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Amazon - How many orders have you placed in the last 6 months?


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If you go to the order history then it will tell you _____ orders in 6 months.


I've placed 65 :001_rolleyes:


If I look and see how many orders I placed it in all of 2014 it might say 159 :blushing:


So someone make me feel better about this....anyone have more orders than that?



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I've a lot of Amazon orders, but not *quite* that many: 44 in the last six months (47 in 2015), and 137 in 2014.  I buy most of our homeschooling books and Christmas presents through Amazon, and I buy most books used, so one order of six books gets recorded as six orders because they are from six different sellers - but yeah, any which way you look at it, we buy a lot from Amazon ;).

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112. I milk that Prime free shipping for all its worth! 


I buy lots of books and gifts from Amazon, but a lot of my orders are recurring Subscribe and Save -- our coffee (monthly), for example, and my shampoo (once a year).


Feel better?  :-)



Yes, thank you.  :hurray:


I also order quite a bit of subscribe and save. 

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I order each item individually because I don't care about free Prime shipping, but I care intensely about the promotional digital credit. It's like they're paying me money to ship things.


So... quite a few orders, even if you don't count my monthly delivery from Subscribe and Save. (Mostly stuff I keep forgetting to buy at the store, like toilet paper and toothpaste. CHECK PRICES, though, it's frequently not worth it.)

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Oh my goodness.  Hmm!


38 physical orders and 61 digital orders in the past 6 months.


2014 was 116 (p) and 129 (d) 

2013 was 119 (p) and 27 (d)


I've gotten my monies (moneys, money's - erk! Obviously hasn't helped with possessives, just possessions) worth with Prime.  Gotta love it.



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Um ... well ... I can explain this ... 84 in the last 6 months. And ... 204 in 2014.

You know, the good thing about this is that if anything ever happens to you- say you fall and can't get up, Amazon will probably panic and check on you.  Better than a Life Alert button! 

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Only 26. Sounds so low compared to everyone here! It still averages to one too many per week, as far as my wife is concerned, lol.


32 in 2014. I'm already up to 31 for 2015 though, so I'm going to go over that since birthday/holiday season is still coming up. I am canceling Prime though (already did, but it says I'm still going to get it until my year is up), since I meant to cancel it last year but accidentally didn't. My all time high is 40 orders in 2013. I do have a bad habit of ordering more than one thing at once, even though with Prime I don't have to to get free shipping.

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53 in the last 6 months (one of those was placed, um, about 8 minutes ago).


60 since January 1, 74 in 2014.


Almost none of those orders were books, however.  I get almost all of those digitally.


If we count digital orders, however, the number increases dramatically (though the vast majority were "bought" for free).  170 in the last 6 months.  180 since January 1, 367 in 2014.  I may have a book addiction.

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I refuse to check. But I have to say that I am a wee bit disappointed in my BFF Amazon lately. Twice in the last week, I have found items on Amazon that were two to three times the price on other websites. One $10 item elsewhere was $30 on Amazon, and one $125 item was $250! I am not really used to that and am feeling a little sad that Amazon may not love me as much as it used to, that it is taking me for granted.

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Oh, also, everybody with a lot of orders, be sure to do your ordering from smile.amazon.com. When you do it that way, Amazon sends .5% of your purchase price to the charity of your choice. I know that's not very much - really, it's barely a pittance - but every little bit helps. Especially when you're spending thousands of dollars a year on the Kindle. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, PEOPLE.)

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85 in the last six months. 95 so far in 2015. Every year I have ordered more than the year before. Back in 2005, it was one order for the entire year. In 2014, it was 136. I'm on track to top that this year, and I know that between two kids' birthdays and Christmas, I will. I don't have a kindle, so these are not digital orders.

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Not this year.  We had Prime in 2013-2014 and I had 100+ orders. No prime and I'm down to a dozen for the last year. Not having Prime has saved me a bundle.


This.  I don't have prime either.  It makes me think about about orders.  I suspect I would end up spending more rather than saving because it would be so easy, and this is one area where I don't have much self control.

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I don't even want to count! Really. GAH


I just placed one about 15 minutes ago. We finally agreed that ds should have a waterproof camera to take to MTU for aquatic ecology camp given that he is going to spend a lot of time in waders and hip boots. We really want him to get good photos of his project and his team. We also discovered that our cooking tripod is seriously damaged - note to self, don't loan camp equipment to anyone ever again - and I ordered that too. I also grabbed a leather bound journal for ds so he can record his thoughts and findings.


Last week we picked up some art supplies for eldest as well as some books in Danish for middle boy and another robotics programming book for youngest in addition to my favorite gluten free pretzels.


We seriously abuse prime. I am sure Amazon hates us for how much we have sent by two day shipping, LOL.

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