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The Venting Post


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It seems like we could use a place to vent this week without judging.  


So here it is-


Dear Insurance Company,


It should not take 4 days to find out an answer to a easy question.  I would like to hug the person who finally figured it out.  


To the Medical Supply company my insurance uses-

Being pushy is not a good thing.  I will not do a thing without a cost breakdown.  Do not throw a temper tantrum because I recite laws to you.  We know the dangers of OSA.  This is a replacement machine.  We do not need instruction on how to deal with OSA.  We can educate you.  Just answer the question.




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Oh my goodness I need this today!


Dear close friend,

Please take some responsibility as a parent! Sometimes parenting means not getting to do what you want to do. You can't take your baby to every activity and push him off on others who are trying to participate in said activity.


Dear committee partner,

It is possible to delegate tasks to our helpers! Please stop telling people that you will take care of it and then assume that I will do it for you.


That was so healing . . . let's do this every week!

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Dear Children,


Sometimes your mom really does want to be alone.  So if she takes herself off to the farthest end of the yard to garden alone, don't come to "keep her company".  And if she shuts the bathroom door, she really does want some privacy in there and doesn't want company while doing her business.  And if she takes the cordless phone out to the deck to vent to a friend without anyone hearing, don't send out a search party.


Signed.  Your mother who truly loves you and loves to spend time with you but not 24/7

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I needed this today....


Dear Close Friend,

Homeschooling IS real school, even if you don't believe that. And while I have a fairly flexible schedule, no, you may not ask me to watch your kids in the morning so you can go to a funeral for a distant relative. We're doing school. Real school. And I don't just skip days of school because I can. And I resent your attitude. I always have. I don't judge you for putting your kids in ps, I don't extol the virtues of homeschooling when we're together. Please respect my decision as I try to respect yours.


Yours truly!

An annoyed friend



Ok, thank you. I really needed to get this off my chest this morning.

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Dear Comcast (I'm sorry!  I can't help it! Forgive me, everyone!) - 


When I called to say I was canceling my phone and tv services with you, but keeping my internet, I didn't mean "Not only am I keeping the internet, but I'd like you to start charging my for "signature support".  I suppose that's what you thought I meant, though, since when I checked my mail today I had that very nice letter welcoming me to Signature Support, and when I checked my bill online I saw the $6.95 charge had been "conveniently" added already.



I really do know what I want and what I don't, and if I want you to charge me in the future for things I don't want or need I promise I'll let you know

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Dear Ellen,


Get off your rear and actually accomplish something.  Start a task and finish it.  Stop getting sidetracked by tangents.  You have company coming tomorrow and your house is in chaos..  If You Give a Mouse a Cookie is a cautionary tale, not a manual on how to live. 


Signed, Ellen (yes, I need a kick in the butt myself.) 


Dear previous homeowner,


Do not bother with wallpaper if you are not willing to size the walls properly. I have been working on removing your pet project for the last 3 weeks.  I do not enjoy peeling said wallpaper off in 1 by 3 inch strips and scraping with a putty knife.  You are so fortunate that I did not give away my expensive Delonghi steamer.  If I had, I think I would have hunted you down to give you a piece of my mind.  I have about 300 square feet more to go and I don't thing that will get done before we start school. 


Signed, Exhausted, wilted Ellen

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Dear SIL,


I love you, but I don't need your melodramatic, entitled brat routine at the moment.  I'm busy and hormonal enough at the moment tyvm...




Dear body,

We still have 9 weeks to go, I need you to keep it together.  Letting me actually eat anything without feeling sick would be helpful!






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Dear Cable/Phone Company- 


Please do not send our information to a debt collection agency because we did not return a modem that you told us did not need to be returned. And if you want your stinkinĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ modem back please send the letters requesting it to our current address (the one where the modem was) and not to the condo we lived in 10 years ago. 


Yours Truly-

A Customer Glad She has Switched Services




and inspired by the previous poster....


