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2014: What Are Your Goals/New Habits?


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Now that Christmas is over, I am excited about the new year coming. It always feels like a fresh start to me, a chance to build new habits. I made a list of dozens of new habits I wanted to accomplish for 2013 and while I never even started most of them, I did have some successes, such as running the dishwasher at night so it can be filled as the day goes on, instead of piling things in the sink.


What new habits does everyone want to start?








Home Management

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Health - 10,000 steps per day, 20 pushups per day


Fun/Hobbies - Play a board game or card game every day

Parenting - Put kids to bed by 7:30pm

Self-Education - Use Anki daily to practice Spanish

Spiritual - Listen to audio Bible every day

Financial - Take bath in the smaller tub at least half the time to reduce water bill

Home Management - Get rid of three things every day

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I've been thinking about this.  I've got a lot!




-Lose 25lbs!  This would put me back where I was 5 years ago, when I was in really good shape.  I would like to be back to what I weighed when James Bond and I got married, but that's not likely to happen.  I was a size 2.  I was also 21 and had a high metabolism.  Ah, to be young again.  The sad thing is, I thought I was fat.

-Exercise at least 5 days a week

-Eat better



-Write more often

-Blog more often?  Maybe



-Try to be more patient

-Yell less (I've gotten pretty good at this in the past few weeks-YAY!  Wait, I mean yay!)

-Play with the boys more

-Be more involved with Scouts (I'm now the secretary, so this will help)



-Work on Latin and Greek (this will make it so much easier to teach it!)



-Be more in tune with the natural cycle of life and nature

-Be more grateful



-Spend less, save more!

-Stay off Amazon big-tears.gif


Home Management

-Be more organized!!!

-Clear clutter daily



Personal (I added this one!)

-Be less controlling

-Be less argumentative (this goes hand in hand with the controlling issue)

-Get out more and make friends (I've been very isolated since we moved)

-Make more time for James Bond (I spend a lot of time focused on the kids)

-Put myself first more often

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Oooh, organized categories.  Maybe I should resolve to be more organized but....no.  So how about


Health~continue all the good habits I've worked so hard on for the last year and a half.  Keeping things up is as much of a challenge as starting.

Fun/Hobbies~Read more (I like to but get busy), craft some (a quarterly project), do at least one  fun activity a month~skating, climbing,swimming,a new Y class

Parenting~continue the process of letting the older ones go, not giving advice unless asked and keeping all "I knew that would happens" to myself

Self-Education~not sure on this one, I tend to find something, obsess on it, learn what I want and move on.  We'll see what gets my attention.

Spiritual~I need to be more intentional with prayer/meditation.  It tends to get done in the car right now.

Financial~We're hardly wild spenders but there is always room for improvement

Home Management~simplify, a continuous process that won't be complete until #7 leaves no doubt

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I've been thinking about this.  I've got a lot!




-Lose 235lbs!  This would put me back where I was 5 years ago, when I was in really good shape.  I would like to be back to what I weighed when James Bond and I got married, but that's not likely to happen.  I was a size 2.  I was also 21 and had a high metabolism.  Ah, to be young again.  The sad thing is, I thought I was fat.

-Exercise at least 5  4 days a week

-Eat better



-Write more often

-Blog more often?  Maybe

Have some fun.  Maybe take up a hobby?



-Try to be more patient

-Yell less (I've gotten pretty good at this in the past few weeks-YAY!  Wait, I mean yay!)

-Play with the boys more

-Be more involved with Scouts (I'm now the secretary, so this will help)

Ugh.  No idea.  I'll ask the kids!



-Work on Latin and Greek (this will make it so much easier to teach it!)

Pick a topic related to my work, weekly, and find and read at least two current articles about it



-Be more in tune with the natural cycle of life and nature

-Be more grateful




-Spend less, save more!

-Stay off Amazon big-tears.gif

Love these, too!


Home Management

-Be more organized!!!

-Clear clutter daily



Personal (I added this one!)

