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How often do your have your trash picked up?

How often is trash picked up where you live?  

  1. 1. How often is trash picked up where you live?

    • Never, we have to drive it somewhere.
    • Once a week
    • Twice a week
    • Three times a week
    • 4 or more times a week
    • other

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Trash pick up (which is required, and we have to pay for - you are not allowed to not have trash service) and recycled pick-up once a week on Monday. We have a large wheelie bin and can buy whatever level of service we want. We have the max and can put out as many as 5 or so additional trash cans.

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Garbage is picked up every Monday. Recycle and green waste are every other week.


Ditto for us too

Normal rubbish ( 120L bin) is collected each Monday.

Also on the same day either the recycling or green waste is collected ( 240L bins)

Edited by sgilli3
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I think a truck comes around every few months, but that doesn't matter because nearly everything that goes into the trash cans gets recycled or burned. In the last town we lived in the truck would come when we called because our can was full; for neighbors who didn't have cans, the truck would come every week or two and you paid for it depending on how much stuff you had to throw away.

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I voted 4+. Ours is collected every night. There are big bins out on the street and you just dump your bag in there. It is between 100 and 120F here for over half the year so you can't leave stuff sitting around. There was once on a public holiday where they missed a collection and boy did it stink out there.

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Once a week, and we have to drive our recycling to the transfer station.


We rarely have a full outdoor can, though. Usually, we have one bag and I might grab the partial bag from the kitchen if it's more than half full.


Bulk and yard waste are done Thursday/Friday, but you have to call for it and pay for bulk items (not yard waste).

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I put twice a week but that has changed. It is once a week now but we have a second garbage can.


We also have a big item hauling day once a month where you can put out just about anything and I mean anything from toilets to tree limbs. or you can bring it to the place yourself at no cost.


There is also a chemical drop off one Saturday a month at a recycle location.

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At the curb: In season (May-Sept), it's 2x/week, with recycling 1x/week. Off-season, it's 1x/week for everything.* Oh and organic matter: 1x/week, spring and fall. Bulk pick up is free certain months, and can be arranged for low fees any other time. Technically, there's a limit, but there's no enforced limit. Our neighbors put out 22 bags of trash once. Guys picked it all up.


Drop off: Year round Sunday afternoon drop-off for trash. Daily drop-off for recyclables.



*When my husband got distracted and forgot to put out the trash for the 1x/week pick-up this week, and I drove in from some early morning holiday shopping behind the trash truck, the guy on the back made a circle signal with his hand and the truck continued. I pulled out our trash, and in a few minutes, the truck had circled around and picked up our trash, even though they were done with my street. I love our trash men. :001_wub:

Edited by nono
ETA: City employees, part of our taxes.
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Trash isn't included in our taxes, so we'd have to pay for private pick up.....we'd also have to throw it in the trunk to get it to the top of our driveway anyway and DH pays for a dumpster at his business, so he just throws it in the trunk and doesn't stop at the end of the driveway - drops it in the dumpster at work. We don't have recycling here - if we have recycling that we want to recycle, we need to take it to a dump ourselves, about 20-miles away.

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Our trash pickup is automatically added to our water bill- we have no choice and no options. Once a week pickup for trash and recyclables. Trash is one bag, extra bags can be put out with a sticker that costs 50 cents. Recycling is unlimited.


We can't burn anything outside, and no longer have a dump or other place to take things. But once a year we can opt in to a large trash pickup- for $75 they'll take five things. Five boxes of stuff, five bags, or five pieces of furniture.

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Regular trash is picked up in our area on Mondays and Thursdays. Recycling is also on Thursdays.


Although I could use more frequent recycling pick-up (because we always fill our plastic and aluminum bin), we don't usually have enough regular trash to justify putting out the cart twice a week. In fact, most of the time we could probably go two weeks between pick-ups.

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Trash is on Mondays (Ours is only ever half way full. I wish we could pay for a smaller can).

Green waste is on Thursdays


You can pay to have them pick up your recycling but we don't. They charge an outrageous yearly sum. It is just as easy for us to take our recycling 2 blocks away to the local community college. They recycle more items and make money by selling it to the recycling company.

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Our garbage pickup was this morning. We have garbage once a week and recyclables every other week. It's $37 for 3 months of service. Our township requires everyone to pay for garbage pickup, which I hate. I think it's because a lot of people here just dump it on their property. We would take it in ourselves if there was a dump open to the public within a reasonable drive.


We usually have a single regular garbage can for trash, and two large ones for recyclables. We can also put out one or two large items every week, but scrappers will grab almost anything you put out the night before.

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Our truck comes every Friday, but we only make one little bag of trash per week and have a ginormous garbage can. I would say we actually take the can to the curb every 3-4 weeks. Now the RECYCLE (which is weekly and the same company) is a different story. We have a huge vat overflowing every week.

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Once a week, but up until our city went with a commercial recycling company about a year ago, it was twice a week. This company will pick up any trash bags or boxes or just about anything else we leave on the curb; the trash--er, recycling--company we had in San Jose wouldn't. :glare:

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