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I am thankful for a husband who (fill in the blank) . . .

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doesn't tell me homeschooling "is a job", doesn't boss me around, or ask me to account for how I spend money, or really impose himself on me in any way. He just loves me, is patient with me, and always tells me how much he "enjoys" me, lol.


How about you?

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doesn't tell me homeschooling "is a job", doesn't boss me around, or ask me to account for how I spend money, or really impose himself on me in any way. He just loves me, is patient with me, and always tells me how much he "enjoys" me, lol.


How about you?


Pretty much sums up my dh. :001_wub:


I feel for and am completely bewildered by women who don't have nice husbands.

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...just spent ALL night fixing the air conditioner on my best friends truck.



We borrow it all of the time, and she doesn't have the money to have it fixed. She will be so surprised when she finds out. I'm so grateful to have a husband who is generous with his time and his money.

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loves to fix things!


I hear so mnay women complain their dh never gets aorund to cleaning the gutters or fixing the swimming pool pump or whatever...my dh is a whizz at all things handyman! And he enjoys it mostly!


also...loves to buy presents for me and the kids.


This guy loves to op shop and garage sale and he is always getting me this or that. But also more expensive things too. He loves to give presents. Actually, he was the one who taught me to love shopping! He hates it when I go grocery shopping without him!

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got up at 5:30 this morning and went to work a 10 hour shift.


who thinks I am the sexiest thing alive (even though I think he is BLIND!):lol:


who goes with what I want even when he thinks I am nuts.


who doesn't complain at me when the house is a disaster - he blames the dc.:D


who calls me everyday at lunch to talk and texts me several times a day when he has a break.


who loves me even when I am an emotional wreck and falling apart over nothing.

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...works hard all day so I can stay home with the kids

....is fully supportive of homeschooling our kids

....is an outstanding cook and cooks dinner EVERY NIGHT (that alone is heaven to me)

...never gives me a hard time when the house is a mess (always) since he understands how taking care of little kids is a full time job. (although I may have to step it up a bit now that they are getting older :tongue_smilie:).

...he loves me and the kids without conditions.

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I am thankful for my husband who:


...makes coffee every morning

...never fails to tell I'm doing a great job teaching

...who does think of homeschooling as a job (to me that's a good thing, it's full time work that I must focus on, and I can't do all the household stuff and teach at the same time)

...who taught ds how to lay carpet yesterday

...who went outside at 10:30pm last night to spray around the windows because our state has this nasty flying formosan termite. They swarm through in May. :ack2:

...because he works his butt off for us

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I am thankful for my husband who:


Works 12 hour shifts (in a building that gets up to 120 degrees in the summer) yet tells everyone that his wife works harder than anyone he knows.


Can handle my occasional hysterics over things like a mouse getting in our house.


Gives the best back rubs in the world, because he thinks I deserve them.


Loves me, loves our boys and always wants to spend time with us. When he is at work, he calls at least three times a day.


Likes to cuddle.

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...loves and obeys God.

...works really hard to support us.

...is a man and leader I can be proud of.

...cares for me when I need it.

...loves me for being intelligent instead of wanting me to hide it.

...teaches our children and enjoys them.

...is faithful and true.

...wants me to honor and follow him, but doesn't want me to be a doormat.

Edited by angela in ohio
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I am thankful for my husband who:


Works 12 hour shifts (in a building that gets up to 120 degrees in the summer) yet tells everyone that his wife works harder than anyone he knows.




He goes to work at a stressful job all day, comes home to find me playing with dc, and then tells people I work harder. :D Love that man...

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I'm thankful for a husband who:


Works 10 hours days so I can stay home and school our kids.


Loves us all and makes each one of us feel special.


Walks out his faith every day and teaches his kids to do the same.


Doesn't complain about how much I spend for school.


Does the dishes for me every night no matter how tired he is.


Thinks I'm beautiful and doesn't seem to notice my wrinkles.


I could go on and on . . .

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supports me in every way with homeschooling. He helps teach, helps choose curriculum, encourages me to take time off sometimes, and NEVER criticizes.


doesn't complain/criticize when I make poor money choices.


doesn't complain when dinner's not ready or the house isn't clean.


supports me in every way possible.

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Works hard and loves our family including all the pets, supports our homeschooling, never gripes about my curriculum junkie extravagances, does the dishes at night and all the laundry because he thinks he does it better and that is ok with me :) , always has time to listen to me and the children and just generally he is a joy to be around. :D

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So many things!!


-holds me to high standards in so many things

-does most of the grocery shopping and helps me plan the meals

-is an amazing father

-loves to be with his family more than anything

-he apologizes when he is wrong

-he is willing to let God change his heart (we now have foster babies as a result of this!)

-he serves people

-he makes me laugh


So many, many reasons!! I'm more thankful for him today than I was 18.5 years ago when I married him!

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I am thankful that he loves me, who I really am. After 21 years together, I have seen so many of our friends' marriages begin and end; but he tells me I am the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, he adores our girls, tears up about us all the time and loves being with us. Having that kind of relationship, I can overlook things like toilet lids and socks on the floor. ;)

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i am thankful for a husband who....

1. treats me as a person worthy of respect

2. respects when i cannot do something (intimate in nature) due to past experiences

3. is a wonderful father

4. is willing to go and deal with uncomfortable social situations because it makes us happy

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I am thankful that he still looks at me like I am the thin, svelt woman I was when we met. He never seems to notice the days without makeup, or the bad hair. Its as if he is looking through a 22 year old lens.


Celebrating 22 years of marriage in June.



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let me nap on the couch yesterday while he kept an eye on the kiddos and grilled supper


grilled enough yesterday that we have enough for another meal


doesn't hound me about the extra weight I am carrying around


doesn't complain about the messy house -- in fact rarely notices


likes spending time with his children and helping with their sports


likes to get out and do things as a family. We may not have money to much but he will help pack a cooler and we will head out for the day.


wants me to stay home and raise our dc

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Who adjusts his routine to mine, who eats what's put in front of him, who shows up when and where he says he will, who can fix anything, who takes kiddo out for a run anytime I ask him to, and who is teaching kiddo to ski, sail, fix-it, and be kind to others. I also like the fact that, despite a temper, he has never, ever called me a bad word. I didn't know such men existed (other than my dad, of course).

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I am thankful for a husband who...



...makes me laugh every single day and who finds me hysterical!


...often stares at me first thing in the morning and ends up telling me how beautiful I am


...entertains all of my crazy spur of the moment travel plans in spite of the fact that he's not really a spontaneous person


...lets me overreact and vent about a situation while he quietly watches and waits until I'm done to talk about it rationally


He's pretty much perfect!;)

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... likes to cook as his relaxation when he comes home.

... is even more a sucker for used book-buying than I am.

... loves doing math with all his girls, to the point I practically have to throw him out of the house in the morning to go to work--he can't resist the chorus of "Oh please let's do a little more math, Daddy!" "Dad, help me with this proof." "Peez Daddy count my toes Daddy AGEN Daddy." :lol:

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... does laundry for me.

... doesn't complain about me spending money and never asks where it went.

... takes the kids off on weekends so I can have some me time.

... plays in the yard with the children every night.

... cooks on occasion.

... loves me for who I am, even when I am not so nice. ;-)

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...is a leader to our family.

...loves God.

...is a great dad.

...loves me even when I'm ranting about something.

...is thrilled when he gets to make hamburgers and hotdogs for supper.

...doesn't care if the house is a mess.

...is a good provider and a very hard worker.

...loves to take me out.

...is my best friend.

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