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What is the appeal of a dress where your girls are showing?


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I was looking online at pictures of people who attended the Academy Awards. I don't get it. I have them, you have them, every woman has them.


Why do they feel the need to wear a dress cut so low/skimpy that 75% of your chest is showing?


Why do men not feel the need to walk around with half their pants missing?


Am I missing something?






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Why do men not feel the need to walk around with half their pants missing?




Please, don't give them any ideas!




I agree with you, of course. I never did understand it, and I probably never will. And I probably don't want to.

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This might actually look nice on somebody with the body to wear it well. On the person photoed it looks ridiculous.


The same with this one. The style (strapless) is worn often and looks nice. But the way this person is wearing it, the dress looks too short and totally wrong for her. It looks like it was made for a short waisted woman, certainly not for the person wearing it in the photo.


If one scrolls down to the slide show number 3 has a lady in a similar strapless top. Hers looks like it fits. Even if it were to have a lower plunging neckline it would fit. Not so with the Glanville lady's dress.

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on my fb feed the other day, i saw a link to an article comparing being a hollywood star to being a sex worker ... kinda interesting food for thought. i also think that a lot of (esp younger) women think that being oogled makes them important. and as they age, it becomes even more important to remain 'highly visible' . . i mean, the movie industry is a visual industry. and sex sells.


i dont care about what you can and cant see, tho . . its a body, we all have one

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Personally, I think Heidi Klum was trying to prove something...like she's still got it...and failed! The second picture in that 1st link, that shows her w/ Naomi Campbell.. now there was a gorgeous dress. Naomi's dress was elegant and classy.


The second link, I think she just couldn't get the dress on all the way- someone should have told her it was supposed to come up about 4 inches!

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Beats me. And what is with the 10 inch heals? Ugh, my feet are throbbing just from thinking about it.


Hey! Don't go hatin' on the heels!


Brandi Glanville is a fame wh*re. She designed the dress herself. She could have designed it big enough to actually fit. It probably would have looked decent on someone a foot or two shorter, but on her it was ridiculous. I'm still trying to figure out why she was at the Oscars in the first place. For those of you who don't know, she's one of the "real" housewives (cause don't we ALL look like that?" I don't watch those shows (I don't even think we get them over here), but she was on the View last week, so that's how I know who she is.

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Some of the older actresses dress scantily, maybe to try to look young...?


When you're famous and living in famous circles your perception of "normal" gets quickly skewed, I imagine. Just living in the bubble of being rich will do that to you.


At least michelle obama doesn't have her girls hanging out everywhere (re the thread re her fashion sense).

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I used to wear skimpy clothes when I was a very insecure college coed. I had gone from an environment where I was seen as "the brainy girl" to one where everyone was at least as smart as me if not smarter. The flip side was that while in my high school I was just normal "cute", in college I was seen as "hot". So that was the persona I adopted. Had I felt more self-confident, I wouldn't have felt the need to dress like a bimbo.


I suspect these aging, recently divorced model/reality stars are feeling fairly insecure about themselves. If your whole identity is based on being "hot", it's got to be pretty tough to be a 40something divorcee.

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What's the appeal of wearing a dress that shows your arms, or your legs or you face. Seriously what does it matter? Maybe they really like that part of their body and like to emphasize it. Maybe they want attention. Maybe they want to get the hand wringers and slut shamers all riled up.

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I was going to reply to say that in a fancy dress a bit of cleavage is attractive. But then I clicked on the links. Those dresses are just ugly to me and show too much. I don't understand those dresses.





I was going to say, aww come on and live a little! Nothing wrong with a little skin! ...And then I clicked on the links. :blink:


At that point it's just classless.

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Most of the dresses on the red carpet slide show are of women wearing dresses that show an average amount or no amount of cleavage. The links go to two extreme examples. One possible reason why they wear clothing like that is summed up nicely right there. Another reason is that they just like to. We live in a country where women can mostly wear what they want, for whatever reason they want. I am glad for that, regardless of if I like or dislike any particular dress. We all have a simple solution here. If we don't like it, we don't wear it.

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I actually thought the women's dresses were more conservative this year than they have been in the past. I know there were some notable exceptions, but overall, I thought most of the women looked relatively tasteful.



:iagree: I loved Aniston's dress. And Ann Hathaway looked so classically Hollywood.

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I was going to reply to say that in a fancy dress a bit of cleavage is attractive. But then I clicked on the links. Those dresses are just ugly to me and show too much. I don't understand those dresses.




And I'll be the first to admit, despite all of us having them, *I* think they're pretty cool ;)






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I imagine it's the old 'some people will do anything to get noticed'. Do you think anyone sees dresses like that and thinks 'beautiful'? It's a real question - I certainly don't, and I prefer to look at 'beautiful'.


Or maybe the logic is 'we all have them, why hide them'. I once had a massage in Thailand - outdoors next to a pool - and the female masseuse tried to get me to roll over while I was 'uncovered'. "All same-same!" was her impatient response to my protests.

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Eh. They aren't dresses I would wear but they don't bother me. Nor does it bother me that my DS's or DH sees them. I'm glad they're able to dress the way they want. They do have beautiful bodies and I don't think they need to be covered any more than we need to cover beautiful faces.

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I thought I'd click the link and roll my eyes at you prudish homeschooling moms. The first dress must be awful to make heidi klume look bad. The second one would be nice on a smaller, shorter woman. She likes like she drank that Wonderland growing juice! Good gravy, I have professional bellydance costumes that cover MUCH more than either of those dresses . . . and I'm not even talking about the extra-modest public school gig costumes.

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:iagree: I loved Aniston's dress. And Ann Hathaway looked so classically Hollywood.



I found her ceremony dress reminiscent of a lobster bib.

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For the record, I think the dresses in those links are extreme and just plain ugly. But as to the question of why men don't walk around showing their man parts...I think it's for two reasons: 1) Men are very visual, so women showing their bodies to them goes a lot farther than men showing their bodies to us. 2) Breasts are beautiful. Man parts are...utilitarian. Please, please, don't make me look at them on the red carpet!

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