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Would you report this?


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Last night (midnight-1 am'ish), I received calls, a voice mail and a text from someone threatening to rape me and then kill me by slitting my throat. He called me "whore" repeatedly. Lovely sentiments that I would put down to a wrong number or random prank except that the caller knew at least part of my name (it was midnight, so I may have missed the first name, but he used my last name). He texted claiming he could see me. (Or parts of me anyway.) I have the voice mail and text. I suspect it was a stunt by disgruntled sitter I just let go, and really it was not the least bit scary, but would you do anything else?


Eta: It was not scary because there is no way it could be a real threat, not because he wasn't trying for it to be scary. He was actually trying too hard.

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I would report it. You never know what cases the police are working on that may connect to your incident. If it continues, you will have begun documentation to file harassment charges, should that become necessary. Let the authorities check into it. "Disgruntled" people may blow a lot of smoke but they have also been responsible for some heinous crimes.


How frightening! Be safe!


ETA re not being scared - okay, his melodramatic delivery kept you from feeling scared of what he threatened. But the fact that he thought it was okay to contact you in this way and deliver such threatening content - THAT is scary.

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Eta: It was not scary because there is no way it could be a real threat, not because he wasn't trying for it to be scary. He was actually trying too hard.

Why would you think that? Scary is not the point. What he did was against the law.

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Yes. I would.  


1) If anything did happen, even something like vandalism then at least you've reported it.

2) Even If you think the person personally wouldn't do it, do you really know.   The neighbors of mass murders always say "he was so nice and quiet.  I can't believe he did that".

3) If they ever do something to someone else, at least there is a report of something previous that may help the police.

4) If it is a prank, then they need to know that it is not without consequences.  

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Yes. Please report it. Maybe he won't do anything to you, but what about the next time he gets upset? Stable people don't do this kind of thing.


And what if it was really meant for someone else? You said he may not have gotten your name right. What about that person? They might find it scary and real.

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There are people out there who want to hurt others just because they like to.  Because you can't imagine someone having it out for you, doesn't mean you're safe.  Hopefully you are right, but I would definitely report it.

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Yes really. Who in the world would have it so in for me? That is why I am not flustered.

I'm glad to hear that you're reporting it.


Please remember that just because you can't believe the person was serious about this, doesn't mean that he wasn't actually deadly serious. Quite frankly, I can't imagine anyone receiving the kind of multiple serious threats that you described -- in several different ways (calls, voice mail, and text) -- and not being alarmed. This sounds like a very determined person who knows exactly how to contact you and quite possibly where you live, as well.


When you call the police, please don't minimize this. Give them the exact facts and don't act like you're not worried. The police need to take this very seriously. This is NOT a silly little prank. These kinds of threats are creepy and may very well be the sign of an extremely disturbed individual who truly plans to try to hurt you. (And even if you think it's a local teenager playing a joke, this isn't something a normal kid would do. Teens can r*pe and murder people, too, and even someone who appears harmless may be very dangerous.)


And please be careful.


I wouldn't normally try to scare you, and would just offer you hugs and support, but IMO, you are taking this far too lightly.

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My friend had a Walmart stalker. See, every morning after she dropped off her son at school, she'd get a coffee at Sheetz and then browse in Walmart.


She started noticing a man in Walmart who was always there when she was. After some time, she noticed that he was always an aisle or two away from her and often in her aisle. Then he started giving her odd, threatening looks as he passed--like he was angry at her. This went on for a few weeks and by then she had seen him in the parking lot often enough to know his car.


And then she started seeing his car parked at Sheetz in the morning when she was there.


And then parked outside her son's school.


He never spoke to her or touched her, but she went told the police. They took it very seriously and called him into the station. The man said, "I didn't do anything. I'm just shopping." The officer said, "Yeah, right. I don't believe you. If anything every happens to this woman, we will be coming for you."


She only ever saw him one more time, and as soon as he saw her, he turned right around and walked away.


Tell the police. Maybe they'll let the guy know they have their eye on him. Or at least, you'll get the ball rolling if this becomes ongoing like my friend's situation. Maybe others have had this happen. You don't want it to escalate like my friend. And if it does, you want a paper trail.

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I'm scared for you. It doesn't matter that the delivery wasn't done in a scary way, the words and threats can still be real. Teens these days usually are very aware that there are huge consequences for pranks that involve threats like this, so I wouldn't dismiss it as a prank. I'm glad you are reporting it.

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Last night (midnight-1 am'ish), I received calls, a voice mail and a text from someone threatening to rape me and then kill me by slitting my throat. He called me "whore" repeatedly. Lovely sentiments that I would put down to a wrong number or random prank except that the caller knew at least part of my name (it was midnight, so I may have missed the first name, but he used my last name). He texted claiming he could see me. (Or parts of me anyway.) I have the voice mail and text. I suspect it was a stunt by disgruntled sitter I just let go, and really it was not the least bit scary, but would you do anything else?


Eta: It was not scary because there is no way it could be a real threat, not because he wasn't trying for it to be scary. He was actually trying too hard.


What would you recommend someone in your exact situation do?

