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S/O - What is on the Front of Your Fridge?


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We've done on top, and below - now let's do the front lol!



So - What's on the front / sides of your fridge?



Ours - a ton of magnets from various places including Sonlight, Medjool Dates, 4-H, some homeschool program I hated but they gave out great magnets last year at convention, and magnetic clips from a bunch of medical companies I got at expos. Our calendar is there too, along with a ton of odds & ends papers - my diet plans, events we want to go to, and my last set of lab orders for my endo. Nothing except dust & cooking splatter on the sides.

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Front: a magnet holding a picture of ds and The Girlfriend taken during their trip to Disney World in December :)

Side: magnets holding funny comics, coupons, my DSW rewards certificate (yay shoe shopping!), the save-the-date postcard for dh's cousin's wedding, a picture of the two oldest in a ball pit when they were 4 and 2, a pastel drawing dd14 did four years ago

Other side: a magnetic paper towel holder

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Oh the outside of my fridge is such a mess, lol.


I let my kids write on it with dry erase markers so it is always covered in weird homeschool graffiti. Right now I can see declensions of latin nouns, phrases like "Darwin is COOL!" a couple lines from the Gettysburg Address, drawings of the TARDIS,  and Crow T. Robot.  Over on the side there is a Frost poem that I put there.


About twice a year or so, dh and I scrub the whole thing clean using sanitizer and magic eraser, but it never lasts long

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Lots of those magnets with words on. Various other fridge magnets DH has collected over the last 30 years (he gets maybe one per year). A few recipes. Some highly inappropriate "ads" for the services of a clown.


ETA: We were going to take them down when the kids could read, but we've missed that boat. 


ETA2: And a diagram of the Julio-Claudian family tree.


ETA3: A colour printout of the Discworld reading order by storyline. Includes Raising Steam.

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We still have a Fisher Price alphabet,vintage 2001, magnets from vacas, photo magnets from,about the last 4 years,of dancing,school, and an assortment of hs or ps-related snarky cartoons. It's the top of the fridge that's the real archeological expedition, but I couldn't post an inventory without having it right in front of me.

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My husband's tutoring/teaching schedule.

My daughter's schedule; she's teaching in South Korea.


There is also the shopping list, some coupons, various magnets, a magnetic rack with a tea towel, some e-tickets for upcoming flights, and more.




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2 Anne Taintor magnets ("Are you quite certain you want to interrupt my coffee break?" and "guess where I'm tattooed"), my Costco and REI rebates, a coupon for threader floss, a picture of my nieces, the information for a neuroscience conference, my older son's kindy photo magnet and an Obama Biden magnet. Oh, and our running list of leftovers in the fridge that need to be eaten. It's how I prevent wastage. Hungry? Eat something on the leftover list. Cross of what you use, jot down what you put in the fridge left over bin. I really, really hate wasting food.

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The front of my fridge is pristine. I don't use it to post anything on. I don't put children's art work on it. I don't store any piece of paper anywhere on the fridge. Ever.


On the side is a magnet from Disneyland and one from Scotland that my daughter bought for me when she was there.

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Nothing.  Our refrigerator has a cabinet front, so there is no magnetic surface at all.  It is installed into the cabinetry, so there is no surface on the sides either.  I have to admit that I'm now used to not being able to put anything on my fridge and I like it!

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A ton of crap!


A desk calendar that pretty much covers up  the front of the top part (traditional freezer on top style) and a metal pencil cup.


On the bottom....kids art, things I need to deal with like insurance billing phone calls, Costco coupons, pizza coupons, Chinese take out menu, baggies of receipts, magnets, invitations/thank yous/announcements,


Side has a master of a form I send to dd's teacher each week with a copy of our schedule on it and ds's tutoring hours.

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NCAA brackets.  It's an ugly scene.


