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What impractical thing do you want (for Christmas or whatever) but will probably never get?


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I would love an all-over garage shop vac system.  I priced them.  I won't be getting one anytime soon.  DH and I make many things from wood in our garage.  We have accumulated many cool toys (tools).  :)  But darn that saw dust!  I hate the saw dust that gets tracked EVERYWHERE! Seriously, I would be sooooooo happy to have an all-over shop vac system show up. 

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A saxophone


I would HAPPILY send you James Bond's for free, but he might kill me.  He's played side he was in high school, and is quite good, but it's so loud.  He doesn't know how to play softly.  Well, he does, he just doesn't want to.  Han Solo gets incredibly upset when he plays.  HS puts his hands over his ears and yells "No, Daddy!  No samaphone!  No samaphone!  I no like!"  It's pretty funny to see.

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Didnt think of that. Definitely to be with family...including dh, who won't be able to get home for Christmas. :( He is working 1500 miles from here, trying to save up for us to all move there. Between unexpected bills and not being able to afford the time off, he wont be making the trip back here. :(

:grouphug: :grouphug:

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Impossible, but... I'd love one more Christmas with my little sis. She was killed six years ago in a car accident. She was only 19, and she LOVED Christmastime. Plus, she never got to meet ds, and dd doesn't remember her.


Otherwise, I'll take a new house. We had plans drawn up for a little cottage awhile back, but our land deal fell through, and then dh was laid off, and, well, you know how it goes. I don't want anything fancy, but right now our bedroom is in the basement (which I've not-so-lovingly dubbed "the dungeon") -- it's finished and all, but it's still a basement. I can't wait to get out of there.


Oh, and wrap me up one of those Disney cruises while you're at it...

:grouphug: :grouphug:

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Add me to the horse list. Plus fencing for the rest of the pasture, and someone to clean out the barn for me.


The renovation we've been planning for the "old" side of the house. Something needs to be done before it falls apart any further, but the extent of our plans is a bit on the extravagant side (like the entire 2nd story, which would give me a giant multi-purpose room, and FINALLY connecting the house to the garage).


A 5 year old. 


lol I've been around lots of littles lately, and wow, do I miss that age.

I have one you could borrow who might cure you of that. Stay away from my 6yos, though, they're finally becoming human!

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Cool!  You can play some sweet jazz for me in the TARDIS I won't be getting.   ;)


OMG!! A Christmas miracle. (jumps for joy - waves hi) And it would be years before my jazz would be considered sweet. You could come over and jam with me, in your TARDIS. My neighbor has drums, it would be block jam. 


So if you get the TARDIS, can I get a replicator?

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I would like to remodel our master bathroom to include a really deep tub. With jets. And a place for my glass of wine.


Our old house had a deeper-than-usual tub/shower combo. I took a bubble bath every single Friday night. I miss that (it's been seven years!). We just have a shower now.


The bathroom remodel is on the list "after the kids are out of college."

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A weekend off.  48 hours of being totally, 100%, completely un-responsible for anyone or anything other than my own needs and wants. I mean I don't even want someone to ask me to hand them a tissue, find the remote, or pass the salt.  :001_tt2:


The only way I would get that is for me to go to a hotel, which is completely not practical nor probable. 



Time!  Time to study those languages, perfect those instruments, read, write, draw, and all the other things I used to think I'd get to someday.  Time to take a walk around the block every day as a work break.  Time to take more than a 5 minute shower every day.  Time to get organized.  Time for a massage.  Time to get everything done and still enjoy my kids and my life.  Ha!  Dreaming - the next best thing to doing....

These are my top ones!  



Also, lots of money to buy clothes and a tailor to make them fit perfectly!


A trip around the world.  Hmm...maybe this one should be first.

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A Keurig. I'm actually in need of a new coffee maker. I need a small one, maybe 4-cup, with an auto shutoff feature. I love the idea of a single cup machine but DH thinks a price of over $20 for a coffee maker is ridiculous, so I most certainly don't expect him to research and find me one. I'm the only coffee drinker in the house which is why it's not a priority.

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Ooooh, wait. There was one thing I told DH about months ago ("This is the only thing I want for Christmas... "), and he's driving himself crazy trying to remember: a 3D printed Sad Keanu, larger size.



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A Keurig. I'm actually in need of a new coffee maker. I need a small one, maybe 4-cup, with an auto shutoff feature. I love the idea of a single cup machine but DH thinks a price of over $20 for a coffee maker is ridiculous, so I most certainly don't expect him to research and find me one. I'm the only coffee drinker in the house which is why it's not a priority.

My SIL got me a Keurig last Christmas and everything it made tasted the same:  burnt.

