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When your husband gets home?


When your husband gets home  

272 members have voted

  1. 1. When your husband gets home are you typically....

    • Dressed up nice for him
    • Wearing descent looking "around the house" clothes
    • In yoga or sweat pants
    • In rags/work clothes
    • the unavoidable "other"

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I always dress neatly, but it's not 'for' anyone. Winter: jeans and a long sleeve top. Summer: 3/4 jeans or a skirt and a vest/tank top. I put light make up on in the morning. I might re-brush my hair and reapply coloured lip gloss during the day if I walk past the bathroom mirror, but it has nothing to do with dh, and everything to do with taking care of myself.

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Decent around the house clothes. I am usually in a skirt/shorts and cotton top. But, sometimes he gets home before I do, and he is usually already in comfy clothes by that time. When he gets home after a certain time, then I am usually in comfy clothes like yoga pants. I think 8:30 is around my comfy clothes cut off time.

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I have on the same type of clothes I wear when he is off. I wear under armour pants pretty much everyday as well as a fitted tee with a zip fleece if I am cold. My new look :)


I know I am lucky in my sporty clothes that he says I am so beautiful to him almost every day!

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I just wear whatever I'm wearing. I do try to look nice when we go out or go to church, but I'm myself around my husband, and right now that means I wear what fits and what works with what I'm doing that day, be it dog walking or being home.


Dh has it easy. He wears the same thing to work every day. Even his dress up clothes (for formal stuff) are basically permutations of his clergy gear.

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dh works from home.   he wears sweats and a t-shirt at home.  he dresses up to go meet clients.


eta: his schedule is so variable, that for me to  try to "dress up and look nice for him" would be absurd.   I've got my own schedule to adhere to.

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Dang, ya'll are good.  I am beginning to feel guilty about my perpetual use of the yoga pant. ugh


I save my "nice" clothes for leaving the house. Between any cleaning I might pretend to do, sitting on the floor doing school with kids, cooking, mishaps, and whatever, I don't want to wear out anything I like.  So yoga pants it is!

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I dress for no one but myself lol, but it all depends on the day.  I voted yoga pants/sweats, but there really is no 'typical'... if we're going somewhere, I'm not wearing that.  If we're not going somewhere or haven't been anywhere all day, I am.  It's pretty even as far as which is more often!

Apparently DH thinks my yoga pants are H.O.T.  :rolleyes:  Granted, they are made to be form fitting, so...

He doesn't have a preference for what I wear, either, FWIW.  Even if he did I really wouldn't care.  

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I save my "nice" clothes for leaving the house. Between any cleaning I might pretend to do, sitting on the floor doing school with kids, cooking, mishaps, and whatever, I don't want to wear out anything I like.  So yoga pants it is!


If we have been home all day (and he's not getting home at 9:00 like he usually does), I am wearing yoga pants.  Someone will inevitably smear peanut butter, yogurt or snot on me at some point during the day.  I would rather that be yoga pants than "real" clothes.

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I'm never *dressed up* unless I have to be.  Most days when dh gets home I am in jeans and a shirt.  Somedays though when he gets home I am back in my pjs.  He gets into his comfy clothes as soon as he walks in the door.  Dressing up or down is just not an issue in our home.  Comfort however, is big around here.

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I've never owned yoga pants.


I dress such that I can leave the house on a minute's notice to go see the pastor's wife or my mother-in-law (or they can drop in).


Sometimes I don't brush my hair after I wash it, though, if I'm not leaving the house. Guilty confession, lol. 

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I wear whatever I felt like wearing that day, whether its sweats or something a little nicer.  I wont wear anything really nice, because i'd ruin it cooking dinner.  I try to time dinner to be ready about 15-20 minutes after he gets home. (he gets home between 6 and 7)

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I think my husband likes best how I look in yoga pants. I don't wear them out unless I have a long jacket on to cover my butt. But around the house I am 100% yoga pants. Sweats are a totally different matter.


I do tend to freshen my makeup before DH comes home.