-Be less controlling

-Be less argumentative (this goes hand in hand with the controlling issue)

-Get out more and make friends (I've been very isolated since we moved)

-Make more time for James Bond Music Man (I spend a lot of time focused on the kids work)

-Put myself first more often


Ok, MIHH, I basically just bastardized your list.  Thanks for helping me out with that! 

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Now that Christmas is over, I am excited about the new year coming. It always feels like a fresh start to me, a chance to build new habits. I made a list of dozens of new habits I wanted to accomplish for 2013 and while I never even started most of them, I did have some successes, such as running the dishwasher at night so it can be filled as the day goes on, instead of piling things in the sink.


What new habits does everyone want to start?





Health - I want to buy a heavy bag and work on my cardio strength. Once the weather gets warm again, I want to go hiking at least once a week. 


Fun/Hobbies - I miss going to the movies. When I was younger, I'd go 1-2 times a week. Now, I'd like to take ds at least every other month. 


Parenting - This is the one area I feel okay about. I want to work on some non-academic projects with ds. Not sure what yet. 


Self-Education - I'm a full-time college student, plenty of education going on in our house. 


Spiritual - I'm kind of on a journey. I want to read some from the Dalai Lama, I have a few books from Pope John Paul, and I want to read part of the Qur'an.


Financial - see the full-time college student, so we're living on a tight budget. No real big financial goals this year. 


Home Management - I need to do a few small projects and paint a few rooms. I'd like to get a new couch, but that's a want not a need. Not that I'm ever finished decorating, but I've been changing rooms around this fall and I want to get them all organized. I need to organize my kitchen cabinets badly, and as usual go through the closets. The closet in the classroom has a lot of paperwork to go through. 

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Many years of broken resolutions have me wary of taking on too much or making my goals non-specific. Result: I feel like a failure by February 1. So these may seem lame, but here goes.



Starting a pretty intense diet for six months (goal: down 25 pounds for wedding we're attending in June)

Take vitamins every day

In bed by 11:30 



Continue with book a week thread but cut goal to 26 books for year



Kids in bed by 8:30 on weeknights


Self-Education - I'm changing this to Self Improvement

Stop finishing people's sentences (I know this is really annoying, and I'm going to try to work on it)


Home Management

Finish cleaning our office - we're 75% there; I need to take it to final

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Some of these are just "get back on the wagon" after the holidays, some are new



Work-out 3 times per week

Get outside to work/play daily

Count calories with the goal of losing 10 pounds by June 1



Get back into cross-stitching

Participate in 52 books



Make a larger separation between me time and kid time, so they don't infringe on each other



Continue Latin and math, get back into piano



Try to find peace with my current belief system

Find spirituality outside of religion




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I normally don't make goals for a new year, but I have to admit that I am kind of overwhelmed going into this new year and think that I need to make a conscious effort on some of these fronts:


Health - yes. I don't even know what, but yes. Exercise and healthy eating need to have a much bigger priority going into the new year.

Spiritual - I'm still reeling from a church incident that took place, gosh, 2 years ago, and I need to get myself over this.

Home Management -  I need to come up with some kind of regular cleaning schedule so it gets done. I also need to figure out a meal planning system. We ate out way too much this last year, and I need to "solve" that. It will kill two birds with one stone - save money and better health.


I look forward to reading this thread because I know what needs to change, but having trouble pinpointing how I'm going to get there. ;)



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Now that Christmas is over, I am excited about the new year coming. It always feels like a fresh start to me, a chance to build new habits. I made a list of dozens of new habits I wanted to accomplish for 2013 and while I never even started most of them, I did have some successes, such as running the dishwasher at night so it can be filled as the day goes on, instead of piling things in the sink.


What new habits does everyone want to start?








Home Management


Health--I'm so mad at myself, I could just turn the air blue! I have GOT to get a grip on eating and exercise. I love one and hate the other. 


