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FUMING over how we were treated at our children's birthday party today!

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Today we had a combination birthday party for my daughter and my son. We had it at a place called Pioneer Evergreen Farms which has fall activities, hayride, tree maze, apple slinging, bouncy house type things, and so on and so forth. It's a good sized place that also sells xmas trees, has a florist shop and gift shop on premises and so on.


It's open to the public as part of their "fall festival" but they do parties there simultaneously.


It wasn't cheap.


We paid $13.50 per kid to do all of the activities and to have a lunch which consisted of hot dogs, chips, popcorn, and drinks, and we brought in our own cake.


We paid $3.50 per adult to have the same lunch.


On top of all that, we paid $50.00 to have a private room for 2 1/2 hours which we could sit in to have lunch and cake.


We spent hundreds of dollars there, and some of our adult family members and friends dropped some money too on the hayride (we just paid for it for the kids, it was $6.25 per adult), and on the concession stand and so on.


So, when we finished eating, we threw out all of the plates, napkins, cups etc. from all of the tables, made sure we left no trash lying around, took all our belongings out, and then sat outside watching the kids do their activities.


The hostess came over to our table and said something like: "We have your bill ready for you inside. But I have to tell you, I am very disappointed with how that room was left, that room was trashed. That was the worst I'd ever seen it in all of my years."


When I tell you that you could have knocked me over with a feather, I'm not even kidding. I was flabbergasted.


She said this because some of the toddlers and younger kids dropped some potato chips and popcorn on the (wooden, not carpeted) floor near their tables and some crumbs on the tables (which were covered with plastic tablecloths). That was the extent of the "trashed" room. I could not believe she said that to us, right in the middle of our children's party, in front of some of our relatives, after how much money we had just dropped there.


We told her we were shocked that she said that to us, that we had cleaned up all of our trash, that we knew some of the little ones had dropped chips and popcorn but we assumed they would just sweep it up as part of our $50.00 room fee, that no-one had ever said to us "there's a broom here, can you sweep up before you leave the room," that this was very normal and minor "wear and tear" for a kid's party and that we couldn't believe she would approach us at our party in front of our family and say something like that to us, that it was way out of line... she did not agree.


My husband got up and said "I want to see this trashed room" and we walked back in there. She had just barely started sweeping a small pile and decided to stop and come chastise us. My husband got out his cell phone and took pictures of the whole room and said he wanted to talk to the person in charge. She said "That's me." He said he wanted to talk to whoever was over her, and she went and got some other lady.


We started explaining our feelings to this lady even though we could see she had a look on her face right off the bat that said "I don't want to hear it," and that lady just stuck up for the first one, agreed that we had "trashed" the room and that she put all her life and money into this place and expects people to respect it and so on. They acted like we put holes in the walls and broke the chairs and had a ketchup fight or something....the floor had to be swept! Big deal!!! Don't you do that between parties anyway? Isn't that part of what you charge $50.00 for use of a room for on top of all other party expenses?!


She said, "I'm not giving you any money back." (This was a room FEE, not a deposit, it was not refundable- she just meant she thought we wanted money off our bill because of how we'd been treated). We said we weren't looking for money back. Really, we just expected an apology because we couldn't even believe this was happening. But we weren't going to get one. We said we thought they had terrible customer service and business sense, that we would never go there again, that we would never recommend that place to anyone else, and would let our friends know what our experience there was like. And we walked out.


Am I crazy?! Is this really considered disrespecting a room and "trashing" it? Or is this just a normal part of a kid's party for which clean up should be included in the cost of a party package AND a room fee?!

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No. It's slightly messy. It's not trashed. All it would take to put it back to pristine is the usual sweeping and mopping of the floor and wiping of the tables and chairs that one would normally do for hygenic maintenance of the room.

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Room looks great considering there was just a kids birthday party in there for two hours! Sounds like they were having a bad day. They would have to clean before another party anyway, so I'm not sure what they were complaining about (esp. considering the 50$ fee). Sorry it ruined your day. What a pain! Try to forget about it and move on. Although I would be tempted to write a letter to the person in charge saying everything you said here (including the pictures) and let them know that you wouldn't be recommending them to anyone. Sounds like they probably get enough business (sounds like a great place for a kid bday party) so they aren't worried about building it up by keeping the customer happy.



