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Poll: In totally honesty,.....

How often do you really and truly change the sheets on the beds in your house?  

  1. 1. How often do you really and truly change the sheets on the beds in your house?

    • Weekly on most of the beds
    • Monthly on most of the beds
    • It averages out to every couple months on most of the beds
    • When the seasons change
    • Only when I notice (or when it is brought to my attention) that they NEED to be changed
    • I change my sheets more often than the kids'
    • obligatory other

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My "schedule" is every other week. Reality, our sheets were old and I've only had the budget for one set so far. So they have to be taken off, washed, dried and put back on the bed all at once. That and being pregnant, means that reality is more that two weeks and would really make you feel better. I do need to buy another set. I do love the smell of fresh sheets.

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Winter -- every 2 weeks, or less.


Summer -- every week.


No deviation. Winter sheets are green. I can see easily when they are dirty and need it (drool family!). Summer sheets are white. Agggh if it goes more than one week.


Don't ask about how often I clean my fridge. Or how I do it. I could be committed with that answer.

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Don't ask about how often I clean my fridge. Or how I do it. I could be committed with that answer.


I wish you would share, because my fridge is awful awful awful right now. I keep avoiding it, but honestly I am tempted to swipe two of the shelves clean, including the pot of chili I don't want to open...:eek::ack2::blushing::blushing:

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We are also nighttime shower people and it does make a difference in how dirty the sheets become.


I change the sheets every two weeks. I rotate changing the master bedding with the boys's bedding, and there are enough "girly" sheets in our home that I am able to change them every two weeks and hold the dirty until I have a full pink load of sheets/blankets.


This was an area where I used to be a stickler, but relaxed after delivering my first 3 babies in a 5 year period. Nothing like 3 kids under the age of 5 to give you a reality check about so many things! :tongue_smilie:

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I wish you would share, because my fridge is awful awful awful right now. I keep avoiding it, but honestly I am tempted to swipe two of the shelves clean, including the pot of chili I don't want to open...:eek::ack2::blushing::blushing:


OK, but don't laugh.


First, get the junk out of there! Then move everything to 1/2 of the fridge. Vacuum the other 1/2 out with your vacuum attachment. Then use warm soapy water everywhere you and an old-fashioned rag can reach. Next day, do the other side. This came about because my hands and arms have gotten very strong, and I broke a piece of the plastic of the drawer off my new fridge a couple years back. I was trying to get the drawer out to properly clean it. My dh just looked at the piece and the fridge and said, "This simply doesn't happen." (He's thinking of having me arm wrestle tourists in bars around here for spare cash this summer...)

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My kids': they got their new bunkbed last June. I think I've changed the bottom sheet once since then (they do not sleep on the top bunk). The only reason I changed it was because we were having guests (including a kid) overnight for Christmas.


Mine: Once every 2 or 3 months, I guess.


Feel better?

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I vacuum everything else in the house that I possibly can, using my shop vac and attachments, I don't know why I never thought to do it in my fridge :)



As to our sheets, DH changes the ones on our bed once every other week or so, and my son's gets changed slightly less often. I actually vacuum our bed once a week or so, or more often if the dog gets in it.

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The sheets get changed here when someone gets sick. Or around monthly otherwise. It's just not high on my list. When I only had one child, I changed them weekly. But I had 3 in 3 1/2 years. I can't keep my house as clean now as I did then. As the kids are getting older (and more able to help), more is getting done. Hey, maybe sheets will get changed weekly sometime in the next couple of years!

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We shower at night and I sleep alone. So I change my sheets every 2 weeks to every month, and the kids about that often.


Ok, I change my 3-year-old's sheets at the same time I change mine. DS needs his changed about once a week because that's about how often he wets through the sleep diaper. Thank God for padded/waterproof under sheets. I long for an end to the bedwetting.

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Every Monday morning I strip all the beds in the house. I then grumble every Monday night when it's time to put the kids to bed that they're not made and take only about 10 minutes to make them. If I didn't do this, the beds would be changed maybe monthly.

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My kids': they got their new bunkbed last June. I think I've changed the bottom sheet once since then (they do not sleep on the top bunk). The only reason I changed it was because we were having guests (including a kid) overnight for Christmas.


Mine: Once every 2 or 3 months, I guess.


Feel better?


I have very strong feelings about changing sheets ;) I change everyone's beds every 3 days.




I can't decide which of these two posts is more upsetting to me.

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Does it count as changing your sheets if they get taken off put in a pile, and then later the day put back on?


Today my kids (with permission since the weather was icky) stripped my bed pushed it out the room, down the stairs and wedged it into the front hall. Dh is now going to carry it back upstairs and the sheets stripped off this morning will be put back on.


If you include events such as that the answer is more often then I would like to admit.



(And by my bed I mean the two double beds my husband and I sleep on so it's actually two beds)

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How often to you change the sheets in your house? I must admit, I'm not nearly as Fly Lady or Heloise as I'd like.


So, please answer HONESTLY, and assuage some of my guilt. Cuz I cannot be the ONLY one.


Oh, and don't could the "guest bed" if you have one.


Each kid is different. Depends on whether they're on the top bunk or potty trained at night.

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I change my sheets every week. My teens are responsible for their own and I remind them occasionally and their dad gets involved to make sure it gets done every so often... My teen daughter changes hers every week... teen sons not so much...

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I do mine about once a week. I do the toddler's sometimes much more often as he wets the bed frequently. The older boys...I forget. Sadly. They really should be changed weekly. They are grubby little boys and the dog snoozes with them. But they make up thier own beds and I just don't think too much about it. I should make a note to have them change every Monday.

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I'm a weekly fanatic as well. I don't iron though; I did it once and it took forever. They were the best feeling sheets. If I win the lottery, I'm buying one of those roller sheet ironing machines.

:lol: I think if you win the lottery you should pay someone to wash the sheets. You shouldn't do it yourself, even with an ironing machine.;)



I voted monthly but it's really more like every 2-3 weeks.

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Sheets, duvet covers and pillow cases get washed every two weeks here. The blankets that get dragged around the house are washed about once a month. They are sometimes on their bed, sometimes on the sofa. The duvets get washed about once a year as they have to be done at the laundrette.

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Bed sheets, pillow cases: every week, no exceptions. If summer and using fleece blankets: every week as well. If winter and using duvets: covers (I use bed sheets and duvet covers both because I don't like the duvet cover getting sweaty or dirty) every 2 weeks. Duvets: twice a year as they have to be sent out to professionals/laundrette.


Beds are aired daily and eveything washed in 60 C degrees to kill dust mites (I have asthma). Occasionally I throw a capful of Dettol in the final rinse.

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I'm going to skew the poll but I change the sheets in our beds around 2-3 times per week. Let me explain... We co-sleep. I have a king bed with bunkbeds next to it.


And we're night owls in this family. Last night, we were up until 12:30 eating popcorn (in bed) watching Frozen Planet. And while DH and I get most of the popcorn in our mouths, somehow the kids still miss about 1/4 of it. :D


And we cosleep with our animals so we always have two dogs in the beds and various cats that stroll in and out throughout the night.


So I wash the bedding frequently. Otherwise, I have to sleep in schmutz. And ew to that.


Argh. The refrigerator... :tongue_smilie:

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I was shocked when my grandma suggested I not bother changing the sheets on the guest bed after she came with my mom, because my mom would be back. Here I thought my grandma was a neat freak??


I aim for weekly but don't always achieve my goal.


I once saw something on Oprah that suggested every two days -- ? Not all of us have a maid, sheesh.

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