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My son found his birthmother on Facebook -- update

Rose in BC

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Here's a interesting update. My ds texted my sister day telling her he thinks he might have chicken pox! Seriously? Mumps earlier this month (turned out not to be) and now chicken pox? And why isn't his birthmother providing guidance? He always comes to us in times of trouble.


After a back and forth conversation, my sister told him he needs to see a dr. (Oh, and she asked him if he's sure it's not ..in her words "insect bites"...aka fleas or bedbugs.)


Haven't heard anything more since this morning.


I think he might be gearing up for excuses to miss school which starts Tuesday. I'm sure he's scared. New school. Big city school.


My money is on flea bites because I had a friend whose sister did exactly this:  tried to keep her kids out of school (they were chronically truant) because of chicken pox, when the "pox" were actually flea bites.  She must have an outdated version of "The Scuzzy Parent Handbook," i.e., one published before the CP vaccine became the norm. 

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If he had the vaccine and he actually got the chicken pox, his pox will be gone tomorrow, well before school on Tuesday. He probably has fleas or bed bugs. I might alert social services that a doctor visit is necessary over the weekend since there's chance of missing the first day of school. 


It's good he keeps in contact with your family when things are not right. It's a sign he knows birthmom cannot be counted on for basic needs. 

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Even if he got vaxed for pox he can still get it.  It is happening often.  As well if he has not been getting the boosters every 7 years he could very well get it.  My bet is still on insect bites, but I would not discount the chance of pox based on a vaccine.  The mumps he was vaxed for, and he never had.  Who told him it might be mumps? The clinic or the bio mom, bio mom is a flaky user and she would have no clue what vax he has had.  Even with vaxes there is some things making a comeback like whooping cough so I can see if the clinic before double checking his vax records (since bio mom wouldn't know if they asked if he was) might make an off hand comment of rule out mumps and bio mom or your ds latched on to that as what was going on.  In this situation though, pox is still possible though the culprit is most likely bug bites.

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I hope your ds got to a doctor or clinic to get checked. I had chickenpox as a young adult and it was horrible. I remember spending a lot of time in a bathtub filled with water and oats (that helped soothe the itching so much) and only being able to handle wearing flannel pjs.


There is a measles outbreak in the province right now. Hopefully that isn't what he has.

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I asked dd if she wanted to see ds. I was kind of shocked to hear her say how angry she is at him for putting us through so much grief. (She's a very mellow personality.). I'm glad we have counciling for her.


DD sounds quite normal. She is reacting as any normal person would in this situation. Normal for her and your family to be angry at your DS...

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Okay I have to admit I teared up reading that he said he should have listened to you and that you were right.  That is so huge and a great first step towards seeing you are not the bad guy.  If it is thyroid once it starts getting under control again and the anxiety/depression etc it can cause are dealt with he may start seeing the whole situation in a whole new light.  I am so glad he got checked out, and that something positive has come out of all of this.  Those rare times my oldest realizes I have been right along and he admits it are so precious to me, which is likely why I teared up reading you got that message

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Oh, Rose... Somehow I lost track of this thread and didn't see any updates. What an unbelievable ordeal. I'm so thankful your sisters are alongside your family through it all. My heart breaks for you, but your last post contained glimmers of hope. Many hugs to you and yours. I hope your son is safely home soon! :grouphug:

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Here's the miracle. He texted my sister (who he had conferred with about his rash) and explained the thyroid problem then said "which means, if I would have listened to mom and gone to the dr I wouldn't be overweight, with horrible stomach issues today".


Then when I got home from work he left a phone message asking me to call. In almost so many words he said "you were right mom".




And I notice he said, "Mom" and not "Rose."

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Rose, I have been following this thread and just wanted to send you hugs. As an adopted kid who is probably a bit RADdy due to the trauma associated with my abandonment/ adoption I know what a tragedy it would have been for me to have met my bio mom as a teen. I probably would have done exactly as your son is doing and hurt my mom deeply. There is just such a psychological hole left in a child with RAD. Then again, I , like your son would have probably seen fright through my bio moms cr@p pretty quickly. I think he needs to get it all straight in himself. Actually, as I write this, maybe it would have been better for me and my mom if I had met and tried to foster a relationship with my bio mom back then. It would have gotten the cards on the table, no mystery, no wondering whys, no false ideas of who my mother really was.


