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Please pray: I am taking DH to ER for possible stroke

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DS1 and DS2 are coming with me. It will take ambulance longer to get here and to ER than for me to drive.


Please pray.





Wednesday Morning Update: None yet this morning. He away from his room having an MRI, and MRA (I think it's called), a swallow test, and whatever else the docs can think up. Since he couldn't go to sleep until at least 2 a.m. (5.5 hours past his usual bedtime), I didn't want to call him too early.


We are going over there in a couple of hours. You should see the rooms at this hospital. They are all single rooms, and have a long couch that goes across the considerable width of the room, against the far wall. There is a tv remote thing on the wall next to the couch. The walls are pretty pastel colors and the rooms have big windows behind the couch. They also have large bathrooms and lots of storage. This is a new patient tower. I'm used to the old hospitals in Boston, so this is really impressive to me.


I will keep calling his room until we leave. Hopefully they will have fed DH by then (no food or drink after midnight). He is a quiet, reserved guy who is always calm, so it's kind of like he suddenly turned into a Bear.


DS2 has a netbook, so I can post from the hospital once I get there.


Bigger problem: My mother (age 75) wants me to text updates to her. Text! I can't believe she knows how to do that, and I don't!


Thank you all for praying!


Wed Noon Update: I just talked with DH. The neurologist said he thinks DH is a tiny bit better than he was yesterday. DH had 2 MRIs (1 with contrast stuff), and is now on his way to have an echocardiogram.


The physical therapist tested him and said he doesn't need physical therapy.


The doc decided he doesn't need a swallow test, so now he can drink water.


They gave him breakfast: "a microscopic bit of egg" and 2 pieces of dry toast -- quite a change from BK.


He is looking forward to lunch. He has had next to no sleep. He broke his reading glasses, so I have to buy him another pair before we go there.


Wed evening update:

The doc came by and showed us the MRI. DH definitely had a stroke, plus several more earlier. Doc said DH could probably come home tomorrow, and he can't go back to work until Monday. DH replied that he is going back on Friday. Where's the roll eyes smiley?


Eyes on an MRI of the brain look like they are on the ends of stalks. Very alienlike.


Aidan is so glad to see me that he is busily emptying my hanging files.


Thank you for your prayers! They are very much appreciated.


Thursday Update:


Thank you all very much for praying for my DH.


He is home now. He wanted to stop at the office on the way so he could pick up some work to do. I refused to let him. He had trouble getting into the car.


I made him sit in the living room so the dog could greet him. I fed him lunch. He knocked over his drink. Then he took DS3 with him to go out to the car to look for some work he had left there, against my advice. He couldn't find it.


Then he went upstairs to take a shower and fell in the bathroom. This, after I told him that I wanted DS1 to stay in the bathroom to help him if he got wobbly on his pins. He isn't hurt, thank God.


If he survives taking a shower without breaking something, he is going to take a nap. I hope he sleeps until tomorrow morning. OTOH, then I'll have a wide-awake bear to deal with.


I told him before I picked him up that he has to stop acting like a rebellious teenager, because he is an adult and I am not his mother. I think he tuned that out.


Oh, and the neurologist gave him a list of foods he can eat and absolutely forbade him to eat bacon. I have listened to his complaints and analysis of how eating bacon won't give him a stroke many times in the last 2 hours. He is fixated on work and bacon.

Edited by RoughCollie
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