:lol: I'm living in the thick of that craziness too. Our dog also has a bracket. He chooses by mascot, wolves, huskies etc get his vote naturally, but birds, cats etc also get his vote because he likes to chase those :smilielol5:


Back to the OP's question...I've got one for you and folks who responded. If the front of your fridge is clean is the rest of your house fairly uncluttered? Apparently there was a 'study' done on the correlation between a tidy house and a relatively clean front of fridge. I'm curious as to whether that's the case here.

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Dry erase calendar with our dinner plan for the month.
Magnets from the dentist and souvenir magnets from our exchange students.
Theater schedule for the next two weeks, heading into tech week, with the boys rehearsal times highlighted.
Shopping list.
A bogo coupon for pizza.
Allergy directions for ds with peanut allergy.
A Post-it reminding me to take chicken out if the freezer tomorrow morning.
Photo of ds13 dressed as a clown when he was 4.


ETA: I looked and I've also got a prayer, an inspirational quote (The words you speak become the house you live in), and my ds's ballet schedule for the next two months.

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Computer generated calendar pages for the current month and the coming month.  It's the only way all of us can keep up with what's going on and who's going to be where when.  Also oldest DS's school calendar and an orthodontic diet chart from youngest DS's orthodontist.

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Mostly my magnet collection - every family vacation I get cheap magnets from every place that has them.  My favorite is a large saber tooth tiger from the page Museum in L.A. (tar pits!). 


Those magnets hold up the on-going grocery list, a photo of my now-deceased in-laws taken in Ireland (they look so happy! It is a great shot of them), and two very old comics from newspapers - over thirty years old now!

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Way too much crap. 


calendar from the city that comes in my electric bill, too many magnets, two pictures of me and ds when he was little, one picture of ds, hiragana and katakana charts, a wish list from ds, some school stuff on the side, a magnetic level that gets more use than most things on the fridge, and a card from my school announcing me being on the honor roll for last semester. 


Like everything else in the kitchen, it needs to be cleaned up. 

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 If the front of your fridge is clean is the rest of your house fairly uncluttered? Apparently there was a 'study' done on the correlation between a tidy house and a relatively clean front of fridge. I'm curious as to whether that's the case here.


The front of my fridge is not empty, but I'll answer anyway. :)


It has stuff on the front, but it's stuff that helps me keep organized (most of it, anyway): The calendar, the shopping list, the schedule reminders....


My house is not too cluttered. The only place that's cluttered right now is my sewing area, but that's because I am in the middle of a theater costume project. 



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One set of see through pockets that contains: 

The dinner menu for the week


items related to errands (bank, rx to fill, etc.)


One whiteboard for grocery lists & cell phone numbers


One bumper sticker that reads "Love people, cook them tasty food"


About 80 or so magnets from around the world - we try to get a magnet the first time we visit a city 


A cartoon that ds cut out of the paper years ago


Driving logs for ds' permit 






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A picture of the East African child that we sponsor, the animal feeding/upkeep schedule, and a schedule change for co-op.  I generally dislike things on my fridge, but these things are relatively neatly arranged.

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Various magnets including a huge valentine monkey lol 
local emergency numbers
a couple of pictures

coupons for restaurants
couple of recipes I've cut out
a color block turkey that ds#1 colored when he was 5--after almost 12 years it's become a fridge staple lol

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Front: Band schedules (at least 3), chore schedule, old picture of us someone sent us recently, ds's positive reinforcement chips, city emergency numbers, magnets for other stuff, picture of dh's cousin (from a graduation card) that ds likes.


Side: school lunch schedule, school schedule, house dinner schedule, ds's behavior management chart (in retirement but could be needed again)


Other side: poetry magnets in Spanish and English

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DH's company makes magnets (big huge rolls) as part of their end product, so I have a lot of magnets.  On my fridge are strips "framing" pictures drawn by my niece and DD.  The only typical magnet is for our water filter replacement.  I also put our budget on the fridge but since no one follows it, it might as well be invisible. 

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