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Fun Topic: What's Your Expertise?

Hunter's Moon

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Just a fun topic. I've found myself getting down on myself lately, and sometimes it helps to know that people seek me out for certain things.


I suppose I'm mostly a jack-of-all-trades in that I have a bunch of random trivia floating around in my head - it's great at parties! I do have a fascination with chromosomal abnormalities and genetics - something that doesn't come in handy too often within my social group, but I have had people come to me for basic explanations if they'd rather not Google.


What's your speciality? What are you most known (and sought after) for within your social group?

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I'm good with information assimilation - especially medical and scientific.


My skill is primarily fiber arts (dyeing, spinning, knitting, crochet, and a bunch of dead and dying ones) - I have a knack for it and had a business until too many kids and not enough space. Sewing machine repair and conditioning is my other area of growing expertise.

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Handling high schoolers at school... without having to be mean or nasty.  The vast, vast majority end up working willingly for me.


Having enough knowledge to cover for many different high school classes - being on the spot and having to teach about anything from WWII to polar coordinates with very little review time.


I like that it all helps try to keep my brain young and functioning.

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I have a very organized brain (as opposed to house). Combine that with a penchant for a simple family schedule (not a ton of outside activities), and I am able to keep things running well at home with what looks like a minimum of effort. That can involve handling a major move, hosting a lot of people, planning an event, or even just keeping up with regular meals, etc., with a reduced stress level. My home, on the other hand, has too many books around to appear very organized, but I do know where the one is that I am looking for. ;)


This also bleeds over into an ability to do pretty fast online research. I seem to just know what to put in the search engines to find the most pertinent information. By the way, anybody know an at-home job that uses those skills? :) 

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Pretty much just a jack of all trades, and it bums me out.


In the past, I've been the go-to girl for cloth diaper info, natural childbirth info, natural cleaning info, general homeschooling, Asperger's Syndrome... but only because I was in on the start (or, re-start in many cases, lol) of things that eventually became fairly mainstream.  Now "everybody" is in on them and I'm past several of those stages.

My little sister still asks me about all things Natural Baby and I'm already way behind in the trends.


My current passions are (non-fad) fitness and nutrition, so I intend to reach expert-ilke level, but not everyone will be interested in hearing about it frequently.  ;)

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Math. I frequently meet with a kid (or sometimes parent) after church for a few minutes to help with that difficult math homework problem. 


Oh, and I know how to jump-start a car with a dead battery and how to install a new battery. My sister-in-law was amazed that I could do that for her.

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Organizing and cleaning.


Also, I am the person my mom and all my aunts call up when they want to know something that can be found out on the computer (none of them have one). They seem to think it is some kind of magical thing that will spit out the answer to exactly what you want to know. I am, therefore, the keeper of all knowledge for particular family members.  :)

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I'm good at editing papers and articles. I can fix your grammatical and sentence structure problems; plus I'm a natural speller so can see the spelling issues.


ETA: I'm also really good at researching things...I get interested in something and just research it to death. Lol.

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Cows....I love cows. We've raised them for years, both beef and dairy. I can do basic medical procedures (drawing blood, assisting with births, injections, deflating a rumen with a needle or knife, treating milk fever,  dehorning, treating mastitis, etc.)


Gardening...every year I learn something new, but I've been at it for many years.


I also know a ton about homeschooling, curriculum choices, and juggling multiple kids.


I'm really good at managing "challenging" kids...having raised one for 17 years.


Writing...I write for a couple blogs and content sites. Also been in a magazine or two.


And pie. I can make amazing pies. It's my expertise in cooking/baking. I love making/eating pie. I tried to go a year making a different pie each week. Unfortunately, by September we started getting chubby, so I had to call the experiment off. :(

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The things I can do well aren't particularly useful for anyone else. 


If you want to know how to live in a house without running water, I'm there for you.  If you want to know where to get Kyrgyz language resources, I can help you there.  If you want to know where to find jocoque and what to do with it in Guadalajara and you can only speak English, I'm the one to ask.  


I guess my mom calls me when she finds a weird ingredient and wants to know what to do with it, or where she can find the weird ingredients that she ate when she visited me.  She's kind enough to still humor me.

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Im known for very healthy/chemical free living, especially related to foods, how to feel better/prevention using whole food based choices, fermenting, my knowledge on EOs (yep) ..including what they will NOT help you with ;), and anything and everything to do with bread making ..all sorts..from crusts to rolls to artisan breads. I sprout all my grains also. Bread is occasional here but when we have it, I make it. Friends come over for a kitchen day now and then and I teach them whatever they want to know about this stuff.


I'm a DIYer with everything (i even hunt with dh for our meat) and cook everything from scratch.


I also have some construction skills and have been hired for light work in this area before. When we remodeled our house 7 yrs ago I did all the Sheetrock, finishing/wall work inside. And I did all the landscaping including the sod. From when the dump truck dumped yards of dirt to the leveling to the cutting and laying of the sod, tree planting, etc. I was raised on a farm and my mom and dad both taught us all they know so..



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In my real life social circles? Homeschooling (especially getting started), parenting, and Bible knowledge (as a pastor's wife it is assumed that I have all the knowlege he has, lol).


I don't think that those are my areas of greatest knowledge, though, except maybe homeschooling. I am an expert baker (I can make a cheesecake that doesn't crack and a souffle that doesn't fall), I am a DIY appliance repair person (I watch youtube videos then get to work tearing apart the dryer or whatever appliance needs repaired), and even though my online grammar police badge has been rescinded I still pretend to carry one IRL. No one except my husband asks for my expertise in any of those areas, though.

