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Poll: Are pierced ears out?


How popular are earrings currently?  

287 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wear earrings?

    • Yes, I'm 20-29 and wear earrings frequently.
    • Yes, I'm 30-49 and wear earrings frequently.
    • Yes, I'm 50-59 and wear earrings frequently.
    • Yes, I'm 60-69 and wear earrings frequently.
    • Yes, I'm 70-79 and wear earrings frequently.
    • No, I was pierced but no longer wear them.
    • No, I have never been pierced.
  2. 2. Do you wear earrings for special occasions?

    • Yes, occasionally.
    • Yes, almost always.
    • No.
  3. 3. Does your child (children) wear earrings?

    • Yes, most days.
    • Yes, but only occasionally/sporadically for everyday.
    • Yes, but only for special occasions (church, weddings, etc.).
    • Was pierced and no longer or seldom wears.
    • I have a child of common age to be pierced who is not pierced.

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Dd has asked to get her ears pierced, but I just don't think I'm seeing that many women wearing them anymore.  Dd is turning 16, and I don't *care* in that sense if she does it or not.  I just think it's possible to do it and realize in a couple years you aren't doing it anymore, kwim?  So to what degree have earrings shifted in popularity?  I'm speaking to traditional earrings (stud, fashion, small dangles and hoops), not the plugs that make large holes.


Today is the day we decide!  :)



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I didn't vote--my intention is to wear earrings daily. I like moderately-sized danglies. So do babies, so I outgrew the habit when my kids were little. I don't dress up a lot, wear makeup, or fuss with my hair, so earrings were my go-to thing to show personal style or just to look intentional about my appearance. I am trying to re-establish the habit. And, I'm 39.


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I could not answer the last one because none of my sons have pierced ears (or anything else).  And for some reason it won't let me vote...telling me that I have to have at least 1 post in order to vote LOL.


I'm in the 50-59 range and I wear earrings almost all the time.

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I have 6 holes & have nothing in them, haven't for years. About once or twice a year I'll put in a pair of simple studs for an evening out/special occasion. The other occasions I remain earring free :).  


I do think lots of people are still wearing them. I've just kind of evolved over the years into a very low-maintenace style. If I could keep a pair of earrings in around the clock, I'd wear them. As it is, they bother my ears too much. Nothing that bothers gets worn :).

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I answered that I was pierced, but didn't wear them,but really it's more like "wear them maybe once a month or less"-I stopped wearing earrings and necklaces when I started working with babies/toddlers and realized that they were fascinated by them, and them grabbing and pulling was either painful to me, or dangerous to them (depending on how easily the item broke and got put in their mouth).


I do wear them for special occasions, but just never got back in the habit of wearing them daily.


DD10 has never asked about getting her ears pierced, and doesn't usually wear jewelry.

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Even if they aren't as popular as you once thought, if she wants to enjoy them for a few years, I'd say to go for it.  Just don't invest a large sum of $$ in getting expensive earrings.  I got my ears pierced at 16 and had lots of fun with it.  In the years with kids, I didn't wear them as much.  Some of that was because I have sensitive ears and have to get more expensive earrings...and with 4 boys in tow, shopping wasn't very high on the to-do list.  Since I've gotten older and have more $$ and can shop alone, I am having fun with them again.

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I had trouble answering... Mine are pierced but I don't wear earrings often anymore. Just occasionally. They're not comfy for my ears for some reason. I had an earring injury and I feel like the scar tissue maybe got worse over time or something. Still, I like the way they look and will wear them to be dressy or funky sometimes.

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I would love to wear earrings, but I am allergic to every single kind out there (trust me, I've tried everything from plastic to gold).  Within seconds of putting them in my earlobes blow up and turn red.  It's gross.  So I don't wear them.  My daughter wears them sometimes.  Lots of girls and women wear earrings around here.  It's definitely not "out."

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I adore earrings as I dress very simply and it's the way I express myself sometimes.  I have had double piercings since I was a teen, only ocassionaly use the 2nd holes.

Eldest has 3 on each side, she also adores earrings of all kinds and youngest likes simple and quirky earrings that suit her personality.

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I wear earrings daily. Of my 5dds, all but one wears earrings daily. My 17 old's closest four friends have pierced ears and always have earrings in whenever I see them as do my 14 year old twins' closest friends. I've not seen anything to indicate to me that pierced ears are out.