I much prefer my lil' 4-cup coffee maker! 

(Does that help any? :))

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I would really like a miniature elephant.


Since I can't have that, for many obvious reasons, I'd like to go on safari in Africa.


And a magically auto-replenished, never-ending gift card to White House / Black Market.

DS10 just got an awesome miniature elephant when Grammy came to visit for Thanksgiving! He is living the dream!!!


(Yours to be had at Costco for $14.99. Imagination not included with purchase.)

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A new car with a big fat red bow parked in my living room (with Michael Bolton singing of course). 


The Christmas of 2008 my husband gave me a new car. The dealership delivered it the night before. The keys to a Ford Escape were in my stocking. We had been a one car family for a long time. I cried the ugly cry. I hope your dream comes true for you too.


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:lol: I swear DH is a better mom than I am (which sounds good in theory, but in reality is a double-edged sword).


This is definitely true in my house.  We have a running joke that the kids like him better.  He already cooks dinner every night, will do baths, and takes them to visit his mother about once a month so I have a little kid free house.  Of course, I usually spend them cleaning.


Permanent laser hair removal forever.


Oh YEAH!!  Of course, I"m extremely lazy about shaving, especially this time of year, but to never have to worry about it again would be heaven.  I look stubbly five minutes after shaving.


-more books

-a new house - we were just weeks from breaking ground for our new modular home when dh found out he was getting laid off two years ago.

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A flute.  I have always wanted to play the flute--- my mother wouldn't let me-- she said there was too much competition (too many flutes in a band) so I played the clarinet (and hated it) but was first chair for 8 years.


A trip to Ireland or Scotland--- don't know why but I really want to go there.

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A flute.  I have always wanted to play the flute--- my mother wouldn't let me-- she said there was too much competition (too many flutes in a band) so I played the clarinet (and hated it) but was first chair for 8 years.


A trip to Ireland or Scotland--- don't know why but I really want to go there.


oh yes, a trip would be even better! i wasn't thinking that big! lol. i would LOVE to go to Venice with a pocketful of cash and my sweet husband it tow! 

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I have a Pandora braclet that was given to me but I buy Pugster charms for it, they are adorable and way cheaper.

Here is the Amazon page


This was for the OP. ;)


Personally, if I could have anything? A personal chef that comes with their own grocery money. A personal trainer to help get me back in shape.  And a new wardrobe that come with someone to buy me clothes I don't feel fat and ugly in.

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Impossible, but... I'd love one more Christmas with my little sis. She was killed six years ago in a car accident. She was only 19, and she LOVED Christmastime. Plus, she never got to meet ds, and dd doesn't remember her.


Otherwise, I'll take a new house. We had plans drawn up for a little cottage awhile back, but our land deal fell through, and then dh was laid off, and, well, you know how it goes. I don't want anything fancy, but right now our bedroom is in the basement (which I've not-so-lovingly dubbed "the dungeon") -- it's finished and all, but it's still a basement. I can't wait to get out of there.


Oh, and wrap me up one of those Disney cruises while you're at it...


I'm so sorry.  Wish we could all put our impractical Christmas gifts together and get your sister back for you.  May your sister's memory be eternal!  :grouphug:


BTW, I love your school name.

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I'm so sorry.  Wish we could all put our impractical Christmas gifts together and get your sister back for you.  May your sister's memory be eternal!  :grouphug:


BTW, I love your school name.


Aw, thank you. She was one of those people that just lit up a room when she walked in (not like me at all, LOL!), and she would get soooo excited over Christmas; she would start counting down to the day we got our Christmas tree in September, even in college. We were almost 10 years apart, so I remember everything about her life. Sometimes I have dreams about dd, but when I wake up, I realize it was really my sis as a kid and not dd. They have so many similar traits.


I see you're a C.S. Lewis fan too!

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A cure for learning disabilities

Bookshelves that magically turn into beautiful, neatly organized focal pieces when company arrives

A live-in housekeeper who cooks, cleans, and helps the kids, yet never needs a thing (think Alice from the Brady Bunch)


Okay, back to reality - if I had the cash, what I would really buy is this Van Gogh top


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:lol: Does he/she already have a name?


That's one of those breeds I've always heard of, but could never pick out of a line-up, so I googled it.


I don't think they get much cuter! I'm a sucker for the ears. LOL


The ears kill me!! I shall name her Tupelo :-D!

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A cat. My kitty passed at the end of 2012 and I miss the love and affection that can only come from a cat.


DH is allergic however.

The kind tempered with self interest and poorly concealed contempt, right? (I love, love, love my cats.)


I have a friend who kept two cats despite allergies. One recently passed away, and her allergy has disappeared. Maybe there's a cat out there for your DH. *hug*

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