Dear Previous Homeowner-

Just a heads-up, when you paint with latex paint over oil it does not stick to the walls. If you use that method for every piece of trim in the entire house the next homeowners will be peeling paint off the walls for three plus years. 



The Current Owner of your Messes. 


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One more..this is very cathartic for some reason. 


Dear Insurance Company-


If you decide not to allow the Ă¢â‚¬Å“Outside of Network Home Health Care CompanyĂ¢â‚¬ to provide the necessary equipment so that I can discharge Baby X from the hospital today and instead make the parents and baby wait 6 days for Inside the Network Company to provide it than you do realize that you will have to PAY FOR SIX MORE DAYS OF UNNECESSARY HOSPITALIZATION for this baby, right? 



A Dissatisfied Doctor 



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Dear hospital,


Please get the billing dates correct. I know you sent an itemized bill, but the request for payment bill had (has) the wrong dates on it. If you will just make those dates agree with the itemized bill, the insurance company would pay you.


Dear insurance company,


The itemized bill has the correct dates. Please pay the hospital!  Six months is a long time to be arguing over dates. Especially when you agree with the charges and the dates are only off by one day! You are not being asked to pay for any extra days.

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Dear Cell Phone Service Provider:


You were the folks who erroneously added some lady in Hawaii to my SIL's phone plan (without ever checking with SIL) who ran up $700 in charges in one month.  You have already stated that the mistake was on your end and entirely out of my SIL's control.  Why is it that you insist that my SIL must pay that outrageous bill before the problem can be fixed?




Dear SIL,


I understand you had to do without cell phone service for some days, and your eldest fainted in the heat at band practice and you were unreachable.  But why did you cave in and pay that stupid bill instead of calling in the BBB and anyone else you could muster?  Now your service is "restored", but not fully -- you can only receive calls; you can't make them.  Don't you think it might be prudent to change carriers now?



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Dear Cell Phone Service Provider:


You were the folks who erroneously added some lady in Hawaii to my SIL's phone plan (without ever checking with SIL) who ran up $700 in charges in one month.  You have already stated that the mistake was on your end and entirely out of my SIL's control.  Why is it that you insist that my SIL must pay that outrageous bill before the problem can be fixed?




Dear SIL,


I understand you had to do without cell phone service for some days, and your eldest fainted in the heat at band practice and you were unreachable.  But why did you cave in and pay that stupid bill instead of calling in the BBB and anyone else you could muster?  Now your service is "restored", but not fully -- you can only receive calls; you can't make them.  Don't you think it might be prudent to change carriers now?


As a note:  There are lots of family members (including me) who could also have been called when my niece fainted.  Niece opted not to have anyone else called, and was fine after she had some water. 




Dear Niece:


Next time take the stupid hat, and your bottle of water!!!!  If you are worried about boys looking at you when you wear a hat just think of the impression you made by keeling over!  Fainting from the heat is SO not cool!  (Less cool that wearing a hat!)



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To the makers of Fletchers Sore Mouth medicine:  Thank you very not for discontinuing what is a very good, simple product and sending my dh into a tailspin of woe over losing the only thing he has ever used for canker sores.


To my dh: There are other products. Get over it and try one.  And, if you need them, I'll loan you my big girl panties.

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Dear Facebook Friends,


Please wait at least 12 hours before announcing the death of a loved one on Facebook. In the last few months, I have found out about the death of my aunt and DH's grandfather THROUGH Facebook, at no falt of the next of kin.


Good thing DH doesn't check Facebook at work. :/



Have a Little Respect

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Dear Web Hosting Company,


Yes there is actually a problem with our website. And Not fixing it or updating me on your progress for 3 weeks, forcing me to call and bug your customer service reps is not a good way to do business.


Frustrated Customer


Dear Children


I do not need a running commentary on your day. We are together almost all day, I know what you are doing. I do not really need to see you do it, hear you doing it, hear you tell me what you are doing, watch you show me what you are doing and then listen to you tell daddy about it later. I am going to go crazy soon.


But I still love you very much.