My ears would frequently get infected until I started wearing body jewlery. I only take my earrings out to change them, and I haven't had an infection some I changed the type of jewelry I wear. It does limit what I can find, though. When I go out I wear dangling earrings but put my studs back in before I go to bed. My girls all wear body jewelry, too.

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I wear them every day and have for 32 years. Every single day. I love them. However, I can't stand any other form of jewelry. I don't even wear my wedding rings. Earrings don't get in the way like other jewelry does. I think earrings can be particularly flattering while other jewelry is just aggravating. I especially don't like bracelets.


Some of my friends wear earrings very often and some don't. Depends on the person.


I wouldn't stop your daughter. She might be like me, or she might be like you. She'll figure it out later.

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Mine are double pierced, but I only wear earrings in the bottom holes.  I wear them most of the time when I go out but not just to run to the grocery store.   College girl has hers pierced (since she was about 8) and last year in college she got an upper cartilage piercing.  Little dd got hers pierced last year.


I think piercings and wearing earrings are very much still "in".  With my girls, I waited until they were old enough to decide that they wanted their ears pierced and to understand it hurts and will require some care.  

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P.S. I tried to do the poll, but it says I have to vote in all three categories. I have sons so I can't answer the bottom one. Well...I suppose I could answer since some men to pierce their ears, but I'm not sure you expected the third question to apply to boys.

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I voted that I'm pierced and wear them frequently but that's not true--but it won't let me vote without a mark in each section. I actually wear earrings infrequently--to church or a special outing. Most days I don't bother.


My boys aren't pierced and have no interest. Dd is 10 but hasn't expressed interest yet. At this point she's more interested in painting her toenails and often asks for new nail polish. I was 12 when I first got my ears pierced but they got infected. So we took out the earrings and I didn't get my ears pierced again until I was 23.


I have noticed younger women at our church are getting nose piercings. Mostly the ones I've seen are tastefully done--tiny stud in the crook(?) of the nostril. I prefer those to the lip piercings I've seen lately which look a bit awkward to me and more like the person has food on their face.

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I have pierced ears and quit wearing earrings when I had babies. My oldest would grab for them and it was uncomfortable. I now wear them for special occasions maybe once a year. The holes have not closed up and I really don't expect them too. 


My daughters don't have pierced ears. They are scared of the pain even though I told them it's not that bad. 


I don't see it as a big deal. If they want them, they can have them, if not, it's fine.

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I wear earrings daily (unless I'm going to the gym).

DD wears earrings.

My sisters and nieces all wear earrings.

I think almost all the 10-12 year old girls I see consistently wear earrings.

Almost all the other moms I know wear earrings.



I've seen nothing to make me think that earrings are out.

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I wear earrings whenever I leave the house.


I had my dds' ears pierced when they were 3 1/2yo  and 6mo. I don't know if they still wear earrings or not, 'cuz they're all grown up and live on the other coast.


It would not occur to me to have my sons' ears pierced. That's just never gonna be ok with me, lol.

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I've worn earrings almost everyday since I had mine pierced at 11. I mostly wear some gold post pearl earrings DH got for me for free as part of a jewelry store giveaway. My favorite little gold hoop earrings broke a couple of years ago and I haven't found good replacements yet since gold has gotten so much more expensive. I have to wear gold posts most days or my ears start to react to the other metals.

DD has asked to get her ears pierced because some of her friends have them, but I think six is too young, in our family, anyway. Thankfully my cousin's daughters, who DD absolutely adores, get theirs done at 11, so I can use them as a good example for waiting :-)

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I couldn't vote.  I have pierced ears and wear them infrequently, but I do wear them. I wear jewelry infrequently. Heck, half the time I don't have my wedding ring on, lol. I am in my 40s


My son, who is 15 does have his ear pierced and wears an earring all the time. You didn't ask, but my dh has pierced ears but doesn't wear it any more. His earring fell out when we were camping a few years age and he just never got around to putting in another one.


Almost every girl at the ballet school has pierced ears. I know because during shows I am on earring patrol, so I have to look at a lot of ears.

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DD's ears were pierced when she was eight, but she had constant problems and they would not heal properly. She took them out for a soccer game about three months after piercing, and we could not get the earring back in. We kept them out, let them heal and now they don't appear to have ever been pierced. She does sometimes wish they were pierced, though.


None of my boys have piercings.


My ears are pierced twice and I almost always wear earrings in both holes.