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No. It's slightly messy. It's not trashed. All it would take to put it back to pristine is the usual sweeping and mopping of the floor and wiping of the tables and chairs that one would normally do for hygenic maintenance of the room.



Perhaps they are used to the blue rinse crowd.


ETA: I looked at their terms and conditions. They said the room needed to be cleaned up. However, unless they clearly provided brooms and scoops and wet rags, I hardly think they could expect you to bring them! Who rents a room and brings a broom?

Edited by kalanamak
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Unless the contract specified that you would leave the room as clean as you found it, then no, it was not "trashed." That woman was obviously having a bad day! But the boss should have been more reasonable about it. Obviously even if there was a mis-communication about how much mess you were allowed to leave there, it was innocent and not deserving of rudeness.

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I would speak to the owner of the place and if it is a franchised place , I would contact the head office. Business owners would not appreciate their managers treating customers this way. I can not believe she would try that claim on you, sounds like she was ticked that she actually had to do the job she was paid for and wanted to sit around on her butt all day or something. if the 2nd one you spoke to about it was the owner I would do more than jsut letting family and friends know. I would write a letter to teh paper so they could publish it and let the whole town know. But I'm a little vindictive like that :D

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Dh and I are both restaurant people. He managed resaturants for years!! I have seen worse messes for private parties full of adults. You left the room in great shape. My children in Sunday School make a bigger mess.

Dh said that if they haven't seen a messier room, you must have been their first party!


Rest assured, you did fine, they'll have reality hit sone enough.



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I work for a place that reserves rooms after hours for parties. The room fee does not include cleaning and is higher than the fee you paid. We charge $30 to $50 depending on the size of the room per hour with a minimum of 2 hours. The customer is expected to leave the room in the same condition as it was before the party. We give the people reserving the room a detailed check list before the party and I review the list and walk the room with them before they leave.


People can pay more for us to do everything including the room cleanup for a higher cost. I'm wondering if the room rental was completely separate from the party reservation. If a private room is not normally included with a party reservation, the rental rules may very well have included returning the room to its original condition. Regardless, the manager should have explained the guidelines before you rented the room and the employee should not have spoken to you rudely.



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I would go give them nasty reviews on local business sites - Yelp, for example. They were just rude. Maybe you hope that you won't have to sweep and wipe tables, but honestly, you should expect to have to do that, especially if you're renting for children's parties.

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that's ridiculous! I would absolutely expect crumbs on tables and floors at a kid's birthday party! I don't understand why they were so worked up about it all. ALL tables need to be wiped down anyway, light sweeping should have been expected. It's a little heavy on the crumbs but honestly, not beyond what should be expected for a KID'S PARTY!


Sorry this was a spoiler for you. :sad:

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I WISH my house was that trashed. :D


I'd be very miffed at the customer service there. Our party at Chuck E Cheese didn't include a 'room' fee, and they still didn't expect us to clean up the floor and tables. And while it was horrible on the nerves, it was nice to be able to walk away with no more mess at my house than usual. Seriously, that is one of the reasons I have parties at locations. To avoid the mess. Well, and to avoid having to clean up the preexisting mess. :tongue_smilie:


Here's a great place to leave feedback



ooooh, the also have a facebook page. Not suggesting anything, just sayin'

Edited by cin
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They should consider themselves lucky.


I once worked at a birthday party place where a dad let his son and friends smear frosting from a Blues Clues cake all over the mirrors, table, floor, and chairs. When the guy called to schedule his party the following year, we were full.

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Thank you so much for the wave of common sense and support because I swear they had me questioning my own sanity and wondering if I was just living under a rock or something when it came to my view of party rental etiquette. I was just stunned by the whole thing, like, is this really happening? I am definitely planning to put bad reviews on every local site I can think of!


They are not a franchise and they're not a new establishment and I think they do very good business so I doubt I'll hurt them much, but I'm ticked off and I want people to know.


