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  • Biography
    Military Wife and Mom
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    Southern Maryland
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    Reading, fitness, clean eating, homeschooling, and the adventure of living Life!
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  1. I once read an article about the signs of a person drowning, and one of the things that struck me about it, was that it emphasized that drowning is a very 'silent' act. The person is in a state of panic and despite what we see on t.v., screaming and splashing about are not part of the process. At best, the victim usually starts clawing at the water as if they're trying to climb a 'invisible ladder' and will go under without a sound. At worst, especially in children, the simply go face down and don't fight at all. My own story: When the boys were about 15 months (it was early spring) we were in Virginia at a park. I had gone to the car while my husband had walked the boys toward a dock next to a boat launch. They were throwing rocks in and there was no barrier or railing on the dock. I was about 5 yards away thinking to myself as I rushed toward them 'That's not safe, that's not safe, that's not safe!". When I was about 3 yards away, one of the boys went to throw a rock and lost his balance and fell in. My eyes were totally focused on the ring of circles in the water where is head went under and I jumped in right next to it. My husband was standing in shock looking at the water, and I was already in! :glare: I was counting in my head and just about to go under to feel for him (water was dark, cold, and had a current) when his little face broke the water just enough for his nose and eyes to break the surface about 3 feet away. I grabbed him and hauled him over to my DH who was still on the dock. There were at least four grown men fishing and watching the whole thing, and yet I was the only one in the water! I know with my whole heart if he had gone under again, I would've lost him. My DH and I were both silent and in total shock on the way home. We knew how close we had come to losing him... They've been in swim lessons ever since, and can now both swim like fish. Still, I'm always nervous around the water with them... can't shake that image!
  2. Thanks for the insight everyone... :001_smile: So as the afternoon is progressing, the fever has now turned into a fever and headache with sensitivity to light. He is now in his dark bedroom, trying to sleep off the headache with another dose of meds. Unfortunately for him, he has inheirited the migraines that my family is prone to. Typically he'll get a headache and seek out darkness when he isn't feeling well. No way he's able to do schoolwork. Because I have them on the same lesson plan daily, it's not really possible to continue on with my other boy without creating a bit of a mess schedule wise. So I'm going to take your advice and head upstairs to do a bit more reading with my well kiddo, and some workbook work in lieu of our normal workload. Thankfully I have plenty of workbooks laying around to give a nice overall 'review' for the day. Hopefully tomorrow goes better than today!!:glare:
  3. So I obviously with twin boys use the same curriculum and lesson plan for each day. I'm wondering what the rest of you do when one child is sick (in this case running a fever of 102.1). Do you continue on with the lessons for the well child (ren) or do you halt the lesson plan for the day, and hope for the best tomorrow? I guess I'm just curious... here's my plan for the rest of the day, but I'm just wondering what you would do? This a.m. one of my guys woke up "feeling funny/dizzy" and by the time we headed in to do schoolwork I could tell he was teetering on the edge of heading 'downhill'. He managed to get 45 minutes of math in before I felt his head and realized he was running a temp. I gave him ibuprofen and put him in his bed for a bit, and then returned and finished up the lesson with my other kiddo as he was 3/4's of the way thru anyway. Then I read from our read-aloud with him ('well' kiddo) and started our first break. 10 minutes in to our break, 'sick' kiddo comes downstairs feeling a bit better, but temp not entirely gone. I have him resting and taking fluids and at this point we are 30 minutes from lunch and then have soccer scheduled at 1pm. I plan on sitting him out of soccer and letting my well kiddo play and then heading back home to *hopefully* get more/the rest of our work in for the afternoon. So, what would you do in this scenario?
  4. I knew quite early from an early ultrasound that it was twins due to my high-risk history... I was told at that appointment to expect extreme nausea. I never felt nauseated and never became sick. My *girls* never changed size or became sensitive. I didn't start showing until after 18 weeks and only gained a total of 37 lbs the whole pregnancy. Pretty much I was sure I had lost the pregnancy or that something was extremely wrong the entire time! I'm a big believer in trusting your instincts though, so if you're hoping for twins I hope it happens! Either way, Congratulations!!!!
  5. Finishing Week 5 as well! Link in my signature :001_smile: Cheers!
  6. :iagree: I think the above is fantastic advice... and a great big :grouphug: to you!
  7. :iagree: This is pretty much how it works out here as well... I do the read-aloud before bed at night, and they read out loud (to me) as part of the 2-3 hours/day. I think it will be closer to 3 hours/day starting next week as I'll be starting up AAS2 3x/week.
  8. I love this!! And I agree with someone else that I need to print this out and put it up in our workroom. I am so guilty of #3 and #4... When I really need to focus on the rest! Thank You!!
  9. I'm going to make a real effort to keep up with this ... I want to be able to look back on this time later!:001_smile: www.ourparticularharbour.blogspot.com
  10. Our day 1 is in the bag... I'm not a daily blogger, but I'm trying to be much better about doing a weekly entry this year. Last year was a total wash, and now looking back I wish I had spent more time writing out my thoughts on everything. Especially while DH was deployed. *sigh* Hopefully learned my lesson! I went ahead and made a first day of 2nd grade post. Enjoy :) http://ourparticularharbour.blogspot.com/
  11. Tomorrow is our first day of 2nd grade. The boys are... not excited, but not upset either. (resigned?) We also start up swim again, so at least there is excitement happening on some level! I'm very ready. I need more structure to our days, and this should take care of at least some of the "Can I play the Wii?" questions I've been getting every 10 minutes or so since June. :glare:
  12. I just went thru what I'm finding to be my annual 'Freak Out & Start Researching Local Public Schools Online' session last week. I know that my boys are doing more than fine academically, but I will admit to wondering about the 'social' side. I worry that maybe somehow I'm not seeing how or where they may need improvement in this area... and then a friend of mine moved here with her son (who is just two weeks younger) and who has been in PS from the very beginning... and I see my boys interacting with him... and they are just fine. There is no difference, not even a little, in their interaction with one another. They are not awkward. They are not introverted. They are just seven year old boys. So I took my annual 'Deep Breath After Annual Freak Out' and I've moved forward. Bring on 2nd grade!
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