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s/o What is your favorite household chore?


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Taking a bag and walking through rooms just to throw stuff out :)


I also like to organize things like my desk but I don't have time to keep up on it as much as I would like.


You can come do my laundry. I keep waiting for the perfect laundry loving fairy to drop out of the sky and do all my laundry the way I want it done!!

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What language are you all speaking??? :laugh:  Is this some sort of code I missed out on :toetap05: ......

'Cuz I can't think of one I enjoy, dislike the least maybe. :tongue_smilie: 

Maybe organizing book shelves :smilielol5: might make the enjoy list (does that count?).


The other day DS10 was shocked to find out that I don't enjoy cleaning toilets. We were having discussion about things we may not find fun, but we have to do anyways. So I used scrubbing toilets as an example....

I guess he really thought that was a "mom's idea of fun" <his words.

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I dislike any and all chores that need to be done on a daily or weekly basis (laundry, dishes, sweeping, washing floors, etc.) because I hate doing the same thing over and over and over. I do like DIY projects, though, because there's more of a sense of accomplishment when they're done: painting walls, sanding/staining/varnishing floors, refinishing furniture, redecorating, landscaping, etc. My least favorite DIY job is stripping wallpaper — but I'd still rather do that than sweep the kitchen floor or clean toilets.

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I really like washing windows.  I do it every Sunday.  I love how sparkly clean windows make a place brighter.  I like the rhythm and repetition of the pattern each pane receives.  I like searching the panes for any signs of streaks and making them disappear.  I love the view afterward.  I find it all very relaxing and satisfying.



ETA: After reading the other replies, I didn't realise cooking is a chore.  I really like cooking, too. Not sure if I like it more than windows or not, though. I'll have to think about that one! :)

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None.  But I particularly hate the repetitive, never-ending chores like laundry and dishes.


I guess projects - reorganizing, moving furniture around would be my favorites.  A few times a year I reorganize our garage (when dd goes to school and when she comes back).  I kind of like doing that because it has a clear goal and ending point.  There's some satisfaction to seeing it done.

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Does grocery shopping count?


It gets me out of the house.

It involves choosing good things to eat.

It involves spending money.

It involves nourishing my whole family.

I get to fill up the cupboards and fridge when I get home and put everything away.


Yep, grocery shopping is my favorite household chore.

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Grocery shopping does count. 



Oh! Then I like grocery shopping, too.  Dh and I usually do it together.  It's a nice little outing for us because we have to go pretty far to get groceries, so we go maybe twice a month or so. 

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Picking flowers for the house.  Every Saturday morning, I go into the garden and pick flowers for the kitchen table, the front hall, the sitting room and Husband's desk.  Some I choose from the general flower beds, but I also grow a small patch of annual flowers every year especially for cutting.  There are only about two months when there are no flowers to cut, but I usually manage berries instead.  I have planted a patch of willows for early spring catkins - they should be usable this year.



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I like filling up the dishwash, as it usually clears off the counters to make things a little tidier in the kitchen. Then I get to put in the soap, push some nifty buttons, and listen to "someone" else do all the work! There's also the intellectual aspect of trying to fill every last possible space as efficiently as possible so the most items get in and get clean. It's a challenge. And no one in the house seems to rise to this challenge with the same dedication as me. (nerd)

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if its a chore, i think by definition it isn't fun.


but cooking isn't a chore ;), and baking is definitely not a chore.


and i like hanging laundry out at night in the desert summer.  the great horned owl will often hoot away at me, and the breeze is gentle, and its only about 80 degrees, and the stars are spectacular.


i have reached a point where i don't actively dislike most of it, its just something that has to be done and i do it.




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I love cooking, taking care of my bees and oddly, cleaning out the chicken house. I think it has to be the fact that all those chores, even messing with the bees has appreciation tacked on to it. My family enjoys the food, the bees enjoy a clean, nice hive and appreciate sugar water if needed, and the chickens are openly enthusiastic about fresh shavings and clean water and fresh nesting material.  It's nice to have your hard work appreciated. :closedeyes:

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I see many people mentioning cooking. I guess I never thought of cooking as a chore. Yes, it's work, but I guess I never thought of it that way. 


Anyway. I like cooking and baking. 


And I don't mind doing the dishes. *ducks*  :leaving:


Not that I'd want to do them all the time. Or cook or bake all the time for that matter.

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