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I've asked before, and I'm asking again (sorry). How *exactly* do I get help?

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I need professional help. Can anyone walk me through exactly what I need to do?


I need to find a mental health professional. I don't know how to do that, and I'm finding myself paralyzed.


I hate everything about myself. I'm embarrassed at how disgustingly overweight and unattractive I am. I cannot think of one single thing that I do well, nor can I think of any reason at all why anyone else would place any value upon me other than the fact that I know I was made in God's image and he doesn't make people without worth.


I don't think I'm depressed, but I know something about my thinking is probably not right. Moderate perfectionism seems to have morphed into self-loathing at a new level that I no longer know how to get past. I think I probably still look ok on the outside, certainly no one else has mentioned noticing a difference, but what's going on in my head is becoming something I'm less and less able to function with.


Can someone walk me through *exactly* how to get help? Maybe I need someone who can help me with disordered eating? How would I do that?


I'm not exactly finding a listing in the phone book that says "If you love the Lord but hate every single disgusting thing about yourself and have a problem with food, call me".


Please don't quote my post in your response. 5 minutes from now I'll be embarrassed to have put this out there, and will want to take my words back. :leaving:

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I'm sorry, Julie :( :grouphug: I know exactly how you feel though. In my case, I took a supplement called 5-HTP, and that helped me a LOT with the feelings you're describing. It also changed the way I ate. I actually felt full and satisfied after eating instead of bottomless and constantly craving (everything). I always say that it reset all my gauges to normal. I felt like a whole, normal human on it.


As for finding help, I started with my insurance plan's provider list, because I couldn't afford to pay out of pocket. I do know it took a few visits with counselors before I met anyone I liked. But eventually they went out of network, so...


*sigh* I hear you. I'll check back later in case you want us to delete our responses.

Edited by melissel
pronoun trouble
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Do you have health insurance? Do you have a regular doctor you see?


If you have both, call your doctor and ask for a referral.


If you have insurance but no doctor, call your insurance company (number on the back of the card) or look them up online and ask for a list of mental health professionals.


Or, you can look in the phone book and call and ask if they take your insurance.

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Do have a doctor? If so, I would call the office and ask if they have any one they would refer you too. They might ask that you come in first to check to see if you have any medical needs before the referral. Which is probably a good idea.


Some churches and YMCA would could also give you the name of someone. Also if you or your DH have medical insurance or work for a large company, they sometimes will provide this as a benefit.


Social service agencies also have some services, but they may be for more severe problems - drug, alcohol, abuse.


I would make sure exactly what you want, so you can get directed to the right place. You might have a long list of things, but try to figure out the key issues. Weight might be a symptom of other issues or it might be the cause of other issues.


Good luck.

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I asked some of my local friends. I found a psychologist FIRST. He did some testing and we did some talking. I made an appointment with a psychiatrist for about 3 weeks after the psychologist appointment. The psychologist came up with a treatment plan and medication recommendations. The psychiatrist basically talked to me for a while, confirmed what the first guy said, and wrote me some prescriptions.


We had insurance through my husband's work. You can ask them for a list of doctors who are covered by your insurance.


Feel free to send me a message if you like. I was in a very dark and desperate place.

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Start with your doctor. He should be involved should you choose to work with antidepressants. (Yes, you are discussion symptoms of depression even if you don't think you are depressed.)


Your doctor can also refer you to counselors. You can also open the phone book and look under counseling services. The Christian ones will advertise that they are Christian. You might also Google your area for the same thing. Specifically ask the counselors if they have experience with eating disorders and try those. It may take few/several tries before you find a counselor that you are comfortable with. Sometimes it is trial and error.


Overeaters Anonymous is a twelve step group for those with food issues. It is a "spiritual" program that trust in a high power as you understand. This wording allows people of all faiths to participate, but don't let that stop you. The original 12 steps of AA (of which this group is based) began with the Bible and you will find the steps compatible with the Bible. I have attended a similar 12 step group and it literally saved my life.

