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About LaissezFaire

  • Birthday 03/26/1977

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  • Biography
    I am the wife of a fantastically understanding and loving husband and mom to 6 children
  • Location
    On Earth
  1. Having grown up on a citrus ranch my whole life I can honestly say we never once put lemons in the fridge. LOL
  2. Generally no. Occasionally someone will sneak in and steal my heart but for the most part I don't enjoy other people's kids. I have a solid bond with several teens in our town though. I worked with them in a drama program and we bonded.
  3. My daughter got hers back today and got the silver (missed the gold by one point!) It's bittersweet though...her twin sister did not do so well and she studied very hard. :( Congratulations to your daughter!
  4. I would have died of pure happiness if I had an artichoke on my tray when I was in school. YUM!
  5. OK, 6 year olds bringing guns to school is rare, yes. But guns at school...not rare in the least. Depending on where you live it can be common. Although security is more common now, when I was in high school there was guns there EVERY day. I know it. Just because someone didn't get caught doesn't mean they aren't there.
  6. I have found that teaching them myself has always worked better than paying for lessons.
  7. I think Glee is dumb and we are fully invested theater folk (performing and viewing). I don't know why it does not appeal to me...it just doesn't.
  8. So every teacher in the world should not have their own children because they can't be' a parent and an educator'? I wouldn't be able to go back, I feel like eventually her philosophies would start to affect my child.
  9. Aren't most of us home with them all day? ;)
  10. Probably 95% of the time. Lunch too.
  11. We tried Language Arts LIFEPACS for 1st and 2nd (it was ok but just not challenging or engaging). For some reason I went back to them for 6th grade and my girls said, "Mom, I feel like we learned nothing this year." If my girls noticed how non challenging it was then it was time to ditch it. I wouldn't use it again.
  12. Scratch paper may seem annoying but honestly, since I began giving my son a piece of graph paper to work his problems on he makes way less mistakes. It's easier for him to line up his problems just right.
  13. We are in the middle of First Form and we love it. There is no Third or Fourth Form. There is First and Second and then i believe you would bridge to Henle from there or another program.
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