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Things are not going very well...

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with my dd who has addiction problems.


I try not to give out too much personal information here, but I need some support so badly right now...


She leaves without permission.


She may or may not come home.


She is a minor.


I've had her to the pediatrician, to a nutritionist... she has been part of an active 12 week support group for this, but it seems to be going in one ear and other the other... She went to counseling for a handful of weeks, but we needed to get a different therapist because of cost, so I am now going through our medical provider... she has an appointment in a couple of days...


Grades have gone down hill.


She has stolen from us.


She know a few police officers nowadays, too.... They have let her know if she doesn't change her ways they will make her life miserable... sigh...


And, most bothersome, she knew two boys in the past 4 years who lost their lives by getting in front of the train... I am just very uncomfortable about her lack of value of herself and her life.


So, I will probably edit this later if I feel it's too much... so, please don't quote me. But, I would love to have some hugs and prayers and anything you have that might help.


Thanks... now where is the crying smiley face???

Edited by BMW
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Well if you or your daughter is a Christian there is Mercy Ministries. She will have to want to go. She can't be forced to go and she has to be willing to change. My sister went there. She had to hit rock bottom before she decided she needed help. My mom had approached her with the idea months before she decided she was ready and every time she had a rough time mom would bring it up again. It is free but parents are asked to contribute what they can monthly.

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I would look into inpatient rehab for teens. You can make the decision now in the hope that something gets through now. Later, after she is 18, you will not be able to do it without her cooperation unless she is court ordered.



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I would look into inpatient rehab for teens. You can make the decision now in the hope that something gets through now. Later, after she is 18, you will not be able to do it without her cooperation unless she is court ordered.


:iagree: and :grouphug:

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I would look into inpatient rehab for teens. You can make the decision now in the hope that something gets through now. Later, after she is 18, you will not be able to do it without her cooperation unless she is court ordered.


That sadly, can depend on your state. In certain states unless the minor is willing to go you can't force them. It has to be court ordered. Stupid law if you ask me.




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I had a sibling with an addiction problem. I highly suggest alanon as a support for you and your family during this process. Also if she is a minor, you can force her to get help. Send her away to a camp for troubled teens. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Alanon will tell you to cut off ALL money, cell phones and any other luxuries that could be used, sold or make comfortable to live in this lifestyle. Also if she gets arrested, to allow her to stay in juvenile detention until she will get help. With this type of problem, addiction specialists highly recommend tough love.


Also, faith based rehabs have a better success rate.


I will be praying. This has to be tough. I am praying that God will give you wisdom.:grouphug:

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