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Dear nonprofit who shall not be named,


I am happy to write some funding requests for you but please know what it is you are asking FOR before you send me an application and tell me the deadline is in 5 days. When I sent you an "Are you grant ready?" form to fill out weeks ago it was not an idle suggestion. Do the form. Attach the attachments. Send it to me. Or find a new writer. Thanks.


-cranky Grantwriter.

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Dear private school administrators,


Nice job negotiating a premium priced book list with a national textbook vendor and following it up with an email to the parents sharing about how the proceeds from the partnership will fund school programs. On the heels of the recent substantial tuition hike, and the announcement that all the students must come to school with iPads this year, I am not enjoying being the target of the latest fundraising scheme.


Just watch me shop out this book list at a third of the broker's proposed price, and joyfully tell my fb friends about it.



Bled-dry rock

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Dear Facebook acquaintance,


Thank you for posting about the army of children you have lined up to convert the city to your version of Christianity last night at a park party.  Blanketing the city with invites to a party in the park without mentioning the massive conversion attempt was @ssinine.  You wouldn't appreciate it if I did the opposite.  I'm glad I saw your post before caving to my kids begging to visit the park.





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Dear Children,


Believe it or not, I have this thing called "work" that occupies part of my time.  And yes, cooking food for you to eat and washing your clothes does fall into that category.  When I ask you not to bother me unless it is an emergency, it does not mean that not being able to figure out how to work the Grand Exchange on Runescape is an emergency.  


- Your hardworking mother who is working right now on this computer!  

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Dear friend,


Just because you spent the summer in Mexico and in your lake house with your 2 kids, it doesn't mean that your "break" from them (after they both go back to school) should involve asking a friend to watch them for 2 days during the school week. 


I was dumbfounded by your request. I still can't believe you asked me to do this.  Aren't you going to get a break from them all day, 5 days a week, when they go back to school on Monday??


I don't know how to tell you we can't do this because I know dh will think that we should.


-Your friend who is really wishing you had not asked her to watch your kids.




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Dear pregnant body o' mine,


You are only 2 weeks and 4 days from your due date. I know you are tired and worn out and in constant pain, but suck it up. This is your sixth time and you know it will eventually end.



Dear emotions o' mine,


Remember, you are almost finished! You will not be pregnant forever. Hang in there.

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Dear self,


Get off your ass and do something!!!








Dear Child,


I understand that you believe you are the absolute most deprived child in the whole wide world. However, repeated requests for daily ice cream when you aren't even supposed to have dairy, computer time outside your allowed amount, wanting junk food instead of real food, and general whining about boredom and how horrible your life is ALL. DAY. LONG. have me considering boarding school - preferably on the opposite coast. Enough already!!!


I love you, but I reeeeeeally don't like you right now.




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Dear 35 year old body-

I am counting calories, eating low carb, running (which I HATE) and weighlifting. Would it kill you to drop a few freakin pounds. This million month plateau is crap and we are getting older and I just want to hit my goal weight before I am 87. 


thanks so much.


Dear "friends" who feel the need to talk behind my back. Man up and talk to my face. I know everything you say anyways. 


Dear stomach bug-

LEAVE my house- we are sick of being stuck in it while the weather is amazing. 




well that felt a little better :-)



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To the freaking idiots in my life who have no clue about pregnancy loss:


Don't tell me to get a puppy.


Don't tell me that God must hold me in high esteem to choose me to populate Heaven with more souls.


Don't tell me that you are praying for me. Save it.


Don't go on and on and on and on about how many dc you've had and oh how lucky you are to never have had a loss.


Don't tell me I shouldn't have this second D&C because yes, it is necessary and no, you have no clue.


Don't tell me I will have more dc because you aren't God.


Don't tell me how your baby was unplanned/a surprise.


Dear pregnant woman who complains about everything - SHUT UP.


Dear person who takes their fertility for granted - leave me alone.


Dear body of mine - I hate you.


Dear God...well, I can't post here what I have come to think of you.