Fun/Hobbies--Unless one counts Candy Crush Saga as a hobby, I think I may need to get a new one. I have stacks of books I want to read. I should start on those.


Parenting--Does "Try not to kill the teenager" count?


Self-Education--Will be starting the Medical Coding course in the spring.


Spiritual--I want to develop a Bible reading plan. Hopefully, this time I won't be so grandiose in my idea of what I can accomplish. I think I just want to do the NT this year, slowly, so I can savor it. Maybe I'll toss some Psalms and Proverbs in there, too. 


Financial--I need to get a grip on my budget and start a structured savings plan. 


Home Management--Biggest problem is just clutter. I need to purge purge purge!

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Great idea! This thread prompted me to get my thoughts down on my goals for 2014.



- get back to Trim Healthy Mama using the 80/20 rule

- start going to the Y three times per week



- plan reading time for myself



- chore system for kids

- stricter bedtime



- read the Bible each morning



- stick with debt snowball


Home Management

- chore system for kids

- meal planning for me



ETA - I like the idea of a weekly thread to keep track of our goals. Not sure hoe it would work though.

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Mine are pretty much the same ones I've made every year for a decade.  Oh, and failed at every year, too.  So for continuity's sake, I might as well make them again.



              -To be healthy in general.  I'm sick of strange stuff that keeps happening to me.  Just one year without some crazy symptom would be awesome. 

              -To eat healthier like I did in 2012 and failed at after an emotional disaster in June.  Going back gf or only eating fermented grains?  Giving up coffee that hurts my stomach. Something. 

              -Exercising when I would rather spend hours on the net when the kids are in bed or outside.  Seriously.  I am in such bad shape-take up yoga and dancing again? No idea. 

              -Something something control my anxiety something. 


              -To actually knit something for myself since nobody cares when I knit something for them.  :glare:

              -Go hiking more

              -Giving up on dying friendships that never had a chance and work on keeping the ones that are healthy for me. 


               -Ummm to not fail here, as usual.  To be nicer and more patient. To get on top of this home education thing this year. 


              -Learn some new skills in one of my many interest areas instead of just giving up because I feel old. Learn Swedish? Learn                   tracking?                                              

              -To get most of my BS in IST finished.  Which means I should probably register for Spring. Ruh roh. 


              -To do something to feel more connected.  I have tons of books on nature, meditation, whatever, and I just never pick them up. 

              -Maybe 10 minutes of meditation in the morning would be a good place to start?


              -My biggest fail spot.  To pay off as much credit card debt as is possible by being super frugal. Seriously.  

              -Oh, to use tax money to fix the roof and bathtub and then save up the rest for moving expenses.

              -To sell this f*$()@ house. 

Home Management:

             -*snort* To have a clean house.  I kind of give up most days.  It's "clean" but nowhere near as clean as I'd like. 

              -To massively declutter.  Again.  

              -To MOVE!!!!  Somewhere with closets and a big yard without close neighbors, please?


I've been thinking about this.  I've got a lot!




-Lose 25lbs!  This would put me back where I was 5 years ago, when I was in really good shape.  I would like to be back to what I weighed when James Bond and I got married, but that's not likely to happen.  I was a size 2.  I was also 21 and had a high metabolism.  Ah, to be young again.  The sad thing is, I thought I was fat.

Amen, sister.  Me, too.  Don't you just want to slap your young silly self sometimes?

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Well, I usually love making resolutions and generally it goes pretty well but this year is looking really up in the air. 


1) Read 30+ books- started the 52 book challenge last year but stopped tracking. I think in the end I probably ended up pretty darn close to the 52 but I tend to go in spurts.

2) Figure out what the *&)^ is wrong w/ me. I have way too much to do to get it done w/ little energy and motivation. I've had testing and am awaiting results and consultation. 

