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Do you homeschool during the summer?

Do you homeschool during the summer?  

  1. 1. Do you homeschool during the summer?

    • Yes, full-day schedule
    • Yes, our schedule is about a half- or two-thirds of our usual load
    • We do a light school schedule in the summer (an hour or so)
    • No, we take the summer totally off from books
    • Other

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I'm just curious what percentage of the posters here take the summer off - it seems like so many don't.


I am hs-ing dd10, and we are following the school calendar, as her siblings go to school. I had planned on a very light schedule of math and Latin, and hopefully we'll be more consistent with that soon (there's been a lot of concern about what is "fair" in terms of what her siblings are doing :glare:, so thanks to her, they'll be doing math too :lol:). We just took a couple weeks totally off.


Thank you for participating :)

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I said 1/2 to 2/3 but it is closer to 1/2 and right now it is catch up.


Next year I'll be doing some CWP and some Apologia science plus some extra handwriting, plus some reading of their choice (they will have to pick it out at the beginning at least two books per week for the olders and one book a week for the youngers)


I find if I don't do something, everything goes down hill in a hand basket.

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Yes, we mostly do our regular schedule during the summer; we usually get in four days of school/week. We will take a couple of breaks, though, and I'll probably be more flexible about dropping everything to go swimming. :001_smile: Our schedule is pretty flexible year-round, though (which is one reason why we school year-round!).

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we do a light schedule but we moved two weeks ago and between unpacking and getting ready for church camp, I have not been motivated to do school. It's the last thing from my mind. So a few more weeks of a break and we'll be ready to start back up!

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I voted other because we school most of the summer, but we DO take full, long vacations each year, but they are at odd times. This year, we have a 6 week road trip in the summer and a 3 week beach trip in October. Those 9 weeks are most of our summer break time, so during the weeks we ARE home, we'll mostly be schooling unless we have some other thing going on.


Typically our summers are lighter schedules, as some subjects that get wrapped up in the spring or summer won't get started anew until the fall, so we spend those "light" weeks catching up on things, doing other stuff, etc.

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I picked other because none of the others fit exactly. We are taking all of June off. In July, ds will do some math and LA, but it won't count on our official days. This will probably happen 2-3 days a week. It's just to keep up the skills. Dd and I will probably start Spanish in July. This is to give the program a try and see if we are going to need outside help. We officially start school in August.


We start in August and go until the end of May. This allows us to take 7-8 weeks off during the school year.

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We school year around, 6 weeks on, one week off. A few times throughout the year we'll take 2 weeks off instead of one.


So, yes, we school full-time during the summer, however we loop schedule and only school from 9am-1pm, which gives us plenty of time to enjoy the season :)

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Light school during the summer, picking up the things that we didn't have time to do during the year. It takes about an hour a day, four days a week. This summer we are doing Song School Latin, The Sentence Family, readalouds (The Hobbit currently), LoF Decimals and Percents, Mindbenders, typing program and slogging through the last part of our spelling and handwriting curriculum.

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Dd16 and I created a list of classic books for dd11 to read this summer. This is in addition to the unassigned, unscheduled reading she does anyway---she likes to be at the top of the "hours read" list for the library reading program :lol:


The three of us will be keeping up with French this summer. Dd16 is accelerating French to be able to take AP French as a senior. Dd11 and I will practice speaking with her to keep grammar and vocab fresh.


Dd16 and I will be doing PSAT/SAT prep.

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I always used summer as needed - my rising or just-finished fourth graders (one year did two kids at once this way) do a 40-lesson state history book, two lessons a day, to fulfill state requirement (Illinois you have to teach the same subjects, in English, as "real" school....no one checks up on you, though.) Lots of crafty stuff in the lessons, so stays fun The year I did two kids we took a trip to the state capital, too. Using summer for state history means the regular school year I am not trying to cram state history into the WTM history rotation.


Other summers various kidlets have been finishing math for whatever reason.


Summer is a useful time to catch up, finish things, and do project-heavy stuff.

