


That's it: cell phone, reading glasses, keys, some sort of wallet/plastic/cash storage, a pen and a mechanical pencil. Done.


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I have no self control, so I HAVE to carry a tiny purse to avoid accumulation. It has enough room for a small card wallet, my phone, my keys, and some lip balm. I may be able to squeeze a few receipts in there, but that's the limit. It has a wrist strap and never gets heavy because it only holds essentials. I do keep an emergency blank check in my card wallet in case I need one. It'll also hold a tampon.

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When I'm just going in the car somewhere, I don't think about size so much.  But if I'm going to walk around at all with a purse, I find I get really nerve-sensitive where the strap is.  I have to carry the tiniest purse I can find.  It holds one credit card, a few dollars in cash, my iPhone, chapstick, and a pocket comb.

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NEprairiemom's thread about wanting a new purse that doesn't hurt her back brought up something that's been in the back of my mind for awhile. I have this habit of filling my purse with progressively more stuff, making it heavier and heavier. And, not surprisingly, I don't use most of the stuff, most of the time.


For example, I have this wallet that I really like because it has compartments for absolutely everything, including a check book. But I write a check exactly once a week at church, and for *everything* else I use cash or cards. So why am I carrying around my checkbook and a huge wallet to accommodate it all week just for that one check? I could write the check at my desk on Sunday morning before leaving, and carry a smaller, lighter wallet.


Any other ideas for minimizing? What do you carry in your purse? What do you find you do NOT need to carry?


Any favorite purses and wallets for keeping your stuff organized and minimized?

I did this, cold turkey, after my car window was smashed in and my purse was stolen. The whole reason I had left my purse in the car was because it is too heavy and I din't want to carry it up to the soccer field. The PITA factor of cancelling everything in there, getting a new license, and worrying about my checks and checkbook register floating around somewhere was the catalyst I needed to cut the purse strings forever. I no longer carry a standard purse. I mostly use the Vera Bradley wristlet, which holds my phone, cards, cash, coins and I clip my keys on it with a carbiner clip. I keep one or two checks with me, and I pre-write out checks if I'm specifically going somewhere knowing I'll write a check (like church).


If I'm going to be somewhere that wll require carrying around more things (like college orientation), I bring a tote bag. I keep things like eye drops, lip balm, etc. in my car. It is rare that I wish I had these things physically on my person.


I should also mention that I think it is necessary to go with something truly tiny, like the wristlet, to really minimize. If you try to just take some things out of a big purse, it will not reduce the weight or bulk much and you will find yourself just stuffing the bag again.

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I like a small purse. My dh gets annoyed that I don't have a convenience store in there.

I carry my wallet, eyeglass case, checkbook, a pen or two, tic tacs, and my Kindle as needed.

Eventually it will be full of receipts but then I go through them.

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I like a small purse. My dh gets annoyed that I don't have a convenience store in there.

I carry my wallet, eyeglass case, checkbook, a pen or two, tic tacs, and my Kindle as needed.

Eventually it will be full of receipts but then I go through them.


Then why doesn't he get a purse?  Or a bag of some sort?  Why is that your job?

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My hubby loves to buy me handbags so now I have a range from small to large.


My small crossbody or evening purse holds my phone, keys and wallet.

My medium shoulder bag or duffle bag holds a kindle, bus route maps, bandaids, sunblock stick, coin purse as well as all the usual.

My large tote carries everything plus occasionally two to three story books. That is my "everything but the kitchen sink" bag.

I have a backpack for hiking or for road trips. I have a rolling laptop backpack as well for library trips.


My hubby carries his company backpack everyday for convenience.

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In my pocket I carry a little change purse type thing with a few dollars, credit cards, ID, and a few other cards like the laundry card to my building, and a smart phone.  In my other pocket, I carry my keys.  Sometimes I stick a tampon in there too. 


If I am going out for work purposes, I also carry a backpack which has tampons, a hair brush, a lint roller (I have a white dog and like dark pants), a computer, an ipad, chargers for the computer, ipad and phone, and various things like books and flash cards and important papers, although this has gotten way less since the ipad.  For example, I have most of my kid's medical file in Notability on the ipad so I can pull it up at any doctor's visit.  

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I did this, cold turkey, after my car window was smashed in and my purse was stolen. The whole reason I had left my purse in the car was because it is too heavy and I din't want to carry it up to the soccer field. The PITA factor of cancelling everything in there, getting a new license, and worrying about my checks and checkbook register floating around somewhere was the catalyst I needed to cut the purse strings forever. I no longer carry a standard purse. I mostly use the Vera Bradley wristlet, which holds my phone, cards, cash, coins and I clip my keys on it with a carbiner clip. I keep one or two checks with me, and I pre-write out checks if I'm specifically going somewhere knowing I'll write a check (like church).

Yeah, that would be a pretty powerful motivation for minimizing!


I should also mention that I think it is necessary to go with something truly tiny, like the wristlet, to really minimize. If you try to just take some things out of a big purse, it will not reduce the weight or bulk much and you will find yourself just stuffing the bag again.

