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Fill in blank: Among my kids, the two that get along best are age __ and age___.

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Reading a book by Kevin Leman about birth order and child spacing dynamics and this has aroused my curiosity and desire to hear the Hives' testimonies on the matter.

Fill in the blank: Among my kids, the two that get along best are age __ and age___. And, if you're up for it, please share your thoughts on why. :bigear:

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I have only two boys. They get along great, the best of friends. I can't remember the last time they fought or got angry at each other. They can play all day everyday with each other and never tire of one another.


My boys and 1 1/2 years apart.


Why they at the best of friends, I don't know.

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I'm not very helpful because I also only have 2 dc. They are 21 months apart and best friends *most* of the time. Ds is maybe more of an introvert, so sometimes he needs alone time. Dd never wants to be without her brother.


My dh is 4 and 6 years older than his sisters. He somewhat gets along with the youngest but not at all with the middle. I am 8 years older than my brother. We never fought, but we've never really been close either. I guess we were both kind of like only children since we were so far apart.

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I don't believe the child spacing stuff.


My first and second born are 18 months apart. Then I had a third child who is 6 and 4 years apart of in age from his siblings.


My kids get along well. Sure there are days but for the most part they look out for each other and play well. It could be the family time of homeschooling, or how they are raised, or most likely I could just be incredibly blessed.

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Reading a book by Kevin Leman about birth order and child spacing dynamics and this has aroused my curiosity and desire to hear the Hives' testimonies on the matter.

Fill in the blank: Among my kids, the two that get along best are age __ and age___. And, if you're up for it, please share your thoughts on why. :bigear:



Among my kids, the two that get along best are age 6 & age 5. They are the two younger out of 3 total. My oldest is 10 and a total introvert, so she doesn't really "play" where as the other two are each other's best playmate.

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The one year old and either of the other two. Because when she hits them or steals their toys, they know she's not old enough to understand.


The boys do get along fairly well. They can play together sometimes without fighting but after awhile the toy stealing, the chasing, the hitting, the shhhh-ing each other, the tattling, OH THE TATTLING!!!!! It's enough to drive a person bonkers :willy_nilly:

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My ds 20 and dd 18 and my dd 12 and ds 10.5 - 22 months between the first two and 18 months between my last two.


The two middle boys are floaters. They have never been especially close to each other or the other boy girl pairs and my 15 yo son is antagonistic toward EVERYONE, but especially toward his 12 yo sister. (It used to be more toward his older sister, but she's now gone at college, and they seem to get along better now when she is home.)


I think the boy/girl pairs getting along have more to do with personality than anything else.

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Among my kids, the two that get along best are 8 and 9. They're 11 months apart and absolutely best friends. Their personalities just completely complement each other and they very rarely fight. They're on the same hockey team this year, have almost all the same friends and share everything they own.


The only two of my boys who don't get along well are my 9 and almost 11 year olds. They're almost two years apart and there's just something about my 9 year old that annoys his brother to no end. ETA: This has only been going on for a few months. I'm sure they'll be over it in a few more.

Edited by Tazzie
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I have 4 younger children which I had each of them 2 years apart and the two sets of them that get along best is:


My 9 and 7 year old boys are the best of friends and play together all the time and that same 9 year old boy with his 11 year old sister are also very close.


My 11 year old daughter and my 7 year old son do not get along as well, she finds her youngest brother "pesty" and "he gets on her last nerve" (her words), but she will play with him when they all play together as a group.


My 13 year old son gets along well with my 11 year old daughter and my 9 year old son, but he too finds my 7 year old a bit pesty and nerve wracking.


My 9 year old son is my most adaptable and he does well playing with everyone and all kids (including all his siblings), he is just that kind of kid that everyone enjoys playing with, maybe because he is a middle child ?

Edited by Momma2Many66
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The spacing thing is a lottery. I only have 2 children so that doesn't really count. Growing up, I was closest to my brother who was 15 months younger. His personality is the most like mine. Even as adults, i just dont click as well with my sister who is five years younger. My husband is the oldest, and has always been closest to the youngest. They have a 4 1/2 year age gap with two brothers between them. (That's right . . .4 boys in 4 1/2 years.)


Now, my mother has one brother who she fought with the ENTIRE time they were growing up. My grandmother is STILL shaking her head that they are the best of friends as adults. They are both so sweet and non-confrontational. I just cannot picture them fighting.

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My kids all do ok together - they are all close in age.


The two oldest play together well - 15 months apart.


Then the 2 boys play well together - 22 months apart.


DD and DS2 are not real play pals - she tends to mother him when they are together alone.


When they all three play together they get on fine.


Biggest problem we have -although the oldest two are "best friends" there is huge competition between them. A lot of it has to do with the fact my DD likes to be the boss and the best at everything but my 4yo is advanced and with only 15 months between them he is starting to surpass her academically or at least be on the same level and she can't stand that.


I'm beginning to think I will have to school them entirely seperately because DD spends the whole day in tantrums and meltdowns when DS is doing something on her grade level :glare: Part of that can't be helped - she has Aspbergers and is very strict about order -she can't understand why her younger brother is not staying at the correct level for his age and doing things in the same order she did when she was 4 KWIM - she's fine if he is a level below her but if they use the same or he moves above - meltdown.