My guess is that a lot of men are like mine - would rather see a sporty/fit look than a 'dressed up' look, but I guess in the end, I have to agree that even if my husband preferred a dress and heels, he would probably find me in yoga pants.

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I guess occasionally I might be in my work clothes - long sleeve t-shirt, sweater and jeans.  But the majority of the time I get home before dh and one of the first things I do once the nanny leaves is change into my comfy clothes - sweats, yoga pants or pj pants and a long sleeve t-shirt with a hoodie over it (our house is COLD).

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I think my husband likes best how I look in yoga pants. I don't wear them out unless I have a long jacket on to cover my butt. But around the house I am 100% yoga pants. Sweats are a totally different matter.


I do tend to freshen my makeup before DH comes home.


My guess is that a lot of men are like mine - would rather see a sporty/fit look than a 'dressed up' look, but I guess in the end, I have to agree that even if my husband preferred a dress and heels, he would probably find me in yoga pants.

My DH is the same as yours. Yoga and compression capris are attractive to him. He changes into active wear as well. We personally like being ready to take a jog on short notice or a game of basketball with the kids. I can clean the house or do yard work. To me the active wear is much more realistic to our days needs. I'm not embarrassed if someone comes over unannounced and if an emergency came up, I would take off in my sneaks and active wear then, too.

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Well, I prepare myself. I take 15 minutes to rest so I’ll be refreshed when he arrives. I touch up my make-up, put a ribbon in my hair and make sure I'm fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. I...


:lol:   Sorry. I couldn't resist. Seriously, I wear whatever I've worn all day. This if often yoga pants or leggings and a sweatshirt. I save the skinny jeans and tall boots for public.


(I stole the above from that ol 1950's article about how a "woman who knows her place" should prepare herself before hubby gets home)

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I dress up mostly for myself. However, I am also aware that everyone at his job dresses nicely all day. It doesn't sit right with me that he's surrounded by nicely dressed people all day and then would come home to a slobby wife.


I'd say I dress 80% nicely for myself because I like to look nice if I see myself in a mirror or if I have to pop out of the house, and 20% for him so that he doesn't come home to a slobby wife.


"Dressed up" means:

Jeans that are not mom jeans but are in line with current jean fashions and fit me well and are flattering.

Button down shirt or fitted t-shirt

Jacket (2 from thrift stores, 1 from Target.)

Earrings and/or scarf

Mascara and (my new-found love) liquid liner


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Most times I'm in sweats and a t-shirt.  I have usually spent the last 8 hours working (cooking, cleaning, shopping online) that there is absolutely no way I'm going to dress up, even in jeans(he's on 2nd shift). Plus if I were wearing nice clothes I wouldn't be able to give him a hug/kiss when he gets home because he is always covered in limestone dust.  

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I am just wearing whatever I was wearing all day. It depends on what activities we've had going on during the day. I only dress really nicely if we have somewhere special to go.....which is rarely. Very rarely. And dh is usually with me. I do get dressed in regular clothes every day though. I am not very productive if I stay in pj pants and I actually don't own any yoga pants. I wear jeans 99% of the time.

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Even when I was working and left the house in heels and makeup, by 8pm, I looked like hell. I startled myself in the bathroom mirror one night when I happened to take the time to throw the light on. Fuzzy hair, makeup all crazy... At least now I'm consistent. :)

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I'm dressed according to what I've been doing that day.  If I've been out, I'll probably be dressed nicer.  If I've been home all day, it's yoga pants.  If I've been working in the garden, I'll be dirty and sweaty. For that matter, my dh wears levis and golf shirts to work; I wouldn't want to outdress him.


I wonder how many men would dress up for their wives if the husband were at home?


eta:  dh prefers me in jeans and a sweater so that would be dressing up for him

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I put on PJs when I start putting the kids to bed, because I usually end up lying with one of them for a while and it's just more comfy to lie in a toddler-sized bed with a toddler in PJ pants than in jeans, LOL.  So what I'm wearing depends on when DH gets home.  If he's early, I'm still wearing whatever I wore that day (jeans and a t shirt... almost always), and if he's late I'm in PJs.

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