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prayers please

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I've gone back and forth for a while about whether to post this here or not. Especially since we're not exactly the praying type of family but I guess it couldn't hurt. :001_smile:


Ds7 went for a regular check up at the doctor's last week. He has had an indention on his head since he was born and every single doctor we've seen said it was nothing. Until this one. She sent him for a ct scan and we found out that the plates in his head are slightly overlapped. They scheduled another scan to see if there's enough room for his brain to grow properly. It should have been caught years ago but whatever. We're still waiting to find out if he needs surgery to get his skull fixed to make room for his brain.


The scan was yesterday and they found a spot in his brain. They think it's a tumor. We're waiting on blood results and then they're going to get a better look. There was nobody on staff at the tiny hospital to deal with something like this so we had to be referred elsewhere.


Needless to say dh and I are devastated. I buried my first child when she was 8... I can't go through another sick child again.

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I've gone back and forth for a while about whether to post this here or not. Especially since we're not exactly the praying type of family but I guess it couldn't hurt. :001_smile:


Ds7 went for a regular check up at the doctor's last week. He has had an indention on his head since he was born and every single doctor we've seen said it was nothing. Until this one. She sent him for a ct scan and we found out that the plates in his head are slightly overlapped. They scheduled another scan to see if there's enough room for his brain to grow properly. It should have been caught years ago but whatever. We're still waiting to find out if he needs surgery to get his skull fixed to make room for his brain.


The scan was yesterday and they found a spot in his brain. They think it's a tumor. We're waiting on blood results and then they're going to get a better look. There was nobody on staff at the tiny hospital to deal with something like this so we had to be referred elsewhere.


Needless to say dh and I are devastated. I buried my first child when she was 8... I can't go through another sick child again.


Oh I'm so sorry-- will definitely hold you in the light. :grouphug::grouphug:


And gulp: my SIL's little boy is 7, and has had a big dent in his head since birth. Ped. has poo-poo'ed it since then; they have never pursued it further. This really makes me wonder. Have you noticed any other symptoms or behaviors that might be linked? Her son has a few behavioral/learning issues that I've always wondered about.


Sending you peace and love,


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Prayers and I truly hope it all turns out to be just a big nothing and sending hope that you have the strenghth to handle this. He is scared too be brave for your little guy as a parent it hurts us to see them suffer but he is the one who is going through this. Praying and sending hugs to you all.

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My son will be 8 in September and I can't imagine the heartache of burying a child at any time in their lives...but your story of losing your first child at 8 really hit home with me.


Lord, God, You know the need here. Heavenly Father, I pray for this family as they are gripped with the fear and anxiety of not knowing what this spot is that was found in their son's CT scan. I pray, oh Father, that it is nothing at all Lord. I pray that you would guide the doctors as they do the testing and wrap your loving arms of peace and comfort around this family as they go through such a frightening time Lord. In Jesus' sweet and precious name I pray,



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