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Regarding your spouse's feelings about your being a full-time stay-at-home mom...

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So here's the fill in the blank:

In the first blank, insert a number.

In 2nd blank, insert was or was not.

My husband is _______% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother _________(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


Of my friends who are full-time stay-at-home moms, there seems to be a correlation between their husband's feelings on the matter and his own mother's decision in this area. Just curious if it's just my microcosm or if this may be true on a larger scale.

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So here's the fill in the blank:

In the first blank, insert a number.

In 2nd blank, insert was or was not.

My husband is _______% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother _________(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


Of my friends who are full-time stay-at-home moms, there seems to be a correlation between their husband's feelings on the matter and his own mother's decision in this area. Just curious if it's just my microcosm or if this may be true on a larger scale.


My husband is 100% for it, his mom worked full time.

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My husband is 100% for my being a full time stay at home mom and his own mother was not a full time stay at home mom during his childhood.


We decided before getting pregnant w/Tazzie that one parent would always be at home w/the kids, which is why I worked opposite shifts from him.

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My husband is 25% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was not a full time stay at home mom during his childhood.




His mom was a SAHM until her divorce, he was around 13 then. My husband would love to be able to support us on his salary, but that is a few years away. He has worked very hard to make sure i didn't have to worry about money during my 12wk maternity leave, though. :D

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So here's the fill in the blank:

In the first blank, insert a number.

In 2nd blank, insert was or was not.

My husband is _______% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother _________(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


Of my friends who are full-time stay-at-home moms, there seems to be a correlation between their husband's feelings on the matter and his own mother's decision in this area. Just curious if it's just my microcosm or if this may be true on a larger scale.

100% and his Mom was a stay at home Mom.

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My husband is _100______% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother __WAS_______(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.

My husband is so happy I am a stay at home mom, it is very important to him that our children have a mother at home with them as they grow up. In fact, it was he who encouraged me to homeschool orginally, he wanted our children to grow up with their parents fully entwined in their lives and available to them always.

My husband also wishes for me to stay home once the children are grown too, he likes having me home and taking care of our home and farm. By that time he will be retired and just wants to be able to spend a lot of time with me and have the freedom for us to travel and what not. It is me who wants to go back to work once they are all grown up and out on their own. He is not against that plan of me going to school and working fulltime, he just would rather I continue to stay at home.

Once they are all off to college I would like to start back to school and get a degree in something so I can work fulltime outside of the home and helps us to generate more income. Of course by that time I will be close to 60 years old, so I may have a change of tune by then :lol:

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DH is 100% in favour of my being at home.


His mother mostly stayed at home, although she had a couple of short-term part-time jobs when he was older. He and his brother were sent away to boarding school when they were 8 and 7 yo respectively, so whether she was at home or not probably didn't mean much to them.



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My husband is ___50____% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother ____?_____(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.



My husband doesn't care one way or the other if I stay at home or work full time, as long as I'm happy with it.


No one is really sure what his mother did all day. She didn't have a job, but she didn't do anything around the house, either. They had a nanny and housekeeper to do all the actual work. MIL apparently went shopping and lunching with her friends.

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So here's the fill in the blank:

In the first blank, insert a number.

In 2nd blank, insert was or was not.

My husband is _______% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother _________(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


Of my friends who are full-time stay-at-home moms, there seems to be a correlation between their husband's feelings on the matter and his own mother's decision in this area. Just curious if it's just my microcosm or if this may be true on a larger scale.


98% FOR

His own mother WAS (so was mine)

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My DH is 100% for my for my being a full-time stay-at-home, and his own mother was a full time stay at home mom during his childhood.



My husband is fully supportive of my being home with the kids, though he would be supportive of a very part time job, especially if the kids could somehow be involved.


His being supportive has nothing to do with his mother. She's not a good role model by any means.

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Dh is 100% for it. His mother worked through his entire childhood, but his parents worked opposite shifts so that the children did not go to daycare since none of the grandparents lived nearby.


That said, I'm working Saturdays at a quilt store - not today...the store isn't even open because the roads are so awful after the storm - and about 10 -12 hrs. per week (sometimes less, sometimes more) teaching high school chemistry and doing some college/career guidance counseling and ACT prep for a local private school. It's supposed to be temporary...just to help pay off a couple of unexpected medical bills that the insurance didn't pay in full and probably won't. But, I have to admit, though there are a lot of challenges with the school job, I'm loving it!


Dh took over math with the boys and helps here and there with other subjects while he is working from home so the boys still have a full-time parent at home and the homeschooling is moving along very well.


I am not certain I want to give up the school job at the end of the school year. I love teaching chemistry; I adore my new students.



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My husband is _90_% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was, off and on (was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood. (M-i-l was home dh's first year, (lived with her dad and took care of her younger siblings and grandmother) worked part-time night jobs when f-i-l was in law school (dh was ages 2-5), home from ages 5-10, in school ages 10-13, and worked full-time outside the home when he was in high school.


My support of wanting to be a SAHM is probably only 75-80%, he's often the one talking me off the ledge to stick with it a few more years because it makes more sense for the dc.

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My husband is 100% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was not a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


My husband's mom was a part-time school secretary. She stayed home until my husband started school though. She was home when he was home.

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My husband is 100% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was not a full time stay at home mom during his childhood.


My husband's mom always wanted to stay home but mostly had to work to support the family. He knew that she wished she could stay home, and he also remembered what it was like to be a latch-key kid a lot of the time. So he was very happy for me to stay home. Now I work a few hours a week, and he has always been supportive of that too.

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My husband is __100_____% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother __was not_______(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


From the day we met dh knew my dream was to be a SAHM and wife. He was all for it, and so happy to have found a woman that was of the same mind. His mom wasn't because she had to work to support the family, he wasn't a latch key lid because his mom worked 2nd shift and dad worked first so there was always a parent home, but he hoped that we could have more together time than they did. I think this stemmed partially from him being in the military, by having a full time SAHM our kids have a constant in their lives when the rest of it can be pretty "fly by the seat of your pants"

Edited by nukeswife
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I answered way up thread but just wanted to say that I don't see any correlation between his support of me being a SAHM and what his mom did. There is a correlation between what she did (worked and had her sister as a nanny) and her disappointment that I did not do exactly as she did.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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My dh is 100% for, but he'd be happy no matter what I chose as long as the our kids were well cared for and happy, and our family was functioning well. His mom did stay home until they were teens. My mom never stayed home. For me personally, I don't think I could do it all with my dh traveling, 4 kids, 2 with lds. Maybe part-time, but right now I am plenty busy.

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My husband is 100% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was not a full time stay-at-home mom during his childhood.


His mom would have liked to stay home when her kids were young, but it just wasn't workable in their family dynamic.


When we married, my husband was willing for me to stay home right from the start, but I told my husband there was NO WAY I was going to be "just" a SAHM. He supported me in my career for ten years and then he supported me still once we started having children and I decided I really wanted to stay home after all. I am very grateful that we are able to have me stay home full time and so is he.

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My husband is 100% for me being a sahm. His mother was a sahm.


When we first got married I continued to work (I was a jr. high teacher) and it was a hard adjustment for me to get married and still work. (I know, that sounds kind of weird) The next year I taught part time and things were so much better and then at the end of that school year (well, that summer) we were able to get our boys, and so I quit working (for pay) altogether.

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My husband is __100_____% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother __was not_______(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


He's for whatever I want to do, really. I wanted to stay home with our kids. I did have a part-time career for about 8 years, but I quit it over a year ago because I wanted to devote my (finite) energy on our kids and homeschooling.

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