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To all those Craigslist/Freecycle flakes:

Look either you want it or you don't. It is a FREE bed in good shape, how much more info do you need? I gave you my cross streets, don't email asking where I am. No I only have 1 pic. No I can not meet you (did I mention it is a huge Cal King). It is FREE, did I mention that? That's it, I am calling a charity to come haul it away. I really don't want to put it for the trash as it still is really useable :p


That is all.


(I think DH is tired of hearing me on this topic, I feel better now.)

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Dear textbook publishers:


So why exactly does my daughter's math book cost $125, when I just bought the identical book from India for $21, shipping included? Don't tell me it's the royalties paid to the academics who write them; I'm married to one, and we are still waiting to be enriched from his publications.


I think it's just greed.


Oh, and muchos gracias, Supap Kirtsaeng (sincere, not ironic).

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Dear coworker, 


I get that your children are the most precious things in the world to you. That's fabulous. But, I don't want to hear about them every. single. day. I don't want to see pictures of them every. single. day. And here's a newsflash: If you don't start actually disciplining them, you are going to have two horrid monsters on your hands very, very soon. Quit being their "buddy" and be their mother.  


Dear abdomen,


I realize you were cut in 9 places almost 3 weeks ago. That is hardly a good reason to prevent me from sleeping on my side at night. Forcing me to sleep in the recliner is no longer cute or funny. I want my bed back. I want to sleep on my side. I'm tired of this chair. Get to healing. And while we're on the subject, this intense itching at all the incision sites is not funny, either. Heal silently and painlessly and be quick about it. 

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Dear eBay buyer,


When you bid on an auction and win, it is considered good manners to pay for it in a reasonable amount of time, especially after you've been sent a polite reminder.





Dear 4-H Leader,


When I volunteered to be the Hospitality director I expected that I would be planning the food and drinks for the events. I did not expect to get an email 24 hours before the event asking me to please come early and prepare frosted cookies and fruit cups.




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Dear Community College,


Thank you so much for the wonderful job you do customizing textbooks for this one and only CC, and thank you so much for ensuring that every textbook bundle is complete with online homework help that is available only with an unused key code.  It really helps to have you help us spend an arm and a leg when we could have made the mistake of spending a pittance by comparison and gotten used books, but we'd have inadvertently slighted ds's education.  Thank you for saving us from ourselves!


Dear CC Bookstore,


Thank you so much for demonstrating what "just in time" means--I know that my son will forever remember this vivid example of a well-run supply chain in action when he hears about it in Econ 1301.  It is so helpful to us that his books will only begin arriving in the bookstore in the last three or four days before classes begin, ensuring that we can only buy them from you.  You've saved us from the dread possibility of buying them online from Amazon Marketplace or Half.com sellers who might take advantage of us by selling us books that have a bit or writing or highlighting in them, or god forbid, might be pre-annotated.  You've saved us from pitfalls on so many levels.  How can we ever express our gratitude?



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Dear Community College,


Thank you so much for the wonderful job you do customizing textbooks for this one and only CC, and thank you so much for ensuring that every textbook bundle is complete with online homework help that is available only with an unused key code.  It really helps to have you help us spend an arm and a leg when we could have made the mistake of spending a pittance by comparison and gotten used books, but we'd have inadvertently slighted dh's education.  Thank you for saving us from ourselves!


Dear CC Bookstore,


Thank you so much for demonstrating what "just in time" means--I know that my son will forever remember this vivid example of a well-run supply chain in action when he hears about it in Econ 1301.  It is so helpful to us that his books will only begin arriving in the bookstore in the last three or four days before classes begin, ensuring that we can only buy them from you.  You've saved us from the dread possibility of buying them online from Amazon Marketplace or Half.com sellers who might take advantage of us by selling us books that have a bit or writing or highlighting in them, or god forbid, might be pre-annotated.  You've saved us from pitfalls on so many levels.  How can we ever express our gratitude?



Preach it. 

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To the freaking idiots in my life who have no clue about pregnancy loss:


Don't tell me to get a puppy.


