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If you're between 30-50, do you color your hair?

Do you color your hair?  

  1. 1. Do you color your hair?

    • Of course I color it! I have gray/white.
    • I love my gray/white hair and wear it proudly.
    • My hair is not going gray/white, but I like to color it anyway.
    • My hair has no gray/white and I don't mess with the color.
    • Other :)

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I have white hair in a similar style as Rogue from X-Men. I've had it since I was in my late 20's, but now I'm getting close to 40 and there is a lot more gray so I've been considering coloring it.


All the ladies I know do not seem to have white hair, except for one woman that is in her 50's. I'm scared to ask them if they color their hair, so I thought I'd ask here :)


Poll to follow...

Edited by jadedone80
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Guest Kimbo417

I color. My natural color is so dark that the grays REALLY stand out- like I can see them glinting at me, mocking me from across the room when I pass by a mirror!

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Gray is starting. Not too pronounced yet, but visible.

I won't color. Mainly because I do not want to be dependent on this process; gray roots are tacky, so I'd have to color again every few weeks once I start. I do not want to have to bother with that.

My mother has grown gray very graciously. So has my grandmother. I will follow suit.

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I'm 40 next week. I don't color my hair, but the minute I see a white one you'll hear a scream, then screeching tires as I rush out for hair color. I'm a natural redhead. I've been told I'll go white instead of gray.


:lol: Thanks!

I keep thinking about my 40th and how I want to have a great BIG party! (Except I'd be the only one with gray hair)

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I'm in my early-mid 30s and my hair is black. I have random white strands, some short and some long, scattered throughout my hair. I don't bother dying them. I rather like them, even though I'm realizing the transition period is probably going to last a good decade or so. I reserve the right to grow frustrated at a later point, and to reconsider LOL.


I'm about 10-15 years younger than most of my social peers (parents of the kids my own kids associate with) and my company hasn't hired in about ten years leaving me among the youngest at work ... so that I have salty-pepper hair doesn't bother me from a vanity perspective. It's obvious I'm younger. I might feel more self-conscious about it if I hung out with a younger crowd (or a similarly aged crowd who didn't have the gray hairs!) - isn't that a selfish, horrible thing to admit? :blush: But true, nonetheless! None of my social peers are going natural. It's a small, affluent town with lots of trophy wives in tow - the busiest places are Starbucks, the gym, and the one salon ... all conveniently located in the one retail area we have ;)!

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I color as close as possibly to my natural color and people usually don't even notice! But I do it because the natural color is so drab and the brightening and subtle highlighting is more of what I'm going for than actual lightening. I've noticed just a couple grey/white hairs around my temples. They're not why I color, though, and aren't a big deal to me.

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I had ash blonde hair that started going white in my late 30s. I colored it for a long time, but let it go natural a few years ago. I started coloring it again about six months ago because I got tired of people in stores saying something about my "grandchildren". Since I started coloring my hair again, I haven't had one "grandchild" remark.

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I'm 38 and I have never colored my hair. I do have scattered white hairs, but not enough to be that noticeable--especially since I pull the obvious ones! I've always really liked the color of my hair (brown, but a nice brown) and I'm worried that if I start coloring it I'll always have to, and I'm not very good at getting regular trims, and it's expensive, and...


I voted other because I don't have that much gray, but there is some, but I'm not in love with it either--I just like the color of my hair and am afraid to mess with it!

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I have beautiful silver hair growing in the front. I love it. :001_smile:

But... I just colored it a nice dark brown because I had done a home dye job about a year ago which made it look brassy. Normally I leave the top natural (with my bit of grey showing) and color the bottom a fun color. It's called "ombre".

Right now it's dark on top and bright pink on the bottom half.


I think grey hair can look fabulous, it's the texture change that freaks me out.

We just watched The Devil Wears Prada and man!! does Meryl Streep look good! I can totally see myself rockin natural hair like that.


Edited by helena
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I'm 40 and started getting gray hairs in my mid-20's. I've been coloring my hair (in a color close to my natural color) for about 15 years now. Early graying runs in my family - my grandma had completely white hair in her 20's and my mom's hair started going gray around that age too.