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I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly. I'm glad to hear that you're taking action and planning to find someone to talk to, so you'll start feeling better soon.


You're such a sweet person on this forum, and I don't think you realize how favorably you are viewed by others. I can absolutely guarantee you that you are a lot more valuable than you believe you are right now.

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I second the idea of asking a pastor for references. I'd start by asking if your pastor knows any Christian doctors. (It can be reassuring to start with someone who knows someone else.) The doctor can check to see if there's an underlying medical problem that is affecting all of this. Then the doctor can help with finding a mental health professional.


If you don't "click" with the first person you try, keep looking. Don't give up looking for the right person, method, treatment, approach. Every little bit helps.

Edited by mudboots
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I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly. I'm glad to hear that you're taking action and planning to find someone to talk to, so you'll start feeling better soon.


You're such a sweet person on this forum, and I don't think you realize how favorably you are viewed by others. I can absolutely guarantee you that you are a lot more valuable than you believe you are right now.



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Speaking as one who ate a whole package of oreos this week, I can identify. :D

All I can really tell you this that I OFTEN wish I was closer to you to visit you and bask in your wonderfulness.

I don't know you by sight, but I love the you I know.

I think you are creative and talented and strong.

You will get through this.



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Call your doctor and ask for a referral.


If that doesn't work, you can call Focus on the Family and ask if they recommend a psychologist in your area.


Keep asking until you get help.




Perfectionism > self-loathing > depression > despair is something I have fought with. There's help; I will pray you find it.

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Does your dh know how you feel? You need to tell him exactly what you just told us. You shouldn't be carrying this burden alone.


When I had severe post-partum depression after my son's birth, it was my dh that took the initiative to get me set up with a psychiatrist and therapist. Because like you, I was overwhelmed by my feelings and despair. I couldn't really think straight. So, I think you should tell your dh, and tell him you need his help to find the right mental health provider. That way, you have his support, and also, you gain an advocate.


Secondly, you should talk to whoever is your regular physician. Let him or her know what's been going on. They can order tests and see if you have hormonal or chemical fluctuations going on that are affecting your thoughts and feelings. Then, like others here have suggested, I would call your insurance provider, and find out what mental health care providers in your area are covered. Once you have a list, this is where your dh can really help again. He can help do internet searches and research to find one whose philosophy of care meshes with yours.


That sounds like a lot, but it's really not. It's three steps.


1. Tell your dh or significant other (or a close friend/relative, if you are single).

2.Tell your doctor.

3. Get a list of providers, and look them up.


Make an appointment and go from there!

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Self-loathing is absolutely a huge sign of depression. Depression isn't necessarily about being sad. Ask your doctor for a referral or call your insurance company.


Have you thought about seeing a nutritionist? Lots of people with depression have nutritional deficiencies.


Make one decision at a time, and don't let yourself get overwhelmed.


I wish it was easier to make friends IRL and talk to them. But, I know it isn't easy. I am sorry you are goig through a hard time right now. It can be better. You deserve it. You are a good person. You are creative and friendly and have a lot to offer the world. :grouphug:

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and more




here are some steps you can take. the one thing to do today and before you do any of them is to tell your dh/significant other/friend what you've told us. you could even email them what you posted if talking about it is too hard. then they can support you as you move on to:


1. if you have a doctor, call and make an appointment with them. ask your dh/significant other/friend to go with you. (for support and so that you have someone there who can remember to ask the questions you want answers to). you will ask them for a referral.


2. if you don't have a doctor or insurance, contact the local weight watchers. ask them for several recommendations for mental health professionals who work with people with eating disorders. (this may not turn out to be what it is, but it is part of the puzzle for you, and is a good place to start.)


3. if you are able to, ask friends if they know of or have a mental health professional they would recommend. this is how we found the one we used. it is amazing how many people DO go to mental health professionals, and how willing they are to be helpful. you don't need to go into details as to why if you don't want to.




in the meantime, if you're able to get outside into the sunshine for a bit every day, that can help tide you over to when you see someone.