I met my bio mom a year after my mother died. I did have a relationship with my mother and I was there for her until the last minute, but it was alwaysr strained, always stressful, always hard. I never blamed her per se' for the situation, but I also never bonded well....I am still an arms length sort of person. I expect those around me to hurt me deeply, so I do not get too close. I am pretty outgoing and verbal, but not warm and cushy. I never can be. Anyway, last year I met my bio mom, 2 sisters and a brother. Also, an aunt. I was welcomed by all with open arms....and one sister has become a very close friend. Bio mom.........piece of work!!! Total piece of work! Truth and reality are not part of her world. She is very sweet, very smart, but as nutters as they come! Even as a full grown woman with adult children of my own, this is something I am working through. I wish my mother was around to help me with this. I wish I could apologize to her for being such a little sh*t. I wish I would not have hurt her the way I did, immaturely, selfishly, without regard for her feelings because I was so inside my own issues and not dealing with the full information...not even really understanding the psychological issues in adopted kids. I come from a time where kids were all resilient, and there was no idea that adopted kids might not bond properly, or might have abandonment issues.


I do think it may pan out better that ds is getting a real view of the truth of his circumstances and may actually begin to see your side a bit....a big bit. I also hope he gets a good dose of bio mom, enough to see he really does want to be with his mother ( YOU!).


Anyway, you and your family are in my heart and my prayers.

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We've had a tough week with our eldest son getting in some trouble, my dd going to her birthmother's funeral. Friday night I was feeling very overwhelmed telling dh I can't do it anymore (parenting FASD kids). Knowing their whole life will be a struggle, I sometimes wonder how we'll be able to continue this pace. There is no respite with FASD.


Anyway, yesterday my dh and I good day shopping, going for lunch (andi had my nails done :)). On our way one I get a text from my niece saying "it looks like the sh**** hit the fan, referring tommy ds and his birthmother. My heart was pounding. on the one hand maybe he was coming home. On the other hand, how would we be able to handle this boy who has been out of control his whole life but now it could be worse than ever.


So last night I bit the bullet and phoned him and he answered. He was a bit defensive to start but eventually said he's been thinking about it. (Actually i think he was choking up on the other end when he heard my voice but he claimed to be listening to his ipod thats why he wasnt talking.) I didn't say anything except that I was worried that something bad had happened causing him to want to leave and that I was just checking he was ok. He said everything was fine. I reiterated that he could call any time if he was in trouble. Call lasted ten minute.


So I don't know what to make of this. He started school Friday which I know would have been stressful. I think I'll phone social worker and see if she can dig deeper.

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I feel for your son, Rose.  He's going through a furnace right now.  I hope and pray he comes out on the right side, that he gets the medical help he needs (for his thyroid), and realizes that he has a real family, a real mother, who has always been there for him.  You've been amazing.  I know you don't feel like it right now, but you are so strong.  


:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Yes I now know his birthmother is having (and I'm not sure how to phrase this) a schizophrenic melt down. I think it's disconcerting for him. I guess her boyfriend tried to get her to hospital but she's been weeping nonstop and hallucinating.


My niece told him her dad could be there in two hours to pick him up but he doesn't feel in danger, just confused at what he's seeing.


I contacted social worker today. She is checking into things.

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Yes I now know his birthmother is having (and I'm not sure how to phrase this) a schizophrenic melt down. I think it's disconcerting for him. I guess her boyfriend tried to get her to hospital but she's been weeping nonstop and hallucinating.


My niece told him her dad could be there in two hours to pick him up but he doesn't feel in danger, just confused at what he's seeing.


I contacted social worker today. She is checking into things.


Prayers for your son and you.

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I think you need to have someone (not you because of your difficult relationship with him) explain how dangerous untreated schizophrenia can be. It of course is not always but it certainly can be.  And if he doesn't know a lot about it he may find comfort in knowledge and be able to make a better informed decision if sticking around while his birth mom refuses treatment is a good idea.  Schizophrenia runs in my family so I know how difficult it is to understand it when its new.

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