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Do you let you kids do school in their PJ's  

  1. 1. Do you let you kids do school in their PJ's

    • Yes, on a fairly regular basis.
    • Only for special occasions or if they are sick.
    • never
    • obligatory other

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No one (except dh who leaves for work) gets dressed before 10. Sometimes I leave my pj pants on until after lunch. We have a large picture window and can see anyone coming. We are not morning folks and it is easier just to eat breakfast as we get up and start work as we finish.


Reality in our house.:)

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My kids are in 5th and 8th grades and have always been homeschooled. Until this year, I would've answered "never" or "only when they are sick". I have no idea what happened this year, but it's become "often". :confused: All I can think is that we cut way back on outside activities this year because we overscheduled last year and we were burnt out. Most days now we don't have to go anywhere till 5pm, and there's been a trend to not getting dressed till right before that. Oy.


Well, the older two are mostly likely headed to ps high school next year, so I guess we had to squeeze that in! :tongue_smilie:

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It's not really that I don't "let" them as much as the habit is to get up, eat, and get ready. When they were younger we sometimes still had pajamas on at the beginning of school but I realized I felt too lazy or not "on" if I wasn't dressed yet. If I get up late or something gets in the way of a shower before school I still change into clothes to start school. I feel like we are more alert and less lackadaisical if we are dressed.


So, we don't have a rule for it but it does just happen. The 5 year old and my husband are a completely different story. :) Ugh LOL

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I wouldn't care if my DD did school in her PJs, but she's more likely to do school in a toga made from a sheet, a cape and tiara, last year's recital tutu, her sparkly superhero leotard from gymnastics....and so on. I gave a Greek lesson to "Athena" today, complete with stuffed owl.

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No. We get up and get dressed.


Jammy Days should be special, once-in-a-while, not daily, not the norm.


:iagree: Getting dressed is part of our morning routine. I always expected the kids to get up, make their beds, get dressed, eat breakfast, and brush their teeth before we started school at 8:30. I believe that getting dressed is part of being prepared for the day. I like to think it sends the subconscious signal that it's time to get to work.

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If we're not going anywhere I'll let ds6 stay in his pjs.


For some reason ds11 runs out of clean clothes fairly often, so probably once a week he stays in his pjs until I wash his clothes!


But the actual rule is that everyone is dressed for school.


Both dds are always in clothes unless sick.

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Younger dd is highly offended if older dd has on her pajamas at lunch. I'm not really sure where that came from, other than the well known "you're my sibling, therefor whatever you're doing bothers me" syndrome.


Mostly it's a moot point because most days we have to be somewhere by 9am or so.

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We don't own PJs. We only buy clothing that can be used for day use and wear them to bed! :D Mostly sweats, but they aren't designated as "sleep" clothes.


So, if I let them wear their sweats in the day time do I let them wear PJs?



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No, unless they are sick and staying in bed. I have people drop by or some of us will have to go somewhere for something like piano lessons. We just have a routine and it works. Get up, make beds, eat breakfast, get dressed, start school. Then we are ready for whatever comes our way.

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We used to, but DH didn't like it and it wasn't something I cared about enough to fight for. Honestly, productivity did go up when we all started getting dressed.



For myself I almost always get dressed just because I feel my own productivity is better, but the kids in jammies didn't bother me a bit. Dh on the other hand is really bothered by it so...

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No. We get fully dressed everyday even when we aren't going anywhere. I feel lazy in my PJ's and don't get anything done and my kids are the same -if they are in their pj's they just want to play.


DS goes to Pre-K 3 days a week so we have to get dressed to take him anyway.


Of course as I am writing this all my kids are still in their pj's and it is 2pm :lol:


I went to the doctor this morning and they stayed home with Dad - While I was out I bought them all a new set of pj's so when I got home they changed out of their old pj's into the new ones :lol:


So on the poll I ticked for special occaisons only or when sick. :tongue_smilie:

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Sigh. I used to be very strict about this, and once a month we would hold a celebratory "pajama day." As my kids got older, I let them each choose one day a week where they could stay in their pjs until at least noon.


They are 13 and 17, and they stay in their pjs now several days a week. I'm at the point where I don't care what they wear at home as long as no one will see them. We don't have the endless activities that we used to, so we're home more. It's not a hill I will die on. There are far more important things for us to do every day.


And when they were little, I let them read Calvin & Hobbes. Now you know all my dirty little hs secrets. :D

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:iagree: Getting dressed is part of our morning routine. I always expected the kids to get up, make their beds, get dressed, eat breakfast, and brush their teeth before we started school at 8:30. I believe that getting dressed is part of being prepared for the day. I like to think it sends the subconscious signal that it's time to get to work.


That's our exact same routine!


I like to keep my pj's clean for sleeping and not wear them while I do daily work like chopping onions, washing dishes, sweating. Plus, I have the kids play outside frequently during the day so it helps foe them to have clothes on! Pj's are only for bedtime around here.

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Schooling in PJs isn't something I save only for special occasions, but it's not a regular thing, either.


If we were up unusually late the previous evening and we're having trouble getting started, my son might stay in his PJs for the first couple of subjects. He also not infrequently waits until after breakfast to get dressed, even though he starts working on school while I'm preparing food. We read aloud over breakfast, which is part of school. So, he's technically doing school in his PJs, but it doesn't stay that way for the whole day.

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I clicked 'only if they're sick' because that's the only time I'd allow them to stay in jammies all day. I'd like them dressed by mid-morning, but sometimes it doesn't happen until lunch-time. I'm fine with them wearing sweatpants or something comfy, but it would bug me if they were in jammies all day. I can't really start my day until I'm showered and dressed.

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Yeah! I am glad that we are not the only ones. I had a sneaking suspicion.


I usually get dressed after I have gotten the kids going with their Indy work, had my coffee and checked e-mail.


The kids, not until we have to leave the house. It is nice as an extra threat "Pay attention and focus or I will make you put your clothes on.


The last couple of weeks ds has decided that his location of choice for MCT is my bed. We lay on our tummies on the bed and read through Music of the Hemispheres and Grammar Island. (any writing has to be done at a table)

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