For those of you who suggested the local paper...Is this really newspaper worthy? Would a paper print something like that? Who would I even send it to?

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No, not trashed. Usual wear and tear, I would say.


Unless the contract specifically said "room to be returned to original condition" or something like that, but even if it said "room should be cleaned up" they can't expect you to sweep, etc, without providing all the tools.

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I have had parties at locations before. In fact, like Cin above, I don't like parties for kids much at my house, I like them at locations. I would be peeved too. More than peeved. Unless they left cleaning supplies and told you it should be swept and tables wiped down, I don't think they have anything to complain about. It is certainly not trashed. I don't know what someone coming to the party should have done- brought brooms, mops, pails,etc, etc?? I would be posting a negative review in some place.

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Am I the only one who thinks we should all flood them with emails?




or at least inundate their facebook page with comments.



I just showed DH the pics, and he was wondering WTH I was talking about. I don't see anything. he didn't even notice the popcorn/chips on the floor and tables. Not sure what that says about my housekeeping....

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Nope. Looks pretty darn good for a kids' party, if you ask me. I'd be sure to review them very negatively and tell all your friends.


I work for a place that reserves rooms after hours for parties. The room fee does not include cleaning and is higher than the fee you paid. We charge $30 to $50 depending on the size of the room per hour with a minimum of 2 hours. The customer is expected to leave the room in the same condition as it was before the party. We give the people reserving the room a detailed check list before the party and I review the list and walk the room with them before they leave.


People can pay more for us to do everything including the room cleanup for a higher cost. I'm wondering if the room rental was completely separate from the party reservation. If a private room is not normally included with a party reservation, the rental rules may very well have included returning the room to its original condition. Regardless, the manager should have explained the guidelines before you rented the room and the employee should not have spoken to you rudely.





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or at least inundate their facebook page with comments.



I just showed DH the pics, and he was wondering WTH I was talking about. I don't see anything. he didn't even notice the popcorn/chips on the floor and tables. Not sure what that says about my housekeeping....



:lol: It says that you have kids living in your house!

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How very odd. I would be fuming too!


I had a somewhat similar experience. I won't go into all of it here but I ended up writing an article about the place and it got published in a National magazine! I was threatened with lawsuits, etc.....but none happened AND the place ended up going under.


Just sayin', it is NOT YOU, they obviously have issues and won't be around long if you and others stand up for yourselves.



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I agree with you - it didn't look bad to me at all based on the photos. And I would expect to have some stuff on the floor after feeding a bunch of toddlers.


I would write my letter or put negative remarks on a comments section or two. But honestly, I am always surprised at the comments on this board, and I am really surprised people would call the newspapers because someone was rude. I mean really? That's going to make anyone feel better?


I tend to think that if the kids had fun and you didn't want money back anyway, then just leave your comments and let it go. (I suggest travelocity, by the way, as one place to leave comments).


And would you really want your name in the newspaper as the people who complained because someone said they were slobs? Because I read your story and feel like I sort of "know" you, I of course think that you aren't a slob and this was just wrong and unfair.


But if I read it in the paper and you had complained about this, and I had no personal experience with you, I might think "smoke/fire" and think that either you actually are a slob or that you are a little unhinged to think it's really newsworthy. I definitely would NOT want to have my name in the paper over this story, and I would not want my kids to be in the paper over it either. I would be afraid that a bad ending to a party (and ending that they might not have even really been affected by) would follow them around far longer.


ETA: I have been treated rudely in a store and I will admit I had a few days of fantasizing about picketing it with signs describing how lousy the business is. But I think sometimes we are happier when we let things go. So while I do think you should leave feedback online, I think you should be careful about starting to involve the papers.

Edited by Danestress
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If they are expecting complete cleanup of the room, they need to make that very clear. The employee could have discussed it with you in a more professional manner if you were supposed to clean the floors yourself and didn't do it.


Our hs group rents space for a very reasonable price, and we are expected to do the cleanup, but that has always been clear to us.