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Don't be embarrassed. Recognizing that you have a problem and asking for help are huge steps to be proud of taking. You're doing the right thing. It's been hell, but it's going to get better now.


Do you have health insurance? Do you have a regular doctor? If the answer to both of those is yes, call your doctor's office and ask for a referral to a therapist. If you don't, it's more complicated, but the advice you have already received is spot on. Call a pastor. If not yours, just random ones from the Yellow Pages. Say, "I am experiencing severe emotional problems. I need help and I don't know how to get it." From there, just do what they say. They'll want to know if you are safe right away, and it sounds like you might be. So say yes, but you're worried about it getting worse and you need a therapist. Explain that you have no insurance. Say so if you can pay out of pocket or can't. Say if you are having a hard time following through to make phone calls. Say, "Would it be possible for you to contact this person and ask them to call me? I have a hard time making calls."


Do you want someone to bug/help you until it gets done? When I was at my worst, I couldn't make phone calls. I couldn't deal with bureaucracy on even the most basic levels. I didn't have the persistence to follow through if a doctor called back and left me a message. If you don't have anyone in real life who will contract with you to not leave it alone until it gets done, PM me. I'm happy to make phone calls for you if you need.

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I went through this too. I would start with your regular doctor and get on anti-depressants even if you don't think you are depressed. Depression takes on many forms and has symptoms that we don't always associate with it. When I tried to get an appointment to see a counselor the wait was months out and I knew that I needed something to make me feel better sooner. I went into a regular physician and she prescribed an antidepressant. Within days I felt completely new (not the weeks I was told to expect). I started exercising by going on walks too. Please don't be embarrassed. So many people suffer from times of feeling less than great about themselves. I think it is great that you had the courage to post here. It is possible to feel better. My life changed dramatically after facing this.

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I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly. I'm glad to hear that you're taking action and planning to find someone to talk to, so you'll start feeling better soon.


You're such a sweet person on this forum, and I don't think you realize how favorably you are viewed by others. I can absolutely guarantee you that you are a lot more valuable than you believe you are right now.




Praying for your healing. You are so valuable.

I hope you find then doctor you need quickly....


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this what I did when I needed similar services. I started with my gyn doctor. I'm glad she recognized the anxiety and depression symptoms and we started some short term meds. 6-7 months on them. been off for over a year. I was nervous about that, but once the doctor explained the physical aspects of it all, I thought, well, you know I wear glasses to help my eyes. I take iron for anemia... so my body needs help on something else. ok.


The counseling came from a recommendation in the church network. We went through Neil Anderson's Victory over the Darkness. not a book to go through by oneself. Well let's just say the counselor was gifted from above and dragged me kicking and crying through the whole book and process. But I kept going....... good stuff. Thankful for that person's help. yep...it was similar to what you wrote....I love the Lord, but had a hard time loving myself as He loves me.



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I have insurance, but I have no idea what would be covered.

I might be able to pay out of pocket if need be, but I have no idea what such help would cost.


DH is a great guy, but will not understand.


Is it really depression if no one else sees anything wrong with me, and if I'm able to function just fine in the world? --it's only the nasty things I'm saying to myself that are making me miserable, and it feels ridiculously self-centered that I'm even wasting time dwelling on thoughts of myself in the first place. On the outside, I still look fine. smiling as normal, and they are sincere smiles. I just berate myself when I have an extra minute, and cry sometimes whenever I can find a little bit of solitude. Sometimes I look for an excuse for everyone to be somewhere else, so I can have a few minutes alone to be sad. Then, life goes on.


I will try to follow through on the suggestions given, and I thank all of you for the kindnesses you've shown me. It's difficult to hold back the tears about the nice things that have been said. I just lied to one of my kids and said the tears were due to my allergies getting to me. I never lie. :sad:

Edited by Julie in CA
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Do have a doctor? If so, I would call the office and ask if they have any one they would refer you too. They might ask that you come in first to check to see if you have any medical needs before the referral. Which is probably a good idea.


