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S/O: Has anyone never had their kid ask to go to PS?

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Is this something inevitable, or do some kids just never get that itch?


Neither of my girls has ever asked, but I do realize that could change.


They're young yet. The first 5 of mine have toyed with the idea by the age of 12 so far. It may be a logic stage thing for a lot of kids. They start to see the world from other angles and began to wonder how the other half lives.

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It'll be interesting to see if my son ever wants to go back to PS. I pulled him out after first grade because he was so miserable. He asked to be homeschooled and now he yells "booooo" every time he sees a school bus or we drive past the school. I'm trying to convince him that he's just showing a bad attitude and he should just be happy he's homeschooled now.

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My son was in private school for prek and K. He has no desire to attend public school. The biggest hindrance for him would be getting up and out of the house so early.


Of course this is the same child that likes to wear shorts to school when it's warm enough. Having to wear shoes, socks, and a shirt might hinder him as well. I believe I have threatened that a few times in the past. :lol: You don't want to go to school, they make you wear uniforms, a belt, and socks and shoes.

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So far no. Ds was in ps before coming to us and hated it. Dd has never been in ps.


We read the Ramona book, a few yrs back, where Ramona is in kindergarten and has trouble at school. Dd asked why Ramona didn't just go home. I explained to her that it doesn't work that way. Dd was shocked and horrified by this :001_huh:. I don't know why she reacted so strongly, but she did and from that point on she started calling ps "that horrible place that traps children." Dd is prone to drama and slight over-reaction. :tongue_smilie:

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None of my dc have ever asked to go to ps. Ds20 was adament about not going, and I did threaten him with it a few times. Towards the beginning-middle of 10th grade, ds17 decided he wished he had gone to ps starting in 9th grade. But he wanted to be in school with his friends in a neighboring district, so it wouldn't have been what he wanted anyway. He is very glad now that he didn't do it. Dd still says she has no desire ever to go to ps.

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So far, no. But they're only 8 and 6.


Right now they're horrified at the idea of school. I've tried not to make them horrified of school...I never bad-mouth school in front of them (just in case we have to send them for some reason.) Right now they hate the idea of being away from me.


Maybe, one day, they'll want a break from me and will consider school. But I hope not!

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9, 7, and 5 and none of them has ever expressed any desire to go to school (quite the opposite, really). I'm not sure why; their Dad's actually a public school teacher, so we certainly don't vilify it. I suspect it's mostly because my oldest is really shy and would have a tough time with school, and the younger two tend to follow his lead. Or it could be because I'm just so much fun to be around :D

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Is this something inevitable, or do some kids just never get that itch?


Neither of my girls has ever asked, but I do realize that could change.


My oldest went to 2 years of PS and his worst nightmare is going back to any kind of school. I would shocked if he ever wanted to. Whether he does or not remains to be seen, but I think we're in it at least the next couple years. My youngest is on board with that thought for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if she asked someday. She likes to push my buttons. :lol:

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My ds(almost 18) and dd(13) have never wanted to go to school. I actually threaten to send them to get them to get school work done! We live in the country and I guess seeing the bus pick up the kids at 7:15 every morning is a deterrent as well as the worry they would have less time for music and free time. I still have 2 more though starting the journey so who knows how they will feel.

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My 10 year old has never asked; we're homeschooling for the flexibility, and not for academic, learning, religious or social issues - we evaluate all of our options every single year, and he seems pretty adamant that he stay home. His cousins all go to our local public school, which I always thought would make it a more appealing option for him. Maybe in the future it will, I don't know. I'd likely send him if he asked.


My 5 year old hasn't asked, and for some reason people always feel compelled to ask her if she wants to go. Nobody really did that with my 10 year old, so it's new (annoying) territory for me. She's at the stage where she wants to do everything her brother does, so since he's home ... she wants to be home. If he went to school, she'd likely want to also. I have a nagging feeling she'll want to go when she gets a bit older; she would feel badly asking, though, because I suspect she thinks my feelings would be hurt. I'd likely send her, too.

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Is this something inevitable, or do some kids just never get that itch?


Neither of my girls has ever asked, but I do realize that could change.


Ds2 would love to ride the bus to and from school. He's got a very "romantic" vision of what that would be like -- all fun, all friendly, etc.


But then he would get to school, be bored to tears, have to follow someone else's rules, not follow his creative urges, and then it would be Not.Fun.Anymore.

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None of my boys have asked. The 10 yo is curious and thinks he'd like it, but doesn't really want to go. The 8 yo is adamant that he doesn't want to go. He's gotten all of his info about public school from Calvin and Hobbes :D and does not think it looks like fun at all. The youngest just wants to stay at home with Mom and not go away all day.


(Both girls attended ps for elementary, were home for middle school, and asked to go back in 8th and 9th grades.)



