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Prayers please! My husband is in the hospital...UPDATED


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He has been there since late Saturday night. He had a sore that got infected, didn't get the proper treatment (long story, but includes some negligence on a doctor's part), and the infection spread from the spot just below his knee all the way down to his foot, through his knee and into his thigh, etc. Yesterday his swabs came back positive for MRSA


The powerful IV antibiotics have helped some with the swelling and fever and everything, but his knee is still stiff and swollen. He can only stand for a few seconds before his pain level sky rockets.


I have no clue what the course of treatment is from here... I just want him home and feeling better. He was actually supposed to deploy on Monday...


Any prayers/thoughts are appreciated!





Thanks ladies!


He was finally released this evening! It is still a long road to recovery. The original wound is healing, but he's now got a secondary abcess spot. The big kicker is that the infection settled into his knee. He's got a lot of swelling and pain there and can barely even get to the bathroom with the help of pain medications and a cane. He will be seen outpatient at a separate wound care clinic that will work with all of that.


It's hard for him to be so immobile because he's such an up-and-going guy. The kids are also having a rough time, though I suspect it'll be better now that they won't have to be confined to a hospital room to visit Daddy.


We're currently treating everyone in the house as if colonized for MRSA. My kids also don't like having medication up their noses. Lol.


With all of the going down, there is definitely going to be a report written about the doc who let this slide and didn't treat it properly in the first place. I'm having a vey hard time letting the military handle it without getting involved.


With all of this going down, he has been verbally told that he has been replaced for this deployment and to focus on healing. To be honest, if I had to pick deployment or this, I'd have picked deployment.

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oh, i am so sorry. it can be nasty stuff :(


there are some papers on line. this one lists the antibiotics that are currently most effective under the discussions section. however, susceptibility to a particular antibiotic may well be regional. it might be a good question for you to ask. it sounds like even moderate cases take at least 10 days of antibiotics. http://www.jabfm.org/content/24/5/543.full


when i had it in england in '89, they used a medicine they called magnasulf.... i don't think they use it here much. it actually dissolved the skin so that they could access the infection that was below it. it sounds like his is much larger than mine was :(

it took me about 2 weeks to recover, and 2 weeks more to feel like myself.


it can also spread by skin to skin contact, so you may want to keep an eye on you and the dc :(


hoping they get it under control reallllly soon,


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Last July, my DH was hospitalized with the exact same thing. He ended up being in the hospital for 5 days. The antibiotics ended up helping, but only after they could deliver them via PICC line.


Please take care of yourself - let me know if I can help at all.


(((Hugs and Prayers)))

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Glad to here he has been released. Please take care of yourself - it will be awhile before he is 100 percent again. For my DH, it was four weeks after he was released before he was back to his full strength.


Again, let me know if I can help at all. My prayers are with you and your family.

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Thanks ladies! We are trying to be low-key to allow him to recover. I'm sort of the glue that's holding everything together right now. I have a busy weekend up ahead with all of the medical appointments, an important swim meet for my son, and my brother coming into town, but then nothing super important or pressing after that, so if I can just get through this next week, I'll feel like we can survive. Lol


Glad to here he has been released. Please take care of yourself - it will be awhile before he is 100 percent again. For my DH, it was four weeks after he was released before he was back to his full strength.


Again, let me know if I can help at all. My prayers are with you and your family.


Thanks for your experience. It's nice to have a time table to see sort of what we're dealing with!

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