Yes, please also visit your doctor. A good mental health professional will likely ask if you've had medical tests, and a good doctor will have some idea who in your community would be a good fit for the issues you're facing.




And I agree with others. Though you may not see this in yourself right now, I have always had a sense from reading your posts that you are a kind and lovely person, someone who would be fun to sit down and chat with over a cup of coffee.


You are in my prayers. :grouphug:



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:grouphug: to you, Julie. I have struggled with depression and anxiety, and I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I, too, consider you an online friend and appreciate your thoughtful responses so often. You are a dear.


I asked my dh, a counselor, how to respond. He typed this:


Good news Julie! This is very doable! Just the fact that you are able to articulate your thoughts and feelings in a very clear, logical, and intelligent way is a good sign. I think that it would be a good idea to seek professional help. Everyone needs help from time to time. Do not ever feel that you are alone. You are not. Find a close friend in your town and share with them your desire for help. You need to find someone you truly trust. Allow them to be your advocate. Have this individual make the phone calls and appointments for you and take you to your appointments. You are also correct when you said that God does not make mistakes. God loves you so much. Allow God to work in you at this time. This journey could yield valuable fruit down the road. This might not be an easy journey you find yourself in, but don't ever despair. You will find yourself blooming like a beautiful flower that you are. Though it be difficult, find ways to enjoy the journey.


I'll remember you in my prayers. I hope you will find someone who can offer some tangible help SOON. You deserve to feel better!


Keep us updated on your progress. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly. I'm glad to hear that you're taking action and planning to find someone to talk to, so you'll start feeling better soon.


You're such a sweet person on this forum, and I don't think you realize how favorably you are viewed by others. I can absolutely guarantee you that you are a lot more valuable than you believe you are right now.


:iagree::grouphug::grouphug: I read many, many threads, and I remembe lots and lots of things people post. I have a lot of respect for you. You are a lovely person. I hope you find a way to see that soon.

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I didn't read all the responses, so maybe someone else already said this, but when I needed help, I asked my pastor for a rec on a mental health professional. She gave me a list of several who other congregants had used and liked, and I called one. We got on fairly well, and she did help.


Good luck! :grouphug:

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Very involved in a very tiny local church.

The pastor is new in town, and though he's wonderful in terms of educating people theologically, I think maybe he has a little trouble relating to people on a personal level. Honestly, if someone in my church had a problem with depression, I'd be the one they call for recommendations, and to help comfort & encourage through a tough time. Oh, and bring food. I always bring meals. :rolleyes:


Seems ridiculous that I can't get myself through this time. :confused:

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There is a national organization called NAMI that has lots of information and resources for people who are trying to figure out mental health issues. You can find them online at nami.org They likely have a chapter in your area.

I do not know where you are in California, but I can tell you that the people who run the chapter in Albany are excellent (bay area). Your local chapter can tell you who are the good therapists in your area. That may just save you a step or two, because otherwise you might need to meet two or three of them before you find a good match.

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I have insurance, but I have no idea what would be covered.

I might be able to pay out of pocket if need be, but I have no idea what such help would cost.


You can call the number on the back of your insurance card to find out. That would also be a way of getting a referral to a therapist.


In my area, therapists who work on a sliding scale start at ten dollars an hour. I believe average is $50 an hour, though, for a good private therapist with a specialty.



Is it really depression if . . .


I would not be quick to label it depression, but it could be. Wait and see. It's something.



I will try to follow through on the suggestions given, and I thank all of you for the kindnesses you've shown me.


Perhaps you might want to promise yourself that if you don't get it done by a certain date, you'll ask for help again. Depression can be fatal if left untreated.

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Seems ridiculous that I can't get myself through this time. :confused:


:grouphug: After years of my dad getting through it himself, it finally didn't work any more. I had to take the reins because he absolutely could NOT get out of the "abyss" (his words, not mine). He ended up hospitalized, but he is now on meds that have brought him out of that abyss.