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My ds10 keeps asking from time to time if he can go to school, whether public, private, etc. He doesn't want to go back to the (really great) charter school he spent 3 wks. at in the beginning of 2nd grade. Too bad it turned out to be a bad experience for both he and my youngest, who was in K5.


Ds10 went to ps for the 1st semester of 1st gr., then went half-days for the rest of the year (I hs'ed him for LA & math during that time). He is lonely now and wants to be around other kids. I point out the positive sides of homeschooling every time the opportunity to compare/contrast the 2 presents itself.


I've been lightly toying w/ the idea of private school for next year as a last resort, and when I asked my youngest (ds7) what he thought about going to school, he said, "HORROR. HORROR. HORROR." :lol: Oh boy.

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Mine started out in public school.


My 10 YO DS does not want to ever go back to public school. The first year we homeschooled him, we left his sister in school and he would have an anxiety attack if he had to enter the school for whatever reason. If we run into people from the school who he knows, he wants to get away. He just has completely horrible memories of school and wants to close that box of his life.


My 11 YO DD toys with the idea. She and I clash more and she's more social. She wants to have a locker and be around boys and her friends, etc. She sees what her friends do and it's so much easier than what we do. However, the fact that the morning bell rings at 7:20 and that she'd have to be at the bus stop by 6:00 AM is the major deterrent. Then the fact that all her friends go to one particular school (magnet, traditional schedule) and she'd have to go to a different one (Year round) because we didn't apply to the magnet and I wouldn't send my dog to that magnet because it's so violent seals it. OH yes, and homework! Her friends all have 2 hours of homework a night!

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My 10 YO DS does not want to ever go back to public school. The first year we homeschooled him, we left his sister in school and he would have an anxiety attack if he had to enter the school for whatever reason. If we run into people from the school who he knows, he wants to get away. He just has completely horrible memories of school and wants to close that box of his life.



Oh, :grouphug:. That's sad. That basically sums up my school experience as well. I went to a really rough school.

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My son asked this past fall. He was 8 at the time and asked the day before ps registration and the day before our "homeschool year" started. :glare: It turns out he just wanted to make friends and believed public school was one big joyride of fun and recess. My brother actually talked to him and though he tried to encourage him, ended up discouraging him. Good thing, because I was about to tell him NO flat out. My ds would need an IEP and the schools here almost entirely cut special ed and 90 personnel in our tiny town/county of 8,000 people. So classes are vastly overpopulated and underfunded. There was no way that I would put him through that.

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My son would start crying if I told him we were going back to ps. :crying:


My oldest actually has cried when I brought up considering it before. She did half a year of Kindy in a PS before dh allowed me to pull her. She was beaten on the schoolbus, bullied, told by her teachers (I still have the notes they sent home) to "slow down" because she was through all of their material and reading novels when the other kids didn't know the alphabet, etc. Finally she fawned illness long enough and then broke her collarbone. Having her home she was a whole new person. I couldn't do that to her again.

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My eldest wanted to go back. (She completed 1st grade in ps.) She remembered all the fun stuff they did and nothing else. I allowed her to go back in 8th grade. I made it 5 weeks. She didn't want to leave, but she completely understood and hasn't asked to go back since.


The twins attended preschool. They have never asked to attend ps. One would rebel if I were to suggest it. She did not like preschool!


Ds has always been home, well he did attend 3 yo preschool for a few weeks.:lol: He has never asked to leave.

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My oldest went to a small public charter kindergarten with 12 students and 2 teachers. She disliked it so much, though she was a great student. She has passed on her views of that experience to my other two dc, and none of them have any desire to go to school.


We had her shadow at some schools a few months ago, and we were really thinking it might be better for her to go to school. She asked not to, though.


We ahve always been careful not to put down schools (after all, that's dh's profession!) They just prefer our lifestyle.


I have many homeschool friends whose dc have never asked to go to school, either.

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Of my 4, the older 2 have been in private school 1st-4th/5th. The 3rd child has been in both public and private. This is our 1st year hsing. My dd, 10, is the only one that has asked to go to public. I think she brought it up for 3 reasons - 1) she is curious, 2) she is very social, and 3) she is bored and feeling like she's not gotten enough of my time & attention. I am planning some changes so that #3 hopefully isn't so much an issue next year. We are already in a homeschool co-op once a week where she spends the entire day being a social butterfly. As for #1, I explained to her she has no idea the challenges and pressures she would face given her only school experience was a very sheltered one in a small classical Christian school, especially considering she is quickly moving toward the jr. high years. Our sitiation has been difficult because the ADHD younger brother has monopolized my time and attention (#3) but I am working on balancing things (hopefully) better next year. On the flip side, we were considering public again for said younger brother due to his special needs, and when we talked about it with him, he was adamant (begged and pleaded) that he stay in homeschool. So, we're just planning on hsing them all now, and everyone just has to learn to like it. :001_smile:

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