(But I would not want to attempt a chicken mummy in the summer humidity here! ;))

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Other. We're finishing a few things that didn't get finished during the regular school year. We also do summer nature, artist, and composer study. However, ds also has several camps he'll be going to, so those weeks won't have any school. Ds reads whatever fiction he wants to during the summer - no fiction is assigned.

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I said that our summer schedule is very light, about an hour or so. It doesn't start off that way because we finish off anything that wasn't already finished, that can take anywhere from 1-4 weeks and so for those weeks we are working maybe 2 hours/day, but then we get down to just math and maybe one other thing.

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I voted no, but it's really more of a light, light schedule. We'll keep working out way through SOTW and DS5 has just started blending sounds, so I'll be working on some no-pressure phonics a few times a week. It won't even be an hour a day.


This is our last week of school! Woo-hoo!

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I'm just curious what percentage of the posters here take the summer off - it seems like so many don't.


I am hs-ing dd10, and we are following the school calendar, as her siblings go to school. I had planned on a very light schedule of math and Latin, and hopefully we'll be more consistent with that soon (there's been a lot of concern about what is "fair" in terms of what her siblings are doing :glare:, so thanks to her, they'll be doing math too :lol:). We just took a couple weeks totally off.


Thank you for participating :)


We're going full bore until the end of June. July will be no school but filled with a bunch of camps (including German language camp). August we'll start up again, but have one week off to visit family.


We had too much time off over the winter with our last international move to afford to take a long time off.

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Does "good intentions" count? I always intend to school some in the Summer, but being off and away from the books feels so good, I never seem to get back around to it, and all the sudden it's August again!


I put "other" because I am "planning" on doing what I'm calling "fun" school with the kids this Summer. I have several materials that I have bought and never feel like I can get to them during the normal school year. This Summer I thought it would be fun to study other countries and cultures. In the Summertime I feel that I have the time to cook the recipes with my kids, read fairytales from all over the world, and do the wonderful art projects that I would never get to in a normal Math, Language, Science, History, back to Math year.


I put "other" because - well, we'll see!!! Will I REALLY get to it this Summer??? :D

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We tend to get breaks at odd times of the year and take our vacations to suit DH's work schedule rather than a traditional school calendar.


This always leads to work over the summer. Not always in every subject but in several. We'll end up with a few weeks off for travel and camps but should end up working at least 6-8 Weeks of June/July/August.

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Last week was our first week of "summer break" and the only thing DS did that was remotely school-like was read.... and that was only so he could earn screen time.


Over the next few months he will do a few pages of work each day (math, grammar, spelling) and some reading but it will all equal screen time in our planned exchange.


July is filled with camps. Bible camp, art camp, Cub Scout camp...


DD loves to do school so she will probably do a few pages of math and some reading every day.

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My plan is to do a math lesson three times a week (Teaching Textbooks) and multiplication review every few days. We are NOT math people so taking off for the entire summer would be misery for all of us in September. We're doing the library program for reading (which they would do on their own anyway), practicing piano (official lessons are over until September) and I want them to start Typing Tutor again, somehow that got dropped a few weeks into the school year.




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I have a child that really flounders if we stray too far or stay away too long from our normal schedule. We school year round taking a few weeks off here and there, but if a break is longer than two weeks it turns really ugly.

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Yes, a light dabing of homeschool in the summer. We do math, reading and writing daily. I ask they give me at least 15 minutes on a subject. It takes away the the " I'm bored." LOL

I like it because it keeps them from forgetting important concepts.

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Diva's summer break will start when she finishes her math and science. So, if we school all summer or not is really up to her. :glare:


The Littles are still doing basic math and working on phonics, honing reading skills, etc. That's just a 'normal day' thing, not a 'school' thing as far as they're concerned.

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Does "good intentions" count? I always intend to school some in the Summer, but being off and away from the books feels so good, I never seem to get back around to it, and all the sudden it's August again!



this - only we start back mid-July. I always mean to keep up with math/spelling and to finish up science experiments, but we don't ...


so far this summer, we've finished several read-alouds, though :D

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