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Apparently his wife did leave a phone message for my mom (his step-mom), but she hadn't received it yet. My brother just turned 40. His death was unexpected. We don't know the cause yet, just that he stopped breathing in the middle of the night.


Well, at least she called someone in the family, but am I the only one who wouldn't even think of posting on Facebook within hours of a huge tragedy? I know people want to get the word out when something happens, but IMO, this is not the kind of thing that close family and friends want to learn about on Facebook. It seems so insensitive. At least wait until you know that all of the "important" people have been personally notified!


And while I'm complaining, what kind of insensitive idiot would leave a phone message for a mom, telling her straight out that her son had died? Wouldn't you have waited to talk to her before you said it to a machine????

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Well, at least she called someone in the family, but am I the only one who wouldn't even think of posting on Facebook within hours of a huge tragedy? I know people want to get the word out when something happens, but IMO, this is not the kind of thing that close family and friends want to learn about on Facebook. It seems so insensitive. At least wait until you know that all of the "important" people have been personally notified!


And while I'm complaining, what kind of insensitive idiot would leave a phone message for a mom, telling her straight out that her son had died? Wouldn't you have waited to talk to her before you said it to a machine????


Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. Her husband died unexpectedly. I'm not sure I would be thinking rationally. It just seems kind of harsh to be calling a new widow names.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry.


I would tend to give a new widow quite a bit leeway in a situation like this. It was unexpected and he was so very young. Very sad. :crying: If my DH died unexpectedly, it wouldn't necessarily be on my radar to comfort family he wasn't close to.

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Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. Her husband died unexpectedly. I'm not sure I would be thinking rationally. It just seems kind of harsh to be calling a new widow names.


We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.


I don't think you would need to be thinking incredibly rationally to realize that it is incredibly poor taste to call your MIL on the phone and leave her a message on her answering machine that her son died. :eek: Even the dimmest-witted person on the planet should realize that a mother would probably prefer to hear that kind of horrible information directly... as would other close family members, who apparently had to find out on Facebook.


I'm sorry, but even when you're going through something as awful a shaving your dh die suddenly, it doesn't excuse you from having a little common courtesy toward his mom and siblings.


But enough about the insensitive SIL -- we should be focusing on amana and her feelings. What an incredible shock for her and her whole family -- no one expects this, and especially not to a 40 year old man!

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I don't think you would need to be thinking incredibly rationally to realize that it is incredibly poor taste to call your MIL on the phone and leave her a message on her answering machine that her son died. :eek: Even the dimmest-witted person on the planet should realize that a mother would probably prefer to hear that kind of horrible information directly... as would other close family members, who apparently had to find out on Facebook.


I'm sorry, but even when you're going through something as awful a shaving your dh die suddenly, it doesn't excuse you from having a little common courtesy toward his mom and siblings.


Sometimes your callousness shocks me, Catwoman.

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Well, at least she called someone in the family, but am I the only one who wouldn't even think of posting on Facebook within hours of a huge tragedy? I know people want to get the word out when something happens, but IMO, this is not the kind of thing that close family and friends want to learn about on Facebook. It seems so insensitive. At least wait until you know that all of the "important" people have been personally notified!


And while I'm complaining, what kind of insensitive idiot would leave a phone message for a mom, telling her straight out that her son had died? Wouldn't you have waited to talk to her before you said it to a machine????


I'm very sorry for your loss. I remember when my son died that in my haze I was very worried one of is friends would post something before I had to make sure most people knew. I don't believe anybody did, but I remember saying this to my husband as he contacted people in many different states.

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