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homeschooling with cancer

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The last several months have been nothing but shocking. I got married the week before Thanksgiving. Five weeks later, on Christmas Eve, I was in the hospital having emergency surgery. While removing a large portion of my small and large intestine, the surgeon found what turned out to be a rare cancer. neuroendocrine Carcinoid is only diagnosed in 5 out of 100,000 a year.


After being discharged I began researching carcinoid and the specialists who treat it. I chose Mayo Clinic in MN and have been there three times since mid-January. On our first visit there we learned the cancer is also in my liver, making it stage 4. I am now preparing for the first of a few liver surgeries. On March 21 they will remove the right lobe of my liver and my gallbladder. That will reduce the tumor load. If the left lobe regenerates the way the expect it to, I will have surgery to remove the main tumors on the left side in late summer. There will still be tumors remaining. Aft those two surgeries we will re-evaluate things and decide on a course of treatment.


Through this all I am even more thankful for homeschooling my children. I am thankful for the time it gives us with each other. I am thankful for the flexibility it gives us when we have to be on the road for my treatment. I am thankful for the homeschooling community. Even though we are brand new to WI the homeschooling community here has risen up to help us with meals, child care, etc.


I am thankful for the habits my children have developed. They are able to care for and help one another because they are used to having lots of time together. They know their routines and are able to wake and start on their individual work with very little prompting. When I have the energy to do it, we get the projects and more teacher intensive activities completed. When I am weak, they work independently and check in with me while I rest. I read to them from my bed. I may not be able to check off everything on my to do list so neatly at the end of the day, but I see that they have learned to manage their time, care about their education, and love one another.


I still am in shock when I wake in the morning and remember that I have cancer. I hate not feeling in control and having such uncertainty in my future. But I am learning to love in the moment and treasure each day as a gift.

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Thank you for posting this as a reminder that we should not take our health for granted and for remembering to count the blessings that we have.


:grouphug::grouphug: I wish you strength and courage as you fight for your health. :grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug: wow that's a lot. "it was the best of times; it was the worst of times" hardly touches it! it is such a good thing to find things to be thankful for in the midst of it all.


we will tuck you and your family into our prayers for strength, peace, and moments of pure joy, and your medical folks for skill, insight and compassion...




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Guest Katia

PM'd you. :grouphug:


Have you found:




They have great resources and information.


Also, there is a wonderful online forum from England, but NET patients from all over the world post there. It's a great online support group with tons of info from the mouths of those experiencing NET treatments:




Hope this is helpful to you!

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Hi Cathy. I never post, just lurk, but I wanted to reach out after reading your post. My mom was diagnosed with liver cancer in Oct. She has Hepatocellular carcinoma. She had the tumor and the left lobe of her liver, gall bladder, and left branch of the portal vein removed at Mayo in Nov. She received absolutely wonderful care from the surgeons, other Dr's, nurses. You will be in good hands there. We were told that her surgeon is one of the best in North America---Dr David Nagorney. My mom is doing really well. Her cancer has a high risk of recurrence,so they will check her every 3 mo. Best of luck for you. I will be paying for you.

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Your post is a gift to us.

A reminder to be thankful.

A reminder to treasure our time with our children.




This expresses my feelings beautifully.


Thank you for sharing your brave and beautiful time with your children.

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