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Another question about beds… Does anyone not use a top sheet?


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I am still desperately trying to get our guestroom ready for Thanksgiving. I have a quilt and sheets that I like. The curtains are ready for DH to put up tomorrow. All the IKEA furniture is assembled. The mattress pads are put on the beds.


As I was making the bed though I didn't put the top sheet on. My husband and I don't use one. We never put one on DDs bed because it makes it so much easier for her to make her bed. She has a washable quilt and we have a washable blanket. The quilt in the guestroom is also washable. Do you think people would mind not having a top sheet? I can put it on if the answer is a resounding YES. :)

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Really depends on individual preference.  My son hates top sheets and only uses a comforter to sleep.  Me, I like the top sheet.  But if I was a guest and the bed didn't have a top sheet, but plenty of quilts to keep warm, then I'd be okay.  I'd only have a problem if there weren't a bottom sheet. 

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We use duvets, so we don't use top sheets in our house.


For guests, what does the blanket/quilt feel like on the underside (where it would be touching you instead of a top sheet)? If it is soft like a sheet, I'd say you would be fine w/out a top sheet. If it's not, I'd be sure to add the top sheet back in.

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We only use one in the winter when we'll take all the layers we can get. DS doesn't use one at all--like others have mentioned, he'd get all tangled up and it's easier for him to make his bed without. I do put one on the guest bed, but only because it's much colder here than wherever our guests come from and they would complain. Otherwise it's simply covered duvets and quilts for us. I wouldn't even think about it at someone else's house one way or the other (and yes I'd assume the sheets were clean!).

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I believe a top sheet is the norm in the U.S., so I think most people would expect one.


We have a comforter in a duvet cover but I still use a top sheet.  It's so much easier to wash than it is to get the comforter out of the duvet cover, wash it and then wrestle the comforter back in.  I sure don't want to have to do that every single week.

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We don't use top sheets in the winter when we have our heavy down comforter on the bed.  We keep a duvet cover on the comforter made of sheet material, which we wash whenever we wash our fitted sheets.


Otherwise, I would want a top sheet on.  If it's just a blanket and/or quilt, even if you wash it pretty regularly, I'd put a top sheet on.





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It would bother me terribly if my bed didn't have a top sheet. Seriously. I would never, ever say anything to my host, because I really would appreciate her hospitality, but it would still bother me.


And yes of course I put top sheets on my children's beds. 

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Another angle to consider is if the room is just going to be used by an individual or by a couple. Dh is a much warmer sleeper than I am and often only uses a top sheet as cover while I use both a top sheet and a blanket or comforter. Not providing the top sheet with leave him with no cover he could comfortably sleep under.

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I am still desperately trying to get our guestroom ready for Thanksgiving. I have a quilt and sheets that I like. The curtains are ready for DH to put up tomorrow. All the IKEA furniture is assembled. The mattress pads are put on the beds.


As I was making the bed though I didn't put the top sheet on. My husband and I don't use one. We never put one on DDs bed because it makes it so much easier for her to make her bed. She has a washable quilt and we have a washable blanket. The quilt in the guestroom is also washable. Do you think people would mind not having a top sheet? I can put it on if the answer is a resounding YES. :)

I absolutely would want a top sheet. Resounding yes here.

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We don't use a top sheet and each use our own blanket. 


I'm a light and sensitive sleeper.  I don't like how top sheets press on my feet when they are tucked at the bottom and I don't like breezes.  I don't like being touched in my sleep either.   A top sheet exacerbates all those issues for me and it is much easier to shove DH back over to his side of the bed without one.


ETA:  When we travel I rip off the top sheets almost universally.



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I always put one on our bed.  I HAVE to have something covering me, even in the Summer, so a sheet is a compromise when it is too hot for a blanket.  None of my kids use one though.

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For my kids when little, I usually skip the top sheet so they can learn to make beds without too many layers. By about 4th-5th grade we add top sheets.


I personally don't sleep comfortably without a top sheet. I need that cool smooth layer that I know my toes won't get stuck in!

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Yes, a top sheet is a must in my household. I wash my sheets weekly and certainly wouldn't want to wash the blankets that often.


If I was staying as guest in someone's house, I would be embarrassed to ask for a top sheet, but I would, because I would not be able to sleep without it, plus I would need the sheet in case the home was too warm.

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Yes, a top sheet is a must in my household. I wash my sheets weekly and certainly wouldn't want to wash the blankets that often.


If I was staying as guest in someone's house, I would be embarrassed to ask for a top sheet, but I would, because I would not be able to sleep without it, plus I would need the sheet in case the home was too warm.

I was raised that top sheets are required to keep the blankets and quilts from having to be washed weekly. Washing wears out quilts, takes up lots of room in the wash schedule....I don't know I just can't wrap my mind around not having a top sheet.

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I was raised that top sheets are required to keep the blankets and quilts from having to be washed weekly. Washing wears out quilts, takes up lots of room in the wash schedule....I don't know I just can't wrap my mind around not having a top sheet.






Me neither. sounds sort of dirty - or a lot of extra work

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I was raised that top sheets are required to keep the blankets and quilts from having to be washed weekly. Washing wears out quilts, takes up lots of room in the wash schedule....I don't know I just can't wrap my mind around not having a top sheet.


I agree with you about washing blankets - that's why I use duvet covers that are washed whenever the bottom sheet is washed.



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I hate top sheets and duvet covers. Top sheets just get kicked around and bunched up at the foot of the bed, then they fall off the end of the bed and get covered in dust and pet hair, and duvet covers are too fussy for me. It's really no problem to just toss in the quilt or coverlet, the fitted sheet and the pillowcases into one single load. I rotate between several different quilts/blankets/coverlets, so they don't wear out particularly fast. 

For guests, however, I'd just use the top sheet. 

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Ok, question: Several of you have referred to "duvet covers." I'm not sure what you mean.


A duvet is a cover for a comforter, as in a down comforter, sort of like a pillow case; it protects the down comforter and helps keep it from getting dirty, as washing a down comforter is tricky. The duvet is usually patterned or a solid color. So, are y'all saying that you use a comforter without a sheet between it and you?

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I've noticed the term duvet can refer to the down comforter. And duvet cover is just the cover for that item. This is how I use the term. My down comforter aka the giant marshmallow is not something I could ever see washing in my washing machine and I have yet to haul it to a laundromat.


Huh. Well, yeah, the comforter is a separate item from the duvet. You put the duvet on the comforter to protect it.

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