You're a good person. You deserve to feel good about yourself. Start by calling your doctor. Please take care :grouphug:.

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I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly. I'm glad to hear that you're taking action and planning to find someone to talk to, so you'll start feeling better soon.


You're such a sweet person on this forum, and I don't think you realize how favorably you are viewed by others. I can absolutely guarantee you that you are a lot more valuable than you believe you are right now.


Speaking as one who ate a whole package of oreos this week, I can identify. :D

All I can really tell you this that I OFTEN wish I was closer to you to visit you and bask in your wonderfulness.

I don't know you by sight, but I love the you I know.

I think you are creative and talented and strong.

You will get through this.




First of all, :iagree: with Cat and Laura.


Self-loathing is absolutely a huge sign of depression. Depression isn't necessarily about being sad. Ask your doctor for a referral or call your insurance company.


Have you thought about seeing a nutritionist? Lots of people with depression have nutritional deficiencies.


And both things Mrs. Mungo said here are true.


I went through a horrifically scary bout of depression last winter. It was the scariest, most terrifying thing I've ever been through. I would wake up every morning, and the first thing I would think is 'I just want to die'. And I was serious. I wanted to be dead. I hated myself and my life for NO reason. I sincerely hoped I would drop dead, because the way I was feeling was so scary and awful. I've never felt so alone in my entire life.


Turns out I had a horrible vitamin D deficiency. Once I got on a good supplement, it was amazing. I'm back to my normal happy self.


So, please start with your doctor. It could be something as simple as a vitamin deficiency. Of course, it could be something else; but a simple set of blood tests will help you know which way to go next.


I will sincerely keep you in my prayers. :grouphug:

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Is it really depression if no one else sees anything wrong with me, and if I'm able to function just fine in the world? --it's only the nasty things I'm saying to myself that are making me miserable, and it feels ridiculously self-centered that I'm even wasting time dwelling on thoughts of myself in the first place. On the outside, I still look fine. smiling as normal, and they are sincere smiles. I just berate myself when I have an extra minute, and cry sometimes whenever I can find a little bit of solitude. Sometimes I look for an excuse for everyone to be somewhere else, so I can have a few minutes alone to be sad. Then, life goes on.


Yes, my dear. A thousand times yes. It doesn't have to be visible to the world to be eating you up on the inside. Take steps to heal yourself, please. Please. What would you tell your daughters to do if they came to you to tell you they felt like this, all day, every day? Would you tell them they seemed OK to you, so they must be just fine?


I agree that if you can't make the calls yourself, ask for help from someone who can. Honest to God, just about any one of us here would make those calls for you and with you if you don't want to go to anyone IRL with it right now. But please be kind to yourself and allow yourself to get some help. Just PM me if you need me. You know any of your friends here will help you in a heartbeat.

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Very involved in a very tiny local church.

The pastor is new in town, and though he's wonderful in terms of educating people theologically, I think maybe he has a little trouble relating to people on a personal level. Honestly, if someone in my church had a problem with depression, I'd be the one they call for recommendations, and to help comfort & encourage through a tough time. Oh, and bring food. I always bring meals. :rolleyes:


Seems ridiculous that I can't get myself through this time. :confused:


So many women are in this position, myself included, and my own mother. But that's what starts on us on the downward spiral. We are the strong shoulders for everyone around us, so we feel like it can't be us needing the help. We just need to buck up. We just need to be stronger. We just need to push the anger or sadness or self-loathing aside and carry on. And then when we CAN'T push it aside, because it won't be pushed aside, we beat ourselves up over it even more. But it won't be pushed aside because it needs addressing, just like a physical health issue. I can't make my reflux go away just by telling myself I won't let it beat me. It's my body telling me that what I'm eating isn't nourishing me.


Don't let yourself be pushed aside anymore. Be your own advocate, or let someone help you by advocating for you.

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I don't know you IRL, but I have a great deal of respect for you as you have presented yourself on these boards. You're very articulate, and clear. I think that you're right--that you're not thinking exactly straight in your self-talk; and it is so great that you have this all figured out.