I'm thinking they will have to do completely seperate programs so there is no comparison if DS accelarates any more.


At the moment I am trying to combine them in MBTP level 5-7 -that's turning into a fiasco for sure :banghead: I don't see much combining going on in our future :crying:

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I think all of my kids are close, but if I had to say - my two oldest, who are 21 months apart, then the next two, who are almost 4 years apart, and then "the babies," who are 9 months apart. They all get along well, though, and love it when they ALL get to hang out together. My dils are wonderful about wanting the kids around, too.


If there is conflict, it usually involves my 15yo dd and my 13yo ds. They are 19 months apart.

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Any combination of 2.



When all 3 are together in a room without adult supervision, there will be an issue. When you pull one out of the equation, there is peace. It doesn't matter which one.



My dc are 26mo and 14mo apart, respectively.

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My younger two have been best friends from the beginning. My oldest didn't forgive the middle for being born until they were 8yo and 5.5yo. She didn't forgive the youngest for being born until they were 13yo and 8yo. Nobody really gets along very well with the oldest though. She's difficult.


The two older do mostly get along. The oldest and youngest don't get along at all. They merely tolerate each others existence and they don't that very well.



The older two are 2.5 years apart, almost exactly. The youngest was born 2 years and 6.5 months after the middle.

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would be my 22yo and my 20yo. 26 mo apart, and they have gotten along wonderfully their entire lives, even though their personalities are quite different. Next would probably be my 20yodd and my 16yods. They had a really special bond early on, and he really adores her. 19yodd CAN get along pretty well with any one of them, but she is the most distant from the family (she has tons of friends and spends a lot of time with them, whereas the older girls tended to socialize together a lot).


When they are all together, I'd say they all get along pretty well.

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To me, it seems to have more to do with personality type then age.


My middle two get along the best (11 & 9... 2.5yrs difference). They both have laid back, people-pleaser personalities.


#1 is a high intensity alpha and has been from the womb. He had to grow into empathy for his brothers.

#4 has medical issues which complicate how we all deal with him.

1&3 do fairly well. 3 stands up to 1 so there are some sparks but 1 actually respects that more then passive 2 and they make good roommates.


They all get along pretty well. They're each roughly 2 years apart (19-29mo. apart).

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There is 2.5 years between my oldest and middle and the same between my middle and youngest. They all get along fairly well, but my oldest seems to be most annoyed by/with my middle. For some reason, if one of them is gone, the other two get along fabulously, no matter the combo. It's kinda weird, but it's nice when it happens, lol.

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The 17yo & the 7yo. They are buddies.


The 17yo & the 14yo "borrow" each others' things without asking. Contention ensues


The 17yo & the 9yo struggle because 9yo dd wants to be the boss of herself & no one can tell her what to do.


The 14 yo & the 9yo don't get along because the 9yo thinks she is as big as the 14yo & doesn't have to listen to her. The 14 yo thinks she is the boss.


The 14yo & the 7yo; see above


The 9yo & the 7yo are doing the same in school (actually the gifted 7yo is ahead of my LD 9yo) so everything is a struggle between them. You can't praise one without the other thinking it is a mortal insult.


I think I need a flow chart. You should see the torturous jigsaw puzzle that is called "you're sitting in my seat." when we take trips.


Amber in SJ

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Let see, the 12 & 15 year olds get along the best and the worst. The oldest gets along with most of them unless they aren't respectful of me then she gives them an ear full (most often the 12 year old). The 19 year old and the 15 year old sometimes have some friction. The 18 year old seems to get along with most of them but is probably closest to the two that are on either side of her but she has the most understanding and sympathy for the youngest. There is no telling when we are all together, sometimes we all get along great, sometimes it is just too many people on different pages. It really depends on what day of the week it is, what the cycle of the moon is, the time of day, what everyone is wearing, where we are and so many other variables that it is almost impossible to predict.

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I have four boys, the eldest is (very nearly) 13 yo, then 11, 7 and (very nearly) 5. They all get along fairly well. DS11 seems to have a real bee in his bonnet about DS7 for some reason, and has to be told pretty regularly not to be so nasty and negative towards him. The two who get on the best are DS7 and DS5, they really are the best of friends, spending hours playing imaginary games together, and chuckling and giggling away. DS5 has been known to attack DS11 quite viciously when DS11 is being horrid to DS7. DS13 and DS11 get on pretty well, but there is a degree of sibling rivalry that quite amazes me, but then I was an only child.



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My kids are all close with each other. Each set of siblings have a special bond. My 13 y/o dd is sometimes odd man out, but it is her personality to make herself such. She is just not overly friendly...but, shebdoes still have a good relationship with her siblings one on one.


My oldest 2 had a bit of a rivalry going when they were really little, but once my oldest realized she couldn't convince me to give her sister back, :D. She decided to be best friends.....they have been ever since.

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Among my children, the ones aged 7 and 7 get along best. :D


That's not exactly the case: they get on with their 11 y.o. sister quite well and she with them. They just have this twin synergy. (they fight like wild dogs at times, too)


My eldest (23) is mostly an "only", by birth order and childhood experience. There are 12 years between her and dd2, 15 between her and the boys.

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