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Please pray for dear friends. Twins at 24 weeks gestation & things aren't good.

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Tuesday morning her amniotic fluid for one of the twins began leaking. She was promptly hospitalized and spent the next two days laying in a very awkward, still position in bed to help that twin out.


She is now spiking an awful fever and her lungs are congesting, rapidly congesting. Her own vital signs are not that great and the IV antibiotics safe for pregnancy, don't seem to be getting ahead of whatever the infection is. The docs want to deliver the babes before she gets into an even greater crisis. They've been honest with her and her husband - the babies chances are very, very poor. So, my dear friend is refusing. She would rather die trying to give the twins as many days as possible in utero than make a decision to deliver them early to save herself. Of course, at some point the infection will threaten the babies or at least that is the general guess and keeping her going will be a moot point - they will have to come out. Her husband is despondent. He doesn't want to lose his children, but he knows he could lose his wife and the longer this goes the greater the chance he loses all three of them. She is still lucid and therefore, the docs must obey her wishes. This is their first pregnancy as well.


The friend that I farmsit for is this young mom's mother. We are really, really close with this family and the whole thing just hits home as if my own dear sister or cousin were going through this. Please, please pray that there will either be a miracle, or in the absence of this, she will allow her babies to be delivered. I cannot imagine this family losing all three of them and yet, as a mother, I can absolutely relate to her feelings. I had such blood clotting problems with my last pregnancy that I was told that if I needed a c-section to save the baby's life, it would kill me because they wouldn't be able to replace my blood fast enough. I signed the papers that they were absolutely to perform a c-section in that case; save the baby and let me go. Dh had a very, very hard time getting over the fact that I made that decision. Of course, everything turned out okay...dh didn't have to bury me or his son. But, it took a few months after it was all over for him to finally get over those feelings. This a million times worse, at least in my mind, and I worry about their relationship. I don't know what is being said in that hospital room, but I know she is holding out and he's begging her to give in...if she lives, they are going to have a lot to work through and the statistical chances of losing the twins, no matter what, is very high.


My heart aches today.



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That is absolutely horrible. I am so sorry for your friend.


I know the statistical chances of the babies surviving are low, but I have shared here about a woman in our homeschool group who spent many weeks in the hospital before delivering her son at 22 weeks. They gace less than a 5% chance of survival. He is an extremely active toddler now.


I hope and I pray for a good outcome for mom and babies, and for a joy filled, loving marriage.

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Thank you everyone!


I just had a phone update. They changed mommy's meds in the middle of the night, trying a new triple cocktail and it has worked some. Her fever is down and she says she feel physically better. Some of the fluid in her lungs is gone though she's definitely not out of the woods by any stretch. It's encouraging, but the doctors said this shouldn't be taken as a sign that they do not need to deliver the babies this weekend in order to insure that she makes it.


If she remains stable, but does not improve significantly, they are hoping she'll change her mind and allow the babes to be born on Sunday which makes them 25 weeks. Just the extra two days improves their survivability odds from 30% to almost 50%. But, they are both boys and boy micro-preemies are not as strong as girls so that is a strike against them and they'll have a strong chance of significant disability if they make it. I am praying, praying, praying that these meds work and they will be able to put it off longer than that.


Just keep praying please.



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Oh, my. My sister had an infection and had to deliver at 26 weeks - a singleton. Baby had a rough road but did survive. But 24-week twins . . . only with a miracle. If only we could read God's mind.



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Thank you everyone!


I just had a phone update. They changed mommy's meds in the middle of the night, trying a new triple cocktail and it has worked some. Her fever is down and she says she feel physically better. Some of the fluid in her lungs is gone though she's definitely not out of the woods by any stretch. It's encouraging, but the doctors said this shouldn't be taken as a sign that they do not need to deliver the babies this weekend in order to insure that she makes it.


If she remains stable, but does not improve significantly, they are hoping she'll change her mind and allow the babes to be born on Sunday which makes them 25 weeks. Just the extra two days improves their survivability odds from 30% to almost 50%. But, they are both boys and boy micro-preemies are not as strong as girls so that is a strike against them and they'll have a strong chance of significant disability if they make it. I am praying, praying, praying that these meds work and they will be able to put it off longer than that.


Just keep praying please.




Praying that she continues to heal and her babies can stay put for as long as they need. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thank you everyone!


I just had a phone update. They changed mommy's meds in the middle of the night, trying a new triple cocktail and it has worked some. Her fever is down and she says she feel physically better. Some of the fluid in her lungs is gone though she's definitely not out of the woods by any stretch. It's encouraging, but the doctors said this shouldn't be taken as a sign that they do not need to deliver the babies this weekend in order to insure that she makes it.


If she remains stable, but does not improve significantly, they are hoping she'll change her mind and allow the babes to be born on Sunday which makes them 25 weeks. Just the extra two days improves their survivability odds from 30% to almost 50%. But, they are both boys and boy micro-preemies are not as strong as girls so that is a strike against them and they'll have a strong chance of significant disability if they make it. I am praying, praying, praying that these meds work and they will be able to put it off longer than that.


Just keep praying please.





Praying for them! Also, the fact that she has been ill will improve the babies' chance. Stress on the pregnancy makes them mature faster. Being twins can also help. More stress. That is why twins are considered full term earlier than singletons. I hope she is able to hold on until Sunday. Maybe even longer. Every single day makes so much difference.

Edited by Lolly
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This is so tough. There is also a concern for the babies, in terms of infection. My twin A's water broke (at 33w) and it turned out that my twin B was septic. Hopefully the babies areok, in which case every day more that they can stay inside means sooo much at that stage.

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Faith i too had pPROM which resulted in Possum's birth at 25+3. At our hospital the survival rate at that gestation was 80%. Is she in the best hospital she can be? Is the NICU the best one in the state? Is there any option to transfer if that isn't the case. Different hospitals have different success rates with micro prems. Has she had steroid shots yet incase it become critical to get the babies out? This will help their chances.


There is a pPROM group on Facebook for Mum's in hospital on bed rest here is the link if she is interested. She can read about other people in similar positions. It is actually common for 1 twin to rupture but generally happens much earlier than 24w.


My thoughts are with her. I hope that she can hold on a while longer and be in the best place to deliver her babies.

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:grouphug: Praying! I'm assuming that tests have been run to rule out sepsis? My hope and prayer is that the new antibiotics are working, and the babies are ok. Our twins had twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome which I realize isn't the case here, but I developed sepsis from a small amniotic leak. I came scarily near death because of it. Our already compromised twins were born with it as well. This isn't an attempt to be unnecessarily pessimistic. Rather, I just wanted to share that some infections are swift and dire. I am praying that her doctors are being thorough to a fault, and that both she and her babies will be wonderfully well. :grouphug::grouphug:

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