Don't tell me that God must hold me in high esteem to choose me to populate Heaven with more souls.


Don't tell me that you are praying for me. Save it.


Don't go on and on and on and on about how many dc you've had and oh how lucky you are to never have had a loss.


Don't tell me I shouldn't have this second D&C because yes, it is necessary and no, you have no clue.


Don't tell me I will have more dc because you aren't God.


Don't tell me how your baby was unplanned/a surprise.


Dear pregnant woman who complains about everything - SHUT UP.


Dear person who takes their fertility for granted - leave me alone.


Dear body of mine - I hate you.


Dear God...well, I can't post here what I have come to think of you.


:grouphug:   I am sorry you have been subjected to all of the above.


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Dear Papa Johns,


When you call on the a Thursday night with a 2 for 1 deal on 12 inch pizzas and I throw caution to the wind, surprise the kids and order pizza and then instead of two 12 inch pizzas you send one 12 inch and 1 six inch and then you take the six inch back ONLY to redeliver the six inch with an additional 9 inch one hour later.....do you really think you ought to charge me full price?  If I didn't absolutely know (because I have been down that road many, many times) that calling the manager would be an exercise in absolute futility...I would have fought this one out.  But whatever.



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Dear neighbor,


If your son has been puking all night, please do NOT let him play outside the next morning and especially do NOT allow him to ring my doorbell inviting my kids to come play with him. As we later found out, he was still quite contagious...

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Dear lady at Red Robin in Ky,


I have a hard time believing that you walked by my table, where I sat with my children and my parents all speaking American English, and somehow thought that I was from the Middle East "because of my accent".  I was born and raised in Ky, I was sitting with my parents who were also born and raised in Ky.  Can we not call a spade a spade here and say that you thought I was Middle Eastern because I had a scarf on my head?  So thanks for saying, in front of my parents, that you thought I was a foreigner.  And for standing there at our table for a good 5-10 minutes trying to drum up conversation.  I get that you're excited because you've been to Egypt, but I'm not Egyptian.  And my parents aren't exactly thrilled that their daughter is now perceived as "other," not even related to them.  So thanks for getting our dinner out off to a lovely start.


Oh, and my parents didn't buy the whole "I heard your accent" line either.  So thanks for the added chill at our table after that.

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Dear Granite/Marble Company,


When we make an appointment for 7am to put in the bathroom vanity...we really do mean 7am.  



Dear Husband's Boss,


When dh tells you he needs a week off to work on the house...that does not include the 3 days he took off from sick leave because of a trip to the ER when he sprained his back.  



Dear Paint,


DRY FASTER dog-gone it!



Dear Children,


No, it doesn't help when we spend 2 hours to clean up the basement and you decide you want to sort all of your LEGOs in the middle of the floor by dumping every last one out of the tub and spreading them around -- because you can "see" them better that way.  



We're working on the house...and if you can't tell, everything is taking too long!


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Dear Co-Leader:

I didn't sign up our club for this commitment, and it isn't my fault that the person who did had to back out at the last minute. But we're still responsible for it, and whining and complaining about it doesn't help. Put on your big girl panties and help me get this done and out of our hair, or just stay home and let me do it all--either way, please just shut up.



I Don't Speak Whinese

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Dear neighbor,


If your son has been puking all night, please do NOT let him play outside the next morning and especially do NOT allow him to ring my doorbell inviting my kids to come play with him. As we later found out, he was still quite contagious...


had a friend bring her kid to VBS this summer, where we had 130 kids (after he had puked 15 times starting at 5 in the morning and VBS starts at 9) because she was teaching. She said that her son was kept separate from all this kids, so I am thinking OK he's in the bathroom or the hall, NO he's sitting in a chair in the room talking to all 3 of my kids. She said she thought he had a stomach issue (like obviously) and that it wasn't a bug (because you can tell this from the 15 times puking) 

:confused:  :confused:  :confused:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  


Oh and I ask my other friend who is in charge of children's ministries about the 24 hour rule and she says "I think he was just dehydrated" 


There are no words. 

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