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Danestress- good point. I will stick to bad online reviews rather than a newspaper thing. My husband and I put it on our facebook pages, I put it on Google Places, that Yahoo Local Cyn linked me too, and awaiting a confirmation email to post it to Yelp, and will look into others suggested later as we need to go eat dinner now!


LOL at those of you suggesting you guys emailing them or posting on their facebook- I appreciate the support! :D


These reviews (and this rant to you guys haha) will get it off my chest and then I will try to just forget about it. The kids did have a good time and enjoyed their party, and I know not to give that place my business again.

Edited by NanceXToo
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It's also likely if they check their stats on their website, that this website will show up. Since this is a public forum, they could easily find this thread. Perhaps that would be eye-opening for them.


The room was not trashed. I wouldn't even categorize it as messy, it's simply after party clean up.


:grouphug: :grouphug: I'm sorry. I'd be fuming as well.

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I do think the employee was rude and that is never acceptable. You are right to be angry about her rudeness. I was curious about their terms and conditions and found this on their website. I know how frustrated I have been when groups don't clean the rooms before leaving. Maybe this employee had one too many issues with customers that day but she was still unacceptably rude to you. If you signed this agreement, cleaning the room would have been expected. If it had been one of our rentals, the room would not have been considered in acceptable condition based on your photographs but I agree it was not trashed. With us, if you left the room in that condition, there would have been a cleaning fee.





Private Parties / Group Events Terms and Conditions



Scenic Mountain Hayrides * Entertainment * Pumpkins * Evergreen Concessions

Your Private Party at the Fall Festival @ Pioneer Evergreen Farms is scheduled for: ______________, 2011 at ___________ time. You may arrive 1/2 hour before your party to set up if needed.

The Deposit of $80.00 is refundable only if cancelled at least 2 weeks prior to the reservation date.

You are responsible to contact us with a final headcount and a list of your guests names who will be attending your event. Contact us by: fax (570.366.1875), email info@PioneerEvergreenFarms.com or drop off at store by: ________, 2011, which is one (1) day prior to your event. You will be responsible for the guests inattendance the day of the event. If additional guests come who are NOT on the list, you have the option to:

ADD names to the guest list without my permission ___________________ (initial)

DO NOT ADD any names without my permission _____________________ (initial)

Food will be prepared for the requested count, which will be called in one day prior to your event. You will be responsible and charged for the amount requested.

Drinks will be served in pitchers. 1 pitcher per group of 7 guests. The cost of additional pitchers is $2.50 each.

You have the option to:

Continue to fill drinks: _____________________ (initial)

Do NOT add any more drinks _______________ (initial)

It is your responsibility to bring all utensils and paper products needed to serve food or drinks provided by you. There will be no use of the Gallery.

The hayride is on a very tight schedule. Therefore, we will not be able to wait on guests who are late. Weekday Parties (Monday thru Friday AM), will do the activities as a group.

The sending of invitations/advertising for the event is the responsibility of the person booking the party. For your convenience, there are invitations that you may download on our website.

If small children are invited to your event, there must be adequate adult supervision at all times, especially at the Tree / Corn Maze.

Due to the availability of the indoor activities, we will not issue a rain date. If your group decides to cancel due to inclement weather, no deposit will be refunded.




Groups must have the area cleaned up and vacated promptly by the end of the reserved time. If room is not cleaned and vacated promptly, there will be a $50.00 charge assessed. Activities are open until closing.




Since there is an on-site Flower Shop, any fresh arrangements for your event must be purchased from Forget-Me-Not Florist. Please, NO decorations on light fixtures, doors, windows, and walls. NO CONFETTI, PLEASE.

Due to the danger associated with pinatas, only Pull String Pinatas are allowed.

This is a NO SMOKING FACILITY, thank you for your cooperation.

We assume NO liability for personal injury. If you have any issues with this policy, please do not sign this agreement.



I understand and am compliant to all of the terms and conditions found above.




________________________________ ________________________________ ______________________


Print Name Customer Signature Date






159 East Adamsdale Road * Orwigsburg, Pa 17961

Visit Us on the Web! http://www.PioneerEvergreenFarms.com

Voice: (570) 366-2619

Fax: (570) 366-1875

email: info@PioneerEvergreenFarms.com

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I'm curious why they would even mention this to you. Since there was no deposit and no damage to the room.. why mention it to you? Just to piss you off? Really?



