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What's on *your* (realistic) Christmas wish list? :)


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I'm gettin' nothing for Christmas, but I *want* a massage and facial.  Both are long overdue.  Most likely I will buy myself an overpriced spa visit while on the cruise we're going on around New Year's.  I said the same thing last year, but stupid me got a horrible sunburn and could not be touched for half of the cruise.  Bah.  I never seem to learn my lesson.

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Some books by my favorite author


The Brain tickler  http://www.marblesthebrainstore.com/the-brain-tickler/  You rub your head with it and it feels sooooo good.  The midwife uses it for women in labor.


A new ipad cover.


Irish tin whistle--just to play for fun.


Fleece lined tights (oh yeah!)


ipad keyboard


That thing where there are the 5 stainless steel balls hung on a frame and when you knock a ball from one side into the others, the ball on the other side bounces out and then back.  If you knock 2 balls on one side, 2 balls bounce on the other.  I can't remember what it's called now.  

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Well, I think I'd like some boots and a few clothing items, perhaps a few sweaters and scarfs. I might buy a few things for myself before Christmas but I'm trying to make myself wait. The mil likes to shop so it is nice to ask for things I would not otherwise buy myself. I wouldn't mind some decorator items for the house but I'm not sure what. I need new sheets. I'd like a new quilt set for my bed. I'd love a few moments to myself.

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My husband and I observe a $10 Christmas gift limit with each other so we get creative rather than just stuff we need/want that will be forgotten in the years to come. We started this not long after our older son was born.


I do want, and just got, a bunch of stuff to organize my tiny kitchen better. My husband installed it all for me today- shelves, wall mounted dish drainer, a rail for hooks etc. He also found a small kitchen table which fits our space so much better (we will stick the nice, but large and round set in our storage space until we move). It feels like Christmas times a thousand. There is so much more room to move and work on there. The small cramped apartment kitchen was the only bummer about moving.


Also, my hoodie has, after 15+ years hopelessly bitten the dust. This is like losing a dear friend. My very sweet husband found a company that makes them in the US from US produced materials and backs them with a lifetime warranty. He ordered me one that will arrive sometime in November. I protested at the cost and he pointed out that if it lasts me anywhere near as long as the last one, it will be the cheapest thing I own.

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Guest inoubliable

New mixing bowls. :( I have a set but they're starting to crack. I guess I've had them for a while. I found a nice set here: http://www.crateandbarrel.com/5-piece-5.5-9.75-nesting-mixing-bowl-set/s203762


This geography curriculum: http://www.socialstudies.com/c/product.html?record%40TF45481+af%40ssss


These coasters: http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product/search/973646.jsp?cm_vc=SEARCH_RESULTS


This set because my disc cracked over the summer: http://www.amazon.com/Florette-Manon-Spring-Double-Feature/dp/B0009P7EI2


This is my BIG wish: http://www.amazon.com/Breville-BOV800XL-1800-Watt-Convection-Toaster/dp/B001L5TVGW 
We have a crappy refurb stove/oven here and it never cooks evenly. Or bakes evenly. We complain all the time. I've learned to make a lot of stuff in the crockpot this past year to compensate, but I'd love to have a nice convection/toaster oven to have more options. That one there is like my dream oven. 


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All mine are for the kitchen it seems, apparently I do enjoy cooking when I have the right tools as I have learned at work




Food processor

immersion blender

miracle blade III knives (not the best quality out there but they have become my favorites at work)

mixing bowls (I am down to 1 the rest have broken)


On my last birthday I decided to buy gifts for myself and plan to do so again this xmas.  Normally I only get gifts from my folks and my mom never buys what I ask for, usually she buys clothes she likes etc (I do not wear the same style as a nearly 60 yr old woman).  I was much happier when I decided it was worth treating myself to what I really want.  So I will be delighted to get all of those things this year :)

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I want an armband for my iPhone so I can wear it when I work out.  Right now, I tuck my phone in the strap of my tank top and it (mostly) stays where it is supposed to be.  But now that I am doing my weights, I would like a real armband that won't slip around and that I could wear skiing as well.

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That thing where there are the 5 stainless steel balls hung on a frame and when you knock a ball from one side into the others, the ball on the other side bounces out and then back.  If you knock 2 balls on one side, 2 balls bounce on the other.  I can't remember what it's called now.  


Isn't that called Newton's cradle?  James Bond has one.  I could seriously watch it all day.  It's mesmerizing.  


I don't need anything.  If I really want something, and we have the money, I'll get it.  For Christmas, I want the same thing I want every year:  Two weeks of a completely clean kitchen when I get up every morning that *I* didn't have to clean (this is the best gift EVER-I always ask for it for my birthday too!).  I wouldn't turn down a gift certificate for a massage, a mani/pedi or a facial though.  