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Interesting. Seems like MANY of us are great at researching....wonder which came first--the homeschooling skills or the researching skills :)


For me? The researching skills. Before homeschooling, the research craze of choice at my house was cloth diapers. :lol: Ask me anything about cloth diapers and I can probably tell you. I had enough diapers in various types to diaper three babies comfortably...only I had only one child in diapers at the time. Obsessed would be the word you're looking for...;)

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Interesting. Seems like MANY of us are great at researching....wonder which came first--the homeschooling skills or the researching skills :)


In my case, the two-year masters in library and information science laid the foundation for secondary research, and also for the years-later shift to homeschooling.  The ADHD also was a "plus", for "chasing rabbits" delights us ADHD'ers. 

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IRL= homeschooling, educational choices, general tutoring, women's health issues, other health issues also,  pregnancy(esp. how to get or not get :laugh:, most people who know me IRL know I went through 7 years trying for #1 ), diet/nutrition,  navigating social services (health care, senior's benefits), editing pretty much anything

I was really good at organizing large events (banquets, award ceremonies, competitions like sci fairs) but haven't used that in years. Last thing I organized was a dept lunch for DH's work.

Oh and Google Fu (that is a thing right?)

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education- trends, history, academia 

high school - requirements, credits, creating courses, getting into college/ grad school, etc.; LD's and gifted 

Curriculum- I've homeshcooled for 25 yrs and reviewed products and curriculum for several yrs.

Social Media/ blogging/ event planning-local, on-line and long distance

Therapy/ dx personality disorders/ Human Dev

Teaching/ Public Speaking/ Coaching/ Theater

Art- esp pottery/ stained glass


Lit/ writing

Some home repair





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Finding stuff on Google, and finding a deal on a specific item.

I can probably tell you most information about breastfeeding, baby wearing, and a lot about birthing. I can give you a good start on fertility awareness as well.

In theory, I know a lot about medieval history, since I have a degree in it.

In theory, I also know something about real estate, since I hold a license to sell real estate.

In theory, I know a thing or two about raising boys, but my oldest one is just ten still. (I can give you advice on potty training them, though.)


My real speciality is: random stuff. Random trivia, recalling esoteric facts, dates of things we did, all that sort of junk. Can I remember where I set my sunglasses? No. Can I recall addresses and phone numbers from the house where I lived in when I was five? Yes. Not helpful.

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Preschool room set up and "room as third teacher" ideas--


Facebook for the Older Generation


Grammar (not the nomenclature but the "Does this sound right?" stuff, and diagramming)


It's funny, though, because sometimes people think I'm good at something but I'm really not. They only base their opinion on some one-time answer or random remark. It's easy to get a reputation for smarts in an area but not really be that good at it.

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Baby catchin'.  ;)  Plus all the things midwifery entails.  

Other things people IRL have asked my advice or commented about my knowledge (even though I don't feel like I'm really an expert at some of these, they are just things I really enjoy and do often with some sort of skill):




Schooling the kiddo's 
Writing/putting together my own units/lesson plans




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Listening to a college-level lecture given by someone who's (usually) speaking quickly and with choppy grammar, pulling all the meaning out of the words the lecturer is saying, rewording it into clear, concise sentences, and typing it out really fast using an abbreviation system and specialized software. Lather, rinse, repeat for the 45-90 minute lecture -- information in, information out. (I do this with specialized software so a hearing-impaired student who's in the room can read/understand the class content in real time.)

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This is super-fun to read through!


My expertise:


1. Playing bassoon - well, I don't consider myself much of an expert, but it's this random thing that most people have never heard of.


2. Organizing people to do things willingly - this past weekend, I coordinated about 100 volunteers to wrassle piles of children and the various support positions that go along with a full-scale, pre-professional ballet.


3. And also acting like I'm far more competent than I feel. Which gets me into trouble. See #2.

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I'm not an expert at anything! :(


This had been on my mind even before this thread. My husband is the physicist, my daughter is the artist, and I'm the . . . wife/mom. Not that there is anything wrong with being wife/mom - in fact it is the best thing in the history of forever. But shouldn't I be more?


I have a degree in biology, but I am absolutely NOT an expert - never even got a career off the ground before I got pregnant and decided to stay home with dd. I'm not a very good housekeeper, and I'm an even worse gardener (though I honestly am trying to improve on both counts.) I don't do anything remotely crafty, and I'm not even trying to change that. I'm not athletic. I'm a Christian, but my Bible knowledge is poor to mediocre and sometimes I think I will never learn all these feast days and saints. :) I'm not musically talented. I'm not particularly knowledgeable or well-read about . . . well, anything!


So, now I am beginning to realize that not only am I not an expert, I am a really boring person!!!! :crying:

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So, now I am beginning to realize that not only am I not an expert, I am a really boring person!!!! :crying:


No. You're a sweetheart. If you don't think that's a special skill, you're clearly hanging out with the right people.  :laugh:

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Nothing unusual.


I'm good at editing.

I can take information in, process it, and present it in a way that is more understandable to more people.

I'm good at coming up with "quick fix" solutions for a variety of situations.

I'm great at standardized tests, which really ought to be more lucrative given how much time kids have to spend working on them nowadays. ;)

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