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S/O Do you change things at other people's homes?


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You really don't care about which way the toilet paper goes? Really? There's two of us! I'm not alone! I'm not a freak! Okay, we're both freaks! ;)



I've got to say I think it's the funniest thing ever. I never heard of the *correct* way to hang tp until I was in my 20s and I heard it on the radio or something and I was thinking, "seriously?!?". Baffling. :confused1: I put it on the spinney thing and don't even pay attention, not even now after hearing about it. I'm sure sometimes it's over and sometimes it under and I truly never notice. If someone switched it at my house I'd be clueless. :D


And no, I never change anything at another person's house.

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I don't care how the toilet paper is on the roll, but my husband is adamant that it should go over, so I just set it on the sink and let him deal with it :001_tt2:

On the other hand, I would never rearrange things at someone else's house. I do shut cupboard doors. I am kind of compulsive like that with doors and cupboards. Can't stand to see them ajar.


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I started flipping the direction of my grandmother's toilet tissue when I was a kid - and I do it at other's homes as well. I hope my grandmother didn't despise me for it ( if she even realized it was me).


I do it at my mom's house. It's completely passive-aggressive on my part and it REALLY makes her mad. I don't care. If she would just do it properly I'd leave it alone.

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ok I will join the freak club also cause I have never cared or even noticed which way the toilet paper is on the roll. At my house I am just happy the rare times that anyone other than me will even put a new roll onto the roller. Many are the times that I can be heard shouting "Will someone please bring me a roll of tp"


also justlisa, I would have also assumed that the towels were there to be used. I am not one that has things around, especially in the bathroom that are not to be used.

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I have done dishes for both of them without permission when I was really bored. I put the obvious stuff away and the stuff I don't know goes on the drainboard.





Oh, this reminds me! My mother loves nothing more than to do dishes. Every single time she visits, I have the same problem. She will wash everything, and once the drying rack fills up, she will set the clean dishes back in the now-clean sink. Well, inevitably, someone will use the sink to wash their dirty hands or toss a dirty cup or plate into the sink because no one expects clean dishes in the sink. So now those dishes need to be washed again. People cleaning anything in my house makes me twitchy to begin with. She did really well the last time she visited, and barely touched the dishes. I had to constantly put the new baby in her arms to distract her from it though. I need a new plan of attack for her next visit, because the baby will be mobile by then, and I can't crank out a new baby fast enough to use the same trick again.

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ok I will join the freak club also cause I have never cared or even noticed which way the toilet paper is on the roll. At my house I am just happy the rare times that anyone other than me will even put a new roll onto the roller. Many are the times that I can be heard shouting "Will someone please bring me a roll of tp"


also justlisa, I would have also assumed that the towels were there to be used. I am not one that has things around, especially in the bathroom that are not to be used.




Oh good so i'm not crazy. I thought she was being nice and polite so people didn't have to share towels LOL.


I keep a basket full in my bathroom so that when one falls on the floor or gets used several times we can just grab another.

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What? Why in the world does the TP have to go over? It is easier to tear if it is under and you are less likely to accidentally get too much off the roll. :leaving:



Actually, in my experience, you're more likely to pull off half the dang roll if it's under. That's why I always have it over.


Unless your under is the same as my over.

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I've flipped the toilet paper... but only at my dad's. It was the bathroom for us, in the basement bedrooms, where they never go and I'm sure the cleaning people put it the wrong way. :D


My mil's house tries me. Like really, really tries me. There are so many simple things I really, really would like to fix for them. But I would never presume. They can make their own bizarre decorating decisions... or lack thereof.

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No, I'd never be so bold as to presume someone wanted their stuff moved or changed to my tastes.


And I've never understood the toilet paper thing. Why on earth does it matter? It seems the stupidest thing to get one's panties in a bunch over.



This. I seriously am not going to use any of my brain usage on determining the direction of a TP roll. It's not even on my radar. It has to be one of the most unimportant aspects of indoor plumbing. Important in a bathroom: TP available, soap available, towel available, working toilet available....that's it. Who cares how the TP is hanging.

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Oh, this reminds me! My mother loves nothing more than to do dishes.

Mine, too. When she was allowed in my home, if we had any kind of social gathering, she would spend the whole time emptying people's glasses and washing them. After she rearranged and redecorated my house, of course. :glare:

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I don;t change anything unless something is falling over, etc. I am also one of those who care nothing about which way the TP goes. I have no idea which way any one of them is hung. My MIL used to come and do things and it bothered me. I would never do that to anybody. But if I am visiting with you in your home, I may ask can I help do ____?