3) Ds was recently diagnosed w/ very severe adhd so I'm avidly researching and looking at various treatment options, so the new year will like have way too much driving for tests, consultations, evaluations and therapies

4) Due to 2 and 3 I'm hoping to at least remain in a holding place financially, continuing our retirement funding and hopefully take a decent vacation

5) I'd really like to delve back into more self-sufficiency and frugality projects but yet again due to 2&3 I'm just kind of waiting to see what my life is going to look like

6) I definitely need more self-care, reading is part of that . I need some time to myself but that isn't happening until the sleep gets lined out. Trying to clean the diet back up. Not sure what exactly I need to do as I'm not sure what the heck is going on.

7) Keep on keeping on w/ hs'ing, feeling really good here. Continue tweaking to fit our family and have some faith in the process.

8) Parenting- working on it here, developing more skills here, happy about where we are going and being forgiving of our mistakes.

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A goal not written down is just a wish!


Health- continue my high activity level and become a certified fitness instructor.

Fun/Hobbies- continue skating weekly with my friend.

Parenting- make sure that younger neurotypical son doesn't get overlooked for older autistic son.

Self-Education- practice cello more often- at least 5x a week. Meditate at least weekly.

Spiritual- NA

Financial- no goals here, we are doing well and have a good budget and savings plan in place for the duration of my husband's sojourn into college.

Home Management- also got nothing here. We live in an apartment. I'd have to go out of my way to mess things up around here.

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My goals for 2014:

Start a reg Bible reading plan

Do the organize your house in 52-weeks plan

Join book a week thread (and do it :)

Get back on plan for THM to have a healthy weight gain for pregnancy (not weight loss)

Reflect on how to simplify life and what to let go of

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Fun/Hobbies: become the chess champion of the family. So go from about a level 900 according to my app to about a 1400. (just guessing at the level my dad and dh play at)

Self-Education: improve my French and work on French more with kids.


ETA: Sorry. It looked like what I wrote was actually something I quoted.

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Health:  Go back to green smoothies for breakfast, salad for lunch, light dinner.  Start swimming again because I really miss it.  Drop two sizes. 


Fun/Hobbies:  Learn  how to use my new digital camera;  continue with drawing basics; learn to knit; complete a few basic hiking trails.


Parenting:  Appreciate my kids for who and what they are;  realize that school will never be important to my ds(s); enforce daily chores; have more fun together


Self-Education:  Be consistent and realistic with 52week reading plan; slowly work my way through Well-Educated Mind


Spiritual:  Find a church; continue devotional readings; pray


Financial:  Continue with Dave Ramsey plan; stay within consistent weekly budget; pay off two debts


Home Management:  Follow Fly Lady's plan;  help dc declutter rooms for simpler living; purge all unnecessary "stuff"

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Health- I need to get into the habit of soaking grains. I can soak beans, so I don't know why it is so hard to remember to soak grains.

Fun/Hobbies- I'm still working on learning to garden and have some more ideas on how to improve for the next summer season.

Parenting- I'm not going to be having a fun time walking the line between how I want to manage our son and how other people want him managed.

Self-Education- I think my Coursera addiction covers this. :D

Spiritual- I have a couple of books devoted to a specific topic to muse on in the next few months.

Financial- Heh. Do the best with what I've got, as usual.

Home Management- Ugh. Do the best with what I've got, as usual.

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Coming out of lurkdom to link this paper family paper planner that I'm commandeering for myself. I'm calling it a life planner instead of a family one.




What I love about this planner is that it has a weekly 2-page spread that allows for seven customized headings. So I'm keeping my "NY Resolutions" there. The seven headings I invented were:


1. Bible (I have a new 2-year reading plan I'm excited to start!)

2. Just Do It! (for home organization, flow. I will jot down people I need to email, things I need to look up online, appointments I need to make, as well as around-the-house tasks)

3. Errands (more home organization)

4. Work outs (my goal is a 15-20 minute work-out video 2-3xs/wk from Youtube because I get bored after doing the same video twice!)

5. Meals (since I tend to fly by the seat of my pants in this category. I want to be better at planning ahead this year!)

