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Prayers and Good Thoughts Please

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Praying!!! :grouphug::grouphug:


We live on the third floor, and I will be honest this is my worst nightmare. It is probably ANY mother's worst nightmare, but I will not even leave my children alone in the room with an open (or even screened) window.


I will be praying for Desmond for a full recovery. I started following your Caring Bridge page too. :grouphug:

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I am so sorry that this happened to your little boy. We will be praying for him.

THis happened to my dd when she was about 5 also. She only fell 2 stories so she was not hurt as badly as your son. This is very common. The ER docs told us that it happens on a regular basis.



Edited by ilovemy6kids
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Oh Sarah, I'm so sorry! :grouphug: Praying for your little guy. And for healing for the whole family. It was an accident.


I noticed from Caring Bridge that he's at Johns Hopkins. ** He is in the BEST of hands. ** Really. He is.

Edited by southcarolinamom
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:grouphug: oh my, you and your family are definitely being thought of. :grouphug:


I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. Be strong (somehow) for your boy. Did your daughter witness the accident?? Big hugs all around.

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Thanks everyone, he has stayed pretty stable through today which is good. He is on a second blood pressure medicine now, but he is doing as well as can be expected. The next 36 hours or so are still a very critical time, after that point we can start to relax some.


Yes my 3 year old saw him fall and came right down and told us, which we are so thankful for. Unfortunately it looks like she may have seen more then we though since today she told us that "Desmond flew like a bird, he flapped his wings and then fell." So we are keeping a close eye on her as well to see how she is reacting to everything.

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