That was my thought. I have a temper, and as much as I try to behave with grace, I can guarantee you that this exchange would have brought out the ugly in me. I seriously hope you didn't tip this woman! Even if you has "trashed" the room they should have talked to you in private and not tried to shame or embarrass you.

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I do think the employee was rude and that is never acceptable. You are right to be angry about her rudeness. I was curious about their terms and conditions and found this on their website. I know how frustrated I have been when groups don't clean the rooms before leaving. Maybe this employee had one too many issues with customers that day but she was still unacceptably rude to you. If you signed this agreement, cleaning the room would have been expected. If it had been one of our rentals, the room would not have been considered in acceptable condition based on your photographs but I agree it was not trashed. With us, if you left the room in that condition, there would have been a cleaning fee.





Private Parties / Group Events Terms and Conditions



Scenic Mountain Hayrides * Entertainment * Pumpkins * Evergreen Concessions

Your Private Party at the Fall Festival @ Pioneer Evergreen Farms is scheduled for: ______________, 2011 at ___________ time. You may arrive 1/2 hour before your party to set up if needed.

The Deposit of $80.00 is refundable only if cancelled at least 2 weeks prior to the reservation date.

You are responsible to contact us with a final headcount and a list of your guests names who will be attending your event. Contact us by: fax (570.366.1875), email info@PioneerEvergreenFarms.com or drop off at store by: ________, 2011, which is one (1) day prior to your event. You will be responsible for the guests inattendance the day of the event. If additional guests come who are NOT on the list, you have the option to:

ADD names to the guest list without my permission ___________________ (initial)

DO NOT ADD any names without my permission _____________________ (initial)

Food will be prepared for the requested count, which will be called in one day prior to your event. You will be responsible and charged for the amount requested.

Drinks will be served in pitchers. 1 pitcher per group of 7 guests. The cost of additional pitchers is $2.50 each.

You have the option to:

Continue to fill drinks: _____________________ (initial)

Do NOT add any more drinks _______________ (initial)

It is your responsibility to bring all utensils and paper products needed to serve food or drinks provided by you. There will be no use of the Gallery.

The hayride is on a very tight schedule. Therefore, we will not be able to wait on guests who are late. Weekday Parties (Monday thru Friday AM), will do the activities as a group.

The sending of invitations/advertising for the event is the responsibility of the person booking the party. For your convenience, there are invitations that you may download on our website.

If small children are invited to your event, there must be adequate adult supervision at all times, especially at the Tree / Corn Maze.

Due to the availability of the indoor activities, we will not issue a rain date. If your group decides to cancel due to inclement weather, no deposit will be refunded.




Groups must have the area cleaned up and vacated promptly by the end of the reserved time. If room is not cleaned and vacated promptly, there will be a $50.00 charge assessed. Activities are open until closing.




Since there is an on-site Flower Shop, any fresh arrangements for your event must be purchased from Forget-Me-Not Florist. Please, NO decorations on light fixtures, doors, windows, and walls. NO CONFETTI, PLEASE.

Due to the danger associated with pinatas, only Pull String Pinatas are allowed.

This is a NO SMOKING FACILITY, thank you for your cooperation.

We assume NO liability for personal injury. If you have any issues with this policy, please do not sign this agreement.



I understand and am compliant to all of the terms and conditions found above.




________________________________ ________________________________ ______________________


Print Name Customer Signature Date






159 East Adamsdale Road * Orwigsburg, Pa 17961

Visit Us on the Web! http://www.PioneerEvergreenFarms.com

Voice: (570) 366-2619

Fax: (570) 366-1875

email: info@PioneerEvergreenFarms.com


Nance did clean up. They picked up trash and took care of all of their belongings. Did they expect her to get down on her hands and knees to pick up all popcorn off the floor? If you expect someone to sweep and wash the tables you need to make sure that they know to bring cleaning supplies or have them available at the site.

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