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Help with a baby name, please! (Christian content...)


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I'm looking for a Biblical boy name, but not really the name of someone in the Bible. For example, there are many Christian/religious-related girl names: Grace, Hope, Faith, Gloria, Joy, etc. What I'm looking for would be a boy equivalent of these types of names. The only one I've heard is the name Creed. Has anyone heard other names like this for a boy? This pregnancy brain is coming up blank!


Thanks :)

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I have four boys and a DH with names of people from the Bible (the first three boys are all parts of different Biblical groups of twelve AND the first names of US Presidents), four Hebrew in origin, one Greek, plus two of their middles are also from the New Testament. But what I would offer you is my littlest, tiniest boy's middle name: Grant. It means "gift" or "to bestow." This baby is a probable last blessing, very much adored and wanted, safely with us after a dramatic birth, a testament to God's power. Every time I think of his middle name (yes, we did get him a Presidential name too, albeit not a first one), I am reminded of what an absolutely precious gift he is, and what a gift we have in God's own Son.

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we know a Fisher (fisher of men) Zion is very popular boy name at our church, so is Jubilee (both boys and girls).  Titus, Gideon and Boaz are also popular. I knew a pastor family who had a boy named Roman, I loved that name. Also, at our church, Jasper (precious stone in New Jerusalem)  -we teach in the children's church so we hear a lot of neat names.

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Somewhat OT, but someone in our congregation named her girl Jael.  The name itself is beautiful, but I just can't get past it!  As an adult, someone might appreciate the story, but I just imagine this tiny little girl asking, "Where did I get my name, mama?"  :blink:


For anyone unfamiliar...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael

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Somewhat OT, but someone in our congregation named her girl Jael.  The name itself is beautiful, but I just can't get past it!  As an adult, someone might appreciate the story, but I just imagine this tiny little girl asking, "Where did I get my name, mama?"  :blink:


For anyone unfamiliar...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael


Yael is a very popular name in Israel.

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And I do think it's a beautiful name.... I just don't know how I would feel about the story if I were 5!


There are many subjects about which children are usually not told the whole story with all the details when they are 5. "Yael was a heroine who saved the people of Israel" would usually suffice.


Then, of course, most think that the story of Noah is appropriate for 5 year olds, judging by all the toys and baby books.

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I'm looking for a Biblical boy name, but not really the name of someone in the Bible. For example, there are many Christian/religious-related girl names: Grace, Hope, Faith, Gloria, Joy, etc. What I'm looking for would be a boy equivalent of these types of names. The only one I've heard is the name Creed. Has anyone heard other names like this for a boy? This pregnancy brain is coming up blank!


Thanks :)



Gift of God

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The Puritans were the epitome of this sort of virtue naming, so here are some lists.


Puritan boy names:







A biblical name I would avoid is Onan. It came up in a search a friend did for biblical boy names beginning with "O" (she didn't use it).  I have visions of a poor teenage boy with that name encountering the story in Bible study with his peers....not good.

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Every time I sing "Here I raise my Ebenezer" I wish I liked the name Ebenezer. I love the meaning and love the song. I'd use it as a name if I didn't dislike how it sounds so much.

I had a college classmate named Eben. I asked him one time about his name because I thought it sounded cool. Turns out he was named after his grandfather, Ebeneezer, but the parents didn't like the full name because of the Dickens association. So they shortened it to Eben.

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I had a college classmate named Eben. I asked him one time about his name because I thought it sounded cool. Turns out he was named after his grandfather, Ebeneezer, but the parents didn't like the full name because of the Dickens association. So they shortened it to Eben.

Our pastor and his wife have a son named Ebenezer, who they call Eb.  It fits him!

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