6. Life Habits (this will change monthly. Maybe one month I will work on doing a load of laundry every day. Or read a chapter from a classic every day. Or declutter my house!)

7. Memories (I will jot down when a kid loses a tooth or Baby learns to use the potty or whatever. I have no consistent record of my kids' earlier milestones, memories. I hope by keeping my planner close by and in use, I'll be able to keep track of more "important stuff.")


I'm really excited to start using it! I'm trying to wean myself from my constant phone/laptop use. I have built my life around these technologies, so I was looking for a way to keep lists (like I learned here, on threads about Getting Things Done) on paper. I think this planner is pretty enough to keep me interested!

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I'm hoping to make my resolutions stick this year, so I'm focusing on just a few things. If I try to change too much I get all crazy and overwhelmed. Less is more!


1. Run a marathon. I've run half marathons before, but this is my first time doing a full marathon.

2. Accept my kids for who and what they are. 

3. Reduce waste. That includes reducing wasteful spending, as well as trash generation. Also, increasing composting...

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  • Research and begin a modified paleo diet. Need to do this for Metabolic Syndrome
  • Swim 3X per week at the aquatic center
  • Walk 3X per week
  • In bed trying to go to sleep by 11pm



  • Do something Pacific Northwestish once a month. We recently moved just outside of Portland and have so much to explore!
  • 52 books in 52 weeks


  • Be more consistent with the bedtime routine for the 8yo
  • Play more games with the same 8yo
  • Make and keep to a read aloud schedule
  • Spend directed one on one time with the 17yo. She'll be going away to college next year


  • Still thinking here


  • Read Bible a minimum of 15 minutes per day
  • Read and re-read some of my favorite spiritual books
  • Make some connections at church


  • Find a financial program for the computer
  • Stick to the budget
  • Make sure I stick to the bill paying schedule

Home Management-

  • Be consistent with my laundry and ironing schedule
  • Make the bed everyday. I've gotten out of the habit and an unmade bed makes me nuts.
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I have to say, many of your lists make me feel tired. I'd like to encourage many of you to prioritize your lists. Tiny Habits might help you see how to break down big goals into smaller, baby steps.


I've been using the Lift App/website for the last few weeks to help me track the new habits I'm working on. My user name there is "Hoppy Toad" if you want to friend me. At the beginning of the year, I was a member of a Google group a Hive member started up for habit accountability. I find using Lift to be easier to do. If anyone else wants to try it for 2014, feel free to post your user name so we can cheer each other on.

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Ok, MIHH, I basically just bastardized your list.  Thanks for helping me out with that! 


You're welcome.  We can keep each other motivated!


Amen, sister.  Me, too.  Don't you just want to slap your young silly self sometimes?



Yes, I do!  Who in their right mind would think a size 2 on a 5'4" frame is fat?  My wedding dress was a 3 and had to be taken up.



Health- I need to get into the habit of soaking grains. I can soak beans, so I don't know why it is so hard to remember to soak grains.

Fun/Hobbies- I'm still working on learning to garden and have some more ideas on how to improve for the next summer season.

Parenting- I'm not going to be having a fun time walking the line between how I want to manage our son and how other people want him managed.

Self-Education- I think my Coursera addiction covers this. :D

Spiritual- I have a couple of books devoted to a specific topic to muse on in the next few months.

Financial- Heh. Do the best with what I've got, as usual.

Home Management- Ugh. Do the best with what I've got, as usual.



I've never checked out Coursera before, but now I'm signed up for a course!  Actually, Indy and I are both taking an archaeology course, and I'll help Indy with understanding the readings.  He's terribly excited, and we can use a lot of it for his archaeology merit badge.

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I love this time of year! I love making resolutions and plans for fresh starts. :)


Here's mine:


* Lose 20 pounds that I'd like to blame babies for but is now all mine. I'm going to do a Whole30 in January and see how much that helps. 

* Write and publish a productivity ebook for homemaking/homeschooling moms.

