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My mom passed away on Saturday

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I am so sorry for your loss. I agree with what others said about adjusting to a new normal. My Dad died three years ago this month. Although he was ill, we didn't expect his death when it came on us very quickly. I was not as close to him as you were to your mother and it took me almost a year before I felt like I was coming out of this fog I was in. It has gotten better although some days I miss him so much it hurts. Please be kind to yourself and allow yourself time to grieve. It is so important.

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She called me Thursday morning to tell me she had fallen and hit her head. I live about 1.5 hours away from her. She wanted me to call my brother, who lives in her house but was dog sitting for a friend, and ask him to come home asap. I didn't realize she was still in the floor when she called.


My brother was only about 15 minutes away so he hurried on home and was able to help her get up and get into her chair. Her head was hurting but she did not want to go to the ER because they had been rough with her the last time she had to go in and have an XRay. My brother needed to go back to his dog sitting so he called me and let me know he did not feel comfortable leaving her alone. We were homeschooling so I gathered our things and my two sons and I took off toward her house.


When we arrived, she was in considerable pain. Her head was hurting so badly that she couldn't sit still. We called an ambulance and they took her to a local hospital. The last time we heard her speak and saw her awake was when the EMT's were putting her on the stretcher.


When we arrived at the hospital, she was already in a coma. They took her for a cat scan of her head and said she had two bleeds in her brain. She was taking a blood thinner so this was really bad. They lifeflighted her to Tulsa on a helicopter and she was being taken into surgery when we arrived.


On Saturday we made the decision to take her off of the ventilator because the cat scans were showing that a large portion of her brain had been deprived of blood long enough to kill the cells. It was as if she had had a massive stroke and we knew, even if she could survive, she would never be the same and she would hate that. She lived for another 2 to 3 hours. She died with her children around her, holding her and loving her.


Her funeral was yesterday. It is so hard to believe she is gone. If you could keep my family in your prayers, we would greatly appreciate it. This has been especially hard for my sister and brother, who saw her everyday and did so much for her, and also for me as we were all very close to her. I have two other older brothers also (I am the youngest and my sister and brother who saw her every day are twins, 14 months older than me).


It was just so sudden and we were not prepared. This may sound kind of funny but it seems hard to figure out how to return to 'normal' everyday life. The twins and I all feel really lost without her. I know it will get easier but, man, this is so hard.


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You all have really blessed my day. Thank you so much. The boys are not quite seven years old. They seem to understand that she is gone from a factual perspective but they do not seem to have any kind of emotional understanding or response.


They are asking to go to a park and I think it will be good for us to get outside, even though it is hot. Otherwise, I will want to just sit in my chair all day and read various things on my laptop and that is probably not good for any of us.


So, off we go to a park. Thank you all so very much for blessing me today.

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My deepest sympathies for you and your family.

I got a little emotional reading this because my father passed away just over a year ago. It was sudden and my children and I were actually visiting my parents at the time. So glad we were there for my mom but so difficult. Reading your about your lose just made the emotions all come back up again.

But, enough about me. It is so very difficult to lose a parent. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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So very sorry...give yourselves time to grieve and deal with all the trauma leading up to her passing. I'm sure it was a comfort to her to have you all there with her even if she was not conscious she knew she was loved and not alone.:grouphug:

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I am so very sorry. My mother died three years ago (ovarian cancer) and my dad died very suddenly last year. It will eventually get easier, a new normal so to speak. The first year is the worst with adjusting to all the birthdays, holidays, and other special days.



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:grouphug: I am so sorry.


My mother's death 4 years ago was also sudden. It really throws you for a loop. Please allow yourself time to grieve. You will be okay even though you'll never stop missing her. Just don't think you have to get back to "normal" any time soon. I know it's the beginning of the school year (if not now, soon), but one of the perks of homeschooling is that you can decide what takes priority. If you and the kids need time, take time.

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Lea, I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I can relate so much it is scary. I lost my mom to a head trauma in 12 years ago (she was 62). She fell while riding a bike without a helmet. She was life flighted to the hospital already in a coma and never regained consciouness. The pain was unbearable for probably the first year -- shock turns to anger, turns to grief, and then acceptance (if that is possible). I still miss her and think about her most every day, but the pain does lessen. I too have twin boys -- they just turned 7. I know you are in shock and are grieving, but let those wonderful little boys keep the laughter and fun in your heart. Go to the park and play!!! That is what your mom would want you to do!!!



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I'm so, so sorry for your loss. We had a very, very similar experience just over a year ago with my uncle.


Don't expect every day normal life. It takes a long time to grieve a loss this big. Be gentle with yourself and your kids.



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I'm so sorry! It IS difficult to get back to one's routine when something so sad happens.


I remember feeling like I was living in a fog after my dad died. It felt so unreal, and somehow just not right that everything/everyone kept doing what we always did as though everything was the same. But it wasn't.


It took a long time to not think about it all the time. Grieving is normal, and isn't over for a long time.


:grouphug: to you and prayer for you and your family.

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I'm sorry for you loss.


Your mom sounds like a great mother! The kids will probably deal with the loss in spurts. When my grandmother died, my young brother (very close to her) would go to his room every once in awhile and dig out pictures of her, old pets etc. I think it was just his way of dealing with it. Things will slowly get better. Take care of yourself and enjoy your kids.

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