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Agree with everyone else. Report it. Even if he did it as a prank, that is not a prank that anyone should ever be pulling, ever. It is a sick prank. I would report it immediately. Something like that happened to me once when my husband was traveling out of town with his job. The first time, I thought it was a random prank. The second time, it was about a week later and happened to be the very next time my husband was gone overnight and I was all alone. It was always around 2am. The prankster even said he was watching me. If my memory serves me, I think he said he knew I was alone! I lived in a big inner-city apartment building directly across the street from the metropolitan art museum. I could totally imagine a janitor inside the museum watching me! I was so scared, I called 911. They DID tell me I should have called the regular police department number and not 911. But otherwise, they didn't mind that I called. They took down all the information, and I believe they sent a car to patrol the neighborhood. Fortunately, I never had another call again.

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Yes I would report it.  Uttering death threats is a crime, so he can be charged under that and you have the paper trail set in motion if it ever happens again etc.  Even if you think he would not act on it, I would report anyway.  I never dreamed that the guy that came after us would do that.  I mean I splashed him with water from a puddle, it ended with all my van windows smashed, and death threats against me and my family, along with him watching the house etc.  after he keyed my van right after the incident I thought that was the end of it, I never thought that 6 hours later he would come back and smash the windows, nor did I think that we would have to be fearful for another week of his stalkerish behaviour. This was a complete stranger that would not accept my apology for an honest accident.  People are crazy, and you never know what will set someone off and just how far they will go.  How many times do we hear neighbors, friends, family, coworkers etc say they never suspected someone of a heinous crime because they didn't seem teh type, were too quite, were always blowing smoke etc.  Report it, make him understand that you will not put up with his bs that you are strong enough to stand up to him.  If he meant his crap he is looking for power, by standing up to him by getting the police involved you are taking the power away from him.  You don't have to feel real fear to take it seriously and deal with it as such

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What would you recommend someone in your exact situation do?

I am at a four-day out of town event with one of my kids and told a bunch of the other moms about it this morning, and none of them suggested reporting it. It did not actually occur to me until later in the day.


I appreciate the responses. One of the reasons I don't feel like it is real is that I don't think people who are going to kill you actually announce themselves first. But what do I know?


To clarify on why the uncertainty about whether he knew my name, he definitely used my last name, but at the time (12:30, out of a dead sleep), I thought he was using it as a first name. So if my name were Suzie Smith, he asked if this is Smith, except that my last name is a common first name.

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Yes really. Who in the world would have it so in for me? That is why I am not flustered.

it probably nothing to do with you. Just opportunity. Just his thrill. I had a neighbor' an 11 yo Girl who made similar phone calls for kicks.

Do report it. At the least it's harassment. Have you had any previous odd things? Things missing? Being followed?


Eta. Do take it seriously. It can be a "stranger" stalker. They would announce to you as its part of their thrill to see you squirm.

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Yes, I would call the police and file a report.  If he means this threat, he is dangerous.  If not, he is mentally unbalanced in some way.  Either is not acceptable.  It is a terroristic threat. It is illegal.  Maybe it does not phase you, but this is someone who might be verbally assaulting other people in this manner, and he needs to know it is unacceptable.  Not all women are as fearless as you, so it would be for the greater good to report this to the police and hopefully, get this person some sort of sanctions.

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As the wife of former law enforcement and Co, YES report it. The stories I have heard about seemingly stupid threats.

And make your children aware they are not to talk to suspected person, or anyone who approaches them.


Please please take this seriously.

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Guest submarines

told a bunch of the other moms about it this morning, and none of them suggested reporting it.

I'm curious now. What *did* they say??

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If you have not already done so,  please call the non emergency phone number of your local Police Department, immediately, and report this File a written report and get a Complaint number.  Your phone company or cell phone company can locate the originating phone number, by searching their records, at the request of the Police. 

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I am at a four-day out of town event with one of my kids and told a bunch of the other moms about it this morning, and none of them suggested reporting it. It did not actually occur to me until later in the day.



I am flabbergasted they didn't tell you to report it too. If someone threatens to rape and kill you, you report it. I guess in my mind that is just common sense. 

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Those who are mentally unbalanced (the kind of people who commit violent crimes & stalk women) do not follow rational lines of thinking. So please do not apply your balanced, mentally stable thought process to a conclusion that makes you feel he isn't going to try to harm you.  I don't know if that makes sense, but I've got experience in this situation and I have never regretted pressing charges against the one who made the threat.  He was a campus cop at my university, and he was fired for making threats against my life and stalking.  Guess what? I never heard him make the threat- he made the threat while the chief of police was walking past him.  The chief relieved him on the spot and I was given assistance with filing charges against him.  Now, I knew he meant harm to me because of the stalking and phone calls but I always thought he didn't really mean it- I don't know but I though he was a bit unbalanced and bored, maybe.  The chief of police assured me that this could have had a very, very bad outcome.  Please, do everything you can to take this seriously.

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Another thought... Do you have a daughter? Is it possible this creep was leaving the messages for her? If this happened when you were out of town I would worry even MORE if this was directed at a dd.


Please let us know what the police say.

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