* Um, actually follow my own productivity/organization advice so that I'm not a total hypocrite writing about it.

* and that above would mean dedicated time for my learning-to-read kids, for my writing class I teach, for keeping up with housework, and for maintaining friendships & a hobby.




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Sewing projects. More dates.

Motivate; focus on younger 2 dd 12 & 13, ds17.

Not sure

Help others; read my scriptures more

Keep applying for positions and looking for opportunities others might not see.

Delegate chores. I thought we were finished with chore charts but chores are not being taken care of unless I ask.


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I honestly don't want to set too many goals and would like to focus on the biggest issues I have right now as I think controlling those will bring control to the other areas that need work.


Lose weight-


whatever it takes.  I am miserable.  I have no energy at all and seem to always have some low grade sickness going on.  




get a new budget planned and stick to it.  I am teaching Crown Financial again in the Spring.  That always helps me get back on the straight and narrow.  We are not in debt (other than the house), but we certainly could be saving more and cutting some needless spending.

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I like having this broken down into catagories.  I am the worst when it comes to making/breaking resolutions/goals/whatever you want to call them, but I'm always up for trying again.


Health:  Get back on my weight-loss eating plan and lose 10  more pounds.  Well, maybe a little more after Christmas CandyAndSnackFest.  Find my pedometer and get back to daily dog walks, with and without husband.


Fun/Hobbies:  Try to carve out 45+ minutes a day for pleasure reading or crafting.  This would not count the mindless knitting I do while watching Dr Who or listening to lectures (though I do keep myself stocked with dishcloths that way).


Parenting:  I love my teens and they are not rebellious "typical" teens that I was warned about.  Still, they present their challenges.  I want to find and finish reading Smart But Scattered: Teens and do the exercises in it with my husband and kids.  If I can find the book.  Yeah, I need it too!


Self-Education:  Participate in the Great Courses lectures with my kids; continue working through Khan Academy math as I never went very far there. 


Spiritual:  Read the Bible every day, intentionally, instead of sporadically and when I need comfort.  Pray for people other than myself and my own family.  Expand prayers from "please help..." 


Financial: Spend less. Pay more attention to grocery purchases. Learn to make crackers. (Seriously.)  Update Quicken more frequently so there is not a giant folder of receipts on my desk taunting me.


Home Management:  Finish customizing the housework chart I found on donnayoung.org and start implementing it.   This place is a mess.


Thanks for the kick in the pants!

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What new habits does everyone want to start?


Health  - I need to lose weight.  I need to stick with a lowish carb diet (less aches and pains this way too).  We have a free fitness center at work and I want to go down at lunch each day to walk the treadmill or ride the bikes.  Not too strenuous so I don't get all sweaty, but some movement.   I need to do more stretching as well.


Fun/Hobbies - I already read a ton.  I'd like to get back to scrapbooking, at least digitally since we don't have space for all the supplies to do traditional.


Parenting - Lots going on here.  We have hired a nanny/governess so we are going back to more traditional homeschooling (rather than T4L).  I want to get back to a good schedule with the kids spending less time on the computers.  I want to do more as a family on the weekends, instead of just sitting at home.  We are going to institute a family board game night, and maybe a family Wii night too.


Self-Education/Personal - Not doing too much self-education but I have personal goals for being healthier, taking time for myself.


Spiritual - this is a hard one for me.  We go to church every Sunday but I'm not really sure what I believe.  I'd like to find some peace with this but not really sure how to go about it.


Financial - spend less, save more.  Our financial situation should be showing vast improvement very very soon and we have to save more for college, retirement, etc.


Home Management - Since we will have someone coming to our house everyday, I need to get better at keeping up with the house.  Running the dishwasher each night would be a good start.  Making sure the laundry is done - completely done including put away - each weekend.  Vacuuming a few times a week, getting the kids to straighten up each afternoon (maybe get the nanny to help with this).