Yes, a big part of the problem here is that my most recent (few months ago) purse purchase was a larger one than usual. It has become more and more full as the months have gone by. So I'm planning to switch to a tiny one that will simply refuse to hold so much stuff. :)

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I love the Baggallini bags because they are so lightweight. I currently carry the hobo bag.  I keep wallet, checkbook, tinted lip balm, lotion, keys.  But I love the bag because I can throw in my Moleskine, a book, my Surface 2, and a water bottle (if I need my hands free).  I typically don't take my Surface, but it's nice that it fits, and the other stuff I take out when I get home because I use them daily.

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I gave up my purse and just carry my cell phone and keys. My cell phone has a case holds 3 credit cards or 2 and some cash. I usually carry 1 credit card, my driver's license and my insurance card. I do switch that out some depending on where I'm headed.

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The problem with keeping things like lip balm/lip stick, sunscreen, lotion, gum, medicines, and so such items in the car is that it gets really really hot in my car for the majority of the year. I've had to clean up some sticky, yucky messes due to melted gum or lip balm. Did you know that hand sanitizer will build up pressure and explode all over if left in heat? Same with sunscreen. 


I clean out my purse regularly to keep it from getting out of control. My kids particularly like to put their garbage in there if I'm not paying attention.  


wallet (with all the cards I need but never cash)





lip balm

lip gloss or lip stick

band aid

feminine products (yes all the time cause I have been caught TOO many times without due to surprises)

oil blotting paper


face powder (sometimes)

gum and/or tic tacs


I can usually find a match box car, various rocks and twigs, and a random pair of socks stuffed in there by my youngest at some point. 



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The problem with keeping things like lip balm/lip stick, sunscreen, lotion, gum, medicines, and so such items in the car is that it gets really really hot in my car for the majority of the year. I've had to clean up some sticky, yucky messes due to melted gum or lip balm. Did you know that hand sanitizer will build up pressure and explode all over if left in heat? Same with sunscreen.

It is insanely sunny and thus quite hot where I live much of the year too. Few things will survive being left in the car, so I will have to choose carefully. I did not know about the exploding hand sanitizer so thank you for the warning!

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Then why doesn't he get a purse? Or a bag of some sort? Why is that your job?

That has been my response for the past 23 years. Prior to me he dated women who carried everything. Not me. You want tissues, chapstick, qtips, moisturizer, aspirin, or whatever else you want then you need to carry it yourself.

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My hubby loves to buy me handbags so now I have a range from small to large.




A hubby who loves to buy you handbags? Is this really a thing??


To the OP, I carry 1-2 checks in my wallet, rather than the whole checkbook.


The main way I keep my purse light is that I looove it light, and I can tell when it's too full of stuff because it's gotten heavy, so I clean it out regularly.


Also, fabric or nylon bags are much lighter than leather, and make sure it doesn't have lots of metal hardware.

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A hubby who loves to buy you handbags? Is this really a thing??

My MIL is a "handbag collector" so her preferred gift is handbag. We just bought her two Dooney & Bourke (a tote and a shoulder bag) and SIL a Kelsi Dagger briefcase, for BIL who was here on business to bring home.


I have at least 14 handbags. Hubby knows which are my favorite brands so he hunts for them at Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, Off Saks, Nordstrom Rack, Bloomingdale outlet.

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This bag eliminates the need for a wallet as it has built-in credit-card holders.  It has a phone pocket on the front, two zip pockets on the inside, a large-ish "bag" for my little bag of stuff (eye makeup, lip goo, Motrin bottle, eyedrops, Benedryl dose, folding scissors and nail clipper and file, and small (quarter-sized) mirror) and an open slide-in pocket on the back.  This is my daily bag.  http://www.baggallini.com/best-sellers/everyday-bagg/EVB477-BG.html#sz=12&start=13


This is my traveling bag, because when I am on the road, I might have to shove stuff in my handbag for awhile while we are out and about.  Like a camera.  Or gloves.  Or my Kindle.  Or all of these.  http://www.baggallini.com/new-arrivals/everywhere-bagg/EWY571-BG.html#start=4  I don't really like this bag very much because it has SO MANY pockets.  But I have to say that when I'm on the road, it's really helpful; I carry my chargers and all that in my handbag when I fly as the airlines don't cover lost electronics in lost luggage evaluation.  I also carry all my meds/supplements in my handbag when I fly.  Even if I can't find what I'm looking for right away, I know it is in there SOMEWHERE.


But it requires a wallet to organize cash and cards.  So I have this wallet:  http://www.travelgear.us/taxi-wallet-canyon-collection/which holds bills, cards and change, and this: http://www.levenger.com/ACCESSORIES-15/WALLETS-1260/MEN-S-WALLETS-401/Card-Wallet-Core-6813.aspx.  In red, both of them, so I can find them in black purses.  These are small.


I also don't carry a checkbook anymore because I don't write checks at all anymore...maybe 4 a year...as I do all my banking online.  And they take up a lot of space.  I keep all my personal care junk (mentioned in above) in a small zip bag so I can move them from bag to bag easily.  Soooo, all in all, I have about 4 "things" in my bag--phone, wallet, card wallet, small bag of personal care things.  Oh, and keys--car, house, no more.    


I'm a militant minimalist as re: what I will carry.  I *never* carry anything for anyone.  Even when my son was a baby, my diaper bag was smaller than most women's handbags.  (Actually, it *was* a small woman's handbag.  I use it now for watercolors when I go out painting.)


I love this stuff.  :0)


The most hilarious part is that my dh ****still**** is completely flummoxed when I tell him to look for something in my handbag.  :0)  Yay, me!


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