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If the person is there, then I holler and ask how they'd like me to do it. Otherwise, you get what you get.


Towels should be folded in thirds. Thank you for washing them, it's ok, I'll just refold all of them.


Dh and I play the TP game constantly. He is MONK. He sets all knobs to 4. I kid you not. I KNOW he damn well knows that I flip the toilet paper over when he does it wrong.


So I flip it and know that in his twisted little head, he's laughing...s'ok, because I am to. Especially after I make toast.


It's all in good fun.

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I use to. :) But I did it on purpose to annoy my Father.


For my whole live my Dad would listen to CBC on the radio. He would turn every radio in the house to CBC, and even have one going in the backyard during summer. That way he could hear CBC no matter what. All day, every day.


I hate CBC, HATE it with a passion.


So after I moved out - when ever I returned to town I would go home for a quick pit stop and change every radio station to country music. :) Then I would rush out to go visiting. :)


With the exception of the above I am very careful about not changing, touching, or doing things that I don't have to do.

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I don;t change anything unless something is falling over, etc. I am also one of those who care nothing about which way the TP goes. I have no idea which way any one of them is hung. My MIL used to come and do things and it bothered me. I would never do that to anybody. But if I am visiting with you in your home, I may ask can I help do ____?


At out house for some reason no one other then me likes the TP on the TP holder. Eldest will even take it off before using it. I have just gotten use to having it on the shelf. The shelf right beside the TP holder. :confused1:

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If anyone wanted to come and clean my house I would say thank you very much. A friend who was using my house as a "need a break" refuge when she had a small baby (living with her parents) would often fold baskets of washing when she came in. I always had to refold it (no one does it quite right :laugh: ) but I was always grateful for the effort. If I came home to a nice clean house I'd probably send the person concerned chocolates! If they put things in a different place - meh, I'd sort it out, I'd just be pleased that someone thought of doing something nice for me.


On the other hand a lot of what's been described above is not "nice" it's kinda passive aggressive. If someone swapped my salt and pepper I'd think they were a loon.

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I would never presume to "change" things in someone else's house. In the past when I have house/pet sat for people, I would take out garbage or wash the dishes left in the sink or run the dishwasher if there are stinky, dirty dishes sitting in it. I only did it because I would not have wanted to deal with rotten food odors or petrified oatmeal bowls upon returning home from a trip, so why not give them a more peaceful arrival home?


I must be a total tp freak, because I insist on under. :bigsmile:



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I once went to a friend's to take care of an animal while they were away. It took all my strength not to do the dirty dishes, vacuum, and straighten up.


In general, I do not. In this situation, however, I think my friend would know that I was just saying, "Looks like you were running late when you left for your vacation, so I figured I would do you a favor." And that there was no larger statement implied.

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So, after reading a lot of these replies, I must admit something. The canisters on my kitchen counter are in the "wrong" order. This is intended to bug my more OCD friends. I can tell who is the most OCD by who "fixes" them. :D


Canisters have an order?

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I was once at someone's house and they had this basket of towels in there. Well I took one out and used it. She later asked me why I took her display towel out to use. I said I thought they were there to use. She said no those are my display towels. Ok then. They were all plain colors and on the counter stacked in a basket. I figured they were there because she had more people over. This was a sewing club type thing. I was so embarrassed and kind of ticked that she made a fuss over it. I just made a joke of it but that really made me consider EXTRA how not to be petty.


Oooh.... awkward....


How incredibly rude of that woman to even mention the towel thing. :glare:


And I've got news for her. Guests are allowed to use whatever towels they want to use, so suck it up and deal with it, Crazy Towel Lady!


FWIW, I would have assumed the basket of towels was for the guests to use, too. Otherwise, why put it there? Was she just trying to show off her extensive towel collection?


Some people are nuts. :willy_nilly:

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Never. My mil used to do it here. She'd rearrange my silverwear drawer and once switched my salt and pepper shakers (insisting that the salt should be in the shaker with 5 holes and pepper with 2). It's not an indearing quality!

Definitely not an endearing quality! (but she's right about the salt and pepper)

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I do not change things at other peoples houses. Except on April 1. Then I change the toilet paper.


Just out of curiosity, my toilet paper holder is vertical. Which way should the TP be put on?


On my phone so I cannot embed an image but here is a link.



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I started flipping the direction of my grandmother's toilet tissue when I was a kid - and I do it at other's homes as well. I hope my grandmother didn't despise me for it ( if she even realized it was me).