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Health: I've been having some strange issues with food lately. Possibly gluten related. Not sure. I'm going to be extra vigilant with my diet. I just haven't been feeling very well lately.


Fun/Hobbies: I'd like to travel more as a family. I'm going to continue yoga. I used to be into daily yoga and pilates, but it's been laid aside for so long, I'd like to carve out that time again. I'm taking a weekly class, but I'd like to do more. Not likely I'll find what I'm looking for---but I would love to find someone local who could help me teach my Lab duck retrieving training. Just with the decoys and launchers. 


Parenting: Spend more time hanging out with them on their terms. More one on one time. I've been entirely too busy and distracted in these last few months.


Self-Education: I've finished a term of college this semester. I want to start again in the Fall (see my parenting goals!) I'd like to continue my personal reading plan. 


Spiritual: I have always had a good handle on my own personal spirituality. I have been reading quite a bit about Buddhism, which I've always been drawn to. But really it's a mix. I'd love to find the time to take a Trappist retreat in KY. It's always been on my bucket list so to speak. Some day..... I've been feeling the desire (I think from reading Buddhist/Taoist/Zen material again) to reduce and simplify various things---social media, online time, stuff, relationships, etc and so on.


Financial: We started a home business last winter. My main goal....not to screw up our tax forms next month!!! LOL. Other than that, we'd like to be able to start paying ourselves this year from the business. And I plan on buying less homeschooling materials (if any).


Home Management:  burn it and start over!! Is that okay? 


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Health- figure out what is wrong with my hands (carpal tunnel syndrome? Arthritis? Other?), sleep more


Fun/Hobbies- continue reading, create more digital scrapbooks


Parenting- stop yelling so much (see "get more sleep" above)


Self-Education- work on my 3rd masters degree


Spiritual- either start faithfully attending one of the churches here (that differs greatly from us doctrinally) or commit to family worship and stop bouncing back and forth


Financial- start prepping seriously for our re-entry into the US which will happen in 2015 or 2016


Home Management- start grocery shopping every 2 weeks instead of every week! Declutter and streamline in preparation for move back to US

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I don't like to make a lot of New Year's Resolutions because I find it very depressing when I stop trying before February.   


I read an article recently about a person who made major changes in his life, but did it by doing a few small things.    So instead of putting losing weight and eating healthy.   I am going to try to eat something from the cabbage family every day (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, or cabbage).    I started doing this already, just in the past couple of weeks.  


I bought new walking shoes.   So I'm going to try to walk more. 


Also I am always trying to come up with a great business idea.   Most of the time, I look at the numbers and they don't make sense.   So I have a new one I'm considering.   I've given myself till March 31st to thoroughly work though this idea.   


That's all.   

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I read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People several years ago. The author recommended picking the most needed thing from three areas of your life that could use work and start working on just those three things. I did that. A few years later, I grabbed the book from the library again. And discovered that those three areas still needed work.  :001_rolleyes:  I'm not sure, at this rate, if I'll ever be a highly effective person, lol.

So here they are again, for 2014:

Get outside more

Plan supper

Engage with the kids (outside of school)


I've been making progress with #2 & #3. Need to really work on #1 again.

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I need to find a workout system that is sustainable long-term. I often pick something, go whole hog into it for 6-9 months and then gradually get bored with it and stop altogether...gaining 10 pds back...then start the cycle over. I want to be a good example to my kids with this! Tired of saying health is important and then not showing it! I'm also a bridesmaid in May and don't wanna be the chubby one ( the other girls are teeny sticks :*( )


I also want to really do some awesome gardening this year. I really need to buckle down and learn how to do it and do it well. I'm over my past yields of 5-10 veggies. :)


And, that's it. I can only focus on so much at a time. I'll also be mourning the last year of my 20s in 2014 so I'll be pretty busy with that. ;)

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I don't like to make a lot of New Year's Resolutions because I find it very depressing when I stop trying before February.   