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I also think it may depend on what activities your daughter does. In DD's case, girls aren't allowed to wear jewelry, including earrings, while in cheer team practice because if the jewelry gets caught , it could hurt someone (and earrings are some of the worst-if they get caught on someone's clothing while stunting, it can really hurt the girl wearing the earring). So, the only girls on her team who have pierced ears are those who got it done before they started the sport and had their earrings long enough that they can take them out for practice/competition. There is no "off-season" in competitive cheer-you practice all year long, so there's no time to get your ears pierced and let them heal for several months without removing the starter studs.


I imagine the same is true in gymnastics-at least, I never see earrings on the girls at DD's gym when she's there for tumbling classes.



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I couldn't vote for the first question because it didn't have the option I needed (I have pierced ears and I wear earrings off and on for periods of time).  I guess you have to vote on all three to be able to vote.


DD has pierced ears and wears them a lot, but not every single day.  I think she would, but she loses one quite frequently and has to get replacements.

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Both of my girls got theirs done around age 15. DD19 just got hers double pierced about a month ago.  Both of them wear earrings every single day of the year. Younger dd (very into fashion) puts together an outfit and then immediately accessorizes, earrings first, lol.


DD19 says earrings are not out on her campus but the earring styles are not as in your face as when she was in the first couple of years of high school,  so maybe they are just less noticeable? 

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I wear semipermanent body jewelry - my ears have double gold hoops that have been in for eight years. My kids haven't had their ears pierced yet and I was t going to do it until they asked.


Most every woman I know still wears earrings, though a lot get out of the habit with small children.

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Can't take the poll.  Mine are pierced and I only wear occasionally.  Maybe 6x a month?  However, I would like to wear them more...maybe I will start wearing some nice smaller ones just to have in all the time.  Thanks for bringing this to my attention!  LOL  (Lately I feel like I want to start looking more put together on a regular basis and this is a baby step I can do.  :P )

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 I just think it's possible to do it and realize in a couple years you aren't doing it anymore, kwim?


But even if that happens, it's not a big deal at all to get your ears pierced and stop wearing them at some point. It's pretty inexpensive and not that invasive.


Polls are fun, but the results have no bearing whatsoever on whether your DD will wear earrings regularly. I wouldn't use the poll in the decision-making process and (assuming she is responsible enough to care for them properly) am firmly on Team Let Her Get Them Pierced.

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I'm 42 and wear simple earrings everyday. I have a few pretty,bigger loops and dangles that I wear very seldom. They make me nervous.


My bottom vote about my children will mess up the accuracy of that vote. My 18, 17, and 8 year old sons don't have piercings and have had no interest but I don't think that's quite what you're looking for.

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Most teenage girls around here do wear earrings.


Dd11 got her ears pierced last fall and decided six weeks later to let the holes close. She says she doesn't like earrings.


I've never had my ears pierced and have no desire to, I would be guaranteed to lose any earrings I acquired  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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I didn't vote. I would love to wear my earrings. But I have a toddler. And since the pregnancy my ears have been sensitive. Just bought some titanium studs which I hope to wear all day everyday assuming the toddler lets me.


Earrings aren't out of style. I wear really minimalist clothes and earrings are a great feminine touch.

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I have 2 sets of earring holes. I wear earring in my first holes almost daily. At least weekly for the second holes.


My daughter is the same (same piercing and wearing habits).


My son has both ears pierced and wears earrings daily. He's getting his second holes done next week and already has earrings picked out.

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I'm another one that had to vote funny on the last question because I have boys.  They are 2 & 5, so I don't think many people would have pierced their ears even if they were girls.  I used to wear earring for special occasions, or sometimes simple studs that I would leave in for months at at a time.  I don't wear earrings at all any more.


I am curious about people who said they "let the holes close up".  I didn't know that was possible.  I haven't worn earrings in 5+ years and they still slip right in the holes (I checked).  How long does it take for them to close up?  I suppose it is possible I have worn earrings a few times in the last few years and have forgotten. . . 

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I'm about to turn 38 and I rarely (MAYBE once a year) wear earrings. I think I just fell out of the habit with grabby little kids!  I have 3 lobe holes in one ear, 2 in the other, and had my cartilage pierced twice, but those never worked for me.


My daughters wear earrings most days.

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- I wear earrings pretty much every single day, and they usually match my outfit.  I like earrings.  I don't change my rings, rarely my necklace, and virtually never wear a bracelet, but I change up my earrings every day.  Oh, I just turned 50 (!)


All my now teen dds got their ears pierced on their 12th birthday, and they are all different in their earring habits.


