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What do you not normally buy just to be sure you don't

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Lindt Truffles. Even worse, if I do buy a bag, I hide them from the kids so I can hog them all.

Berger Cookies. :drool5:


Clearly, chocolate is trouble for me. I'm equally unlikely to make homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies, unless a ton of people are due to come over. I will eat one (okay, three) every time I walk through the kitchen. :tongue_smilie:

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Nutella is safe, because my girls track it down like coon dogs and eat as much as I do. :lol: Split a jar three ways, once a week, and I suppose that isn't all that bad. (Granted, it's the GIANT jar. :D) Last night dd13 walked into the kitchen drinking a glass of water and smiling a particularly happy smile and I laughed back at her and asked why she hadn't waited for dinner. She looked at me quizzically and I responded, "You have Nutella all over your fingers." :lol:


Other than Nutella--any kind of chocolate truffles or chocolate bars. I'll try to break off little pieces and make it last, but I keep coming back and before I know it I've consumed every bit of chocolate in the house. The only time I buy chocolate is when we're going to share or when dh and I are at the mall. We stop at the Godiva store and each choose a single truffle. That's pretty safe, I guess. ;)

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eat the entire bag, box, or can?



Pringles. I needed that can. I really did.


Yep, Pringles for me too. Especially now that I discovered the salt and vinegar ones. Ohhhhhhhh, yum.


Yup, pringles. I'm wheat sensitive and Pringles have wheat in them, but I eat them anyway. Ds teases me with them. I've made him take the can to his room before, just so I wouldn't eat them all.


I have fond memories of sitting on the living room floor as a kid. We'd eat Pringles and watch the Disney movie, I think it was on Sunday night.


Love the salt and vinegar ones, love them!

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ME TOO!!! Pringles are my downfall too. I hardly ever buy them because I will eat them all. I think they are dusted with crack or something.


:lol: My SIL says the same thing about Diet Coke. She says she just cannot explain why she craves those things like she does.

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Oh, how I wish I could get my dh to stop buying chips... Chips in the evening plus me means I am SO not losing 10 pounds...


We generally don't have dessert unless it's a very special occasion. Although I suppose I have to take that back.... Dh likes to buy and hand out ice cream sandwiches after dinner... I don't have a big sweet tooth, so I oftentimes decline.


Chips... drats... Got to keep them outta here!

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Potato chips with onion dip.


Oooh, yes! We have this when a group of us get together, and the three women just stand over the bowl and inhale the whole thing. The guys will get some, leave, come back, and just stare at the bowl for a few minutes, speechless.


I forgot to also add mint chocolate chip ice cream, particularly Breyer's and Turkey Hill. Any other kind will sit in the freezer for weeks. The chocolate chip mint will be gone in a day or two :001_huh: I actually stopped buying it because DH and the kids will eat any kind. It was me that was the problem.


Pringles and smartfood.


They are my DOWNFALL. I might as well strap the tubes to my rear with duct tape.



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Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls... if I buys these I fear that I'll blackout while opening the box and wake up sometime later in Vegas amid empty wrappers, a total lack of self-respect, and an unfortunately placed tattoo of 'Litte Debbie' somewhere on my person.



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ME TOO!!! Pringles are my downfall too. I hardly ever buy them because I will eat them all. I think they are dusted with crack or something.

:lol: Pringles are one of those things that I NEVER want....until I eat one. Then I finish the can. :001_huh: Same with popcorn. I am not entirely sure I even LIKE popcorn. I am going with your crack theory.

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Ben & Jerry's Pfish Food ice cream - can eat the whole thing in one sitting without even realizing it.

Entenmenn's chocolate donuts - the kind that are chocolate with chocolate icing, kept in the fridge so the icing isn't sticky. I found out they are 9 points on WW, so dont' buy them anymore.

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I'm not a Pringles fan, but I often buy an entire bag of chips from Chipotle to eat by myself.


Without shame :D


(I sometimes buy two bags at once with the intention of saving one bag for the next day, but the second bag sometimes gets eaten in the same sitting as the first one. That one leaves me a wee bit ashamed LOL.)

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Yeah-do you realize how many totally wonderful stuff has wheat and dairy and peanuts in them? My 3 food allergies make up most of the truly great comfort foods on earth.


I have had to stop buying icecream when we go to grandmas's house. Especially Moosetracks or anything with caramel. Dairy and peanut butter-I need it like a hole in the head. I am always truly sorry and then I do it again. But not this week! I was stronger-I bought fruit juice bars-YAY me!


Our newest obsession is chocolate almond butter-a new item at our local Wal-mart. Like Nutella, only slightly thicker and healthier. We are at the point of needing 2 per week for our family of 5.


Then there's Puffcorn-butter flavor. OOOHH! There's crack-in-a-bag!



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Tortilla chips, potato chips, Oreos, Sandies, Goldfish, Coke, pop-tarts, ice cream...I am REALLY awful!


ETA: I did NOT read this thread and I don't intend to EVER read this thread! Because then I will drive the 13 miles, one way, to the store to buy everything you all list plus what I list and EAT IT ALL! LOL

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