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What is the strangest gift under your tree?


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I think ours is the new toilet seat. Nothing says, "Merry Christmas" like a new toilet seat!


Of course, there are some relatives coming who are pretty likely to bring a more unusual gift. Last year we got a snow globe from them. That may not sound odd, until you realize there was nothing in the snow globe. It was a glass ball full of snow and water with no scene, just snow.

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The only gift under our tree at the moment is a beautifully wrapped tray of Yorkshire Parkin made for us by our elderly neighbour; I guess that's a bit strange, but very delicious if it's anything like those she's made for us in previous years :001_smile: .


Maybe I'm strange, but I think a new toilet seat sounds quite exciting, it's certainly unusual :D .

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Well, it's not there yet because DD asked Santa for it, but it is going to be a big cat tree filled with stuffed cats. I figure it falls under the same category as a dollhouse so it didn't strike me as extraordinarily odd but DH thinks it's pretty wacky. (DD really wants a kitten but we're renting and will only be here another 16 months or so. Plus, we already have a cat.)

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I think ours is the new toilet seat. Nothing says, "Merry Christmas" like a new toilet seat!


Of course, there are some relatives coming who are pretty likely to bring a more unusual gift. Last year we got a snow globe from them. That may not sound odd, until you realize there was nothing in the snow globe. It was a glass ball full of snow and water with no scene, just snow.


When I saw the title of this thread I thought "Sun should post about her toilet seat". LOL. I didn't realize it was your thread.


There's nothing strange under out tree unless DH put something there. Just the average presents you would expect from a Euro-game loving, Anglophile, homeschool family. Snap circuts, play silks, foam swords, books, books, books, some games for DH. The usual!

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The fact we have no tree. Right now we have only a few gifts, small enough to fit on a silver-plated platter. It's sitting on top of a cabinet in the dining room.


The most unusual gift though is a box of twinkies I bought for my dad. I put them in a bigger box with a container full of screws (kind of a tradition in our family - so the package makes noise when shaken). Knowing he'll probably not even open the box of Twinkies and save them because "they'll be worthy money someday" makes the gift even more amusing, to me at least.

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Well, there's currently nothing under the tree since we generally don't wrap gifts and set them out until after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve. That being said, perhaps the strangest thing this year are knives for my 8 y/o. He's getting one package with a good carving knife and a book about how to whittle. The second package will contain two kitchen knives that are appropriately sized for him and an IOU for cooking lessons. Nothing too outlandish, really.

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Ds in the Army drew his youngest brother's name (age 13). The box came, but I haven't had the guts to open it. It's supposedly a small...dehydrated...alligator! It's not actually under the tree but will be soon. I need to gift wrap it.


Ugh. I am not sure what we will do with it but I'm sure it will be a topic of conversation for years to come.

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Ds in the Army drew his youngest brother's name (age 13). The box came, but I haven't had the guts to open it. It's supposedly a small...dehydrated...alligator! It's not actually under the tree but will be soon. I need to gift wrap it.


Ugh. I am not sure what we will do with it but I'm sure it will be a topic of conversation for years to come.



:ohmy: You win.

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Waterproff socks. Is that weird? I think it is a funny thing to ask for, but dh's old ones had worn out :)


We have socks every year in our stockings. Doesn't seem weird to me! I've never heard of waterproof socks, though. What are they made of?


I would love to get a toilet seat for Christmas! But neither dh nor I would ever think of getting something like that. Both of us lack the creative gift gene, unfortunately.

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I did buy my kids each a box of "junk food" cereal to go under the tree. I never buy sugary treat cereal so I know they will love it.


Also, my dh bought my 11 yo dd a 5 ft recurve bow and arrow set. I was almost as surprised about that as I was the 4 foot by 8 foot minnow net that he bought for my 5 yo son. I was picturing a minnow net (like a kids' butterfly net) but this thing is huge. I told him that HE will get to help the boy toss that thing into the pond.

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The strangest thing under my tree right now is an empty box that I wrapped myself. My DH gave me a box from amazon that I had opened the day before, took out two gifts and wrapped them. Next night, he handed me back the box (taped shut) and asked me to wrap it it label it to me from him. I said "It feels empty." He said, "It is." I guess I have to wait until Christmas to find out what that's all about.

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I stuck an empty cup and straw for my dad and a $5 grocery store certificate in an empty ice cream carton and wrapped it. I got my parents a new blender, but all my dad uses one for is making milkshakes. I decided to give him the "milkshake" kit to go with the blender so he had something to open. Not too odd, though.


There's also a soldering iron under the tree for my electronics loving boy. It's only a bit odd because he's only seven and a soldering iron was at the top of his want list.

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Well, the tree's not up yet, but the strangest thing waiting in the guest room is a manatee. My 10yo became a huge fan after seeing them at the zoo this summer, so I "adopted" her one through a charity - it's an envelope with the certificate & booklet & poster. Hopefully my sister (pottery artist) is going to make her a clay one to go with it (if she remembers).

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Well, the tree's not up yet, but the strangest thing waiting in the guest room is a manatee. My 10yo became a huge fan after seeing them at the zoo this summer, so I "adopted" her one through a charity - it's an envelope with the certificate & booklet & poster. Hopefully my sister (pottery artist) is going to make her a clay one to go with it (if she remembers).


Hmmm, maybe my DH adopted something for me as well...that would be so kind, I would love it.

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Amigurumi: Ood, Doctor Who (10th), weeping angel, and Hello Cthulhu. I think all the patterns came from Ravelry.com. I wanted to try the dalek egg cosy pattern as well, but I've run out of time. We exchange our gifts on Winter Solstice, so it would have to be done (and in secret, whic is the hardest part) by Friday.

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A shower curtain, wastebasket, soap dispenser, and towels for DD's bathroom-she did a bedroom makeover that was snake/reptile themed for her birthday (it's what she wanted), and DH and I found a bathroom line that was frogs, so she's getting the amphibian bathroom to match her reptile bedroom. We needed a new shower curtain and towels for that bathroom anyway ;)

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We don't have any gifts under the tree b/c the toddler would have ripped them open as soon as they were placed under it.


But, the strangest gift that we're giving? Hmmm...maybe the silouettes (sp?) of the three oldest kids that I made? I couldn't do the toddler...too squirmy.


Well, then there's the clear, plastic totes that I'm giving two of my kids for their guinea pigs. Or the pine shavings for the bedding?


I guess, pick one lol.

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I bought my mom and sister 300 razor blades each for our favorite, discontinued razors. It took some research to find, but I was able to order them online. DH had a heart attack when I told him what I did! If I didn't think he would disown me, I would have bought more...hee hee hee! He thinks we're weird. :hat:

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