I've been using Natural Instincts (the kind that washes out after 28 shampoos) on my roots only for many years now. It lasts about 4 weeks for me, and looks very natural. For this stage of my life, it's worth the $7.00 and 30 min. time investment once a month... :)

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I'm in my late 30s and do have some greys coming in. I've been coloring my hair since college, just picking out whatever "color of the week" appeals to me. Right now it's a bright auburn/red. So I do dye, but just due to personal preference and not specifically because of the greys.

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I'm almost 37, and I don't color my hair yet, but I see it coming. I am not very good at being a girl at all--don't do makeup, etc--but I've thought it over and I don't think I'm the sort who can deal with the gray hair gracefully. I have some here and there now (started around 30ish) but I don't think it's too noticeable yet.

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I am 46 and I have been blessed with very little greying of hair. I have only found two tiny wisps of hair that turned white, not grey but very white. I am enjoying my "old age" and leaving them in. :001_smile:


My mother didn't have to start coloring her hair until well into her late 50's, we are italian so it is probably hereditary for me. I don't know if I ever will color my hair, I always admired women who wear their grey proudly and embrace their age. I think I will probably let it just stay natural and white or grey, whatever it may be.

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I had to vote other as you left out his category....


Of course I color my hair because I like to, even though I have grey/white.


I have been coloring my hair since I was 12. All sorts of colors. I have been the same red palette for um, 20 years. Sometimes it is redder, sometimes more purple, sometimes it is coppery, usually I like a good bright, totally unnatural dark red.


I am starting to get more white (not gray) but that only makes me dye it sooner. It would be just like contrary ol' me to stop dying it once it turned white. I'm silly like that. However, I have always wanted to have that awesome hair with the one gorgeous white lock in the middle of wine red hair. Thank goodness they have gotten so good at reds nowadays. :D


I don't even want to think how much I have spent on hair color over the years. That and razors.

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I don't know if I really love it/wear it proudly, but I don't color it.


Mine is also the Rouge type. I wished it were actually more Rouge and more concentrated in one area. It's starting to spread more through out. I like the Rouge thing until a friend from high school and I were talking about hair color and gray and she reminded me of one of the moms. "Remember Mrs. T! She looked like a skunk!!"


Yeah, not what I was going for. But hey it must not be as bad as I think since she didn't seem to notice my streak.


I don't color because I'm on an all natural kick. I gave up my pedicures over a year ago. (Rarely did my fingers as they never lasted.) Gave up perfumed body washes/lotions and anti persperant.


I'm down to organic shampoo/condition, soap, natural lotion, (which I seem to need a lot less of) and natural deodarant. I still have hair spray, but that is more due to static electricity during the dry winter.


I miss coloring my hair, but I never went for natural looking anyway. Think blonde chunks, blue highlights, purple washes, funky reds. So when it did grow out and I had roots, it just added to the funky.

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I color my hair. I started coloring right after someone mistook me for DD10's grandmother as my hair is nearly totally white (used to be light brown). I'm only 45 and refuse to look older than DH, who is 52. When he goes grey, then I will consider going natural too.

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I started going gray in my 30s, so I did color it then. Now that I'm in my 40s, I think gray hair is okay. I have some large patches of gray and random grays throughout my hair. I spent the last year growing out the color and getting my hair cut short so it could grow back in naturally. I'm getting used to my new, mature reflection in the mirror.

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I am embracing my grey hair, after all, it is meant to be a sign of wisdom.

I started going grey at around 35. My grandmother, in her 80's is only going grey completely now.


My DH was almost completely grey at 24


2 of my DS's got some grey hair at age 4. Ds 16 has the most, it is starting to look like he has had grey tips put in at the front.

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I don't color. I used to, and I just got sick of it. Four weeks after a dye job, I would have a noticeable "like of demarcation." So I let it grow out grey, and now I look old, but whatever. I spend more money on my clothes and makeup and try to look "good for my age" lol.

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I am 42. I have blond hair that was once really light and has darkened a bit with age. I don't have any gray or white. I highlight my hair about 1-2 times a year when I feel like I need a "pick me up." I am too lazy and cheap to get it done more than that.

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