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HUGE, MAJOR breakthrough with my RAD dd!

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I hate to keep calling dd my RAD dd. I sometimes call her my little RADish...... a term of endearment, not just a label! I somehow think it sounds ........ I don't know.... more acceptable?


Anyway, this week was a HUGE, HUGE turning point for my dd. She has been home with us for almost 7.5 years, and she's never, ever learned to trust us. I know this because when ever she's hurt, she NEVER comes to us for comfort. In fact, it took YEARS for her to CRY when she was hurt! Unfortunately, these are common traits from kids who were severely neglected and/or abuse. I've been working on this with her for YEARS. Also, she rarely speaks her feelings. When she does, half the time you really can't believe what she's saying. It's as if she's saying what she thinks YOU want to hear.


Two nights ago I was sitting at the kitchen island when I heard her crying in her bed. It was after 9:00 and I thought for sure she was asleep! I went upstairs, thinking she had a bad dream. She was sobbing hysterically and couldn't talk! I just kept rubbing her back and trying to comfort her. Finally, when she had cried enough to feel better, she had a lot to tell me. A LOT. Things that she'd been keeping bottled up inside forever. Things that bother her. Things that make her happy. Things that make her sad. LOTS and LOTS of stuff. She's NEVER done this before. Ever. Not even close.


I brought her downstairs and I just held her in my arms and we talked until after midnight. She decided that she wanted to keep a journal and start to write all her thoughts down, and she wanted to read her journal to me daily.


On her first page, she asked FOUR TIMES why her birth mother gave her away. :crying: She also said that her mom (yes, me) works so hard to help her. She said she loves me. And she's decided that like dd11, she wants regular special time alone with me.


This is my RAD kid who has rejected me and my love since THE DAY she met me!!!!!!!!!!!


I was an emotional wreck all day yesterday. I couldn't get beyond the deep pain to the core of my being, the pain my daughter was feeling. I wish there was something I could do to help her have peace about her birthmom. I hate seeing her with this deep, raw pain. I was near tears all day.




Never. NEVER before. Ever.


This is the BIGGEST break through we've ever had with her. In fact, it was SO huge that we woke up dh and told him a lot of what we were discussing! He was as happy as he could be. She has really caused tremendous stress on our family. Heartbreaking stress. It's not like it can all just be erased for him. But me? I think it has been erased for me. Things are just somehow different now. It FEELS different. My heart has been so filled with love for her that it STILL hurts! I've always loved her, but it's just DIFFERENT. The things she said, the deep, personal feelings she shared..... She wants to be able to discuss these things with me freely and regularly. WOW!!!


I just can't believe this change has come about!!! I never dreamed she would be like this. And I can TELL that her words are GENUINE!!!


And do you know what prompted all of this? Her MEI magazines!!! In the May issue they had a LOT to say about Mother's Day; how it's ok to love two moms, how it's ok to talk about your birth mom, how it's GOOD to talk about your feelings. She's been clutching this magazine for over a week and she just had to get everything out.


My poor little dd. I do hope one day she can feel TRUE happiness and peace. I hope some day her scars and pains will be greatly diminished if not altogether GONE.


Please celebrate with me. I truly feel that this breakthrough is the most astounding thing I've ever experienced, and I am absolutely FILLED with hope.


In the past 24 hours, I can't even tell you how many times she's told me she loves me, and she has been happy to kiss and hug me. It's as if she can't get enough.



Edited by Denisemomof4
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That's amazing, Denise. Beyond amazing. Beyond words. That kind of wonderful.


I believe that someday, she will come to find peace. She has the support she needs to get there. It will take time, but it will happen.

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ever since we finished our adoption training (which included weeks on RAD) last year or the year before... I've always thought of you and your dd and prayed for a breakthrough. Hallelujah!!! I'm weeping and celebrating and bursting with you!!! This is just the most amazing news!!! I hope that you copy your post and print it out and keep it in a safe place so you can read it whenever you want. I'm so so so happy for you!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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ever since we finished our adoption training (which included weeks on RAD) last year or the year before... I've always thought of you and your dd and prayed for a breakthrough. Hallelujah!!! I'm weeping and celebrating and bursting with you!!! This is just the most amazing news!!! I hope that you copy your post and print it out and keep it in a safe place so you can read it whenever you want. I'm so so so happy for you!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


That is SO, SO sweet, Karyn!!! Thank you!!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I will be printing this all out.


You ladies, ALL of you, are wonderful! You're making me cry!!! :grouphug:

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:party:I have followed your posts over time and could not even beging to imagine the pain you felt. But in today's post I can feel the JOY with you. You had me crying in happiness for you and for your dd. I wish you continued love, comfort, happiness, closeness, attachment and more. :grouphug:

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Your post brought tears to my eyes. I feel so happy for you, your daughter, and your family. This is an amazing step, and I can only imagine how overwhelmed with emotion you must feel right now. Thanks you so much for sharing, and I hope your relationship with your dd continues to grow in beautiful ways.

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thinking about her wondering why her birth mother gave her up....


this is what has helped us


" just because someone didn't love you the way you needed doesn't mean they didn't love you the very best they could."


:grouphug: moments to treasure!


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Oh, your post makes me weepy in a happy way. What a momentous breakthrough. I am so happy for you, your family, and especially your little RADish!





:iagree: That was the exact phrase I was thinking - weepy in a happy way. Such a wonderful, joyful, hopeful time in the lives of you and your daughter, Denise. I'll join you in your celebration; thanks for sharing it with us!

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:grouphug: and :001_smile:


What a huge trial to overcome at such a young age! Certainly, she's growing into an amazing woman! She is blessed to have your unconditional love, and you are blessed to witness her blossoming moments.


I can't imagine what it would be like to be a RAD child, but I imagine that it's HUGE for her to share the grief of losing her birth mother with you...a moment she'll remember.

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I'm so happy for you! What an amazing turning point for your family! I pray that it continues and love and trust will reign in your home!



This gives me so much hope for my situation. We've only been working at it for 2 years. I've been tempted to throw in the towel a few times and stop trying. Your post gives me new resolve.

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So very happy for you and your Dd, Denise. My Dd doesn't have RAD, but she does grieve the loss of her birth family. It is heartbreaking to see our kids in pain, but it is so wonderful that your Dd can put these feelings into words now and share them with you. That is a huge step forward. And knowing that you're loved is a beautiful feeling. Celebrate this event as much as you desire!

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Aw. I am in tears reading your post. What an amazing breakthrough for her and for you. :grouphug:




Me too. That's wonderful, I'm so happy for you. It looks like your love and patience are finally winning through. :grouphug:



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