- Dd1 wears earrings pretty much every day.  She makes some, she buys some, and she steals mine sometimes. ;)  Guess I should be flattered!

- Dd2 (her twin) never ever wears them and her holes have probably closed.

- Dd3 had some issues at first with sensitivity and one closed up after a stretch not wearing them.  Shortly before she turned 14, she asked to get them re-pierced, so she did, and now she wears them mostly daily, and usually the same pair.


I don't have boys, but dd1's boyfriend has both ears pierced, and she just gave him a pair of earrings for his birthday.

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I wear earrings daily and I voted that I have a daughter who doesn't have her ears pierced but that is because she is only five. She intends to get her ears pierced but we are waiting until she is a bit older. None of the responses quite fit and it required me to answer the question.

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I have never had mine pierced and in general, don't want them.  If my children want pierced ears, I will allow them as long as they are at a responsible age to take care of their ears and earrings.  Also, I will have them done by a trained piercer (is that even a word) with a needle rather than by someone with minimal training.

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Dd has 5 piercings in each ear. She got her ears pierced originally at 7. She wore those for a few years then stopped. Last year, she got 2 additional piercings on each lobe and does very cute things with 3 studs of varying sizes or 2 studs and a gem, etc. For her 16th birthday, she wanted to do cartilage piercings. She always does either plain or small gem studs.


All of her friends have at least one ear piercing and they all wear earrings. I haven't seen any sign that they are becoming less popular.


eta: My ears are not now and have never been pierced and I don't wear earrings of any kind.

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I had my ears pierced when I was 10 and wore earrings every day until I had babies.  I got out of the habit of wearing them because I had favored dangling earrings and babies like to pull on them.  When the kids got old enough for me to start wearing earrings again I discovered that I am now allergic to them, and lots of dangling earrings look silly on me now that I'm in middle age.  I had a pair of nice gold studs that I wasn't allergic to, and I just left them in all the time, but then I lost the back of one while out of town and then the earring was damaged in transporting it home.  It's probably been about 7-8 years now and we've not really been able to afford another pair.  I wear old earrings on special occasions when I want to dress up, but they do make my ear lobes itchy as soon as I put them in, and sore and red if I leave them in too long.


I had a traumatic experience getting my ears pierced when I was 10, so I decided to have dd's pierced as a baby.  She has a pair of captive ball-hoops that she leaves in all the time; she only removes them for dance recitals.  She has some nice earrings with screw-on backs that she used to wear, but she finds they get caught on sweaters and hats, so she favors the hoops.


DS had his pierced for his 18th birthday.  He also wears captive ball hoops which he leaves in always.

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I'm another one that had to vote funny on the last question because I have boys.  They are 2 & 5, so I don't think many people would have pierced their ears even if they were girls.  I used to wear earring for special occasions, or sometimes simple studs that I would leave in for months at at a time.  I don't wear earrings at all any more.


I am curious about people who said they "let the holes close up".  I didn't know that was possible.  I haven't worn earrings in 5+ years and they still slip right in the holes (I checked).  How long does it take for them to close up?  I suppose it is possible I have worn earrings a few times in the last few years and have forgotten. . . 


I was wondering about that, too.  I can go years w/o wearing earrings and still easily put them in if I choose to.

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I have 9 holes in my earlobes.  I wear studs/small hoops in 7 of the holes every day.  I seldom change those.  


The bottom two holes I love to fill with large dangles/large hoops, but I don't as often as I like.  


My dd has just the two holes, but wears earrings daily.  She is not a fan of anything that dangles and prefers studs.  She is 14.

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I wear earrings most days,as does my dd. Among my dd's friends some habe pierced ears and some don't.

I don't think a single hole in the ear ever really goes out of style. I think those ear plugs will go out of style.

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I was wondering about that, too.  I can go years w/o wearing earrings and still easily put them in if I choose to.

It may be easier to close up if they've always had problems with irritation and infection.  That said, my dh hasn't worn an earring in 15 years or so and can still put one in just as easily as he could when it wore it all the time.

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I am curious about people who said they "let the holes close up".  I didn't know that was possible.  I haven't worn earrings in 5+ years and they still slip right in the holes (I checked).  How long does it take for them to close up?  I suppose it is possible I have worn earrings a few times in the last few years and have forgotten. . . 


Maybe it varies depending on the person. If I wanted to wear earrings now, I would need to have my earlobes re-pierced. I could take a picture of my ears if you need proof. ;)

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