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Poll: Do you have a family member in prison?

Do you have a family member in prison now or previously?  

  1. 1. Do you have a family member in prison now or previously?

    • Yes, a close family member.
    • Yes, an extended family member.
    • No.

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I thought I'd have to be the only one to vote 'yes'. On my in-law side and my side we've had people in prison and we have a sibling that might be going away for a few years soon. :001_huh: It's so strange because DH and I are two of the straight laced people you will ever meet. Our family, on the other hand, is full of all sorts of interesting types.

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On my husband's side of the family there are any number who are in prison-- but it's a huge extended family (10+ aunts and uncles on either side respectively, plus a number of half aunts and uncles). On my side, no one in prison.


Wasn't there an AP article released recently about arrest statistics of young people... something like half of all young people will be arrested before age 23? I can't remember the specific details.

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One of my cousins is in jail for murder. He shot and killed his girlfriend last Christmas. So sad.


So sad! My dh has an uncle serving a life sentence for murder. He had been divorced from dh's aunt before I ever knew them.


My brother has had two DUIs. So, he was arrested, but didn't serve time. (he has been sober for 18 months!)

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I voted no as I have never met the person and I don't even know if they count as a relation


My SIL on my dh's side, has a cousin who is in and out of prison. My BIL and SIL are raising her 2 sons, so they are my nephews through adoption. The elder one has a lot of problems as she took drugs while she was pg with him, and he remembers his mum, and going in and out of foster care.


Through them I know how hard it is to have a family member who does this, and I feel great compassion for people dealing with this, especially when there are children involved.

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My brother has spent quite a bit of time in and out of jail since he was a teenager, mostly things relating to his alcoholism (public intox, DUI, etc.) and violating the terms of his probation. He's never been in prison though, just the county jail.


I have some cousins who have also been incarcerated at various times as well but they're relatively distant relations and I've never known any of them very well. One cousin was in jail for many years for murder but I think he's out now (haven't seen him since I was a tiny child.)

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My now 62 year old cousin was in and out of prison his whole life. His parents split up when he was a toddler, something unheard of in his small town, and he ended up in the wrong crowd by the time he was 8. He stole things as a teenager and finally went to prison, getting out at 18 because he agreed to join the Marines. He started smoking and doing drugs in the military and never really cleaned up after that. After the military he moved to another state and within a year he was selling drugs. Arrested, prison for a few years, home. He followed that cycle for the next four decades. He just got out after 10 years in the state pen for dealing drugs yet again and has stayed out of trouble for 6 months. No one else in the family has had any trouble with keeping the law, so it's always shocked and deeply saddened us that we weren't able to help him. All of the relatives living near him are keeping a close watch and praying he keeps his nose clean (literally).

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BIL did county jail time on and off over the years.


Niece's baby daddy is back in prison (2nd strike in CA) and her father is the BIL I mentioned above. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. ;)


ETA: Just remembered my first cousin (12 years older than I) who in the early 70's came back from Vietnam messed up -- did heavy drugs, joined a biker gang, then went to a reservation to get in touch with his spiritual side, and while all that was going on was in and out of jail. No prison time, tho'. Dude was nutty on top of all that too.


Other first cousin (we are the same age) was in a local gang when we were teens. Luckily for him, his stunts and petty deeds never got him arrested or in juvie. He wised up when he became a baby daddy -- married the girl. Joined the CHP (CA Highway Patrol) and now is a detective working for social services tracking down deadbeat dads. His three daughters are amazing and are in college. He did good in life.

Edited by tex-mex
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Yes, several. One of whom went to federal pen for price setting. He totally should not have gone. Several friends, too. Not unusual, it happens and it is awful for everyone. Certainly nothing to hide. Sometimes we hire a friend or acquaintance when they cycle out just to give them a fresh start. They need helping getting re-acclimated into normal life and getting a job, even if it doesn't pay well, gets them started. I know someone who works with women as they get out to find jobs and housing, which is NOT EASY when you get out of prison.

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My nephew has grown up in lockups. He went in about 13yo, got out at 18yo. He made it a few months before going back. I don't think he is in prison, but is in jail.



My niece (sister to above) is my dd5s bio-mother. She has been in and out of jail for 3 years. She has a felony conviction and keeps going back for parole violations.


My brother has spent a few years off and on in jail (not prison) related to traffic issues, failure to pay tickets, and DUIs.


My bil is currently in prison for multiple DUIs. He got a year or so conviction.



These are just the ones I know about. I don't spend much time with my family......wonder why!

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Not really family, so I didn't vote but my DH's ex-wife and mother of my step-daughter spent time in prison during step-DD's teen years. Same DD's boyfriend and father of our 2 grandbabies was on parole after spending time in prison when he and DD started dating. Also, DH's best friend from childhood is in prison serving a life sentence for a drug related murder.


DH lived a very different lifestyle when he was younger before we met. His life took one road that led to a better life, while others he knew from that time definitely took a much different path.

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It's a pretty safe bet that at least one of my cousins is currently incarcerated.


Let's see:


I have two uncles who have served time in Angola.


One of those uncles also did a stint in Hunt, another LA state penitentiary.


Two of my dad's brothers served 2+ years in the parish jail.


About 75% (or more) of my aunts, uncles, and cousins have served some sort of time.


Most of my cousins-in-law/cousin's-baby-daddys are ex-cons.


We won't go into all the family members who have been to rehab, including my dad.


Jail is almost a right-of-passage in my family.


Is it sad that I am incredibly proud that I:

-have no criminal record or arrests

-have been happily married for almost 12 years to my baby daddy (and all my kids belong to him) and he has no criminal record

-have no substance abuse problems

-have never actually been in a physical fight past the age of 8

-have never pulled a gun/knife/weapon on anyone else

-have never been shot or stabbed (by anyone other than myself. I constantly stab myself with everything imaginable)

-have never sold drugs

-have never stolen a thing in my life?



I live 1000+ miles away. Good stuff there. I kinda have to laugh about it or I would get way too sad.

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No family, but I have an ex-boy friend who dumped me when I sincerely, caringly, honestly told him he was too immature for medical school. He dumped me, went to med school, and I was just sick he was going to make some stupid decision on a patient, due to emotionality. What happened shocked me. I knew him as a marathoner who didn't even drink coffee, so intense was his focus on healthy living. He was also frugal and strongly ethical.


Well, some 15 years later he sent to the state pen for selling scripts for narcotics to medicaid recipients, who got them free and then flogged them on the streets. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of them. His poor family. I'm sure they were deeply wounded. I wonder what twist he took to get there. I can only guess he got into some sort of stimulant to help him in ultramarathons. But who knows.

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No, it only because my uncle lacks motivation. He has had various officials talking to my parents since he has written threatening letters to the government. Gibberish ones about how the government needs to be forewarned since he is going to conquer them with the aid of various peoples (as in we the people of the hicky wicky believers ) and farm animals.


My moms friend is going to be in jail for several months. If I remember correctly it works out that she will be in jail for 5 days a week for several months. She was driving drunk and hit a police car.


Perhaps a infesting question to add to the poll would be


Do you have a family member in jail

Do you have a family member that deserves to be in jail

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