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Do you shower in the morning or the evening?

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Just curious. I had a discussion with a cousin who was ABSOLUTELY grossed out that I showered at night and not in the morning. She said "You have to wash the yesterday off" :001_huh: I would rather shower at night (umm, wash the today off??) and get into bed all clean. That way my bedding stays cleaner (we wash it weekly) So just curious what is more popular.



Shoot. I meant to make this a poll. Sorry

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It depends. Right now, it's summer in Las Vegas. I shower twice a day on my days off. If I'm working, I shower in the afternoons after work (I clean houses). There's just no point showering in the morning because I'll just get all yucky. And I can't wait until evening.

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It depends on what I've been doing. I try to do yoga first thing ('cause if I don't do it first thing, I don't do it.) and then shower. If I've been working in the yard - I'll shower after that or at worst before I go to bed.

Edited by gardenmom5
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I always shower in the morning because I have this thing about not leaving the house unless my hair is absolutely clean. If I wash it the night before it's already 8-12 hours gross before I hit the door the next day. Uck.


But, I lived in Hawaii for 4 years and it's so hot, I got into the habit of showering before bed to get the gross off.


Even though we no longer live in Hawaii, the habit stuck. So, now, brief shower at night to wash away the daily ick and quick shower in the morning to wash my hair.

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I always shower in the morning after I exercise.




Me too. Sometimes I shower at night too, but it all depends on what went on during the day. If we've been out and about and I'm sweaty or whatever, then yes, at night. I will still shower the next day though because I can't stand the thought of going through the day dirty. :ack2:


I always shower after TeA though. Though with James Bond gone for a year, there is no TeA being brewed. :sad:

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Usually morning but really, sometimes it's just whenever I get around to it. :D If I'm doing a lot of physical work at home like deep cleaning the house or working in the yard, I won't shower first. It just seems silly to shower BEFORE getting all sweaty and dirty. DH is the complete opposite though; he can't do ANYTHING before showering.

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I shower whenever I can, depending on what else is going on. And I only shower every other day...so I guess I'm washing off two days, lol.


Same for me. I shower when the baby sleeps. He is being stubborn lately so I sometimes don't get him to sleep until bedtime.

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Always at night.


I started doing this when first-born dd was about a year old. I couldn't figure out how to do it in the morning, because she and I got up at the same time (I need my sleep, too!) and I couldn't figure out what to do with her while I showered, and I didn't want to get dressed until I had a shower, so I might be in my jammies until noon when she took her nap...and one day a friend came over around 11:30 and I was still in my jammies. I was horrified. So then it ocurred to me that since Mr. Ellie was home every evening, I could shower at night and not worry about the baby.


So now I shower at night and wash my hair in the kitchen sink in the morning. No one in our family has ever died because I washed my hair in the kitchen, even though probably my grandmother would be horrified. :lol: And I can get dressed immediately when I get up in the morning.


I love going to bed all clean. :D

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Just curious. I had a discussion with a cousin who was ABSOLUTELY grossed out that I showered at night and not in the morning. She said "You have to wash the yesterday off" :001_huh: I would rather shower at night (umm, wash the today off??) and get into bed all clean. That way my bedding stays cleaner (we wash it weekly) So just curious what is more popular.




Me too! I find it disgusting to get into bed all smelly or sweaty from the day. Ewww. Not to mention the sheets are smelly very quickly.


Plus, my hair looks better if I wash it at night.


Three of us shower at night here.

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Morning because:


1. My hair always tangles fiercely while I sleep


2. It takes over two hours for my hair to dry, and I really don't want to lounge around the house at night with wet hair


3. I workout almost every morning


4. If I am sweaty -- say from riding a bike in the evening -- I take a bath. Other than that, I still smell good and am clean when I go to bed.

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In my case, my hair is what takes the most time during a shower, and it's far easier for me to comb it out standing upright in the shower than over a tub or sink. It's just that thick and curly.


Always at night.


I started doing this when first-born dd was about a year old. I couldn't figure out how to do it in the morning, because she and I got up at the same time (I need my sleep, too!) and I couldn't figure out what to do with her while I showered, and I didn't want to get dressed until I had a shower, so I might be in my jammies until noon when she took her nap...and one day a friend came over around 11:30 and I was still in my jammies. I was horrified. So then it ocurred to me that since Mr. Ellie was home every evening, I could shower at night and not worry about the baby.


So now I shower at night and wash my hair in the kitchen sink in the morning. No one in our family has ever died because I washed my hair in the kitchen, even though probably my grandmother would be horrified. :lol: And I can get dressed immediately when I get up in the morning.


I love going to bed all clean. :D

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Usually both times. It helps wake me up in the morning, but I also like to feel clean when I go to bed. In the summer, a night time shower is essential. When it is 100 degrees, even running errands leaves me a sweaty mess. :glare: Dh showers at night so he won't wake everyone up early in the morning. :001_wub:

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Just curious. I had a discussion with a cousin who was ABSOLUTELY grossed out that I showered at night and not in the morning. She said "You have to wash the yesterday off" :001_huh: I would rather shower at night (umm, wash the today off??) and get into bed all clean. That way my bedding stays cleaner (we wash it weekly) So just curious what is more popular.


:iagree: I Don't like to sleep nasty. Add to that that I farm and garden and it is essential that I wash at night.

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depends. Mostly in the morning but if it has been an overly hot/sweat/dirty type day I will shower at night too. I don't want to get into bed totally filthy or sweaty, but generally that is not an issue. I do not feel fully human in the morning unless I have showered. Even if I showered the night before I am less productive if i do not start the day with that morning shower.

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