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Well, it's a sad day but it's ok.

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Well, maybe not ok. I made a choice from a few choices; none of them ideal.


I'm letting my oldest son move into his Dad's. I stand firmly behind my decision to fight that for ages 11- 15. I needed to protect him from daily life as it would have been. But 16? I think he's ready to make some decisions and respond to the consequences that come with it. We all know that the "grass is greener" effect is exaggerated with teens.


The decision has nothing to do with me or my xh. It was really his age/developmental stage and the fact that the school he'd be in where is Dad lives is much, much better than the school was was in last year after the foreclosure.


The mediator was supportive. The other side really had no case, and I was totally willing to allow mediation to fail and go to the arbitrator. An arbitrator would likely look at the case and come down in my favor (as have all the legal professionals involved).


I had a list of essentials should he move. With one exception, they were met or exceeded. I think this is because the other side knew they didn't have room to argue/negotiate.


Since the divorce, I have not been able to claim any of the 3 on taxes; I know claim the youngest starting this year. Not only is child support not lowered, it is *increased* and I don't have to pay any towards the son who is moving. I get all 3 every 1, 3, and 5 weekend, and xh has to drive both ways. He gets all 3 every 2 and 4th weekend, I have to drive. I gain wekends with all 3; he loses time. He no longer gets them for 6 weeks in the summer; we each get them for 5.


There's more, but that's the main part. I am sad. Deeply sad in my gut in a way I can't express. But I think that I made the right decision when all things are considered; a decision that is best all around, even if it is not the best for my pride.


I haven't seen the child all day, and I'm at work now. I'm afraid I am going to melt down crying when I see him.

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I haven't been on here lately because I've been in my own "mourning mode." But I just had to come on here and tell you it will be okay. Go ahead and let yourself be sad for a while. Everyone will adjust and life goes on. It will all work out.

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Sounds like you made a gut wrenching decision to honor your nearing adult age son's choices. That's what a loving Mom does (within reason) and that will serve you well in your long term relationship with him. Doesn't make it easy though.


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Sounds like you made a gut wrenching decision to honor your nearing adult age son's choices. That's what a loving Mom does (within reason) and that will serve you well in your long term relationship with him. Doesn't make it easy though.



My sister just went through a similar situation. Prayers.

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He does. Sometimes. And sometimes not. His Dad, being who/what he is, capitalized on a moment of teen anger. I've been expecting it.


I think you should also expect that this son will also realize that the grass truly ISN'T greener on the other side. I just spent the evening with a SWEET friend who's son is back with her after 1.5 months. While that may not happen to your ds, reality WILL set in, whether he admits it or not.


I'm sorry for your extremely difficult life situations, Joanne. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Does your ds have the option of moving back in with you should it not work out well with his dad?


Teens do often have the "grass is greener" mentality, but they also tend to pick up on posturing fairly quickly. I imagine that your ds will see through any "false advertisement" his dad has been putting on pretty quickly.


I don't know how it all works with mediation and family courts. I hope ds retains the right to choose to move back in with you.

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Does your ds have the option of moving back in with you should it not work out well with his dad?


Teens do often have the "grass is greener" mentality, but they also tend to pick up on posturing fairly quickly. I imagine that your ds will see through any "false advertisement" his dad has been putting on pretty quickly.


I don't know how it all works with mediation and family courts. I hope ds retains the right to choose to move back in with you.


I'd have to offer notice of mediation, and schedule one. XH would be required to attend. If mediation didn't work, we agreed to binding arbitration. (Takes a lot less time and money than Family Court).


I just told the family. I told Andrew that I will not, ever, do what has been done for all these years. I will not create secrets, plans, coerce or manipulate him. If, however, he does want to move back, he just has to tell me. I told him he's welcome to approach me anytime but I will not approach him.


I made sure they understood that no matter what their Dad said, his wife said, or their step-siblings said, this was NOTHING against me or Adrian. I told them the truth; it was about Andrew's age and desire combined with it is a better educational setting. I handled it well (except for what I called the step siblings :lol: )


In any case, I then went to the bedroom and cried unlike any cry I've ever had. Being a mom has been the center of my universe, my being, my core, my priorities for 16 years. I should *not* be losing a son to the man who abdicated daily parenting for the 10 years he had the opporunity to chose differently. And I should NOT be losing my son to a family dynamic of lies, cheating, manipulation, and superficiality.


My life is a psalm. Without the justice wrap up.

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Joanne, I know about those gut-wrenching cries over children. I think you are providing a strong and beautiful, grace-filled example. You are living in truth and light.


I know it's so, so hard, Sweetie. There aren't enough lovely words or heartfelt hugs to give you.


Pls know I draw strength from your quiet example.


Taking the long view with our children--sucks.


"All will be well, and all manner of things will be well." Juiian of Norwich

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