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It won't happen, but I would dearly love it if Santa would replace the antenna on my car. I knocked off the original one going through an automated car wash several months ago and ended up slapping together a temporary solution on my own. But I'm getting awfully tired of not being able to listen to NPR if I go more than 15 miles or so away from downtown.

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That thing where there are the 5 stainless steel balls hung on a frame and when you knock a ball from one side into the others, the ball on the other side bounces out and then back.  If you knock 2 balls on one side, 2 balls bounce on the other.  I can't remember what it's called now.  


A newton's cradle! I have one in my office, I love that thing and was so excited when I got it.  I have that and a drinking bird as my "toys" in here

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I want either upgraded speakers for my car or for dh to figure out if they can make my hatch in the back work with a remote button and for my windows to roll up with a remote button.  I have a 2013 Subaru Outback and they weren't upgrade options.  ;0/  I am sure they can install one aftermarket any time I get an oil change at the dealership, but I want dh to figure it out and arrange it for me.  LOL   I am really surprised that my car didn't come with at least one of the two.  Especially the windows....my 10 yo Honda Accord at least had that option as stock on the model I had.



For my birthday last month, he got my two front side windows tinted.  That made me very happy.  


These probably sound very frivolous but I put close to 2000 miles a Month on my car.  It is not uncommon for me to be in my car driving or waiting for kids for a couple hours a day.  My car is as important as my home to me.

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ds1 is really growing up; last year he gave me a $200 gift certificate to a spa which was really sweet but totally not my style. This year he's giving ds2 and me an X box classic, which totally appeals to my geek side even though I don't even know what a mod chip is yet or which flavour of GNU/Linux I'm going to put on it when I'm comfortable doing so.


That's plenty, but if any of my adult kids spend money on me, I hope it's in the form of a RAM upgrade for my desktop.

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A vacation, preferably to India.  Its realistic/possible but probably won't happen unless I organize everything myself which really isn't an xmas gift.


Barring a vacation, I would like a gold necklace/earring set and a jewelry box.  I don't own any jewelry other than my wedding rings as I'm sensitive to other metals.  I figure I'm at that point in my life where a nice set of earrings isn't unreasonable.  


My stocking stuffers;  Scented candles/burning oil, fuzzy socks, and small good quality treats.  



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LSU to beat Alabama (you want to beat them so badly, you can do it!)

Stanford to beat Oregon

Norte Dame to beat Stanford

Miami to beat Florida State

Virginia Tech to beat Miami (surely that Duke loss was a fluke)

Michigan to beat Ohio State (come on! I know you guys hate Ohio State!)

Texas A&M to beat Missouri


Umm...I think that's it. ;)

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For the first time ever, I don't want a single specific thing.  Huh.


I do like to open gifts, though, so I want my kids and my husband to be creative and come up with some stuff.


ETA:  Mrs. Mungo, despite recent performances, I will absolutely NOT allow Miami to lose to Virginia Tech (although I fear we're in a bit of trouble with the dreaded FSU next weekend.....)

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I don't know about this year, but last year's worked so well that I may do the same thing again.  I love the surprise more than the actual gift, so I have always refused to request anything specific.  But my husband's gift-giving skills leave something--okay, a lot--to be desired, and I end up with the worst presents.  Plus, I end up annoyed that it appears that he put no effort at all into picking gifts.  So last year, I asked for, and received:


1.  A cookbook to be selected by my then-12 yo daughter;

2.  An item of jewelry to be selected by my husband from a specific catalog;

3.  An item to wear or for the house to be selected by my then-9 yo son;

4.  A book to be selected by my then-15 yo daughter.


It worked like a charm; everyone picked something I use and love, and I was surprised-enough by everything that it was tons of fun for me. 


This year, I will either do the same thing again or request that we go ahead and pull the trigger on having our back entryway (deck, landscaping) torn out and replaced with brick steps. 



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We are doing a no gift Christmas this year...instead we are taking a long weekend in the mountains either before or after the holidays.  I'm so excited!!  We've finished all the grand-babies and kids Christmas shopping already so I'm just going to hangout this year and enjoy baking and singing and snuggling the littles.  

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I asked my mom for an amazon gift card. I know I will also get chocolate. I haven't decided if there is anything else I want. I usually make a short list for dh that includes asking him to complete a household project that has been taking him a while. That seems to happen every December. I think I will look around at local events to see if I will request one for a "date night."

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I want this kit


I know Santa will deliver, because I'm going to buy it tomorrow.  Then I'll give it to him to wrap and put under the tree on Christmas morning.


By that time, I'll probably have forgotten all about it (with any luck, HE won't have forgotten) and I'll be surprised by my gift!



How hard is that to do?

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