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What mean things have you done to your kids today?


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Dd loses her ipod at 7 each evening. Today she tried to hide it. When i went in her room, she was quite obnoxious about me never being able to find it. I informed her that if she gave up the ipod, she would be able to use it tomorrow as planned. If i found it, she would not get it tomorrow.


I found it, and she is MAD! I am the world's meanest mom tonight.


What have you done today?

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I made him switch the laundry. Twice!

And he had to dump the recycling and put away clean dishes.


He mutters and says child labor, I have to do everything around here!


Oh...I also made him ask an associate where the bathroom was at BigLots. I was the worst mom ever for not knowing. :p

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I really was mean. Ds has college classes and he leaves before light. This morning he didn't close the door properly and my house kitten got out. I told him when he found and caught my kitten he could leave for class. (I'm always on him about "close the door correctly and DON'T LET MY KITTEN OUTSIDE) and this morning I was particularly sensitive as one of my cats was hit and killed yesterday. Didn't want to do that again today.

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I made him do his laundry. He's going to spend the weekend with his adult cousin and her dh who have 4 year old twins. I was doing a load early this afternoon and asked him if he had anything he wanted washed before he packs. No response. 6:30 P.M. he asked me if I'd have time to do laundry before he leaves tomorrow. Um, no. You can do it yourself.


I also made him finish his weekly hs assignments and told him he'd have to finish tomorrow before we leave he didn't get it done today.


Very mean mom here.

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Lately my DS has been refusing to eat whatever I make for meals - for silly reasons. Yesterday's reason was that his Dad cut up the sausage, instead of leaving it in a "log" - for that reason he did not eat his pasta or sausage. Today I did not cook at all and made him get all of his own food. If he wanted a sandwich, he had to make it himself. I refused to help him at all. I'm evil.

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I skipped practicing basketball with my daughter.


I guess because I had just read the Elf on the Shelf thread, I thought you were talking about things you did to mess with them today. :) Well, I told my daughter that she was a robot. We do that often. Also, I told her we slept through Christmas and it was over. All in fun, of course. :)

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Oh, let's see. It all started when I woke them up in the morning. Then I put pepper on dd6's egg. She always has pepper on her egg, but today I was supposed to know that she didn't want it. Then I asked her spelling words that she didn't know for sure. And made her repeat her memory verse since she had left out a word. Etc.


Then tonight dd5 had something going on with a molluscum lesion and I tried to quickly get rid of the problem. With all the noise she made, I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors called the cops. She told me that she felt like blood was coming out of her eyes (instead of tears). Her sister decided to watch this horrifiying process, and turned pale because a little drop of blood was involved. They both seemed happy for bedtime to arrive with all of that trauma.

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after a MONSTEROUS library fine for late fees (for books I had to find in hidden areas of children's rooms) I have decided NO more library trips until the fine is paid (it will take many weeks). After that, they will only get 5 books each at a time and I will keep the not currently read books under lock and key.


Momma is fed up with lots of books-- the mess, the stress of finding them, the fees for late ones.


There may have been tears :closedeyes:


There will be more when the duty roster is posted for the chores to be done to earn the money for the fees.

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I pulled 2 of dd13's teeth out. SHe had 2 baby teeth that were loose but stuck on her spacers. Well due to a combo of their looseness and her less than desirable dental hygeine they were rotting. and her breath smelled horrid. I told her either I pulled them tonight or I called the dentist tomorrow. She let me pull them, 1 came out no problem, the other broke in half, and then she saw the blood and nearly fainted and I still had to pull out the other half. Both are out now and the horrible smell is gone from her mouth. Does the toothfairy pay twice as much for a broken tooth because of the hassle taking out 2 parts brought, or only 1/2 price because it is broken.


Oh and I "tortured" ds5 apparently...I brushed her hair before kids church.

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If you ask my 16 yo daughter, it's reportable that I "allow" her brothers to sneak around near her bedroom door when she has friends over. Apparently they think it's funny to pelt girls with nerf darts.


My insistence that she fill the dishwasher all the way before walking off and calling it done is outlandish.


Tonight I made her do her homework. *gasp* She had not been staying on top of it and had 10 chapters to read, a video & brochure to make for an outside class, and math. We don't have the same computer program she started her brochure on in class, so after trying on our home computer, she wanted to give up and not do it. After questioning, I found out using that particular program is not a requirement; in fact, it could be done on cardstock or construction paper like we did back in the day. She didn't like that I MADE her do it, no matter what.


I don't let my boys play Wii until school is all finished.


Such atrocities! Pity them for me, because as the world's meanest mom, I don't.

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We had tortellini soup for diner. The recipe called for canned tomatoes and spinach. They had to have one small bit of tomato and one small bit of spinach. And then I sent them to bed in their dungeon rooms to sleep on the cold, damp floor with the rats and cockroaches.



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I really was mean. Ds has college classes and he leaves before light. This morning he didn't close the door properly and my house kitten got out. I told him when he found and caught my kitten he could leave for class. (I'm always on him about "close the door correctly and DON'T LET MY KITTEN OUTSIDE) and this morning I was particularly sensitive as one of my cats was hit and killed yesterday. Didn't want to do that again today.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Sorry to hear about your cat.

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Had to tell ds I wouldn't be able to make his performance class next week for their final presentation. I hadn't realized that something I scheduled ages ago before I knew about his presentation would be at that time. I felt so mean. He was very mature about it though.

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Had to tell ds I wouldn't be able to make his performance class next week for their final presentation. I hadn't realized that something I scheduled ages ago before I knew about his presentation would be at that time. I felt so mean. He was very mature about it though.


I hate when that happens. DD13 has her tap exam on dec 15th in the morning. I have to be home for santa's anonymous drop off. So although I stay at every one of her lessons I can not stay and cheer her on for her exam or be there with hugs and praise when it is over. She is taking it all in stride and being mature about it. I feel like crap as a result of not being there. I never miss the important stuff, which is why she is being cool about it I am sure. BUt still it sucks and it does make me feel very mean.

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I'm being crazy mean today. I made ds stay in a library for more than 30 seconds. Made dd take out books that were not mangas (she did get 1 manga). Ds finished his school work, and put away the dishes. Dd had to do her 2 pgs in her handwriting book, AND copy 2 short sentences! Now she's being forced to read the biography she checked out. Through all of this, dd has not had access to her ipod.


The rest of my mean plans for the day include serving a vegetable with dinner, making dd shower and do her hair, and reading to ds.

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I took dd's ipod away because she was listening to it when she should have been doing school work. She has not finished all of this week's work and will be working into the weekend...again. She was listening to a Once Upon a Time podcast. I understand why she was because they've discussed 2 of her emails in the actual podcast. It's exciting, but school work needs to be done. We have my family Thanksgiving tomorrow, and it's a 1.5 hour drive away. I guess that's 3 good hours to work in the car.

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What a great thread! Nice to know I'm not the only "mean" one!


Today I took away all my kids' choices about food until January. They will have no say in what, when, or how they eat their meals or snacks. If there is complaining, they will have to survive without the food that I prepared for them.

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Upon discovering that DS11 (in PS) did not bring home the research he needed for the project that's due tomorrow, I shrugged and said, "I guess you'll have to take a zero."


Unfortunately, his teacher will probably let him turn it in late, maybe deducting only a few points for that. I don't think a consequence that light will help the boy remember in the future.

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