I read an article recently about a person who made major changes in his life, but did it by doing a few small things.    So instead of putting losing weight and eating healthy.   I am going to try to eat something from the cabbage family every day (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, or cabbage).    I started doing this already, just in the past couple of weeks.  


I bought new walking shoes.   So I'm going to try to walk more. 


Also I am always trying to come up with a great business idea.   Most of the time, I look at the numbers and they don't make sense.   So I have a new one I'm considering.   I've given myself till March 31st to thoroughly work though this idea.   


That's all.   

Yes, a year is too long for me!  I have habits I am working on each month.  I put them at the bottom of my daily "tackle list" so that I am accountable.  I re-evaluate at the end of each month.  Some habits drop off because they were accomplished, some have truly become habits and don't need the same accountability anymore, and others stay on the list along with new ones I've added for that month.  

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I too don't like making a slew of New Year's resolutions.  As I look over all these categories, I am just like you all:  there's so much room for improvement in ALL of these areas!!


I am making ONE and only ONE resolution for 2014:  less time on the computer.  I currently spend way too many hours in the evening after work/dinner with this freaking computer on my lap!!!!!!  If I spent less time on the computer, I'd have so much more time to work on every single one of these improvement categories.


One other thing I think I might try is giving up my after work cat-nap.  Lately, I think it just makes me feel more sluggish, lazy and more inclined to sit at the computer all night.  



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Lose 25 lbs and find a way to finally recover fully from a herniated disc that has plagued me for the last year and a half. Getting back in shape will help my back.



Finally want to learn to knit and sew. Socialize more at our place - I love throwing parties but I just have not in so long and I miss it.



Stop raising my voice as much as I do.



Take a writing class



Get to a meditation retreat



Tighten the budget. Shop locally more than I have been the past few months.


Home Management:

Reorganize our apartment and figure out a smoother flow to our days.

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Yes, a year is too long for me!  I have habits I am working on each month.  I put them at the bottom of my daily "tackle list" so that I am accountable.  I re-evaluate at the end of each month.  Some habits drop off because they were accomplished, some have truly become habits and don't need the same accountability anymore, and others stay on the list along with new ones I've added for that month.  


You gave me the idea to put my goal in my signature.   I'm bad about all the various options that are available, so I've never put in a signature line before.   Let's see if it works.   Yeah it worked.


I challenge you all to do something to remind yourself of your goals through out the year (doesn't have to be your signature line).  

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I have to say, many of your lists make me feel tired. I'd like to encourage many of you to prioritize your lists. Tiny Habits might help you see how to break down big goals into smaller, baby steps.


I've been using the Lift App/website for the last few weeks to help me track the new habits I'm working on. My user name there is "Hoppy Toad" if you want to friend me. At the beginning of the year, I was a member of a Google group a Hive member started up for habit accountability. I find using Lift to be easier to do. If anyone else wants to try it for 2014, feel free to post your user name so we can cheer each other on.


Thanks for this, HoppyTheToad!  I find large goals very exciting to write down, but rather depressing when I don't make them happen.  I think mini goals might just work!  I signed up for a session with the Tiny Habits website.  I like his methods.  Here's what I'm working on:


After I roll out of bed, I will kneel and pray.

After I brush my teeth, I will floss.

After I read my email in the morning, I will open YNAB.


That seems actually doable.  A+ for today!


I also downloaded the Lift app and signed up for 4 things to work on:


Run daily.

Drink more water.

No sweets.

Daily declutter.


So far so good, there, too!


Thanks for the motivation and permission to keep my goals small!

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Health- get my blood sugar under control, lose 20-25 pounds (get to my prepregnancy weight finally), join a gym


Fun/Hobbies- finish reading all of Agatha Christie's books


Parenting- pray for my children more


Self-Education- probably just read and keep up with homeschool


Spiritual- read my bible and pray more


Financial- buy a second car, continue to stay out of debt


Home Management- do better on implementing cleaning schedule. Get rid if some stuff!

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