If you did that at my house, I wouldn't even notice. I don't care which way it goes and don't consciously put it on a certain way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes. :blushing: I'm sorry, but yes. I really can't help it, although I try very hard. I usually feel really bad about it later. :001_unsure:


If we're just talking bathrooms, I admit to the following:

I will flip the toilet paper rolls.

If towels are hanging and they are not neatly folded with the edges all lined up, I will do that.

I will clean the toilet bowl rims and seat before using it.

I will wash the sink and shine the taps before using it.

If there is a shower curtain and it is not hanging neatly with all the folds going in the same direction, I will fix that.


I try not to use other people's bathrooms.

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I do things like wash dishes, bring in or hang out the laundry, or even sweep the floor. I don't rearrange furniture or anything like that. Though once I went to a friend's place, and did half of her mending pile.

I have had someone come and visit me that rearranges a piece of furniture, and I thought it looked way better in the new spot so I left it there. I have also had visitors point out a easier way to do something , and have done it their way and found it worked much better.

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The only house I change things in is my parents house. I am given free reign of their house. My boys do unintentionally change things when we visited and my parents are okay with that.


She will wash everything, and once the drying rack fills up, she will set the clean dishes back in the now-clean sink.

My mum will yell once the drying rack fills up for me to wipe dry and put away some of the clean dishes :laugh:

She does the dishes when she is bored and visiting.


MIL used to put my dishes away when she visited because she needed to be helpful. We would find things in odd places for ages. I

I know when my mom comes to visit I love having her here, but when she leaves it's a royal nightmare because I actually have to call and ask her where she put X, Y, and Z away in the kitchen.


My MIL is OCD about the kitchen among all the places in the house. It is something I can easily tolerate. I just open all my kitchen cabinet doors when I can't find something. Often it is on the top shelf because she is half a head taller than me and does not realise top shelf is empty because I can't reach.

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You know I'm going to have to go do that now, right? :tongue_smilie:


My first thought was "Audrey needs this book". Or, wouldnt it be a hoot to leave in your bathroom and see what guests leave? Imagine how funny it would be to leave people's houses with a toilegami flower in the guest bathroom.

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I don't change anything or clean in someone's house without asking. However, I don't care if someone does it in my home. I also don't care which way the tp is. Interestingly enough, we got a new toliet put in our bathroom and it is really close to the tp holder. So close that if it is a double roll, it will hit your leg. I put the tp on top of the toliet in a basket. It seems people don't like that it is in a basket and put it on the roll. :tongue_smilie:

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I help clean when in other people's homes. But, I don't actively change things.

Now, I will say that when we moved from Hawaii in February and went to visit my mom in Oklahoma? We had to beg her to bump her thermostat up from 62 degrees because we were freezing and couldn't sleep at night. But, I didn't just go change it without asking, even then.


My sister just moved from Hawaii. We're having a grand time watching them deal with wearing long pants. Her kids were amazed that I put the soda bottles outside to cool off and built a fire inside to warm up. It's adorable. We got them an ice scraper as a gag for Christmas and they were very thankful because they didn't own one :-)


Absolutely not. I'll judge under the roll toilet paper people, but I won't change it. Their house, their rules.


I agree. You can judge just as hard without changing . . . although I give cat people a pass for practicality.


So, after reading a lot of these replies, I must admit something. The canisters on my kitchen counter are in the "wrong" order. This is intended to bug my more OCD friends. I can tell who is the most OCD by who "fixes" them. :D


I do like the way you think. I'm stealing this.


I think I need to have a party and invite my OCD friends an hour before everyone else. I will invite Audrey and serve her so much tea that she is forced to use all three bathrooms. I will not be offended if anyone cleans anything here.


Maybe I'm the only one, but I thought the MIL just switched the POSITION of the salt and pepper shakers and spent half the thread wondering about the loons who were outraged. I'm caught up now.


Finally, the TP . . . there IS a right way. Some of you may not be old enough to remember 'designer' TP, but I was a thing. It was different colors and some even had prints. The TP manufacturing professionals NEVER printed the design so that it was correct any way but over. Sorry, but some of you are wrong and need to admit it.

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Agreed. We stay with my inlaws when we go back to visit, and I don't touch or change anything that isn't my personal property. I ask permission before doing anything. The same goes for when I'm in anyone else's home...including my own parents. We just got back from my inlaws' house, and while there I noticed that there were hairs all over the floor in the bathroom, and while it drove me nuts, I didn't say anything b/c it is their house not mine. They also have a TON more clutter than we have, which irritates me, but it isn't my house.


For the record...I hang our toilet paper so it rolls from behind b/c we have pets that will paw at it and that way it just stays on the roll...if we hung it the other way, it would unroll all over the floor and make a mess. ;)

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