I personally would be hesitant to call my pastor about something like this. Although I tremendously respect him, I can't imagine discussing something along these lines, and not with anyone in my immediate circle of friends either. Especially since you mentioned living in a small town, I would suggest being pretty cautious about who you confide in. We are not all that far past people assuming that everyone who ever sees a counsellor is mentally ill and about to fall apart or blow up--an antiquated view, but still it's around.


I believe that you can call the Minerth Miner clinic (google them) and they will refer you to a couple of local Christian psychiatrists to try. I know a very good Christian MFT in Saratoga from being in a business women's group with her. I would have no hesitation recommending her, but although I don't remember exactly where you live, I have the impression that that is too far for you. Still, she has SUCH a quieting, caring, competent way about her that I think you would love her. She and I attended the group meetings every week for a year, so I got to know her pretty well, and I have sent others to her and they have been really pleased. Also, she NEVER talks about a referral. At all. I would not have even known for sure that these others contacted her if they had not called me to thank me. And that is how it should be. PM me if interested...


Also, if you just want to start by talking with someone who is not in your own little town, to start with, and to blow off steam or whatever (or whine! we all need to whine sometimes!) just say the word and your friends from WTM will flock to the phone. Including me. Seriously.


I recommend that you also start with your medical doctor and ask for an evaluation--a full physical workup--nutritional deficiences, hormone stuff, thyroid, diabetes--these should all be on the table to check for. That's just a good idea in parallel with everything else.


Remember, now that you have written this, people all over the place are going to pray for you.

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:grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug:


I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly. I'm glad to hear that you're taking action and planning to find someone to talk to, so you'll start feeling better soon.


You're such a sweet person on this forum, and I don't think you realize how favorably you are viewed by others. I can absolutely guarantee you that you are a lot more valuable than you believe you are right now.


Yes, this is exactly how I feel as well.


Self-loathing is absolutely a huge sign of depression. Depression isn't necessarily about being sad. Ask your doctor for a referral or call your insurance company.


Have you thought about seeing a nutritionist? Lots of people with depression have nutritional deficiencies.


I agree completely.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Please do not think this is a cure all or panacea but I swear by exercise! I am a different person when I get in at least 3 hours of cardio/hard workout a week! I am more confident, not much gets me down, but if I go weeks without it, I start to feel exactly as you stated!! I know there are endorphines and hormones that are stimulated by exercise...it wouldn't hurt to see your local physician, he can run tests on your adrenal glands just to make sure there are no issues there..

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Good news Julie! This is very doable! Just the fact that you are able to articulate your thoughts and feelings in a very clear, logical, and intelligent way is a good sign. I think that it would be a good idea to seek professional help. Everyone needs help from time to time. Do not ever feel that you are alone. You are not. Find a close friend in your town and share with them your desire for help. You need to find someone you truly trust. Allow them to be your advocate. Have this individual make the phone calls and appointments for you and take you to your appointments. You are also correct when you said that God does not make mistakes. God loves you so much. Allow God to work in you at this time. This journey could yield valuable fruit down the road. This might not be an easy journey you find yourself in, but don't ever despair. You will find yourself blooming like a beautiful flower that you are. Though it be difficult, find ways to enjoy the journey.[/ :grouphug:


:iagree: This was a sweet post from a wtm-hubby!

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Oh! I forgot about the iron.

I have taken prenatal vitamins for 16 years. The kind I take is Stuart's. It does not make me constipated like straight iron pills, and it is far more noticably effective than Theragram M or generic prenatals. I don't know for sure what component is so helpful, but I think it is the iron.


When I run out, if I don't start the next bottle pretty quickly, I start feeling very wasted and weak, like I'm probably going to die young or something. I don't usually notice this as it is gradual. Then either DH will say, "Have you run out of vitamins?" or it will occur to me that this is not normal, and when I start them again, in a very short time (days, not weeks) I feel noticably better. Really, try this--it can't do any harm and it might do some good.

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